9 research outputs found


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    The aim of this work is to define special aspects of the second foreign language (SFL) grammar teaching at the basic course, because at Ukrainian universities the number of course hours for studying of the SFL is less than for the first one. This leads to more superficial learning of grammar material. In addition, it was believed that the grammar of the SFL can be taught in the context of the general course. The integration of vocabulary and grammar teaching hampered the thorough understanding of grammatical constructions by the students, as the study of the SFL came against the background of the first foreign language enhanced studying. For the scientific analysis of this issue, the methods of causality analysis and generalization were applied, which helped identify the priority of the communicative approach in the SFL grammar teaching, as this approach develops the oral and written skills of students. Nevertheless, there are some factors that impede the fluency of grammar material at the basic course of education. The article reveals problems and ways to solve them during the training. The authors consider that the communicative approach in the SFL grammar teaching will help master the language more quickly and efficiently, which meets the needs of modern society

    Las formas de expansión de Moscú

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    Tras la secuencia de grandes transformaciones y crecimientos de Moscú a lo largo del ultimo siglo, llega la época de nuevas necesidades urbanas y sociales que provocan cambios en la estructura de megalópolis.*Como una de las ciudades con mas expansion y poblacion del mundo, Moscu necesita ser puesta bajo una mirada critica con el objetivo de definir sus características principales, analizar las ventajas y desventajas de sus estrategia de crecimiento urbano actuales e identificar, calificar y solucionar los problemas urbanos mas emergentes. Para ello, el trabajo examina en primer lugar la expansión urbana a la escala metropolitana para focalizar luego en 3 casos de estudio a fin de entender algunas de las características urbanas claves desde esta mirada dual


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    Three components of the inhabitation medium conditions, i.e. sanitary-hygienic training conditions, social-hygienic conditions of living in the family, environmental contamination and the state of health of 4041 pupils aged 7 to 14 in eight schools have been studied. A system of integrated quantitative evaluations of factors determining the state of the individual health, pupil's day schedule parameters and education conditions in general-education schools has been developed for the first time. The tendencies revealing the pupils' health state have been predicted in connection with the found-out priority risk factors determining the generation of departures in the organism systems. The prime importance of hygienic environmental factors in formation of "ill health" of the pupils has been proved. Sanitation and rehabilitation measures for the pupils have been developedAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Mechanical activation in utilising milling byproducts: a way to improve effectiveness

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    The study focuses on obtaining the finely ground wheat germ flour mix by employing dry mechanical activation. During the study, wheat germ is ground using DESI-11 disintegrator and mechanically activated in PM-10 centrifugal mill with the rotor speed of 1050 rpm. According to the study findings, the finely ground wheat germ flour mix obtained by dry mechanical activation possesses increased bulk density and improved water absorption capacity when compared to the product obtained from wheat germ without mechanical activation applied. The average particle size is reduced from 114 μm to 52 μm. The study findings indicate that obtaining the finely ground wheat germ flour mix by dry mechanical activation prevents the occurrence of the caking effect as well as improves the quality of baked products

    The use of proverbs and anti-proverbs in teaching english to secondary school students

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    Language and culture co-study issues have a permanent tendency to be interpreted from the view point of socio-cultural competence. In this regard, a foreign language teacher faces the problem of creating pedagogical conditions for the effective development of linguistic and socio-cultural competencies of students in order to acquire the ability to use a foreign language in the process of intercultural communication. As one of the ways to solve this problem, the authors of the article suggest using authentic proverbial material in the process of teaching a foreign language. The authors believe that the national culture and modern language trends are most fully and vividly manifested in the paremiological units of the language, which include Proverbs and anti-Proverbs. Their use at different stages of learning a foreign language will become an additional source of background knowledge about the country of a target language and contribute to the evaluation of students’ language and speaking skills. With the help of experimental and diagnostic training, the authors are trying to prove and justify the effectiveness of using authentic proverbial material in the process of teaching a foreign language to secondary school students of the 9th grade. The analysis of empirical data has shown that indicators of socio-cultural and linguistic competence development are the abilities of students to interpret adequately background information and use a set of language tools for intercultural communication. Participants of experimental diagnostic testing objectively improved the indicators of the level of training and demonstrated the abitity to use background knowledge fluently