760 research outputs found

    Going through the rites of passage: timing and transition of menarche, childhood sexual abuse, and anxiety symptoms in girls.

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    Menarche is a discrete, transitional event that holds considerable personal, social, biological, and developmental significance. The present longitudinal study examined both the transition and timing of menarche on the trajectory of anxiety in girls with histories of childhood maltreatment (N = 93; 63% European American, 14% multiracial, 10% Latino, 9% African American, and 4% Native American). We hypothesized that because menarche is a novel, unfamiliar experience, girls would show greater anxiety around the time of menarche. The anxiety-provoking nature of menarche may be accentuated among earlier-maturing girls and girls with histories of childhood sexual abuse. Results indicated that earlier-maturing girls were more anxious in the pre- and peri-menarche periods than their later-maturing peers; however, their anxiety declined after menarche. Childhood sexual abuse was associated with heightened anxiety throughout this transition. The developmental significance of the timing and transition of menarche in relation to childhood sexual abuse and anxiety is discussed

    L-Band SAR Disaster Monitoring for Harbor Facilities Using Interferometric Analysis

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has become a major tool for disaster monitoring. Its all-weather capability enables us to monitor the affected area soon after the event happens. Since the first launch of spaceborne SAR, its amplitude images have been widely used for disaster observations. Nowadays, an accurate orbit control and scheduled frequent observations enable us to perform interferometric analysis of SAR (InSAR) and the use of interferometric coherence. Especially for L-band SAR, its long-lasting temporal coherence is an advantage to perform precise interferometric coherence analysis. In addition, recent high resolution SAR images are found to be useful for observing relatively small targets, e.g., individual buildings and facilities. In this chapter, we present basic theory of SAR observation, interferometric coherence analysis for the disaster monitoring, and its examples for the harbor facilities. In the actual case, DInSAR measurement could measure the subsidence of the quay wall with 3 cm error

    Back-scattering of Fast Protons from Silicon Single Crystals

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    The axial and (110) planar channeling of 200 keV protons in silicon have been studied by measuring the yield of back-scattering (scattering angle : 135°). The results are in good agreement with the theory of Lindhard and Erginsoy. The observed critical angles and the minimum scattering yield agree with the theoretical values with decreasing depth below the crystal surface. The analysis of the energy spectra of backscattered protons indicates that the axial and planar channeling probabilities of the protons at the clean surface are 0.93 and 0.66, respectively, and that the shoulder parts of the yield curves are mainly due to back-scattering from the surface layer of the crystal rather than to some imperfections of its surface


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    ABSTRACT Cucurbits are grown throughout the Java Island as dry season crops. Plants having mosaic, mottling, chlorosis and leaf distortion symptoms were frequently found in most of the cucurbit fields during the survey which conducted in Central Java including Sleman,Kulon Progo, and Klaten during July-September 2000 and 2001. Usingdouble antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA)Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus(CGMMV)and Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV)were found infecting cucurbits.CMV was widespread, infecting 48.9% of the samples tested followed by CGMMV (12.8%) and KGMMV (6.4%), while others samples (31.9%) were not tested, double infections were common with 8.5 % of the samples being infected with two viruses (CGMMV and KGMMV) and 34% with three viruses (CMV, CGMMV, and KGMMV). Severe mosaic and mottle symptomswere associatedmost often with single infectionofCGMMV andKGMMVrespectively. In addition, these are the first detections of CGMMVand KGMMV infecting cucurbit plants in Indonesia. Key words: CGMMV,CMV,Cucurbits, DAS-ELISA, KGMMV INT/SARI Tanaman labu-labuan umumnya tumbuh sepanjang musim kemarau di Pulau Jawa. Tanamanlabu-labuan dengan gejala mosaik, klorosis, mottling dan bentuk daun serta buah yang berubah banyak dijumpai selama survei yang dilakukan di Kulon Progo, Sleman dan Klaten pada bulan Juli sampai September tahun 2000 dan 2001. Deteksi menggunakan metode double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELlSA) telah berhasil mengetahui keberadaan dan infeksi Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) dan Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV) pada tanaman labu-labuan di tiga kabupaten tersebut. CMV menginfeksi tanaman labu-labuan tinggi yaitu 48,9% dari jumlah sampel tanaman yang dikoleksi, kemudian CGMMV (J 2,8%) dan KGMMV (6,4%), sedangkan sebanyak 14 sampel tanaman (31,9%) tidak dideteksi. 1nfeksi ganda banyak ditemukan dan 8,5 %sampel tanaman terinfeksi oleh dua jenis virus (CGMMV dan KGMMV) sedangkan 34%sampel tanaman terinfeksi oleh tigajenis virus (CMV, CGMMV, dan KGMMV). Gejala mosaik dan mottling sering terjadi pada tanaman labu-labuan yang terinfeksi ganda oleh CGMMV dan KGMMV Hasil penelitian merupakan deteksi pertama CGMMV dan KGGMV pada tanaman labu-labuan di Indonesia. Kata kunei: CGMMV, CMV, Cucurbits, DAS-ELlSA, KGMM

    Survey on the Occurrence of Viruses Infecting Cucurbits in YOGYAKARTA and Central Java

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    Cucurbits are grown throughout the Java Island as dry season crops. Plants having mosaic, mottling, chlorosis and leaf distortion symptoms were frequently found in most of the cucurbit fields during the survey which conducted in Central Java including Sleman, Kulon Progo, and Klaten during July–September 2000 and 2001. Using double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA); Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) and Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV) were found infecting cucurbits. CMV was widespread, infecting 48.9% of the samples tested followed by CGMMV (12.8%) and KGMMV (6.4%), while others samples (31.9%) were not tested, double infections were common with 8.5 % of the samples being infected with two viruses (CGMMV and KGMMV) and 34% with three viruses (CMV, CGMMV, and KGMMV). Severe mosaic and mottle symptoms were associated most often with single infection of CGMMV and KGMMV respectively. In addition, these are the first detections of CGMMV and KGMMV infecting cucurbit plants in Indonesia.Tanaman labu-labuan umumnya tumbuh sepanjang musim kemarau diPulau Jawa. Tanaman labu-labuan dengan gejala mosaik, klorosis, mottling dan bentuk daun serta buah yang berubah banyak dijumpai selama survei yang dilakukan di Kulon Progo, Sleman dan Klaten pada bulan Juli sampai September tahun 2000 dan 2001. Deteksi menggunakan metode double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) telah berhasil mengetahui keberadaan dan infeksiCucumber mosaic virus(CMV),Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) dan Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV) pada tanaman labu-labuan di tiga kabupaten tersebut. CMV menginfeksi tanaman labu-labuan tinggi yaitu 48,9% dari jumlah sampel tanaman yang dikoleksi, kemudian CGMMV (12,8%) dan KGMMV(6,4%), sedangkan sebanyak 14 sampel tanaman (31,9%)tidak dideteksi.Infeksi ganda banyak ditemukan dan 8,5 % sampel tanaman terinfeksi oleh dua jenis virus (CGMMV dan KGMMV) sedangkan 34% sampel tanaman terinfeksi oleh tiga jenis virus (CMV, CGMMV, dan KGMMV). Gejala mosaik dan mottling sering terjadi pada tanaman labu-labuan yang terinfeksi ganda oleh CGMMV dan KGMMV. Hasil penelitian merupakan deteksi pertama CGMMV dan KGGMV pada tanaman labu-labuan di Indonesia

    Characterization of potato and tobacco isolates of Cucumber mosaic virus from Syria and the first report on CMV satellite RNA from potato

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    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has been reported from potato production areas in Europe, USA, Japan and more frequently in regions with warm climates such as Egypt, India, Saudi Arabia and Syria. As it is considered as an uncommon virus in potato, the characterization of potato isolates of CMV is far behind those from other hosts. In addition to potato, CMV is a common virus infecting many crops in Syria, but nothing is known about its molecular characteristics. The present study aimed to characterize Syrian CMV isolates collected from potato and neighboring tobacco fields. All potato isolates of CMV (total of four) co-infected potato plants with Potato virus Y (PVY) which is the most frequent potato virus in Syria. According to the sequence analyses of the coat protein (CP) coding region, three potato and three tobacco CMV isolates were found to be closely related regardless of the host species or geographic origin, and all belonged to the IA strain subgroup of CMV. A potato CMV isolate, PoCMV7-5, readily infected solanaceous plants in which it induced systemic infection, but was less infectious to other hosts including those of Leguminosae and Cucurbitaceae. When inoculated on potato plants, PoCMV7-5 alone or with various PVY strains was able to cause local but not systemic infection in all potato cultivars inoculated. PoCMV7-5 contained heterogeneous variants of satellite RNA which varied in length due to A or/and T deletion/insertion at approximate nucleotide position 225‒240. This is the first report on CMV satellite RNA from potato


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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学