101 research outputs found

    Values and Success in Collegiate Athletics

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    The rapid commercialization of intercollegiate sports has changed the landscape of the hiring decisions and methodologies within university-associated athletic departments – especially within the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (DI-FBS) (Wong, 2017). Most notably and recently, the strategies used to hire athletic directors (ADs) have underwent considerable revision – yet successful hires are far from a sure thing. Many strategies include allusions to leadership style, yet leadership styles are as numerous as there are researchers who study them – and are rarely implemented holistically, thus making their assessment and associated outcomes tenuous at best (Peachey et al., 2015). Hambrick and Mason’s (1984) Upper Echelon Theory (UET) suggests that organizational outcomes are at the very least partially predicted by the personality characteristics of its leader. Researchers have since found, in comparison with leadership style, personality characteristics of leaders that might be both more easily measured, more consistent across time, and have very real impacts at multiple levels within an organization (Barrick et al., 2016; Berson et al., 2008; Resick et al., 2009). Previous research on AD values has not assessed values using the popular Schwartz Theory of Basic Human Values (BVT) – which include ten motivationally distinct values that have been recognized in various cultures, languages, and contexts throughout the world (Ates & Agras, 2015; Schwartz, 1992). To that end, the purpose of this study is to identify, through correlational and summative analysis, the values of DI FBS ADs and how such values are related to success as an organization via the 2017-2018 National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) Learfield-IMG College Directors’ Cup Rankings. Findings will provide insight into the values that ADs of successful organizations share, which may help inform administrative hiring practices moving forward

    Transformational Leadership in Club Sports: An Instrument for Evaluation and Assessment

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    Campus Recreation and its programs can be used as a way to combat the national trends of decreasing enrollment and retention (Weaver, Forte, & McFadden, 2017; Kampf & Teske, 2013). In fact, 62% of students indicate that Campus Recreation programs are a factor when choosing an institution and 67% indicate that recreation programs were a factor when deciding to stay at a particular institution (Forrester, 2014). As a program within Campus Recreation, Club Sports specifically is perceived to have the greatest health and wellbeing benefits out of all Campus Recreation programming (Lower, Turner, & Petersen, 2013). Due to the voluntary nature of Club Sports, Transformational Leadership (Bass, 1985) may be the most prevalent leadership style (Chan & Mak, 2014). The purpose of this study is to determine if Club Sport Presidents exhibit Transformational Leadership characteristics. The Global Transformational Leadership Survey (Carless et al., 2000) was sent to all Club Sport members. Fall ‘17 Club Presidents received a separate survey which obtained information about their leadership experience on campus. Results: The average GTL score was 31.13 out of a possible 35 with a standard deviation of 2.94. There was not a significant difference between High and Low Involvement groups t(25) = -.586 , p = .563. Club Sport Members perceived their Fall 2017 Club Presidents to exhibit characteristics of Transformational Leadership. However, it does not appear that the amount of time a President spends in a Club Sports leadership role has an impact on these characteristics

    Volunteering in America: 2007 City Trends and Rankings

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    "Volunteering in America: 2007 City Trends and Rankings" uses volunteer data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2004-2006. It ranks and includes profiles for 50 of the largest cities including the volunteer rate; the types of organizations through which residents serve; their main volunteering activities, the average hours per year and volunteer rates for age and gender demographic groups, and key trends and highlights. The report also analyzes social and demographic trends affect city volunteer rates and finds that there are four key drivers of volunteering: community attachment; commuting times, high school graduation levels and poverty; and the prevalence of nonprofits and their capacity to retain volunteers from year to year. The information on volunteering at the local level can help local governments, community leaders, service organizations, and volunteers nationwide develop a volunteer growth strategy, set goals to increase the level of individual engagement in volunteer activities, and build the infrastructure of nonprofits and communities to support more volunteer opportunities

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Newborn Hearing Screening Programs in Western States

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on newborn hearing screening guideline adherence and the respective rates of screening, diagnosis, and intervention. This was a review of newborn hearing screening data compiled from the Departments of Health of six states for the time periods of March-September 2019 and March-September 2020. Endpoints included the numbers of live births as well as the numbers and timeframes of screening, diagnostic, and intervention events. Two-tailed paired t-tests were performed to determine statistical significance. 181,662 births in six states were assessed. Compared to March-September 2019, March-September 2020 had a significantly lower mean rate of screening before 1 month of age (97.3% vs. 96.2%, p \u3c 0.001) and mean screen rate overall (98.9% vs. 98.0%, p \u3c 0.001). Additionally, the 2020 time period had a significantly higher mean rate of patients lost to follow up for referral to early intervention (14.7% vs. 28.9%, p = 0.005). The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the newborn hearing screening programs of several states in the Western US. This information holds significant implications for the current evaluation of these newborn hearing screening programs

    Effect of Block Design on Swimming Relay Start Performance

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    Starting blocks used in competitive swimming often incorporate a wedge for the rear foot to push against when performing flat starts. In most competitions, this wedge cannot be removed so relay starts must be performed with the wedge in place despite the common addition of an approach step during a relay starts. The presence of the wedge constrains the length of the approach step but does provide an inclined surface from which to push which may improve propulsive force development. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of using a wedge in relay start performance. METHODS: Eight collegiate swimmers (177.69 + 8.73 cm, 74.7 + 9.11 kg, 19.59 + 0.59 years) provided informed consent and completed eight maximal effort relay starts, four with the wedge in place and four without. For all starts, participants were instructed to maintain a streamline position upon entering the water and to glide as far as possible. A relay judging platform was installed on the block and used with an in-water touch pad to measure the exchange time for the relay start. Two synchronized cameras captured movements at 60 Hz above and below water. A 16-point model of the body was used to compute center of mass position for above water movements. Takeoff velocity and angle were defined using the horizontal and vertical velocity of the whole body center of mass. Time to 7m was measured as the time needed for the wrist to reach a point 7m from the pool wall. Paired t-tests were used to compare dependent measures between start conditions. RESULTS: Exchange time (t(7) = 0.11, p = 0.99), takeoff angle (t(7)= 0.60, p = 0.57), and time to 7 m (t(7) = 0.69, p = 0.51) were not different when using the wedge as compared to not using the wedge (Table 1). However, takeoff velocity without the wedge was 2.4% faster (t(7) = 2.48, p = 0.04) than with the wedge on the block (p\u3c0.05). This difference was characterized by a moderate effect size (Cohen d = 0.46). CONCLUSION: Presence of the wedge on the block had a minimal effect on relay start performance. It adversely affected start performance by decreasing takeoff velocity however no other kinematic variables were affected. Having the wedge on the block may constrain the step length of the swimmer during the relay start, which might explain the decrease in velocity

    Volunteering in America: 2007 State Trends and Rankings in Civic Life

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    Analyzes information on volunteering in America in general and in individual states. Part one gives a general overview of American voluntarism. Part two compares rates of voluntarism across the 50 states and Washington, D.C. Part three analyzes voluntarism within each state by focusing on the number of volunteer hours and demographics. The last section is a technical note on statistical methods and data sources. With bibliographical references

    Building bridges: a critical analysis of university and industry collaboration to improve diverse access to elite professions

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    This article explores how both universities and industry can work together to improve access to graduate opportunities for disadvantaged students. Focusing on an initiative which involved students from a post-1992 university experiencing London's legal sector, this article analyses the factors which contribute to students' perceptions of their increased self-efficacy as a result of participating in the event. Utilising a focus group methodology, the article critically examines the barriers that can be imposed by students' socio-economic backgrounds which may prevent such initiatives from having a meaningful impact on diverse recruitment and fair access to higher professional occupations. Focusing in on 2 particular strands of the Triple Helix Model, this article also makes some recommendations as to how more effective bridges can be built between universities and industry to improve access for all to the elite professions

    Building an Ecosystem of Support: An Evaluation of North Dakota’s Community School Programs

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    Community school programs respond to students’ nonacademic needs so that they can focus on their learning. This session highlights a collaboration of organizations across North Dakota as they implement two community school programs. A shared evaluation plan supports the implementation of the two programs and will provide data to improve services provided to students
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