10 research outputs found


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    For the purpose of extraction and identification of cyclic alkane hydrocarbons in oil from the Taribani field, Georgia, concentrates isolated from 200-350oC fractions have been studied. The concentrate preparation included the following steps: (a) distillation of a crude oil, (b) dearomatization of distillates by silica gel, (c) three-stage thermal diffusion separation of isoalkanes and cycloalkanes, and (d) thiourea adduction. Ten thermal diffusion fractions were obtained. A mixture of the IX and X fractions and separately the VIII fraction were studied. The extracts from these fractions with thiourea were studied as well. Composition of concentrates has been determined by the gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method.The main components of the VIII thermodiffusion fraction were C11- C22 isoprenoid alkanes. Among them the predominant were pristane C19 and the phytane C20, the well-known biomarkers of oil. In the VIII thermodiffusion faction including dimethyl-, trimethyl-, tetramethyl-, ethyl-, methyl-ethyl-, diethyl-, propyl, methyl-propyl adamantanes, were identified.For the purpose of extraction and identification of cyclic alkane hydrocarbons in oil from the Taribani field, Georgia, concentrates isolated from 200-350oC fractions have been studied. The concentrate preparation included the following steps: (a) distillation of a crude oil, (b) dearomatization of distillates by silica gel, (c) three-stage thermal diffusion separation of isoalkanes and cycloalkanes, and (d) thiourea adduction. Ten thermal diffusion fractions were obtained. A mixture of the IX and X fractions and separately the VIII fraction were studied. The extracts from these fractions with thiourea were studied as well. Composition of concentrates has been determined by the gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method.The main components of the VIII thermodiffusion fraction were C11- C22 isoprenoid alkanes. Among them the predominant were pristane C19 and the phytane C20, the well-known biomarkers of oil. In the VIII thermodiffusion faction including dimethyl-, trimethyl-, tetramethyl-, ethyl-, methyl-ethyl-, diethyl-, propyl, methyl-propyl adamantanes, were identified


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    Investigation of new wells of Satskhenisi oil (#7, #11, #12, #13, #14) and Manavi oil (#11, #12) was carried out. By IR spectroscopy it was established that Satskhenisi oil belonged to naphtheno-aromatic type and Manavi oil – to paraffinic type of oils. According to distribution of trace elements V, Fe, Ni, Co, Mo, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn, Sr, Ba, Ti and the ratio V/Ni <1, these oils refer to tertiary types of oils, which is explained by conditions of accumulation and geochemical transformation of the original organic compounds.Using simulation chromatographic distillation of Manavi oil from the #12 well were obtained naphtha and diesel fractions. In naphtha by method of gas-liquid chromatography were identified individual paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons and in diesel fraction – individual n-paraffinic hydrocarbons.By low content of sulfur, tar-asphaltene compounds and high yield of light fractions, Satskhensi and Manavi crude oils are high-quality raw material for production of commercial oil products for energy purposes.Investigation of new wells of Satskhenisi oil (#7, #11, #12, #13, #14) and Manavi oil (#11, #12) was carried out. By IR spectroscopy it was established that Satskhenisi oil belonged to naphtheno-aromatic type and Manavi oil – to paraffinic type of oils. According to distribution of trace elements V, Fe, Ni, Co, Mo, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn, Sr, Ba, Ti and the ratio V/Ni <1, these oils refer to tertiary types of oils, which is explained by conditions of accumulation and geochemical transformation of the original organic compounds.Using simulation chromatographic distillation of Manavi oil from the #12 well were obtained naphtha and diesel fractions. In naphtha by method of gas-liquid chromatography were identified individual paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons and in diesel fraction – individual n-paraffinic hydrocarbons.By low content of sulfur, tar-asphaltene compounds and high yield of light fractions, Satskhensi and Manavi crude oils are high-quality raw material for production of commercial oil products for energy purposes


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    The results of investigation of molecular composition of biological markers of Eastern Georgia crude oils by methods of GLC, MS, GC/MS, genetic and geochemical aspects of their chemical composition, the main geochemical criteria for making various genetic correlations are presented. It was established that though these crude oils belong to different chemical types they all belong to a single genetic type. High concentrations of isoprenoid alkanes, ratio iC19/iC20 > 1, were revealed. In fractions higher than 420°С amongst the main biomarkers — steranes and triterpanes (C27–C33) – prevail hopanes of the 17αH-hopan series (C30H52); steranes (C27–C29) are represented by α-sterans and iso-sterans. Based on the main geochemical criteria the degree of catagenesis of oils and the probability of biodegradation of some of them was determined. In some crude oils polymethylsubstituted decalines, the relict type hydrocarbons (C14-C16) have been identified.The results of investigation of molecular composition of biological markers of Eastern Georgia crude oils by methods of GLC, MS, GC/MS, genetic and geochemical aspects of their chemical composition, the main geochemical criteria for making various genetic correlations are presented. It was established that though these crude oils belong to different chemical types they all belong to a single genetic type. High concentrations of isoprenoid alkanes, ratio iC19/iC20 > 1, were revealed. In fractions higher than 420°С amongst the main biomarkers — steranes and triterpanes (C27–C33) – prevail hopanes of the 17αH-hopan series (C30H52); steranes (C27–C29) are represented by α-sterans and iso-sterans. Based on the main geochemical criteria the degree of catagenesis of oils and the probability of biodegradation of some of them was determined. In some crude oils polymethylsubstituted decalines, the relict type hydrocarbons (C14-C16) have been identified


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    A methodology has been developed for separation and identification of hydrocarbons of middle 250-350°C fractions of Taribani and Mirzaani petroleum (Georgia) in order to determine their individual hydrocarbon composition. The middle fractions of petroleum are difficult to study objects due to the huge variety of hydrocarbon isomers present in them.The methodology includes the following complex of physical and chemical methods for processing of petroleum: distillation, dearomatization by adsorption chromatography, thorough separation of isoalkanes from cycloalkanes using three stages thermal diffusion, processing of the obtained concentrates with thiocarbamide. To determine the individual composition of the fractions, instrumental methods of gasliquid chromatography analysis on capillary columns, MS and GC/MS were used. The developed methodology has been successfully applied to the separation of paraffinic, isoparaffinic and cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons and to determine molecular composition of the middle fractions. Separation of isomers from the concentrates obtained by way of thermal diffusion fractions of Taribani and Mirzaani petroleum was achieved and a number of isoprenoids of C11-C23 composition were identified, in thiocarbamide concentrates there were polycyclic alkanes of C11-C16 composition, and in filtrates - relict, polymethyl-substituted decalins of C14-C16 compositionA methodology has been developed for separation and identification of hydrocarbons of middle 250-350°C fractions of Taribani and Mirzaani petroleum (Georgia) in order to determine their individual hydrocarbon composition. The middle fractions of petroleum are difficult to study objects due to the huge variety of hydrocarbon isomers present in them.The methodology includes the following complex of physical and chemical methods for processing of petroleum: distillation, dearomatization by adsorption chromatography, thorough separation of isoalkanes from cycloalkanes using three stages thermal diffusion, processing of the obtained concentrates with thiocarbamide. To determine the individual composition of the fractions, instrumental methods of gasliquid chromatography analysis on capillary columns, MS and GC/MS were used. The developed methodology has been successfully applied to the separation of paraffinic, isoparaffinic and cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons and to determine molecular composition of the middle fractions. Separation of isomers from the concentrates obtained by way of thermal diffusion fractions of Taribani and Mirzaani petroleum was achieved and a number of isoprenoids of C11-C23 composition were identified, in thiocarbamide concentrates there were polycyclic alkanes of C11-C16 composition, and in filtrates - relict, polymethyl-substituted decalins of C14-C16 compositio


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    Manifestations of natural bitumen are recorded in almost all regions of Georgia. The bitumen of Kari Crossing, Natanebi, Chibrevi, Baida, Polpoy-Teibi, Mirzaani and Kila-Kupra were studied. The main aromatic structures contained in organic extracts obtained from bitumen under investigation are identified, and physical and chemical characteristics, elemental composition and distribution of microelements in these organic extracts are determined. The study of microelements distribution showed that bitumen of the Kari Crossing and the Baida 2, in which the ratio V/Ni is less than 1 stratigraphically belong to the third-generation bitumen, and the Chibrevi and Mirzaani bitumen with the ratio V/Ni >1 is of older origin and belongs to Paleozoic period. By content of oils, tars and asphaltes the bitumen under investigation belong to the asphalt type bitumen.Manifestations of natural bitumen are recorded in almost all regions of Georgia. The bitumen of Kari Crossing, Natanebi, Chibrevi, Baida, Polpoy-Teibi, Mirzaani and Kila-Kupra were studied. The main aromatic structures contained in organic extracts obtained from bitumen under investigation are identified, and physical and chemical characteristics, elemental composition and distribution of microelements in these organic extracts are determined. The study of microelements distribution showed that bitumen of the Kari Crossing and the Baida 2, in which the ratio V/Ni is less than 1 stratigraphically belong to the third-generation bitumen, and the Chibrevi and Mirzaani bitumen with the ratio V/Ni >1 is of older origin and belongs to Paleozoic period. By content of oils, tars and asphaltes the bitumen under investigation belong to the asphalt type bitumen


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    The individual composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been studied in high boiling (340–590°) fractions of Norio oil (wells 200, 201) which are characterized by high content of aromatic hydrocarbons and high intensity fluorescence. The eluates obtained by adsorption fractionation of aromatic hydrocarbons separated by aniline and concentrates of their crystalline components have been studied by GC, MS and GC-MS methods. For analysis of the obtained data an automated system of mass deconvolution and identification (AMDIS) was used. In the eluates under investigation the following structures were identified: indenes, tetralines, dinaphtilbenzenes, naphthalenes, fluorenes, phenantrenes, antracenes, mono- and polyalkyl derivatives ofnaphtofluorene and phenantrene, and terpeniles. In crystal samples of the eluates the banzantracene, chrizene, their methyl-, dimethyl and trymethylanaloges, phenantrene derivatives, antracenes and pyrenes were identified. The heterocyclic analogues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons likemethylbenzoanthracenes, benzonaphthothiophenes, benzocarbazoles and dibenzthiophene were identified in Georgian oils for the first time.The individual composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been studied in high boiling (340–590°) fractions of Norio oil (wells 200, 201) which are characterized by high content of aromatic hydrocarbons and high intensity fluorescence. The eluates obtained by adsorption fractionation of aromatic hydrocarbons separated by aniline and concentrates of their crystalline components have been studied by GC, MS and GC-MS methods. For analysis of the obtained data an automated system of mass deconvolution and identification (AMDIS) was used. In the eluates under investigation the following structures were identified: indenes, tetralines, dinaphtilbenzenes, naphthalenes, fluorenes, phenantrenes, antracenes, mono- and polyalkyl derivatives ofnaphtofluorene and phenantrene, and terpeniles. In crystal samples of the eluates the banzantracene, chrizene, their methyl-, dimethyl and trymethylanaloges, phenantrene derivatives, antracenes and pyrenes were identified. The heterocyclic analogues of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons likemethylbenzoanthracenes, benzonaphthothiophenes, benzocarbazoles and dibenzthiophene were identified in Georgian oils for the first time


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    Combustible ethanol was obtained from agricultural waste. Test samplesE0 (petrolgazoline) and E5, E10 and E20 (epanpl/gazoline blend) were prepared and their physical, chemical and technical characteristics were studied. The effect of bioethanol on the ecological compatibility of the automobile engine has been studied. The objects of research were Regular, Premium and Super of Petrol gasoline Samples, as well as a of 10%, 20% and 30%. bioethanol/gazoline blends. The study of the ecological properties of the test additive was carried out at the stand of automobile engines SAK-670 (Germany), on which the engine of a BMW-316 car with coupling sleeve and a transmission assembly is installed. The stand is equipped with brakes and torque sensors, as well as with crankshaft speed and fuel consumption measuring instruments. The test mixtures during an idle running of engine cause a decrease in the CO content in the exhaust gases by 10-16%, and this taking into account their low cost, indicate the prospect of expanding the use of fuel ethanol

    Production And Study Of Bio Gazolines

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    Combustible ethanol was obtained from agricultural waste. Test samplesE0 (petrolgazoline) and E5, E10 and E20 (epanpl/gazoline blend) were prepared and their physical, chemical and technical characteristics were studied. The effect of bioethanol on the ecological compatibility of the automobile engine has been studied. The objects of research were Regular, Premium and Super of Petrol gasoline Samples, as well as a of 10%, 20% and 30%. bioethanol/gazoline blends. The study of the ecological properties of the test additive was carried out at the stand of automobile engines SAK-670 (Germany), on which the engine of a BMW-316 car with coupling sleeve and a transmission assembly is installed. The stand is equipped with brakes and torque sensors, as well as with crankshaft speed and fuel consumption measuring instruments. The test mixtures during an idle running of engine cause a decrease in the CO content in the exhaust gases by 10-16%, and this taking into account their low cost, indicate the prospect of expanding the use of fuel ethanol

    Comprehensive Methodology for Investigation of Middle Fractions of Petroleum

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    A methodology has been developed for separation and identification of hydrocarbons of middle 250-350°C fractions of Taribani and Mirzaani petroleum (Georgia) in order to determine their individual hydrocarbon composition. The middle fractions of petroleum are difficult to study objects due to the huge variety of hydrocarbon isomers present in them.The methodology includes the following complex of physical and chemical methods for processing of petroleum: distillation, dearomatization by adsorption chromatography, thorough separation of isoalkanes from cycloalkanes using three stages thermal diffusion, processing of the obtained concentrates with thiocarbamide. To determine the individual composition of the fractions, instrumental methods of gasliquid chromatography analysis on capillary columns, MS and GC/MS were used. The developed methodology has been successfully applied to the separation of paraffinic, isoparaffinic and cycloparaffinic hydrocarbons and to determine molecular composition of the middle fractions. Separation of isomers from the concentrates obtained by way of thermal diffusion fractions of Taribani and Mirzaani petroleum was achieved and a number of isoprenoids of C11-C23 composition were identified, in thiocarbamide concentrates there were polycyclic alkanes of C11-C16 composition, and in filtrates - relict, polymethyl-substituted decalins of C14-C16 compositio