16 research outputs found


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    A simple method for computation of voltage and frequency regulation curves of a self-excited induction generator is presented in this paper. The method has been successfully exploited for identifying several different types of regulation curves of a 1.5 kW cage rotor self-excited induction generator. The proposed approach is universal and can be used for identification of any generator’s regulation curves, if the parameters of the equivalent circuit are known. Information contained in these computed curves can be very useful while designing systems for automatic control of self-excited induction generators

    Whole exome resequencing reveals recessive mutations in TRAP1 in individuals with CAKUT and VACTERL association

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    Congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) account for approximately half of children with chronic kidney disease and they are the most frequent cause of end-stage renal disease in children in the US. However, its genetic etiology remains mostly elusive. VACTERL association is a rare disorder that involves congenital abnormalities in multiple organs including the kidney and urinary tract in up to 60% of the cases. By homozygosity mapping and whole exome resequencing combined with high-throughput mutation analysis by array-based multiplex PCR and next-generation sequencing, we identified recessive mutations in the gene TNF receptor-associated protein 1 (TRAP1) in two families with isolated CAKUT and three families with VACTERL association. TRAP1 is a heat shock protein 90-related mitochondrial chaperone possibly involved in antiapoptotic and endoplasmic reticulum-stress signaling. Trap1 is expressed in renal epithelia of developing mouse kidney E13.5 and in the kidney of adult rats, most prominently in proximal tubules and in thick medullary ascending limbs of Henle’s loop. Thus, we identified mutations in TRAP1 as highly likely causing CAKUT or CAKUT in VACTERL association

    Chronic kidney disease during a 12-year period at tertiary health institution

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    Introduction. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in paediatric population. Objective. The aim of the study was analysis of aetiology, staging and associated complications of CKD at the time of diagnosis. Methods. Data of 97 patients (56 boys) of average age 7.8±5.8 years, referred for the first time to the Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare „Dr Vukan Čupić”, Belgrade in the period 1998- 2009, due to CKD, stage 2-5, were analysed. In each patient illness history was obtained, and physical examination, laboratory, X-ray and other investigations were performed according to the indications. CKD was classified according to the glomerular filtration rate into four grades: 2 - mild (60-90 ml/min/1.73 m2); 3 - moderate (30-60 ml/min/1.73 m2); 4 - advanced (15-30 ml/ min/1.73 m2); and 5 - terminal (<15 ml/min/1.73 m2). Results. The most frequent causes of CKD were congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (43.3%), followed by glomerular diseases (17.5%), hereditary kidney diseases (16.5%), metabolic diseases (7.2%) and other causes (15.5%). Mild CKD was found in 29.8%, moderate in 28.9%, advanced in 22.7%, and terminal in 18.6% children. Among patients with CKD stage 4 and 5, 75% of patients presented with acute renal failure, while 25% had earlier detected CKD (stage 1), but were not under regular follow-up. Associated complications included metabolic acidosis (63%), anaemia (60%), hypertension (42.3%), short stature (25.8%), renal osteodystrophy (13.4%) and cardiovascular diseases (7.2%). Conclusion. Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract are the leading cause of CKD in paediatric population. A significant proportion (41.3%) of patients had advanced and terminal CKD. In most patients CKD was diagnosed late and with associated complications

    Evaluation of heavy metals and radionuclides in fish and seafood products

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    Despite the existence of a legislation regarding food contaminants, food safety control in Serbia is a matter of great concern. This study investigates the radioactivity levels and heavy metal concentrations in fish and seafood commercially available in Serbian markets. Domestic fish species (caught in the Danube River)and fishery products imported from Europe, Asia and America were analyzed. The content of natural radionuclides and 137 Cs were investigated by gamma spectrometry. Activity concentration of 40 K was measured in the range of 44–165 Bq kg −1 ; low levels of 137 Cs were detected in two samples (2.8 and 3.0 Bq kg −1 ), while concentrations of 226 Ra and 232 Th were below minimal detectable values. Concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Hg and Pb)were determined using ICP-OES method. Cd concentration ranged from 0.01 to 0.81 mg kg −1 in sea fish and from 0.01 to 0.03 mg kg −1 in freshwater fish. Hg concentrations were in the range of 0.01–1.47 mg kg −1 ; the highest value was measured in the predator fish - shark. The highest level of Pb (6.56 mg kg −1 )was detected in a blue sea fish (Atlantic mackerel). The health risks associated with the intake of heavy metals and radionuclides via fish consumption were evaluated. The results indicate that fish and seafood consumption do not pose a significant health concern in the case of the usual consumption rate which is typical for the population of Serbia. However, a highly frequent consumption of fishery products can have adverse health effects, especially due to Hg and Pb contamination.Peer-reviewed version: [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2944

    Chronic kidney disease in TARS2-related mitochondrial disease – A case report

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    This case report describes a patient harboring TARS2 mutations where chronic kidney disease stands out as the predominant clinical feature. The distinct manifestation observed in this case underscores the importance of continual exploration and documentation of diverse clinical presentations associated with TARS2 mutations, contributing to an enriched comprehension of the spectrum of effects linked to this genetic variatio

    Senzorna prihvatljivost sremske kobasice izrađene od mesa svinja različite starosti

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    Dry fermented sausages are one of the most valued groups of meat products. Specific environmental conditions determined the production technology, which has remained mostly unchanged until the present day. These products possess specific, sometimes unique sensory characteristics. One of the most famous product in our country, belonging to this group, is Sremska sausage. Traditionally, Sremska sausage was made from meat of late maturing pig breeds that were slaughtered at the age of over 12 months and which, during the last decades, for well-known reasons, were suppressed by modern breeds and their crossbreeds. Today, meat of pigs of about six months of age, as well as pigs older than 12 months, is used for sausage production. Taste and aroma of dry and fermented products are formed, among other things, by the activity of endogenic proteinases, peptidases and lipase and it is well-known that their levels and activity are conditioned by the age of pigs. Colour intensity and stability, another important sensory parameter indicating the quality of fermented sausages, is closely associated with the colour of meat used in production, while the texture is a result of complex influences, including composition and quality of fatty tissue, dynamics and intensity of pH changes and presence of connective tissue in fresh meat. This paper examines the impact of pig age on biochemical and sensory parameters in Sremska sausage during production and three-month storage period. Meat and fatty tissue used in the experiments were from Swedish Landrace, more specifically six-month old fatteners (variant A) and 12-month old cull sows (variant B). Biochemical changes in sausages made from meat of pigs between six and 12 months of age basically differed only slightly. Dynamics of pH value changes and the content of non-protein nitrogen showed similar tendencies, as well as the electrophoretic profiles of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins. The impact of pig age on sensory characteristics of Sremska sausage was pronounced. Variant A sausages had the best appearance and texture when compared to variant B on days 14, 60 and 105 of the experiment. The colour of product A was also more appealing during the experiment. As for taste and aroma, variant A was inferior on day 14, but during storage, the taste and aroma of this variant improved, unlike those of variant B, in which these parameters deteriorated. Variant A sausages had much lighter cross-section (P lt 0,05). On the surface and the cross-section of variant A, statistically significantly higher participation of red colour (a*) was registered, than in variant B.Suve fermentisane kobasice poseduju specifične, nekada jedinstvene senzorne karakteristike. Sremska kobasica je jedan od najpoznatijih proizvoda iz ove grupe proizvoda u našoj zemlji. Tradicionalno se sremska kobasica proizvodila od mesa kasnostasnih rasa svinja, starijih od 12 meseci, koje su tokom prošlih decenija potisnutle plemenite rase svinja, i njihovi melezi. Danas se, najčešće, koristi meso tovljenika starih oko 6 meseci i meso svinja starijih od 12 meseci. Ukus i miris sušenih i fermentisanih proizvoda formiraju se, između ostalog, aktivnošću endogenih proteinaza, peptidaza i lipaza, a njihov nivo i aktivnost uslovljeni su starošću svinja. Intenzitet i postojanost boje u tesnoj je vezi sa bojom mesa koje se koristi, a tekstura je rezultat složenih uticaja, od kojih se ističu: sastav i kvalitet masnog tkiva, dinamika i intenzitet promena pH vrednosti, kao i razvijenost vezivnotkivnih komponenti sirovine. Ispitivan je uticaj starosti svinja na biohemijske i senzorne parametre sremske kobasice tokom proizvodnje i tromesečnog skladištenja. Korišćeni su meso i masno tkivo svinja rase švedski landras, i to: šestomesečnih tovljenika (varijanta A) i krmača starih 12 meseci izlučenih iz priploda (varijanta B). Biohemijske promene, u osnovi, se malo razlikuju. Dinamika promene pH vrednosti, sadržaj neproteinskog azota i elektroforetski profili sarkoplazmatskih i miofibrilarnih proteina, u obe varijante, pokazuju veoma slične tendencije. Uticaj starosti svinja na senzorne karakteristike ispitivanih varijanti sremske kobasice je izražen. Kobasice varijante A imale su bolji spoljašnji izgled i boju. U pogledu mirisa, varijanta A, je na početku ogleda, bila inferiorna, ali se tokom skladištenja miris ove varijante poboljšavao, za razliku od varijante B, kod koje se miris pogoršavao. U toku čuvanja, ukus varijante B ocenjen je sličnim ocenama, dok se ukus varijante A poboljšao. Na površini i na preseku kobasica varijante A utvrđeno je statistički značajno veće učešće crvene boje, a, takođe, su i značajno veće svetloće na preseku

    Congenital thrombocytopenia with nephritis: The first case of MYH9 related disorder in Serbia

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    Introduction. The group of autosomal dominant disorders - Epstein syndrome, Sebastian syndrome, Fechthner syndrome and May-Hegglin anomaly - are characterised by thrombocytopenia with giant platelets, inclusion bodies in granulocytes and variable levels of deafness, disturbances of vision and renal function impairment. A common genetic background of these disorders are mutations in MYH9 gene, coding for the nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA. Differential diagnosis is important for the adequate treatment strategy. The aim of this case report was to present a patient with MYH9 disorder in Serbia. Case report. A 16-year-old boy was referred to our hospital with the diagnosis of resistant immune thrombocytopenia for splenectomy. Thrombocytopenia was incidentally discovered at the age of five. The treatment with corticosteroids on several occasions was unsuccessful. Although the platelet count was below 10 × 109/L, there were no bleeding symptoms. Besides thrombocytopenia with giant platelets, on admission the patient also suffered sensorineuronal hearing loss and proteinuria. The diagnosis was confirmed with immunofluorescence and genetic analyses. Conclusion. Early recognition of MYH9-related diseases is essential to avoid unnecessary and potentially harmful treatments for misdiagnosed immune thrombocytopenia, and also for timely and proper therapy in attempt to delay end-stage renal failure and improve quality of life. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175056 i br. 15079

    Atypical presentation of cystic fibrosis: Obese adolescent with hypertension and pseudo-Bartter’s syndrome

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    Introduction. Infants with cystic fibrosis may fail to thrive despite recommended caloric intake because of electrolyte disurbances caused by salt depletion resulting in hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis or pseudo-Bartter's syndrome. In most patients reported symptoms began in infancy, but it may be an initial presentation of disease in a previously healthy adolescent. Case report. A 15-year-old boy was admitted for evaluation of recurrent episodes of malaise associated with dehydration and acute renal insufficiency. Laboratory analysis showed hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis with hyponatremia and hypokalemia. On admission the boy was obese, with body weight of 95.5 kg (> P97), height 174 cm (> P75), and body mass index of 31.2 kg/m2 (> P95). Physical examination was inconclusive. Blood pressure holter monitoring proved significant systolic hypertension. Routine urinalysis, protein and electrolyte levels in urine were normal. Plasma renin and aldosteron were normal. Sweat chloride concentration was 63 mmol/L. Genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. Conclusion. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of atypical presentation of cystic fibrosis in an adolescent presented with pseudo-Bartter's syndrome and signs of obesity and hypertension. We suggest that every patient with hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis should be evaluated for cystic fibrosis

    Is Kragujevac city still a "hot spot" area, twenty years after the bombing?

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    After NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999, UNEP has identified Kragujevac as one of the four heavily polluted environmental "hot spots". Damaging of industrial and military targets caused the release of substantial amounts of hazardous chemical substances into the environment. This study was conducted in order to access the exposure of residents of Kragujevac city to persistent soil pollutants, twenty years after NATO air campaign. The paper reports the results of measuring radionuclides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Hg) in soil samples collected from two depths (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm) at 30 locations along the riverbank of the Lepenica River. The average specific activities of Ra-226, Th-232, K-40 and Cs-137 were comparable to average worldwide values; excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) from natural radionuclides ranged from 1.1.10(-4) to 3.3.10(-4). The measured concentrations of As, Co, Cr, Cu, and Ni exceeded the limit values in most of the samples. Non-carcinogenic risk (hazard quotient and hazard index) and carcinogenic risk from heavy metals were assessed. Total hazard index was 0.257 and 2.16 for adults and children, respectively. Sum of measured PAHs ranged from 110 to 1026 mu g kg(-1). Sum of PCBs exceeded the limit value of 20 mu g kg(-1) in all samples (it ranged from 48.8 to 196.8 mu g kg(-1)), but it was still below the remediation level. The differences between two layers with respect to all measured variables were not statistically significant