42 research outputs found

    Generation and characterization of a stable cell population releasing fluorescent HIV-1-based Virus Like Particles in an inducible way

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    BACKGROUND: The availability of cell lines releasing fluorescent viral particles can significantly support a variety of investigations, including the study of virus-cell interaction and the screening of antiviral compounds. Regarding HIV-1, the recovery of such biologic reagents represents a very hard challenge due to the intrinsic cytotoxicity of many HIV-1 products. We sought to overcome such a limitation by using a cell line releasing HIV-1 particles in an inducible way, and by exploiting the ability of a HIV-1 Nef mutant to be incorporated in virions at quite high levels. RESULTS: Here, we report the isolation and characterization of a HIV-1 packaging cell line, termed 18-4s, able to release valuable amounts of fluorescent HIV-1 based Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) in an inducible way. 18-4s cells were recovered by constitutively expressing the HIV-1 NefG3C mutant fused with the enhanced-green fluorescent protein (NefG3C-GFP) in a previously isolated inducible HIV-1 packaging cell line. The G3C mutation creates a palmitoylation site which results in NefG3C-GFP incorporation into virions greatly exceeding that of the wild type counterpart. Upon induction of 18-4s cells with ponasterone A and sodium butyrate, up to 4 μg/ml of VLPs, which had incorporated about 150 molecules of NefG3C-GFP per viral particle, were released into the culture supernatant. Due to their intrinsic strong fluorescence, the 18-4s VLPs were easily detectable by a novel cytofluorometric-based assay developed here. The treatment of target cells with fluorescent 18-4 VLPs pseudotyped with different glycoprotein receptors resulted in these becoming fluorescent as early as two hours post-challenge. CONCLUSION: We created a stable cell line releasing fluorescent HIV-1 based VLPs upon induction useful for several applications including the study of virus-cell interactions and the screening of antiviral compounds

    Characterization of Reemerging Chikungunya Virus

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    An unprecedented epidemic of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection recently started in countries of the Indian Ocean area, causing an acute and painful syndrome with strong fever, asthenia, skin rash, polyarthritis, and lethal cases of encephalitis. The basis for chikungunya disease and the tropism of CHIKV remain unknown. Here, we describe the replication characteristics of recent clinical CHIKV strains. Human epithelial and endothelial cells, primary fibroblasts and, to a lesser extent, monocyte-derived macrophages, were susceptible to infection and allowed viral production. In contrast, CHIKV did not replicate in lymphoid and monocytoid cell lines, primary lymphocytes and monocytes, or monocyte-derived dendritic cells. CHIKV replication was cytopathic and associated with an induction of apoptosis in infected cells. Chloroquine, bafilomycin-A1, and short hairpin RNAs against dynamin-2 inhibited viral production, indicating that viral entry occurs through pH-dependent endocytosis. CHIKV was highly sensitive to the antiviral activity of type I and II interferons. These results provide a general insight into the interaction between CHIKV and its mammalian host

    Mechanisms of sodium channel clustering and its influence on axonal impulse conduction

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    Mechanisms of HIV replication and cell-to-cell spread

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    PARIS7-Bibliothèque centrale (751132105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Neuron–Oligodendrocyte Communication in Myelination of Cortical GABAergic Cells

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    International audienceAxonal myelination by oligodendrocytes increases the speed and reliability of action potential propagation, and so plays a pivotal role in cortical information processing. The extent and profile of myelination vary between different cortical layers and groups of neurons. Two subtypes of cortical GABAergic neurons are myelinated: fast-spiking parvalbumin-expressing cells and somatostatin-containing cells. The expression of pre-nodes on the axon of these inhibitory cells before myelination illuminates communication between oligodendrocytes and neurons. We explore the consequences of myelination for action potential propagation, for patterns of neuronal connectivity and for the expression of behavioral plasticity

    Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Env-Mediated Fusion by DC-SIGN

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    DC-SIGN, a lectin expressed on dendritic cell and macrophage subsets, binds to human immunodeficiency virus Env glycoproteins, allowing capture of viral particles. Captured virions either infect target cells or are efficiently transmitted to lymphocytes. Cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of DC-SIGN remain poorly understood. Here we have analyzed the effects of DC-SIGN on viral entry and on syncytium formation induced by Env glycoproteins. The lectin enhanced susceptibility to viral infection and dramatically increased virion internalization. Captured virions accumulated in the vesicular pathway, and their access to the cytosol was altered. Strikingly, the presence of DC-SIGN on target cells inhibited their ability to form syncytia with Env-expressing cells. However, increasing CD4 surface levels on target cells alleviated this inhibitory effect of DC-SIGN. Moreover, the potency of the viral fusion inhibitor T-20 was not affected in DC-SIGN-expressing cells. Altogether, our results indicate that DC-SIGN exerts subtle and complex effects during early steps of HIV type 1 replication. DC-SIGN facilitates capture and accumulation of viral particles in a vesicular compartment and inhibits viral fusion. Competition between CD4 and DC-SIGN for Env binding likely affects virus access to the cytosol and syncytium formation

    Inefficient Human Immunodeficiency Virus Replication in Mobile Lymphocytes

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    Cell-to-cell viral transfer facilitates the spread of lymphotropic retroviruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV), likely through the formation of “virological synapses” between donor and target cells. Regarding HIV replication, the importance of cell contacts has been demonstrated, but this phenomenon remains only partly characterized. In order to alter cell-to-cell HIV transmission, we have maintained cultures under continuous gentle shaking and followed viral replication in this experimental system. In lymphoid cell lines, as well as in primary lymphocytes, viral replication was dramatically reduced in shaken cultures. To document this phenomenon, we have developed an assay to assess the relative contributions of free and cell-associated virions in HIV propagation. Acutely infected donor cells were mixed with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled lymphocytes as targets, and viral production was followed by measuring HIV Gag expression at different time points by flow cytometry. We report that cellular contacts drastically enhance productive viral transfer compared to what is seen with infection with free virus. Productive cell-to-cell viral transmission required fusogenic viral envelope glycoproteins on donor cells and adequate receptors on targets. Only a few syncytia were observed in this coculture system. Virus release from donor cells was unaffected when cultures were gently shaken, whereas virus transfer to recipient cells was severely impaired. Altogether, these results indicate that cell-to-cell transfer is the predominant mode of HIV spread and help to explain why this virus replicates so efficiently in lymphoid organs

    HIV-1 buds and accumulates in "nonacidic" endosomes of macrophages.

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    International audienceMacrophages represent viral reservoirs in HIV-1-infected patients and accumulate viral particles within an endosomal compartment where they remain infectious for long periods of time. To determine how HIV-1 survives in endocytic compartments that become highly acidic and proteolytic and to study the nature of these virus-containing compartments, we carried out an ultrastructural study on HIV-1-infected primary macrophages. The endosomal compartments contain newly formed virions rather than internalized ones. In contrast to endocytic compartments free of viral proteins within the same infected cells, the virus containing compartments do not acidify. The lack of acidification is associated with an inability to recruit the proton pump vacuolar ATPase into the viral assembly compartment. This may prevent its fusion with lysosomes, since acidification is required for the maturation of endosomes. Thus, HIV-1 has developed a strategy for survival within infected macrophages involving prevention of acidification within a devoted endocytic virus assembly compartment