246 research outputs found

    Macrophage activation and human immunodeficiency virus infection: HIV replication directs macrophages towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype while previous activation modulates macrophage susceptibility to infection and viral production

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    AbstractMacrophages are pivotal for the regulation of immune and inflammatory responses, but whether their role in HIV infection is protective or deleterious remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the effect of pro- and anti-inflammatory stimuli on macrophage sensitivity to two different aspects of HIV infection: their susceptibility to infection stricto sensu, which we measured by endpoint titration method, and their ability to support virus spread, which we measured by using an RT activity assay in infection kinetics. We show a partially protective role for pro-inflammatory agents as well as for IL-4. We also illustrate that various different stimuli display differential effects on macrophage susceptibility to HIV and on virus replication that occurs thereafter. On the other hand, HIV replication strongly repressed CD206 and CD163 expression, thus clearly orientating macrophages towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype, but independently of TNF. Taken together, our results emphasize that HIV infection of macrophages sets up inflammation at the cell level but through unexpected mechanisms. This may limit target susceptibility and participate in virus clearance but may also result in tissue damage

    A New Generation of Peptide-based Inhibitors Targeting HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Conformational Flexibility.

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    International audienceThe biologically active form of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 reverse transcriptase (RT) is a heterodimer. The formation of RT is a two-step mechanism, including a rapid protein-protein interaction "the dimerization step," followed by conformational changes "the maturation step," yielding the biologically active form of the enzyme. We have previously proposed that the heterodimeric organization of RT constitutes an interesting target for the design of new inhibitors. Here, we propose a new class of RT inhibitors that targets protein-protein interactions and conformational changes involved in the maturation of heterodimeric reverse transcriptase. Based on a screen of peptides derived from the thumb domain of this enzyme, we have identified a short peptide P(AW) that inhibits the maturation step and blocks viral replication at subnanomolar concentrations. P(AW) only binds dimeric RT and stabilizes it in an inactive/non-processive conformation. From a mechanistic point of view, P(AW) prevents proper binding of primer/template by affecting the structural dynamics of the thumb/fingers of p66 subunit. Taken together, these results demonstrate that HIV-1 RT maturation constitutes an attractive target for AIDS chemotherapeutics

    Antiretroviral Treatment Start-Time during Primary SIVmac Infection in Macaques Exerts a Different Impact on Early Viral Replication and Dissemination

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    BACKGROUND: The time of infection is rarely known in human cases; thus, the effects of delaying the initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on the peripheral viral load and the establishment of viral reservoirs are poorly understood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Six groups of macaques, infected intravenously with SIV(mac251), were given placebo or antiretroviral therapy to explore reservoir establishment; macaques were treated for 2 weeks, with treatment starting 4 hours, 7 or 14 days after infection. Viral replication and dissemination were measured in the gut (rectum), in the lung and in blood and lymphoid tissues (peripheral lymph nodes), by quantifying viral RNA, DNA and 2LTR circles. We used immunohistochemistry (CD4 and CD68) to assess the impact of these treatments on the relative amount of virus target cells in tissue. Treatment that was started 4 hours post-infection (pi) decreased viral replication and dissemination in blood and tissue samples, which were assessed on day 14 (RNA/DNA/2LTR circles). The virus remained detectable and lymphoid tissues were activated in LN and the gut in both placebo- and ART-treated animals. Viral RNA in plasma continued to be lower in macaques treated seven days after infection; however, this was not the case for viral DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. There was a small but significant difference in RNA and DNA levels in tissues between placebo- and ART-treated animals on day 21. When started 14 days after infection, treatment resulted in a limited decrease in the plasma viral load. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment that was started 4 hours after infection significantly reduced viral replication and dissemination. When started 7 days after infection, it was of slight virological benefit in peripheral blood and in tissues, and treatment was even less effective if started 14 days pi. These data favor starting ART no longer than one week after intravenous SIV(mac251) exposure

    Impact of Short-Term HAART Initiated during the Chronic Stage or Shortly Post-Exposure on SIV Infection of Male Genital Organs

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The male genital tract is suspected to constitute a viral sanctuary as persistent HIV shedding is found in the semen of a subset of HIV-infected men receiving effective antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The origin of this persistent shedding is currently unknown. Phylogenetic studies indicated that HIV in semen from untreated men arises from local sources and/or passive diffusion from the blood. We previously demonstrated in human and macaque low levels and localized infection of several semen-producing organs by HIV/SIV. Using a macaque model, this study investigates the impact of short term HAART (2-4 weeks) initiated either during the asymptomatic chronic stage or 4 h post-intravenous inoculation of SIVmac251 on the infection of male genital organs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Short term HAART during the chronic stage decreased blood viral load. No major impact of HAART was observed on SIV DNA levels in male genital organs using a sensitive nested PCR assay. Using in situ hybridization, SIV RNA+ cells were detected in all male genital tract organs from untreated and treated animals with undetectable blood viral load following HAART. Infected CD68+ myeloid cells and CD3+ T lymphocytes were detected pre- and post-HAART. In contrast, short term HAART initiated 4 h post-SIV exposure led to a drastic decrease of the male genital tissues infection, although it failed to prevent systemic infection. In both cases, HAART tended to decrease the number of CD3+ T cells in the male organs. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the established infection of male genital organs is not greatly impacted by short term HAART, whereas the same treatment during pre-acute phase of the infection efficiently impairs viral dissemination to the male genital tract. Further investigations are now needed to determine whether infection of male genital organs is responsible for long term persistent HIV shedding in semen despite HAART

    Effect of a short-term HAART on SIV load in macaque tissues is dependent on time of initiation and antiviral diffusion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIV reservoirs are rapidly established after infection, and the effect of HAART initiated very early during acute infection on HIV reservoirs remains poorly documented, particularly in tissue known to actively replicate the virus. In this context, we used the model of experimental infection of macaques with pathogenic SIV to assess in different tissues: (i) the effect of a short term HAART initiated at different stages during acute infection on viral dissemination and replication, and (ii) the local concentration of antiviral drugs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we show that early treatment with AZT/3TC/IDV initiated either within 4 hours after intravenous infection of macaques with SIVmac251 (as a post exposure prophylaxis) or before viremia peak (7 days post-infection [pi]), had a strong impact on SIV production and dissemination in all tissues but did not prevent infection. When treatment was initiated after the viremia peak (14 days pi) or during early chronic infection (150 days pi), significant viral replication persists in the peripheral lymph nodes and the spleen of treated macaques despite a strong effect of treatment on viremia and gut associated lymphoid tissues. In these animals, the level of virus persistence in tissues was inversely correlated with local concentrations of 3TC: high concentrations of 3TC were measured in the gut whereas low concentrations were observed in the secondary lymphoid tissues. IDV, like 3TC, showed much higher concentration in the colon than in the spleen. AZT concentration was below the quantification threshold in all tissues studied.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that limited antiviral drug diffusion in secondary lymphoid tissues may allow persistent viral replication in these tissues and could represent an obstacle to HIV prevention and eradication.</p

    Differential activity of methylene blue against erythrocytic and hepatic stages of Plasmodium

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    Background: In the context of malaria elimination/eradication, drugs that are effective against the different developmental stages of the parasite are highly desirable. The oldest synthetic anti-malarial drug, the thiazine dye methylene blue (MB), is known for its activity against Plasmodium blood stages, including gametocytes. The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible effect of MB against malaria parasite liver stages. Methods: MB activity was investigated using both in vitro and in vivo models. In vitro assays consisted of testing MB activity on Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium cynomolgi and Plasmodium yoelii parasites in human, simian or murine primary hepatocytes, respectively. MB in vivo activity was evaluated using intravital imaging in BALB/c mice infected with a transgenic bioluminescent P. yoelii parasite line. The transmission-blocking activity of MB was also addressed using mosquitoes fed on MB-treated mice. Results: MB shows no activity on Plasmodium liver stages, including hypnozoites, in vitro in primary hepatocytes. In BALB/c mice, MB has moderate effect on P. yoelii hepatic development but is highly effective against blood stage growth. MB is active against gametocytes and abrogates parasite transmission from mice to mosquitoes. Conclusion: While confirming activity of MB against both sexual and asexual blood stages, the results indicate that MB has only little activity on the development of the hepatic stages of malaria parasites

    In vivo modulation of cervicovaginal drug transporters and tissue distribution by film-released tenofovir and darunavir for topical prevention of HIV-1

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    We thank Gilead Science for provision of tenofovir and Janssen R&D Ireland for provision of darunavir. We thank members of the MOTIF consortium for useful discussions and exchange of ideas during the course of this study. We thank the technical staff of IDMIT, the animal care and veterinary staff at CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France. Funding: this work was supported by the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 305316 as part of the MOTIF (Microbicides Formulation Through Innovative Formulation for Vaginal and Rectal Delivery) project. It has also the support of the “Investissements d’Avenir” French government program managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under ANR-11-INBS-0008 funding for the Infectious Disease Models and Innovative Therapies (IDMIT, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France) infrastructure, and ANR-10-EQPX-02-01 funding for the FlowCyTech facility (IDMIT, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France).Peer reviewedPostprin