204 research outputs found

    Scientific basis of use of fruits Coriandrum sativum L. In food technologies

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    Today in the world recognized the need for environmentally friendly products for a healthy food and quality life. Products with natural ingredients, including flavoring become very popular. Coriander is one of herbs that functions as both, spice as well as herbal medicine. Coriandrum sativum L. is a major aromatic crop in Ukraine. The plants of Coriandrum sativum contain the essential oils and other compounds in the seeds and leaves and have an important role as flavorings. The main objective was to investigate possibility effective utilization of coriander essential oil in national economy of Ukraine. It was necessary to study the chemical compounds of coriander fruits by instrumental analysis and odor by sensory analysis with following creating new aroma compositions. Search had been carried out throughout 2009 - 2014 years. The aerial parts of aromatic plants were harvested at the plots of National Botanical Garden of National Academy of the Sciences of Ukraine. Essential oil was obtained by hydro distillation procedure in National University of food technology. Main and specific components of essential oils from seeds coriander were characterized. Qualitative structure of essential oils was determined by the gas-liquid chromatography method on the chromatograph Agilent Technologies 6890 with mass-spectrometric detector 5973. The run of components was done using Device of Fractional Distillation. Linalool, limonene, geranyl acetate, d-camphor, myrcene and geraniol were found as the major components. In the composition of essential oils each component has its own flavor, the combination of which determines the flavor of the oil. We investigated the possibility of target separation of essential oils of coriander fruits into fractions of different flavor. The article presents the results of research sequential processing fruits Coriandrum sativum to obtain a series of natural flavors. Principles and laws of the vacuum distillation were used for directional control of the process distillation of complex mixtures of hydrocarbons on the distillation column. Mode of selection process the fractionation of essential oils allowed changing the component composition of the fractions and to provide more variety of flavors. Monitoring of the fractioning process allows concentrating the key aromatic components and receiving highly concentrated flavors of original pure notes. Combinations of the individual fractions with a specific weight have been created. We obtained some fractions which can be used as flavorings in food industries. Highly concentrated flavor "Coriander fragrance" was developed with fraction № 3 of essential oil coriander. "Coriander fragrance" can be used instead of the aromatic spirits of coriander seeds in liquors and spirits production for producing bitters, liquors and other drinks, e.g. vodkas "Gorilka", "Chernihivska", "Starokyivska". The flavors "Coriander fragrance" was used in processing for "Lollipop" candies, vodka special "Captain", dessert drink "Married couple"

    Massification of the Higher Education as a Way to Individual Subjective Wellbeing

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    The massification of the university education is inevitable process nowadays. On the one hand it allows solving the problem of knowledge generation and dissemination. On the other hand it helps individuals to achieve the subjective wellbeing, which is based on acquisition of knowledge that is necessary for the professional and individual orientation. In this article authors made an attempt to set tendency between individual's participation in the educational process and the acquisition of wellbeing's state. Taking into account modern trend of continuous education, authors as well suppose the existence of permanent wellbeing state. This statement is partially proven by social surveys and research's data, which has been conducted in Russia, Brazil, South Africa and other countries. Attractiveness and accessibility of education for people from different social groups determine the future level of public education. The rapid technological development of society, accessibility and mass character of educational programs, unconscious strivings of the major part of society to wellbeing must inevitably lead to the growth of average citizen's accomplishment

    Руина как текст

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    Статья посвящена исследованию руины как специфического вида архитектурного «текста». Рассматриваются ключевые аспекты интерпретации руины (роль наблюдателя, распредмечивание, время, контекст). Раскрываются взаимосвязь и взаимодействие «текста» руины и литературного текста как источников информации для исследовательской и проектной работы. Прочтение руины как палимпсеста позволяет найти новые пути решения проблемы подлинности исторической среды, необходимости её восстановления и степени вмешательства в неё. Анализ совместной работы руинированного архитектурного и литературного текстов производится на примере комплекса разрушенных загородных усадеб в посёлке Безверхово (Сидими) Приморского края. Это один из немногочисленных сохранившихся (в руинах) примеров дальневосточной загородной архитектуры. Одновременно с этим сохранилось немало воспоминаний об усадьбах семей Гек, Бринер и Янковских в художественных произведениях и мемуарах их хозяев и гостей

    Dynamics of Reading Culture in the Global Information Society

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    The article raises the issue of reading culture dynamics in the global information society. The tendency of the development of the modern information society is the change in the axiological status of practices that previously had a marker of elitist, high-status intellectual participants (reading fiction, hearing and understanding classical art, conscious perception of modern art, etc.). Reading is connected with the definition of the status of information as a socio-cultural phenomenon and carriers of information, which are basic for modern man. Fiction acquires the importance of a marker of the relationship of the individual with the extra-utilitarian practices of modern society. Reading is still the practice of elite, despite the declared availability of knowledge in the post-industrial era. A new kind of reading culture is being born, which is presented by "texts about texts" since in the modern world, it is not the phenomenon which is important but its presentation. New network media begin to be experts which define the borders and the orientation of reading. They emphasize novelty and a broad thematic scope of literary texts, which reviews will become basic for the world view of a modern person

    Application of Biogas Installations as an Alternative Method to Receive Energy

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    The article proves that application of biogas installations as an alternative method to receive energy is efficient; it shows that there are certain difficulties in biogas production. The use of biogas installations in Russia is a quite new energy production method. Despite indisputable benefits of their application, there are also problems connected the half-baked process of their application, rather big investments and, as a result, not a short payback period. There are no federal methods of rate calculations for biogas energy. Besides the fact that electric power and heat received from biogas processing are very economical for enterprises, this production is ecologically friendly; it prevents methane emission in the atmosphere, which is an important thing. One more great benefit is the associated products received in the course waste conversion. The article also points out special features of biogas and biogas installations from the point of view of ecology and efficiency. We have described the project how to use a biogas installation, which characteristics considerably exceed its analogs

    Extreme values of fold-related shortening in the hinterland structure of the Shilbilisaj section in the Talas Ridge (Tien Shan)

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    "alas Ridge forms the western part of the Tien Shan Caledonian structure. The sedimentary cover shows a thickness of about 10 km and consists of carbonate flysch and para-platform deposits metamorphosed under greenschist and lesser grade. This structure relates to the "hinterland" tectonic type, characterized by the abundance of many small and moderate-sized folds of the "similar" morphological type. Conventional cross-section balancing techniques developed for "foreland" structures, with large "parallel" folds cannot be applied correctly to such complicated structures. Thus, a special method based on the "geometry of folded domains" was developed for balancing of "hinterland" structures. To test the proposed method, we choose the westernmost Shilbilisaj profile of the Talas Ridge that consists of a large number of folds." (fragm.

    Model of assessing the impact of factors on cash flow multiplicators

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    The article suggests one of the options for solving the problem of accounting for the impact of factors on the change in cash flow when investing or estimating the business valuation, including for the purposes of future M&A transactions. The authors economically justified the multiplier of backing the stocks by the amount of sale proceeds used as an indicator that most efficiently describes the financial state of the issuer. The article proposes a model of assessing the impact of factors that allows an investor to define the degree of impact of cash flow multipliers on the change in the multiplier of the stock market price to revenue. Depending on the growth or fall in the value of multiplier of the stock market price to revenue, the investor can forecast future free cash flow or financial losses, which will allow them to make an economically justified decision to invest in stocks of a particular issuer. The article presents a case of using the developed model of the factors impact.peer-reviewe

    Organization changes of the university’s corporate culture underthe influence of the social Internet communications

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    In the article the definition of the term "corporate culture of the university" is refined and supplemented. It is noted that the traditional understanding does not reflect the fundamental changes taking place in the education system and interpersonal relationships of teachers and students of the university, and that undoubtedly have a significant influence on the corporate culture of the university formation

    The organization of the rating system for assessing the quality of university students training

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    In spite the universities use the rating system of assessing for a quite long time, this issue is still not fully considered. The article is based on the position of insufficient state of knowledge of the multifunctionality of the students rating. The rating helps to reveal the potential of students. It is mentioned that the rating system of assessment is a tool that will improve the quality of training and provide the required level of motivation. During the research, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. As a result, the principles of the rating assessment system were revealed, a definition of the term "Rating" was given, its goals were indicated. As an example of the organization of the rating system of assessment, the Nyzhnii Novhorod State Pedagogical University and its "Regulations on the rating system for assessing the quality of student training" were used. It is noted that the rating includes: current check, midterm and final examinations. Further, all possible conditions under which the student receives points were identified and considered. On the example of the NSPU named after Kozma Minin transferring of the rating points into a five-point grading rating system is presented. Also, the types of violations for which points are discarded, are considered. As the study showed, comprehensive planned system yields productive results for students and the university.peer-reviewe

    The barycentric model of determining the sustainable growth determinants

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    The authors investigate the issue of modelling the balance of sustainable growth determinants based on determining the center of mass. They have identified the most relevant factors that characterize countries' social, economic, and political spheres, digital capability, and cybersecurity to determine sustainable development and growth. The research has been carried out based on empirical values of the selected 17 indicators for 127 world countries in 2018. As a result, the four–pole barycentric models were built as quadrangles, the vertices of which are composite targets formed by the determinants of the four spheres. The models' calculations were carried out taking into account three components: the values of the composite targets (as a geometric mean), the level of pairs balance (as the sum of opposite pairs of quadrilateral angles), and all four targets (as the distance between the actual and standard value of the center of mass). According to the analysis result of the first component, developed countries have the most effective targets (top five – Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and the Netherlands). Research of the results of the second component has revealed an imbalance in target pairs for most countries. Determinants of socio–political development are the most effective for developed countries. The economic sphere is most unbalanced for the least developed countries. Various determinants can cause an imbalance for developing and new industrial countries. The analysis of the center of mass distances revealed that not only developed countries could be balanced, but also developing, new industrial and the least developed, which indicates a balanced development of their determinants, which is pretty slow. New Zealand, Mauritius, South Africa and Mali were the most balanced in each country's sustainable growth group