20 research outputs found

    The fungal literature-based occurrence database in southern West Siberia (Russia)

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    The abstract presents the initiative to develop the Fungal Literature-based Occurrence Database for Southern West Siberia (FuSWS), which mobilizes occurrences of fungi from published literature (literature-based occurrences, Darwin Core MaterialCitation). The FuSWS database includes 28 fields describing species name, publication source, herbarium number (if exists), date of sampling or observation, locality information, vegetation, substrate, and others. The initiative on digitization of literature-based occurrence data started in the northern part of Western Siberia two years ago (Filippova et al. 2021a). The present project extends the initiative to the south and includes eight administrative regions (Sverdlovsk, Omsk, Kurgan, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Altay, and Gorny Altay). The area occupies the central to southern part of the West Siberian Plain. It extends for about 1.5 thousand km from the west to the east from the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains to Yenisey River, and from north to south—about 1.3 thousand km. The total area equals about 1.2 million km2.Currently, the project is actively growing in spatial, collaboration and data accumulation terms. The working group of about 30 mycologists from 16 organizations dedicated to the digitization initiative was created as part of the Siberian Mycological Society (informal organization since 2019). They have created the most complete bibliographic list of mycology-related papers for the Southern West Siberia, including over 800 publications for the last two centuries (the earliest dated 1800). At abstract submission, the database had been populated with a total of about 10K records from about 100 sources. The dataset is uploaded to GBIF, where it is available for online search of species occurrences and/or download (Filippova et al. 2021b) Fig. 1. The project's page with the introduction, templates, bibliography list, video-presentations and written instructions is available at the website of the Siberian Mycological Society (https://sibmyco.org/literaturedatabase).The following protocol describes the digitization workflow in detail:The bibliography of related publications is compiled using Zotero bibliographic manager. Only published works (peer-reviewed papers, conference proceedings, PhD theses, monographs or book chapters) are selected. If possible, the sources are digitized and added to the library as PDF files. The template of the FuSWS database is made with Google Sheets, which allows simultaneous use by several specialists, in a common data format provided. The simple Microsoft Excel template is also available for the offline databasing. The Darwin Core standard is applied to the database field structure to accommodate the relevant information extracted from the publications.From the available bibliography of publications related to the region, only works with species occurrences are selected for the databasing purpose. The main source of occurrences is annotated species lists with exact localities of the records. However, different sorts of other species citations are also extracted, provided that they had the connection to any geography. All occurrences are georeferenced, either from the coordinates provided in the paper, or from the verbatim description of the field work locality. The georeferencing of the verbatim descriptions is made using Yandex or Google map services. Depending on the quality of georeference provided in publications, the uncertainty is estimated as follows: 1) the coordinate of a fruiting structure or a plot provided in the publication gives the uncertainty about 3-30 meters; 2) the coordinate of the field work locality provided in publication gives the uncertainty about 500 m to 5 km; 3) the report of the species presence in a particular region gives the centroid of the area with the uncertainty radius to include its borders.The locality names reported in Russian are translated to English and written in the «locality» field. Russian descriptions are reserved in the field «verbatimLocality» for accuracy.When possible, the «eventDate» is extracted from the annotation data. Whenever this information is absent, the date of the publication is used instead with the remarks in the «verbatimEventDate» field.The ecological features, habitat and substrate preferences are written in the «habitat» field and reserved in Russian.The original scientific names reported in publications are filled in the «originalNameUsage» field. Correction of spelling errors is made using the GBIF Species Matching tool. This tool is also used to create the additional fields of taxonomic hierarchy from species to kingdom, to fill in the «taxonRank» field and to synonymize according to the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy.To track the digitization process, a worksheet is maintained. Each bibliographic record has a series of fields to describe the digitization process and its results: the total number of extracted occurrence records, general description of the occurrence quality, presence of the observation date, details of georeferencing and the name of a person responsible for the digitization

    Productive Performance, Hatching Egg Quality and Health Indices of Hisex Brown Laying Hens Fed Extruded Grain Amaranth

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    The article presents results proving the feasibility of extruded amaranth grain (Amaranthus cruentus) in feeding breeding laying hens of the Hisex Brown cross (aged 25-45 weeks). Due to improvements in the quality indicators of hatching eggs, such as weight (2.09%; P<0.01), Haugh units (1.07%; P<0.05), and shell thickness strengthened (5.0 µm; P<0.05) to 362 µm, it was possible to increase egg laying intensity by 1.81%, hatching egg yield by 2.20%, and hatching of chickens by 1.33% with the addition of 5% extruded grain to the diet structure. In the test group, there was an 11.66% (P<0.05) reduction in cholesterol in the yolk of eggs. The test group's hemoglobin concentration rose by 4.16% (P<0.05) in comparison to the control group's blood, while the test group's lymphocyte and segmented neutrophil levels decreased by 1.65% (P<0.05) and 1.93% (P<0.05), respectively. These results demonstrated the high efficacy of the feed under investigation in preserving the immune status of breeding chickens during the first productivity phase. The chicken body exhibited a high level of antioxidant activity as evidenced by the rise in superoxide dismutase activity by 8.85% (P<0.05), the total amount of antioxidants by 21.66% (P<0.01), and the decrease in malonaldehyde by 13.52% (P<0.05) in the test group. Analysis of the microbiome of the cecum in the colon revealed an increase in bacteria of Bifidobacteriales and Lactobacillales by 46.93 (P<0.01) and 25.54% (P<0.01), as well as a rise in Ruminococcaceae by 15.87% (P<0.01), in the test group compared with the control group

    The fungal literature-based occurrence database for southern West Siberia (Russia)

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    The paper presents the initiative on literature-based occurrence data mobilisation of fungi and fungi-related organisms (literature-based occurrences, Darwin Core MaterialCitation) to develop the Fungal literature-based occurrence database for the southern West Siberia (FuSWS). The initiative on mobilisation of literature-based occurrence data started in the northern part of West Siberia in 2016. The present project extends the initiative to the southern regions and includes ten administrative territories (Tyumen Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Chelyabinsk Region, Omsk Region, Kurgan Region, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Altai Territory and Republic of Altai). The area occupies the central to southern part of the West Siberian Plain and extends for about 1.5 K km from the west to the east from the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains to Yenisey River and from north to south—about 1.3 K km. The total area equals about 1.4 million km . The initiative is actively growing in spatial, collaboration and data accumulation terms. The working group of about 30 mycologists from eight organisations dedicated to the data mobilisation was created as part of the Siberian Mycological Society (informal organisation since 2019). They have compiled the almost complete bibliographic list of mycology-related papers for the southern West Siberia, including over 900 publications for the last two centuries (the earliest dated 1800). All literature sources were digitised and an online library was created to integrate bibliography metadata and digitised papers using Zotero bibliography manager. The analysis of published sources showed that about two-thirds of works contain occurrences of fungi for the scope of mobilisation. At the time of the paper submission, the database had been populated with a total of about 8 K records from 93 sources. The dataset is uploaded to GBIF, where it is available for online search of species occurrences and/or download. The project's page with the introduction, templates, bibliography list, video-presentations and written instructions is available (in Russian) at the web site of the Siberian Mycological Society. The initiative will be continued in the following years to extract the records from all published sources. New information The paper presents the first project with the aim of literature-based occurrence data mobilisation of fungi and fungi-related organisms in the southern West Siberia. The full bibliography and a digital library of all regional mycological publications created for the first time includes about 900 published works. By the time of paper submission, nearly 8 K occurrence records were extracted from about 90 literature sources and integrated into the FuSWS database published in GBIF

    Serotonin limits generation of chromaffin cells during adrenal organ development

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    Adrenal glands are the major organs releasing catecholamines and regulating our stress response. The mechanisms balancing generation of adrenergic chromaffin cells and protecting against neuroblastoma tumors are still enigmatic. Here we revealed that serotonin (5HT) controls the numbers of chromaffin cells by acting upon their immediate progenitor "bridge" cells via 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A (HTR3A), and the aggressive HTR3Ahigh human neuroblastoma cell lines reduce proliferation in response to HTR3A-specific agonists. In embryos (in vivo), the physiological increase of 5HT caused a prolongation of the cell cycle in "bridge" progenitors leading to a smaller chromaffin population and changing the balance of hormones and behavioral patterns in adulthood. These behavioral effects and smaller adrenals were mirrored in the progeny of pregnant female mice subjected to experimental stress, suggesting a maternal-fetal link that controls developmental adaptations. Finally, these results corresponded to a size-distribution of adrenals found in wild rodents with different coping strategies

    Development of health-saving competencies in students from dysfunctional families as a factor of socialization and formation of a healthy behavior model

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    The paper presents a study of the specific features of socialization, as well as the formation and development of health promoting competences in students from dysfunctional families. The authors of the paper conducted a theoretical and methodological analysis of the stated problem (the characteristics of the main groups of dysfunctional families and their classification are given; the content of the concept of deviant behaviour as a factor of desocialization of the student’s personality is uncovered), and an empirical study was carried out. Based on the results obtained, an additional education program was designed and tested, aimed at the formation and development of socialization skills and health promoting competences in students. It has been proved that after doing the program, students have developed the following personal qualities required for successful socialization in society: personal identification (knowing their desires, needs; strengths and weaknesses; ideas about their character traits); ideas about the skills of communicative behaviour. Creative imagination mechanisms were developed and an idea of the world of professions was formed. As part of the formation of health promoting competences, students developed coping behaviour skills in difficult life situations and coping strategies. In addition, the authors of the paper provide methodological recommendations for the introduction of the designed program into the practice of the educational process

    The Use of Deep Machine Learning for the Automated Selection of Remote Sensing Data for the Determination of Areas of Arable Land Degradation Processes Distribution

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    Soil degradation processes are widespread on agricultural land. Ground-based methods for detecting degradation require a lot of labor and time. Remote methods based on the analysis of vegetation indices can significantly reduce the volume of ground surveys. Currently, machine learning methods are increasingly being used to analyze remote sensing data. In this paper, the task is set to apply deep machine learning methods and methods of vegetation indices calculation to automate the detection of areas of soil degradation development on arable land. In the course of the work, a method was developed for determining the location of degraded areas of soil cover on arable fields. The method is based on the use of multi-temporal remote sensing data. The selection of suitable remote sensing data scenes is based on deep machine learning. Deep machine learning was based on an analysis of 1028 scenes of Landsats 4, 5, 7 and 8 on 530 agricultural fields. Landsat data from 1984 to 2019 was analyzed. Dataset was created manually for each pair of &ldquo;Landsat scene&rdquo;/&ldquo;agricultural field number&rdquo;(for each agricultural field, the suitability of each Landsat scene was assessed). Areas of soil degradation were calculated based on the frequency of occurrence of low NDVI values over 35 years. Low NDVI values were calculated separately for each suitable fragment of the satellite image within the boundaries of each agricultural field. NDVI values of one-third of the field area and lower than the other two-thirds were considered low. During testing, the method gave 12.5% of type I errors (false positive) and 3.8% of type II errors (false negative). Independent verification of the method was carried out on six agricultural fields on an area of 713.3 hectares. Humus content and thickness of the humus horizon were determined in 42 ground-based points. In arable land degradation areas identified by the proposed method, the probability of detecting soil degradation by field methods was 87.5%. The probability of detecting soil degradation by ground-based methods outside the predicted regions was 3.8%. The results indicate that deep machine learning is feasible for remote sensing data selection based on a binary dataset. This eliminates the need for intermediate filtering systems in the selection of satellite imagery (determination of clouds, shadows from clouds, open soil surface, etc.). Direct selection of Landsat scenes suitable for calculations has been made. It allows automating the process of constructing soil degradation maps

    Effect of Elevated Storage Temperatures on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Apple Puree

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    Food products change their quality during storage not only under the external impact, but also because they are complex in composition. As a result, food scientists look for new methods to control these internal changes. The research objective was to describe the changes in the physicochemical properties of apple puree during storage at elevated temperatures (40–60°C) and link them with the changes in the sensory profile. The study featured homogenized apple puree packaged in composite material and heated up to 40, 50, and 60°C. The colorimetric studies were conducted at 45°/0°, light source D65. The proton relaxation time and the water diffusion coefficient (impulse gradient method) were studied at a frequency of 20 MHz. The analysis of molecular dynamics involved the method of electron paramagnetic resonance of spin probes. The samples were cooled down to –70°C to measure the content of non-crystallizing water by the method of differential scanning calorimetry. The color change rate was constant and followed the zero-order kinetic reaction equation with an activation energy of 92 kJ/mol. The changes in color, proton relaxation, and sensory properties correlated when the samples were stored at 50 and 60°C. The analysis of the magnetic relaxation time, the diffusion coefficient of water, and the content of non-crystallizing water indicated that the main changes in the physical structure of the puree during heat treatment occurred as a result of the aggregation of apple cell fragments. These findings were confirmed by the optical microscopy. A prolonged exposure to 40–60°C affected the color, the relaxation of water protons, and the size of aggregates of apple cell fragments. It also affected the amount of water that did not crystallize at –70°C. The correspondence between the values of the activation energies was determined by the methods of colorimetry and proton relaxation. Therefore, the coloration and the water changes depended on the same processes. These physical and chemical properties can be used for quantitative assessment of apple puree under thermal treatment

    Noradrenaline Sensitivity Is Severely Impaired in Immortalized Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Line

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    Primary adipose tissue-derived multipotent stem/stromal cells (adMSCs) demonstrate unusual signaling regulatory mechanisms, i.e., increased of sensitivity to catecholamines in response to noradrenaline. This phenomenon is called “heterologous sensitization”, and was previously found only in embryonic cells. Since further elucidation of the molecular mechanisms that are responsible for such sensitization in primary adMSCs was difficult due to the high heterogeneity in adrenergic receptor expression, we employed immortalized adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell lines (hTERT-MSCs). Using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence microscopy, we demonstrated that the proportion of cells expressing adrenergic receptor isoforms does not differ significantly in hTERT-MSCs cells compared to the primary adMSCs culture. However, using analysis of Ca2+-mobilization in single cells, we found that these cells did not demonstrate the sensitization seen in primary adMSCs. Consistently, these cells did not activate cAMP synthesis in response to noradrenaline. These data indicate that immortalized adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell lines demonstrated impaired ability to respond to noradrenaline compared to primary adMSCs. These data draw attention to the usage of immortalized cells for MSCs-based regenerative medicine, especially in the field of pharmacology

    T-Cadherin Expression in Melanoma Cells Stimulates Stromal Cell Recruitment and Invasion by Regulating the Expression of Chemokines, Integrins and Adhesion Molecules

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    T-cadherin is a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored member of the cadherin superfamily involved in the guidance of migrating cells. We have previously shown that in vivo T-cadherin overexpression leads to increased melanoma primary tumor growth due to the recruitment of mesenchymal stromal cells as well as the enhanced metastasis. Since tumor progression is highly dependent upon cell migration and invasion, the aim of the present study was to elucidate the mechanisms of T-cadherin participation in these processes. Herein we show that T-cadherin expression results in the increased invasive potential due to the upregulated expression of pro-oncogenic integrins, chemokines, adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix components. The detected increase in chemokine expression could be responsible for the stromal cell recruitment. At the same time our previous data demonstrated that T-cadherin expression inhibited neoangiogenesis in the primary tumors. We demonstrate molecules and reduction in pro-angiogenic factors. Thus, T-cadherin plays a dual role in melanoma growth and progression: T-cadherin expression results in anti-angiogenic effects in melanoma, however, this also stimulates transcription of genes responsible for migration and invasion of melanoma cells