20 research outputs found

    Etnicidad y acumulación de capital humano en México Urbano

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    Se analiza la movilidad social y la acumulación de capital humano entre minorías étnicas en zonas urbanas de México, se exploran los cambios en el logro académico y la situación en el mercado laboral y se emplean datos de panel provenientes de la Encuesta sobre la Vida de la Familia Mexicana (MFxLS). Los resultados apuntan a importantes diferencias étnicas en los patrones de acumulación de capital humano, especialmente en la educación, donde los individuos no indígenas parecen acumular capital humano con mayor rapidez que los individuos de descendencia indígena. Además, características sociales y demográficas vinculadas con esos patrones de acumulación de capital humano parecen diferir entre los individuos de extracción indígena y los de extracción no indígena. En especial, en el caso de pueblos indígenas en zonas urbanas, la acumulación de capital humano y la acumulación de riqueza parecen obrar más como sustitutos que como complementos en el corto plazo.Social mobility, human capital accumulation, education, ethnic minorities, urban areas, Mexico

    New Century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Latin America

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    This paper surveys gender and ethnic wage gaps in 18 Latin American countries, decomposing differences using matching comparisons as a non-parametric alternative to the Blinder-Oaxaca (BO) decomposition. It is found that men earn 9-27 percent more than women, with high cross-country heterogeneity. The unexplained pay gap is higher among older, informal and self-employed workers and those in small firms. Ethnic wage differences are greater than gender differences, and educational attainment differentials play an important role in explaining the gap. Higher ethnic wage gaps are found among males, singleincome generators of households and full-time workers, and in rural areas. An important share of the ethnic wage gap is due to the scarcity of minorities in highpaid positions.gender, ethnicity, wage gaps, Latin America, matching

    New Century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Latin America

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    This paper surveys gender and ethnic wage gaps in 18 Latin American countries, decomposing differences using matching comparisons as a non-parametric alternative to the Blinder-Oaxaca (BO) decomposition. It is found that men earn 9-27 percent more than women, with high cross-country heterogeneity. The unexplained pay gap is higher among older, informal and self-employed workers and those in small firms. Ethnic wage differences are greater than gender differences, and educational attainment differentials play an important role in explaining the gap. Higher ethnic wage gaps are found among males, single-income generators of households and full-time workers, and in rural areas. An important share of the ethnic wage gap is due to the scarcity of minorities in high-paid positions.gender, ethnicity, wage gaps, Latin America, matching

    New century, old disparities: Gender and ethnic gaps in Latin America

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    This paper surveys gender and ethnic wage gaps in 18 Latin American countries, decomposing differences using matching comparisons as a non-parametric alternative to the Blinder-Oaxaca (BO) decomposition. It is found that men earn 9-27 percent more than women, with high cross-country heterogeneity. The unexplained pay gap is higher among older, informal and self-employed workers and those in small firms. Ethnic wage differences are greater than gender differences, and educational attainment differentials play an important role in explaining the gap. Higher ethnic wage gaps are found among males, single-income generators of households and full-time workers, and in rural areas. An important share of the ethnic wage gap is due to the scarcity of minorities in high-paid positions

    Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation in Urban Mexico

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    This study analyzes social mobility and human capital accumulation among ethnic minorities in Mexican urban areas, exploring changes in educational attainment and labor market status and using panel data from the Mexican Family Life Survey (MFxLS). The results indicate important ethnic differences in human capital accumulation patterns, especially in education, where non-indigenous individuals seem to accumulate human capital more rapidly than individuals of indigenous descent. Also, key socio-demographic characteristics linked to those patterns of human capital accumulation seem to differ between indigenous and non-indigenous individuals. In particular, for indigenous peoples in urban areas, human capital accumulation and wealth accumulation seem to work as substitutes rather than complements in the short run

    Social protection:Potential for improving HIV outcomes among adolescents

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    Introduction Advances in biomedical technologies provide potential for adolescent HIV prevention and HIV‐positive survival. The UNAIDS 90–90–90 treatment targets provide a new roadmap for ending the HIV epidemic, principally through antiretroviral treatment, HIV testing and viral suppression among people with HIV. However, while imperative, HIV treatment and testing will not be sufficient to address the epidemic among adolescents in Southern and Eastern Africa. In particular, use of condoms and adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) remain haphazard, with evidence that social and structural deprivation is negatively impacting adolescents’ capacity to protect themselves and others. This paper examines the evidence for and potential of interventions addressing these structural deprivations. Discussion New evidence is emerging around social protection interventions, including cash transfers, parenting support and educational support (“cash, care and classroom”). These interventions have the potential to reduce the social and economic drivers of HIV risk, improve utilization of prevention technologies and improve adherence to ART for adolescent populations in the hyper‐endemic settings of Southern and Eastern Africa. Studies show that the integration of social and economic interventions has high acceptability and reach and that it holds powerful potential for improved HIV, health and development outcomes. Conclusions Social protection is a largely untapped means of reducing HIV‐risk behaviours and increasing uptake of and adherence to biomedical prevention and treatment technologies. There is now sufficient evidence to include social protection programming as a key strategy not only to mitigate the negative impacts of the HIV epidemic among families, but also to contribute to HIV prevention among adolescents and potentially to remove social and economic barriers to accessing treatment. We urge a further research and programming agenda: to actively combine programmes that increase availability of biomedical solutions with social protection policies that can boost their utilization.</p

    New Century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Latin America

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    This paper surveys gender and ethnic wage gaps in 18 Latin American countries, decomposing differences using matching comparisons as a non-parametric alternative to the Blinder-Oaxaca (BO) decomposition. It is found that men earn 9-27 percent more than women, with high cross-country heterogeneity. The unexplained pay gap is higher among older, informal and self-employed workers and those in small firms. Ethnic wage differences are greater than gender differences, and educational attainment differentials play an important role in explaining the gap. Higher ethnic wage gaps are found among males, singleincome generators of households and full-time workers, and in rural areas. An important share of the ethnic wage gap is due to the scarcity of minorities in highpaid positions

    Construyendo procesos de auditoría social en Centroamérica: Lecciones aprendidas y retos futuros en el sector social

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    Esta publicación presenta el documento conceptual, estudios de casos y las conclusiones del Taller Técnico "Construyendo Procesos de Auditoria Social Local en Centroamérica: Lecciones Aprendidas y Retos Futuros", realizado el 13 de julio de 2006, en la sede del Banco. El taller reunió a especialistas del BID, Banco Mundial y otras organizaciones de la región. El objetivo de este documento es: (i) examinar los experimentos de rendición local de cuentas en Centro América a fin de entender qué mecanismos han funcionado e identificar los factores sobre los que se basa dicho éxito; (ii) identificar elementos que han frenado y/o amenazado detener la introducción y consolidación de experimentos de rendición local de cuentas; y (iii) evaluar el impacto, sostenibilidad y replicabilidad de diferentes experimentos y así contribuir a la creación de una agenda de actividades para fortalecer y efectivizar la práctica de la rendición local de cuentas

    Construyendo procesos de auditoría social en Centroamérica: Lecciones aprendidas y retos futuros en el sector social

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    Esta publicación presenta el documento conceptual, estudios de casos y las conclusiones del Taller Técnico "Construyendo Procesos de Auditoria Social Local en Centroamérica: Lecciones Aprendidas y Retos Futuros", realizado el 13 de julio de 2006, en la sede del Banco. El taller reunió a especialistas del BID, Banco Mundial y otras organizaciones de la región. El objetivo de este documento es: (i) examinar los experimentos de rendición local de cuentas en Centro América a fin de entender qué mecanismos han funcionado e identificar los factores sobre los que se basa dicho éxito; (ii) identificar elementos que han frenado y/o amenazado detener la introducción y consolidación de experimentos de rendición local de cuentas; y (iii) evaluar el impacto, sostenibilidad y replicabilidad de diferentes experimentos y así contribuir a la creación de una agenda de actividades para fortalecer y efectivizar la práctica de la rendición local de cuentas.Transparencia y lucha contra la corrupción, Desarrollo social, Auditoría Social Local en Centroamérica