946 research outputs found

    ERDF 156 - Developing a national environmental monitoring infrastructure and capacity : shifting the state of access

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    Chapter 1Malta, through an initiative spanning 9 years, has completed an exercise aimed at obtaining a complete set of data that will serve as a basis for cross-thematic research. This is made achievable through the creation of essential datasets that will give the public, terrestrial and bathymetric baseline information for free. Such was made possible through an initiative as part of a project, entitled “Developing a National Environmental Monitoring Infrastructure and Capacity”. The Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) was the lead partner of this project together with the University of Malta (UoM), the Malta Resources Authority (MRA), the Environmental Health Directorate (EHD) and the National Statistics Office (NSO) as external partner organisations. Th e project had a total budget of €4.9M, of which €4.8M was co-funded by ERDF (85%) and National Funds (15%) under the Operational Programme 1 – Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life. MEPA’s funding contribution to this project was €180K. Of these, €4.26M were utilised due to savings pertaining to the tendering process. The aim of this chapter is to describe the project aims, process and outcomes.peer-reviewe

    Adult education in Malta : challenges and prospects

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    Lifelong learning has long been a topic of discussion in Malta but, as this article shows, barriers to participation continue to exist. This article outlines the historical and economic changes that have led Malta to its present situation where adult education largely focuses on employment skills. Although available through a variety of channels, challenges still need to be met to ensure the participation of groups such as women, older people and immigrants. This article advocates a national strategy for adult education within which a balance is struck between learning for employment and learning as a public good.peer-reviewe

    Decoupling economic growth and environmental degradation : reviewing progress to date in the small island state of Malta

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    This paper considers the challenge of decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation; in contrast to several large-scale cross-country analyses that focus on limited indicators of environmental degradation, we analyze in some depth the experience of a single small-scale island state setting (Malta). We use available statistical data to derive decoupling factors, in order to consider the extent to which decoupling has been achieved in four sectors: (i) energy intensity, climate change, and air quality; (ii) water; (iii) waste; and (iv) land. Results indicate relative decoupling between economic growth and several indicators considered, and to a lesser extent, relative decoupling between population growth and the same indicators of environmental pressure. Absolute decoupling has been achieved in at least one instance but there has been no decoupling of land development from either economic or population growth. Land use and population thus appear to be notable sources of pressure. The results suggest that decoupling analyses that present environmental degradation in terms of single variables (e.g., carbon emissions) may misrepresent somewhat the state of the environment at local level. Furthermore, the study highlights the need for methodologies that factor in the "embedding" of small-scale settings within much larger trade networks, for a more accurate estimation of environmental impact, and points to some limitations of solely quantitative analyses of environment-ecology relationships.peer-reviewe

    Determinants of Grain Postharvest Storage Technology Choices in Malawi

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    The study was conducted to determine factors influencing farmers’ choice of grain postharvest storage technologies. The study utilises IHS-3 data conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) in Malawi from March 2010 to March 2011. A stratified two-stage sample design was used for IHS-3.The multinomial logit model was used to analyse the factors. The results from the multinomial logit model revealed that farm size, education, production and marital status had an influence in choosing the grain storage technologies. The results further revealed that farm size and education were highly significant (p<0.001) in influencing the choice of grain storage technologies. The study, recommends that stakeholders should ensure that farmers have access to farm land to enhance production and access to education to change farmers’ perception on grain storage technologies to reduce grain loss thereby improving food security. Keywords: Multinomial Logit, Postharvest Storage Technology, Malaw

    Education for sustainable development and meat consumption among inhabitants of two Maltese districts - a qualitative study

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    Malta and Gozo, two small islands forming part of the Maltese archipelago, are so near yet so distinct. As the two islands possess differing geographical features, two districts were selected – the predominantly urban Northern Harbour District (NHD) in Malta and the fertile rural district of Gozo – the main aim being to determine whether there is a relation between the inhabitants’ geographical location, the extent of meat consumption and the possible links of education for sustainable development to a sustainable diet. In fact, global patterns of meat consumption differ between and within countries. In view of this, the role played by the geographical location together with other motivating factors affecting meat consumption were explored, as also the level of awareness related to the environmental impact of meat production. Awareness on how our dietary choices impact our health and the environment is vital and the key vehicle required for citizens to be informed is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The qualitative data was collected through four focus groups – two for each district – with the data collected being mainly analysed through thematic analysis. Based on the results emerging from the transcribed focus group texts, this study reveals that the absolute majority of participants in both districts are meat eaters although their meat consumption patterns differ. Gozitans are still more inclined to adhere to the traditional way of life, conforming to religious practices by including a variety of non-meat local produce in their menus. While taste and health are the two most determining factors for consuming meat, chicken is the preferred meat of both districts. The absolute majority are unaware of the negative environmental impact of meat production and consumption, although Gozitans are more knowledgeable about current farming systems. This study therefore reveals that geographical location does have an influential role in the dietary patterns of its inhabitants and that environmental attitudes are not a strong deciding factor. This study continues to uphold the vision that culture should be considered as one of the main pillars of ESD.peer-reviewe

    The Efficacy of the Integrated Child Development Services in Perspective to Nutritional Condition and Growth Development

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    A survey was conducted to assess the nutritional status of children (0-6 years) among 40 Anganwadis in 4 districts of Kerala State registered under the ICDS scheme. A self- prepared structured interview schedule was used. To get the qualitative information of the study anthropometric measures include height and weight were used for assessing nutritional status of the children. The stepwise analysis of two variables height for age and weight for age was applicable on the basis of Waterlow\u27s and Gomez\u27 classification. To examine the relationship between nutritional status of the child and selected variable that affects nutritional status of children, Chi-square test was employed. Based on Gomez\u27 classification, out of 400 children, only 300 (75.0%) of children received supplementary nutrition through ICDS out of which 250 (62.5%) children were normal while 50 (12.5%) were underweight. Based on Waterlow\u27s classification out of 400 children, only 290 (72.5%) of children received supplementary nutrition through ICDS out of these children 200 (50 %) were normal while 90 (22.5%) were stunted. It can thus be concluded that majority of children were normal who received supplementary nutrition through ICDS

    National analyses on survival in Maltese adult patients on renal replacement therapy started during 2009–2012

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    Chronic kidney disease patients on maintenance dialysis (CKD 5D) experience major morbidity and mortality. No data on survival in Maltese dialysis patients exist; therefore, the aim of this study was to rigorously examine survival statistics in a complete cohort of Maltese CKD 5D patients. The study population was comprised of all incident chronic patients (N=328) starting dialysis at the renal unit, Mater Dei hospital, Msida, Malta, for 4 consecutive years (2009–2012). Each yearly cohort was analysed in detail up to 31st December 2017, providing up to 8 years follow-up. Demographics (male 65%; female 35%), aetiology of renal failure (diabetic kidney disease: n=191; 58.2%), comorbidities, transplant status, and death were documented. Data collection and follow up were completed and statistical analysis was performed on the aggregated cohorts with SPSS version 23 with censoring up to 31st December 2017. The cumulative adjusted 5-year overall survival in Maltese CKD 5D patients was 0.36 and 0.25 at 8 years. No statistical difference was observed according to the year of starting dialysis. Cox regression analysis showed that age and transplant status influenced survival. The unadjusted hazard of death increased by 3% for every 1-year increase in age and was increased by 7% if the patient did not receive a transplant, and overall 22% (n=72) of the entire cohort eventually received transplants. This study reports an approximate 65% mortality at 5 years in Maltese haemodialysis patients, a poor prognosis that, despite optimal medical management, is consistent with worldwide reports.peer-reviewe

    Employment and the labour input in the Maltese economy

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    In this paper, the total number of employed and the full-time equivalent employment in Malta are estimated for the last three decades. These series give a new picture of the historical development of employment and productivity in Malta. The estimated full-time equivalent time series, in spite of its limitations, is a first step on the way towards a comprehensive statistical measure of labour input in Malta.employment, productivity