15 research outputs found

    Озонотерапія аденоміозу у безплідних жінок з гіпотиреозом

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    Aim of research – specification of hormonal-immunologic shifts and increase of the effectiveness of sterility treatment in patients with adenomyosis and hypothyroidism.Materials and methods. There were examined 90 women with the primary sterility, who participated in the program of auxiliary reproductive technologies (ART) – extracorporal fertilization ART, among them 60 with adenomyosis and hypothyroidism (main group), the control group included 30 patients without thyroid pathologies without gynecological diseases. The main group was divided in 2 clinical groups: 30 patients, who underwent the traditional treatment and 30 whom the ozone therapy was additionally prescribed to. The methods of ultrasound examination, MRT, determination of the hormonal and immunologic status, cytokines state before and after the treatment were used.Results. At adenomyosis at the background of hypothyroidism were determined the changes of hypophysis and ovary function that may be caused by the increase of thyrotropic hormone (TTG), follicles stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin secretion. Adenomyosis, associated with hypothyroidism disturbs the cellular and humoral immunity, favors shifts in the cytokine link of immunity. At the further observation over patients of the main group, the ART extracorporal fertilization program demonstrated its more effectiveness in sterility treatment by the ozone therapy (26,7 %), comparing with the traditional treatment (16,6 %).Conclusions. The use of ozone therapy favors normalization of hormonal and immune parameters in women with adenomyosis and thyroid pathology, resulting in the increase of auxiliary reproductive technologies (ARD) effectivenessМета дослідження – уточнення гормонально-імунологічних зсувів і підвищення ефективності лікування безпліддя у хворих на аденоміоз та гіпотиреоз. Застосування озонотерапії в комплексному лікуванні безпліддя у жінок з аденоміозом та гіпотіреозом сприяє нормалізації ендокринної функції гіпофіза та яєчніків, активізації клітинного імунітету, відновленню цитокінового статусу, підвищенню ефективності допоміжних репродуктивних технологі


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    The paper presents the results on archaeometric characterization of a test sample of building materials from the settlements of the Late Roman period Komariv and Buzovytsia-1 in the middle course of the Dniester river. The parameters of raw material and technology of bricks from the two sites are compared and the first reconstruction of features of operational chains are offered. Also, the first comparison of the Late Roman period materials with same-function artifacts of the Middle Ages (Old Rus’ Culture) has been made. The development of petrographic and geochemical classification of archaeological building ceramics from the sites of the Central and South-West Ukraine was started.El artículo presenta los resultados de la caracterización arqueométrica de una muestra preliminar de materiales de construcción de los asentamientos de la época romana de Komariv y Buzovytsia-1 en el curso medio del río Dniéster. Se comparan los parámetros de la materia prima y la tecnología del zócalo de los dos sitios y se ofrece la primera reconstrucción de las características de las cadenas operativas. También se ha realizado la primera comparación de los materiales del periodo romano tardío con los artefactos de la misma función de la Edad Media (la antigua cultura de la Rus). Se inició el desarrollo de la clasificación petrográfica y geoquímica de la cerámica de construcción arqueológica de los monumentos del centro y suroeste de Ucrania

    Рsychological Analysis of Procrastination as a Destructive Factor in the Formation of Professionalism

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    The article actualizes the problem of psychological research features of procrastination, and definition of its influence on formation of professionalism at student's age. The psychological analysis of the concept of "procrastination" is carried out, the essence and specifics of procrastination development in student age are investigated, the level of procrastination development in student age and psychological mechanisms of its influence on formation of professionalism are investigated. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical methods (analysis of scientific and methodological literature of noctive and foreign authors in psychology); empirical methods (Scale of assessment of the need for achievements of Yu. Orlov; Methods of research of volitional self-regulation A. Zverkov, E. Eidman; Melbourne decision-making questionnaire (adaptation of T. Kornilova, S. Kornilov); Scale of procrastination for students S. Ley; Methodology "Self-assessment organization"; Questionnaire "Control over action" Yu. Kulya; Temporary Perspective Questionnaire (ZTPI) Zimbardo; Questionnaire "Integral job satisfaction" N. Fetiskin, V. Kozlov, G. Manuilov). The experimental base of the study were students majoring in 053 "Psychology" of Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus (n = 92 people) aged 18-22 years.</p

    Psychocorrection of Adolescents 'Anxiety by Music Therapy

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    Personal anxiety in adolescence is largely determined by psychological factors (personal, adaptive, motivational), and the correction of personal anxiety in adolescents is possible by combining two areas of work: reducing the effects of psychological factors on its occurrence; development of constructive forms of behavior in psychogenic situations, in conditions of increased anxiety through the use of music therapy. The aim of the study is to study the state of anxiety in adolescence after psychocorrection by music therapy. A set of methods was used to study the psychological features of anxiety in adolescents, ways to overcome and level before and after the psychocorrection program. There are a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety: an increase in self-esteem and responsibility, increased self-esteem, which, in turn, led to a decrease in the difference between this indicator and the level of claims, a change in attitude realistic type, changing the distribution of affiliation motives and achieving in favor of the motive of the desire to accept and the desire to succeed, respectively. The effectiveness of the corrective effect was manifested in the change in the distribution of subjects by levels of anxiety. A high level of personal anxiety was recorded, after the implementation of the program it halved. During the study, a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety were recorded. The results show, however, that psychocorrectional work with music therapy is effective in the work of a psychologist. The obtained results can be used both during the training of future psychologists, the development of a psycho-correctional program and during family counseling.</em


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    The article highlights the problem of teaching Ukrainian language to English-speaking medical students. The importance of three main components that are contributed to the study of the Ukrainian language as a foreign have been cleared up. The methods of teaching the Ukrainian language to English-speaking medical students are presented. The essence of the terms "professional medical terminology", "communicative culture of the student of a medical institution" have been distinguished and the main ways of its formation have been elucidated. Key words: professional medical terminology psychological, linguistic, methodological components, semantization, speech activity.У статті висвітлено методи і прийоми оволодіння українською мовою англомовними студентами-медиками. Наголошено на важливості трьох основних компонентів, що сприяють вивченню української мови як іноземної. Подано низку пропозицій щодо застосування різноманітних методів і прийомів навчання. Визначено сутність поняття “професійна медична термінологія”, “комунікативна культура студента медичного закладу” та з’ясовано основні шляхи її формування. Ключові слова: професійна медична термінологія, психологічний, лінгвістичний, методологічний компоненти, семантизація, мовленнєва  діяльність

    Foreign Experience in Mastering Medical Professional Terminology by Foreign Students at Medical Universities

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    Professional broadcasting of future medical foreign workers in the medical sector is a compulsory component of their professional readiness. The diversity of professional broadcasting functions of foreign students, the skillful use of the entire range of speech functionality, its external expressive attributability of speech; these are the most important means of medical skills, which are achieved by training at preparatory faculties. The purpose, principles, approaches, content and structure of the program that realize the concept of Ukrainian-language training of foreign citizens in Ukrainian universities have been described. Comparative analysis of the curriculum on studying Ukrainian, Russian languages by foreign students in CIS countries has been conducted. It has been shown that the program meets the requirements of the General Education Standards in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language, the All-European Recommendations on Language Education and defines the levels of language and communicative competence of foreign students for the main types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The program provides the students with communicative needs in everyday life, educational, professional, socio-cultural, educational and scientific spheres and the formation of a communicative competence that will contribute to the formation of the linguistic personality of a future specialist. The analysis of professional broadcasting of future foreign medical workers as a socio-pedagogical problem has been carried out. The importance of mastering professional speech as an obligatory part of professional readiness of foreign students-physicians has been singled out. The efficiency of the methodical system for implementation pedagogical conditions in the process of studying at preparatory faculties in medical universities has been analyzed. All material has been tailored to meet the goals and objectives defined by the cognitive and professional needs of foreign students

    Solvation Free Energies of the Fullerenes C 60

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    Some aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of eosinophilic granuloma in cats

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    Eosinophils represent the most active cells in mammals that show protective and assistive activity in the host immune defence against helminth parasites. These cells are also responsible for the reduction of allergic and inflammatory reactions. The eosinophils play a key role in allergic reactions by secretion of different chemical molecules leading to swelling, lesions and granuloma onset

    Modulation of Entrapment Efficiency and In Vitro Release Properties of BSA-Loaded Chitosan Microparticles Cross-Linked with Citric Acid as a Potential Protein–Drug Delivery System

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    Microparticles, aimed for oral protein and peptide drug delivery, were prepared via emulsion cross-linking using citric acid as cross-linker and polyglycerol polyricinoleate as surfactant. A comparative study of the interaction between chitosan and citric acid and its effect on the resulting microparticle properties was performed using different chitosan-to-cross-linker mass ratios and pH-values during fabrication of the microparticles. Non-cross-linked and cross-linked microparticles were studied in terms of size (4&ndash;12 &mu;m), zeta potential (&minus;15.7 to 12.8 mV), erosion (39.7&ndash;75.6%), a model protein encapsulation efficiency (bovine serum albumin) (6.8&ndash;27.6%), and loading capacity (10.4&ndash;40%). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction confirmed the ionic interaction between the protonated amine groups of chitosan and the carboxylate ions of the cross-linking agent. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the non-cross-linked microparticles had an uneven shape with wrinkled surfaces, while the cross-linked formulations were spherical in shape with smooth surfaces. On the basis of these data, the role of the surfactant and microparticle structure on the release mechanism was proposed. Control of the microparticle shape and release mechanisms is expected to be crucial in developing carriers for the controlled delivery of proteins and peptides