83 research outputs found

    University-business-government relations in the development of the institutional environment of Russian regions

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    Relevance. University-business-government relations drive regional innovation. Therefore, in order to stimulate innovation, a favourable institutional environment is necessary. Research objective. The article proposes an original methodology to examine regional institutional environment based on the analysis of the interactions between the government, business and universities.Methods and data. The study relies on the statistical data on 12 Russian regions for a 6-year period. The data are used to create three sets of indicators characterizing the institutional sectors 'Government', 'Business' and 'Universities'. Regions are divided into clusters and ranked according to the state of their institutional environments by calculating subindices and the integral index. Other research methods include cluster analysis and correlation regression analysis. Results. The regions were grouped according to their innovation performance: in lagging regions, the interactions between the government, business and universities are inefficient, which means that their regional institutional environment is not conducive to innovation. The opposite situation is observed in the group of leaders. We also found that interactions between the government, business and universities have a direct influence on GRP.Conclusion. For each group of regions, areas for improvement and the corresponding measures were identified. Interventions may vary in terms of intensity and government participation

    Brain Gangliosides and Their Function as Natural Adaptogenes

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    In brain gangliosides and phospholipids of stenothermal cold-water teleost fishes, higher content of polyenoic and monoenoic fatty acids was revealed than in brain gangliosides and phospholipids of warm-water stenothermal teleosts. The changes in fatty acid composition of lipids during adaptation of fishes to living in cold water (or at great water depth) are directed to the maintenance of liquid-crystalline state of cell membranes and their optimal fluidity, physical state, and microheterogeneity. The results of cluster analysis of the data on composition of carbohydrate component of brain gangliosides of various ectothermic vertebrates were used to create the dendrogram. This dendrogram was found to correspond appreciably to the tree of classical taxonomy of vertebrates. The changes in molecular organization of brain gangliosides in the course of evolution of vertebrates are suggested to contribute to differentiation of brain and complication of its functions in phylogenesis. The main brain gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b) may be considered to be typical adaptogens. They protect neurons against the action of excitatory amino acids, hydrogen peroxide, amyloid β-peptide, and other toxins. Protective effect of gangliosides against these toxins depends on activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinase and downstream protein kinases

    Wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) resources use in the Taimyr peninsula: Aspects of the principle of ecological law

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    Rapid development of modern industry on the Taimyr peninsula together with global changes of environmental conditions and great anthropogenic pressure have caused observable disruption of some Arctic and sub Arctic tundra ecosystems. These changes have several effects on the animal populations, Wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) in particular, that are the resources of living for the indigenous people of the Taimyr peninsula. Many problems are eliminated by existing environmental, health, housing and civil rights laws, research and educational activities. In future, they should be developed and advanced so that R. tarandus resources could be balanced according to the indigenous people demands

    Проблемы эквивалентности в русско-испанском переводе в уголовном процессе: на основе исследования фразеологических единиц

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    En este trabajo se estudian algunos problemas de equivalencia a la hora de traducir un texto jurídico-administrativo de una lengua de partida (el ruso) a una lengua de llegada (el español). Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo consiste en analizar si ciertas unidades fraseológicas que aparecen dentro del Código Penal de la Federación de Rusia están vinculadas a otros textos de corpus con características similares a los textos jurídico-administrativos. Por lo que respecta a la metodología, este trabajo construye su razonamiento siguiendo un método eminentemente hipotético-deductivo. La muestra de datos está compuesta por 40 unidades fraseológicas, dentro de las cuales se encuentran 26 colocaciones y 4 locuciones. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que todas las unidades fraseológicas analizadas a través del corpus lingüístico Sketch Engine encuentran su aplicación en otros tipos de textos jurídicos (por ejemplo, en artículos, estatutos, etc.). En cuanto al problema de equivalencia de significado, se detectan varias dificultades, entre las cuales destacan ciertas dificultades asociadas a las características de ciertas unidades fraseológicas del ámbito jurídico, las dificultades derivadas de las diferencias entre los sistemas jurídicos de Rusia y España y los problemas causados por la existencia de unidades específicas que existen en el sistema jurídico de Rusia, pero que no están disponibles en el sistema jurídico de España (y viceversa). A continuación, se proponen las posibles traducciones de las unidades fraseológicas analizadas al español, con la posterior elaboración del glosarioВ данной работе исследуются проблемы эквивалентности при переводе административно-юридического текста с исходного языка (русского) на язык перевода (испанский). Одна из целей данной работы — проанализировать, связаны ли определенные фразеологические единицы, выделяющиеся в Уголовном кодексе Российской Федерации, с другими текстами корпуса, имеющими сходные характеристики с административно-юридическими текстами. Что касается методологии, то данная работа строит свои рассуждения, следуя исключительно гипотетикодедуктивному методу. Выборка данных состояла из 40 фразеологических единиц, включая 26 коллокаций и 4 фразеологических единства. Полученные результаты показали, что все фразеологические единицы, проанализированные с помощью лингвистического корпуса Sketch Engine, применимы к другим типам юридических текстов (например, статьям, уставам и т.д.). Что касается проблемы эквивалентности, было выявлено несколько трудностей, включая трудности, связанные с характеристиками юридической фразеологической единицы, трудности, возникающие из-за расхождения правовых систем двух стран, и трудности, вызванные наличием специфических единиц, которые существуют в российской правовой системе, но отсутствуют в испанской правовой системе (и наоборот). Далее были предложены возможные переводы проанализированных фразеологических единиц на испанский язык, после чего был составлен глоссарий.Máster Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos. Especialidad en ru-esp (M199

    Monitoring and forecasting the development of local food systems : a case study

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    The motivation of this research is the need to explore the role of a local food system in solving the problem of food security. The article develops the methods for analyzing the current state of a food system and forecasting the future development of food markets. The methods and techniques have been tested for the food system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The current trends in food supply chains in specific sectors (potatoes and vegetables, meat and milk, eggs and cereal products) have been highlighted for this region. The problems and the possible solutions have been identified. The medium-term and long-term consumption prospects offer opportunities for an in-depth study of the promising areas in the food industry of the region.peer-reviewe

    The impact of European law on the development of legal system of Russia

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    The aim of the article is to identify the nature of the influence of European law on Russian legal system, carried out in the framework of the impact on the Russian legislation, the Russian Federation's participation in the European legal processes and the traditional reception of the positive European experience in the field of law. Package and systemic approaches are used as the methodological basis of research to the analysis of the legal problems associated with the international obligations resulting from the need to implement the European legal standards into the Russian legal system. In the article the thesis is substantiated according to which the influence of European law on the legal system of Russia is the Europeanization of the Russian legal culture in general, as well as in the modernization of legislation on the basis of European standards and the Europeanisation of the Russian judicial practice.peer-reviewe

    Development of the state support for agriculture in Krasnoyarsk region

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    The work reviews the status of state support for agriculture in Krasnoyarsk region on an example of dairy cattle breeding. The main shortcomings of the existing mechanism of state support for agricultural organizations are shown. The authors proposed a new definition of the state support for agriculture and derived comprehensive indicators of the assessment of the level of profitability of the resources used in agricultural production. On the basis of the developed economic and statistical model, the standards of dairy cattle breeding subsidies are defined in terms of levels of productivity and characteristics of reproduction.peer-reviewe

    Оптимизация Инфраструктуры Агропродовольственного Рынка (на Примере Рынка Картофеля Красноярского Края)

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    A brief financial and economic description of agrifood market entities was provided in the course of the study, based on the previously developed authors' methods, and used in further studies when developing mechanisms for the agrarian market infrastructure development. The expediency of reviving the system of procurement organizations is justified in the article, conditions are outlined for such revival, and recommendations are given on the rational use of budget funds in order to secure the optimal infrastructure of the agrifood market in the Krasnoyarsk region.в ходе проведенного исследования на основе разработанных ранее авторских методик дана краткая финансово-экономическая характеристика субъектов агропродовольственного рынка, которая была использована в дальнейших исследованиях при разработке механизмов развития инфраструктуры аграрного рынка. В работе обоснована целесообразность возрождения системы заготовительных контор, обозначены условия, при которых это возрождение возможно, даны рекомендации, по рациональному использованию бюджетных средств с целью обеспечения оптимальной инфраструктуры агропродовольственного рынка Красноярского края

    Clinical‑anamnestic peculiarities of the course of neonatal sepsis in newborns

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    Background. Scientific and technological progress, environmental problems of society, prolonged use of broad‑spectrum antibiotics, as well as the peculiarities of the immune response of the newborn’s body, which are accumulated on the disorders of the postnatal adaptation, contribute to the selection of microorganisms, with the formation of antibiotic‑resistant strains. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of medical records of newborns with neonatal sepsis, born in Chernivtsi maternity hospitals, Ukraine, during 2017 has been carried out. Results. Among infants with neonatal sepsis, premature newborns from mothers with probable risk factors for the development of generalized bacterial infection prevailed. The disease was characterized by the symptoms of multiple organ failure, with a predominant defeat of the respiratory system, hemodynamics disorders, changes in the neurological status, and a decrease in food tolerance. According to the results of bacteriological cultures of blood, the predominance of microorganisms association was established, the leading place among them belonged to Klebsiella pneumoniae. Conclusions. Prematurely born infants (84% in our study) prevailed among newborns with neonatal sepsis, from mothers with potential risk factors for systemic bacterial infection development. Fatal cases were observed among premature infants, especially with an extremely low body weight, which accounted for 60% of deaths, and with antibiotic resistant strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae cultures