79 research outputs found

    A educação virtual como agente transformador dos processos de aprendizagem

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    In this article, the aim is to analyze virtual education as a transformed agent of learning processes through documentary and descriptive research, for which the statistics provided by the Ministry of Education of Chile, Peru and Colombia in relation to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education either as academic support in their face-to-face classes or as a pedagogical tool for virtual classes. After its development, the implementation of virtual education became more common over the years, providing effective teaching and learning alternatives that collaborate in educational institutions to train competent individuals through meaningful learning.En el presente artículo de tiene como objetivo analizar la educación virtual como agente transformados de los procesos de aprendizaje a través de una investigación documental y descriptiva para la cual se toman como referencia las estadísticas que proporciona el ministerio de educación de Chile, Perú y Colombia en relación al uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC´s) en la educación bien sea como apoyo académico en sus clases presenciales o como herramienta pedagógica de clases virtuales. Luego del desarrollo de la misma se tuvo como resultado con el paso de los años la implementación de la educación virtual se hace más común, aportando alternativas de enseñanza y aprendizaje eficaces que colaboran en las instituciones educativas a la formación de individuos competentes mediante el aprendizaje significativo.Neste artigo, tem como objetivo analisar a educação virtual como agente transformador dos processos de aprendizagem por meio da pesquisa documental e descritiva, para a qual as estatísticas fornecidas pelo Ministério da Educação do Chile, Peru e Colômbia em em relação ao uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) na educação, seja como suporte acadêmico em suas aulas presenciais, seja como ferramenta pedagógica para aulas virtuais. Após seu desenvolvimento, a implantação da educação virtual tornou-se mais comum com o passar dos anos, proporcionando alternativas eficazes de ensino e aprendizagem que colaboram nas instituições de ensino para formar indivíduos competentes por meio de aprendizagens significativas

    Risk Factors for Moral Injury Among Canadian Armed Forces Personnel

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    Objectives: The traumatic nature of high-risk military deployment events, such as combat, is well-recognized. However, whether other service-related events and demographic factors increase the risk of moral injury (MI), which is defined by consequences of highly stressful and morally-laden experiences, is poorly understood. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine determinants of MI in Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel. Methods: Data were obtained from the 2018 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS; unweighted n = 2,941). To identify military characteristics, sociodemographic variables, and deployment-related factors associated with increased levels of MI, a series of multiple linear regressions were conducted across deployed and non-deployed groups. Results: When all variables were considered among the deployed personnel, rank, experiencing military related sexual trauma, child maltreatment (i.e., physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect), and stressful deployment experiences were significant predictors of increased MI total scores (β = 0.001 to β = 0.51, p &lt; 0.05). Feeling responsible for the death of an ally and inability to respond in a threatening situation were the strongest predictors of MI among stressful deployment experiences. Within the non-deployed sample, experiencing military-related or civilian sexual trauma and rank were significant predictors of increased MI total scores (β = 0.02 to β = 0.81, p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: Exposure to stressful deployment experiences, particularly those involving moral-ethical challenges, sexual trauma, and childhood maltreatment were found to increase levels of MI in CAF personnel. These findings suggest several avenues of intervention, including education and policies aimed at mitigating sexual misconduct, as well as pre-deployment training to better prepare military personnel to deal effectively with morally injurious experiences.</p

    Risk Factors for Moral Injury Among Canadian Armed Forces Personnel

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    Objectives: The traumatic nature of high-risk military deployment events, such as combat, is well-recognized. However, whether other service-related events and demographic factors increase the risk of moral injury (MI), which is defined by consequences of highly stressful and morally-laden experiences, is poorly understood. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine determinants of MI in Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel. Methods: Data were obtained from the 2018 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS; unweighted n = 2,941). To identify military characteristics, sociodemographic variables, and deployment-related factors associated with increased levels of MI, a series of multiple linear regressions were conducted across deployed and non-deployed groups. Results: When all variables were considered among the deployed personnel, rank, experiencing military related sexual trauma, child maltreatment (i.e., physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect), and stressful deployment experiences were significant predictors of increased MI total scores (β = 0.001 to β = 0.51, p &lt; 0.05). Feeling responsible for the death of an ally and inability to respond in a threatening situation were the strongest predictors of MI among stressful deployment experiences. Within the non-deployed sample, experiencing military-related or civilian sexual trauma and rank were significant predictors of increased MI total scores (β = 0.02 to β = 0.81, p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: Exposure to stressful deployment experiences, particularly those involving moral-ethical challenges, sexual trauma, and childhood maltreatment were found to increase levels of MI in CAF personnel. These findings suggest several avenues of intervention, including education and policies aimed at mitigating sexual misconduct, as well as pre-deployment training to better prepare military personnel to deal effectively with morally injurious experiences.</p

    Moral injury associated with increased odds of past-year mental health disorders: a Canadian Armed Forces examination

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    Background: Potentially morally injurious experiences (PMIEs) are common during military service. However, it is unclear to what extent PMIEs are related to well-established adverse mental health outcomes. Objective: The objective of this study was to use a population-based survey to determine the associations between moral injury endorsement and the presence of past-year mental health disorders in Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel and Veterans. Methods: Data were obtained from the 2018 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS). With a sample of 2,941 respondents, the weighted survey sample represented 18,120 active duty and 34,380 released CAF personnel. Multiple logistic regressions were used to assess the associations between sociodemographic characteristics (e.g. sex), military factors (e.g. rank), moral injury (using the Moral Injury Events Scale [MIES]) and the presence of specific mental health disorders (major depressive episode, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, PTSD, and suicidality). Results: While adjusting for selected sociodemographic and military factors, the odds of experiencing any past-year mental health disorder were 1.97 times greater (95% CI = 1.94–2.01) for each one-unit increase in total MIES score. Specifically, PTSD had 1.91 times greater odds (95% CI = 1.87–1.96) of being endorsed for every unit increase in MIES total score, while odds of past-year panic disorder or social anxiety were each 1.86 times greater (95% CI = 1.82–1.90) for every unit increase in total MIES score. All findings reported were statistically significant (p \u3c .001). Conclusion: These findings emphasize that PMIEs are robustly associated with the presence of adverse mental health outcomes among Canadian military personnel. The results of this project further underscore the necessity of addressing moral injury alongside other mental health concerns within the CAF

    Childhood Mental Disorders and Subsequent Adverse Outcomes in Early Adulthood: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study

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    Introduction The relationship between childhood/adolescent mental disorders and adult outcomes has been studied using surveys and clinical samples. These studies are prone to selection, recall and self-reporting biases. No previous studies have used population-based administrative databases linking individual-level data that could address these biases and further elucidate this relationship. Objectives and Approach Using de-identified administrative databases housed at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, we aimed to determine whether people diagnosed with mental disorders in childhood/adolescence, compared to those without, were at higher risk of early adverse adult outcomes. We created a birth cohort of 60,838 residents of Manitoba, Canada, born from fiscal years 1980/81 to 1984/85 and followed them to the end of study period in 2014/15. Through a scrambled health identifier, health, education, social services and justice system data were linked at an individual level. Survival analysis was used to test for differences controlling for key childhood covariates. Results We found that 16.5% of the cohort had a diagnosed mental disorder at some point in their childhood/adolescence. Having a diagnosed mental disorder in childhood/adolescence increased the risk of being diagnosed with the same disorder in early adulthood (at age 30 to 34 years old). It also increased the risk of suicidal death (hazard ratio (HR): 2.41), suicide attempts (HR: 3.05), public housing use (HR: 1.44), income assistance use (HR: 2.07), criminal accusation (HR:1.53), and criminal victimization (HR:1.54) in adulthood. Similarly, but to a greater extent, suicide attempts in adolescence increased the risk of suicidal death (HR: 3.65), suicide attempts (HR: 5.68), public housing use (HR: 1.64), income assistance use (HR: 1.68), criminal accusation (HR: 2.18), or criminal victimization (HR: 2.43) in adulthood. Conclusion/Implications Young people’s mental health has significant influence on their health and well-being trajectories into adulthood. This knowledge could directly inform policy and practice to provide better population-based mental health promotion, prevention and early interventions for children/adolescents with mental disorders and subsequently prevent adverse adult outcomes in the future

    Characterisation of QTL-linked and genome-wide restriction site-associated DNA (RAD) markers in farmed Atlantic salmon

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    Background: Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq) is a genome complexity reduction technique that facilitates large-scale marker discovery and genotyping by sequencing. Recent applications of RAD-Seq have included linkage and QTL mapping with a particular focus on non-model species. In the current study, we have applied RAD-Seq to two Atlantic salmon families from a commercial breeding program. The offspring from these families were classified into resistant or susceptible based on survival/mortality in an Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) challenge experiment, and putative homozygous resistant or susceptible genotype at a major IPN-resistance QTL. From each family, the genomic DNA of the two heterozygous parents and seven offspring of each IPN phenotype and genotype was digested with the SbfI enzyme and sequenced in multiplexed pools. Results: Sequence was obtained from approximately 70,000 RAD loci in both families and a filtered set of 6,712 segregating SNPs were identified. Analyses of genome-wide RAD marker segregation patterns in the two families suggested SNP discovery on all 29 Atlantic salmon chromosome pairs, and highlighted the dearth of male recombination. The use of pedigreed samples allowed us to distinguish segregating SNPs from putative paralogous sequence variants resulting from the relatively recent genome duplication of salmonid species. Of the segregating SNPs, 50 were linked to the QTL. A subset of these QTL-linked SNPs were converted to a high-throughput assay and genotyped across large commercial populations of IPNV-challenged salmon fry. Several SNPs showed highly significant linkage and association with resistance to IPN, and population linkage-disequilibrium-based SNP tests for resistance were identified. Conclusions: We used RAD-Seq to successfully identify and characterise high-density genetic markers in pedigreed aquaculture Atlantic salmon. These results underline the effectiveness of RAD-Seq as a tool for rapid and efficient generation of QTL-targeted and genome-wide marker data in a large complex genome, and its possible utility in farmed animal selection programs

    Four decades of military posttraumatic stress:Protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review of treatment approaches and efficacy

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    Background: Over 85% of active members of the Canadian Armed Forces have been exposed to potentially traumatic events linked to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At the time of transition to civilian life, as high as 1 in 8 veterans may be diagnosed with PTSD. Given the high prevalence of PTSD in military and veteran populations, the provision of effective treatment considering their unique challenges and experiences is critical for mental health support and the well-being of these populations. Objective: This paper presents the protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review that will examine the effectiveness of treatment approaches for military-related PTSD. Methods: This PROSPERO-preregistered meta-analysis is being conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and Cochrane guidelines. A comprehensive search of the literature wasconducted using the databases PsycInfo, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and ProQuest Dissertation &amp; Theses. Effect sizes will be computed based on changes in PTSD symptom scores over time across studies using validated PTSD scales. A multilevel meta-analysis will examine the overall effects, between-study effects, and within-study effects of available evidence for PTSD treatments in military populations. Effect sizes will be compared between pharmacotherapeutic, psychotherapeutic, and alternative/emerging treatment interventions. Finally, meta-regression and subgroup analyses will explore the moderating roles of clinical characteristics (eg, PTSD symptom clusters), treatment approaches (eg, therapeutic orientations in psychotherapy and alternative therapies and classifications of drugs in pharmacotherapy), as well as treatment characteristics (eg, length of intervention) on treatment outcomes. Results: The literature search was completed on April 14, 2021. After the removal of duplicates, a total of 12, 002 studies were screened for inclusion. As of July 2021, title and abstract screening has been completed, with 1469 out of 12, 002 (12.23%) studies included for full-text review. Full review is expected to be completed in the summer of 2021, with initial results expected for publication by early winter of 2021. Conclusions: This meta-analysis will provide information on the current state of evidence on the efficacy and effectiveness of various treatment approaches for military-related PTSD and identify factors that may influence treatment outcomes. The results will inform clinical decision-making for service providers and service users. Finally, the findings will provide insights into future treatment development and practice recommendations to better support the well-being of military and veteran populations.</p