2,001 research outputs found

    Measuring Entangled Qutrits and Their Use for Quantum Bit Commitment

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    We produce and holographically measure entangled qudits encoded in transverse spatial modes of single photons. With the novel use of a quantum state tomography method that only requires two-state superpositions, we achieve the most complete characterisation of entangled qutrits to date. Ideally, entangled qutrits provide better security than qubits in quantum bit-commitment: we model the sensitivity of this to mixture and show experimentally and theoretically that qutrits with even a small amount of decoherence cannot offer increased security over qubits.Comment: Paper updated to match published version; 5 pages, 4 figures, images have been included at slightly lower quality for the archiv

    Analog Sensing Front-End System for Harmonic Signal Classification

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    This paper presents the design of an Analog-to- Information spectral decomposition scheme suitable for parallel low-power analog and mixed-signal VLSI implementation. The novel scheme extracts sufficient information to achieve good back end signal detection and classification performance while using less power than purely digital spectral techniques such as FFT. Simulations of a prototype system in a mixed-signal 130nm CMOS process show a feasible solution space given an on-line self-calibrating system

    Measuring Controlled-NOT and two-qubit gate operation

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    Accurate characterisation of two-qubit gates will be critical for any realisation of quantum computation. We discuss a range of measurements aimed at characterising a two-qubit gate, specifically the CNOT gate. These measurements are architecture-independent, and range from simple truth table measurements, to single figure measures such as the fringe visibility, parity, fidelity, and entanglement witnesses, through to whole-state and whole-gate measures achieved respectively via quantum state and process tomography. In doing so, we examine critical differences between classical and quantum gate operation.Comment: 10 pages (two-column). 1 figur

    Systemic central venous oxygen saturation is associated with clot strength during traumatic hemorrhagic shock: A preclinical observational model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Clot strength by Thrombelastography (TEG) is associated with mortality during trauma and has been linked to severity of tissue hypoperfusion. However, the optimal method for monitoring this important relationship remains undefined. We hypothesize that oxygen transport measurements will be associated with clot strength during traumatic shock, and test this hypothesis using a swine model of controlled traumatic shock.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>N = 33 swine were subjected to femur fracture and hemorrhagic shock by controlled arterial bleeding to a predetermined level of oxygen debt measured by continuous indirect calorimetry. Hemodynamics, oxygen consumption, systemic central venous oxygenation (ScvO<sub>2</sub>), base excess, lactate, and clot maximal amplitude by TEG (TEG-MA) as clot strength were measured at baseline and again when oxygen debt = 80 ml/kg during shock. Oxygen transport and metabolic markers of tissue perfusion were then evaluated for significant associations with TEG-MA. Forward stepwise selection was then used to create regression models identifying the strongest associations between oxygen transport and TEG-MA independent of other known determinants of clot strength.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Multiple markers of tissue perfusion, oxygen transport, and TEG-MA were all significantly altered during shock compared to baseline measurements (p < 0.05). However, only ScvO<sub>2 </sub>demonstrated a strong bivariate association with TEG-MA measured during shock (R = 0.7, p < 0.001). ScvO<sub>2 </sub>measured during shock was also selected by forward stepwise selection as an important covariate in linear regression models of TEG-MA after adjusting for the covariates fibrinogen, pH, platelet count, and hematocrit (Whole model R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.99, p ≤ 0.032).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Among multiple measurements of oxygen transport, only ScvO<sub>2 </sub>was found to retain a significant association with TEG-MA during shock after adjusting for multiple covariates. ScvO<sub>2 </sub>should be further studied for its utility as a clinical marker of both tissue hypoxia and clot formation during traumatic shock.</p

    Eulerian simulation of the fluid dynamics of helicopter brownout

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    A computational model is presented that can be used to simulate the development of the dust cloud that can be entrained into the air when a helicopter is operated close to the ground in desert or dusty conditions. The physics of this problem, and the associated pathological condition known as ‘brownout’ where the pilot loses situational awareness as a result of his vision being occluded by dust suspended in the flow around the helicopter, is acknowledged to be very complex. The approach advocated here involves an approximation to the full dynamics of the coupled particulate-air system. Away from the ground, the model assumes that the suspended particles remain in near equilibrium under the action of aerodynamic forces. Close to the ground, this model is replaced by an algebraic sublayer model for the saltation and entrainment process. The origin of the model in the statistical mechanics of a distribution of particles governed by aerodynamic forces allows the validity of the method to be evaluated in context by comparing the physical properties of the suspended particulates to the local properties of the flow field surrounding the helicopter. The model applies in the Eulerian frame of reference of most conventional Computational Fluid Dynamics codes and has been coupled with Brown’s Vorticity Transport Model. Verification of the predictions of the coupled model against experimental data for particulate entrainment and transport in the flow around a model rotor are encouraging. An application of the coupled model to analyzing the differences in the geometry and extent of the dust clouds that are produced by single main rotor and tandem-rotor configurations as they decelerate to land has shown that the location of the ground vortex and the size of any regions of recirculatory flow, should they exist, play a primary role in governing the extent of the dust cloud that is created by the helicopter

    The dinosaur tracks of Tyrants Aisle: An Upper Cretaceous ichnofauna from Unit 4 of the Wapiti Formation (upper Campanian), Alberta, Canada

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    The Wapiti Formation of northwest Alberta and northeast British Columbia, Canada, preserves an Upper Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrate fauna that is latitudinally situated between those documented further north in Alaska and those from southern Alberta and the contiguous U.S.A. Therefore, the Wapiti Formation is important for identifying broad patterns in vertebrate ecology, diversity, and distribution across Laramidia during the latest Cretaceous. Tracksites are especially useful as they provide a range of palaeoecological, palaeoenvironmental, and behavioural data that are complementary to the skeletal record. Here, we describe the Tyrants Aisle locality, the largest in-situ tracksite known from the Wapiti Formation. The site occurs in the lower part of Unit 4 of the formation (~72.5 Ma, upper Campanian), exposed along the southern bank of the Redwillow River. More than 100 tracks are documented across at least three distinct track-bearing layers, which were deposited on an alluvial floodplain. Hadrosaurid tracks are most abundant, and are referable to Hadrosauropodus based on track width exceeding track length, broad digits, and rounded or bilobed heel margins. We suggest the hadrosaurid trackmaker was Edmontosaurus regalis based on stratigraphic context. Tyrannosaurids, probable troodontids, possible ornithomimids, and possible azhdarchid pterosaurs represent minor but notable elements of the ichnofauna, as the latter is unknown from skeletal remains within the Wapiti Formation, and all others are poorly represented. Possible social behaviour is inferred for some of the hadrosaurid and small theropod-like trackmakers based on trackway alignment, suitable spacing and consistent preservation. On a broad taxonomic level (i.e., family or above), ichnofaunal compositions indicate that hadrosaurids were palaeoecologically dominant across Laramidia during the late Campanian within both high-and low-latitude deposits, although the role of depositional environment requires further testing

    Joint morphogenetic cells in the adult mammalian synovium

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    The authors thank all members of the Arthritis & Regenerative Medicine Laboratory, particularly Dr Ana Sergijenko; Drs David Kingsley, Grigori Enikolopov, Fernando Camargo and Lora Heisler for sharing transgenic mice; Drs Henning Wackerhage, Neil Vargesson, Lynda Erskine, Chris Buckley, Francesco Dell’Accio and Frank Luyten for support and helpful discussions; Staff at the University of Aberdeen’s Animal Facility, Microscopy & Histology Facility and Iain Fraser Cytometry Centre for their support. C.D.B. is grateful to Dr Frank Luyten’s support for the experiment in Fig. 8, performed in his laboratory at KU Leuven, Belgium. We are grateful for the following funding: Arthritis Research UK (Grants No. 20050, 19429 and 20775), Medical Research Council (Grant No. MR/L020211/1) and Tenovus Scotland (Grant No. G13/14). A.H.K.R. is supported by the Wellcome Trust through the Scottish Translational Medicine and Therapeutics Initiative (Grant No. WT 085664).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Prospects for local co-governance

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    British local authorities and their partners are increasingly developing new ways of working together with local communities. The nature of this co-working, however, is complex, multi-faceted and little understood. This article argues for greater clarity of thinking on the topic, by analysing this co-working as a form of political co-governance, and drawing attention in particular to issues of scale and democracy. Using evidence from a study of 43 local authority areas, 16 authorities are identified where co-governance is practised, following three main types of approach: service-influencing, service-delivering and parish council developing. It is concluded that strengthening political co-governance is essential for a healthy democracy

    The cognitive and emotional effects of cognitive bias modification in interpretations in behaviorally inhibited youth

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    Cognitive bias modification (CBM) procedures follow from the view that interpretive biases play an important role in the development and maintenance of anxiety. As such, understanding the link between interpretive biases and anxiety in youth at risk for anxiety (e.g., behaviorally inhibited children) could elucidate the mechanisms involved in the development of pediatric anxiety. However, to date, the majority of CBM-I work only studies adult populations. The present article presents the results of a CBM study examining effects of positive interpretive bias modification on mood, stress vulnerability, and threat-related attention bias in a group of behaviorally inhibited children (n = 45). Despite successful modification of interpretive bias in the at-risk youth, minimal effects on stress vulnerability or threat-related attention bias were found. The current findings highlight the need for continued research on cognitive biases in anxiety

    Entangled Qutrits: Production and Characterisation

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    We produce and measure entangled qubits and qutrits, two- and three-level quantum systems, realised using transverse spatial modes of the optical field. Photons encoded in these modes are manipulated and analysed by a combination of holograms and single-mode fibres. Using quantum state tomography, we achieve the most complete characterisation of entangled qutrits to date. Ideally, entangled qutrits provide better security than qubits in quantum bit-commitment and coin-flipping protocols: we show that to reach this regime places stringent requirements on the initial state