54 research outputs found

    University of Zagreb Administration Building − Designs and Realisations by Architect Juraj Denzler

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    Arhitekt Denzler izradio je tijekom šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća niz projekata za zgradu Rektorata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U njima je uvijek vodio suptilan dijalog s postojećim elementima građevine, poštujući njezinu tradiciju, ali kreativno i kritički ih dorađujući. Posebno se ističu oblikovanje prozorskih otvora u prizemlju zgrade, unutrašnje uređenje aule i vestibula te obnova vanjskog stubišta s uređenjem vanjskog predvrta.In the sixties and seventies architect Denzler made several designs for the Universityof Zagreb Administration Building. They show his subtle dialogue with the existing elements and tradition of the building, but also his critically minded and creative contribution to its architecture. Especially prominent are the designs for the ground-floor window openings, assembly hall and vestibule, restoration of the exterior staircase and the landscaping of the front garden

    Petrinjska Street in Zagreb

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    Petrinjska ulica razvila se od običnoga prilaznog puta Zagrebu iz 18. stoljeća u višeslojnu gradsku ulicu s građevinama brojnih priznatih graditelja i arhitekata te kvalitetnom arhitekturom. U ulicu je utkan početak širega razvoja grada Zagreba, kao i najranija arhitektura. Postoji razlika u karakteru namjene njezine istočne, većim dijelom stambene, i zapadne strane s pretežito javnom namjenom.Petrinjska Street developed from an 18th century access road into a multilayered urban street with buildings designed by numerous esteemed architects. The street’s development marks the beginning of the wider urban growth of Zagreb and the first architectural projects. Discernible is a functional difference between the eastern side of the street with mostly residential buildings and its western side with public buildings

    Schizotypy: Current concepts and future research implications

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    Shizotipija je konstrukt koji se koristi kako bi se opisala grupa osoba sa simptomima koji ne ispunjavaju kriterijume za postavljanje dijagnoze shizofrenije, ali imaju sličnosti sa ovim kompleksnim i heterogenim psihiajtrijskim oboljenjem. MKB-10 opisuje shizotipiju kao privremeno stanje (shizotipalni poremećaj), dok je DSM-5 opisuje kao trajniji poremećaj (shizotipalni poremećaj ličnosti). S obzirom da se shizotipija prostire kroz normalnu, supkliničku i kliničku populaciju, temeljno teorijsko razumevanje ovog koncepta može biti od pomoći prilikom razvijanja mera procene shizotipije. Do sada, najveći deo psihometrijske evaluacije shizotipije bazirao se na varijetetima individualnih razlika (poremećaja) ličnosti. Ovaj članak se fokusira na evoluciju termina shizotipije, na razumevanje ovog fenomena, mogućnosti psihometrijske procene u skladu sa trenutnim modelima ličnosti i na klinička razmatranja koja bi dovela do poboljšane detekcije i intervencije u ovoj oblasti.Schizotypy is a construct used to describe a group of persons with symptoms which do not fulfill criteria for schizophrenia, but have some similarities with this complex and heterogeneous psychiatric disorder. ICD-10 describes schizotypy as a state (schizotypal disorder), while DSM-5 labels it as a trait marker (schizotypal personality disorder). Considering how schizotypy encompasses through the normal, subclinical and clinical population, a thorough theoretical understanding of this concept could be helpful in developing measures of assessment. So far, most of the tools for psychometric evaluation of schizotypy have focused only on abnormal personality. The present article focuses on the evolution of the term schizotypy, its current understanding, the possibilities of psychometric assessment in relation to contemporary constructs of personality and on clinical considerations for improved detection and intervention in this field

    Stajališta zdravstvenih profesionalaca o ulozi medicinske sestre i promjenama u sestrinstvu

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    Svrha: Cilj je ovog članka istraživanje stajališta članova zdravstvenog tima o ulozi medicinske sestre u promjenama u sestrinstvu, i utvrđivanje razlika u njihovim sta- jalištima. Metoda: Istraživanje je provedeno s pomoću originalno konstruirana upitnika na uzorku od 175 ispitanika. Rezultati: Mišljenja članova zdravstvenog tima prema promjenama u sestrinstvu statistički su afirmativna, i to u odnosu na mogućnosti napredovanja, školovanja, rada u timu, priznavanja autoriteta ostalim specijalnostima zdravstvenih radnika i ulozi medicinske sestre u zdravstvenom timu. Diskusija: stajališta liječnika i drugih zdravstvenih profesionalaca statistički se znatno podudaraju

    Chronic Critical Patient: A challenge for modern Critical Care Medicine

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    Introduction: Cronic critical patients need long term care and multidiscilinary approach. Aim: To show clinical features of chronic critical illness and possible solutions for long term care. Materials and methods: Electronic searches of literature using words related to critical illness, chronic disease, physiotherapy. Results: Most of critically ill patients need prolonged mechanical ventilation and/or tracheostomy. Agressive intensive care treatment, advanced age and comorbidities are major risk factors for development of chronic critical illness. Chronic critical illness except prolonged mechanical ventilation and/or tracheostomy includes severe complications in almost all organs and organ systems (severe neuromyopathy, metabolic disorders, generalized oedema, pressure sores, reccurent infections, hormonal changes, emotional changes, etc.). Prolonged specialized care is associated with high costs for medical equipment and consumable medical supplies. Also, prolonged critical care is a burden for their families due to economic and emotional issues. Conclusion: Chronic critical illness becomes a real problem in the all developed world including Croatia. Multidisciplinary approach is a cornerstone of the care for the chronic critical ill patient and respiratory physiotherapist should be a team leader in that team. Regular early physiotherapy can improve fi nal outcome and decrease the number of complications. National service for prolonged critical care treatment out of acute hospitals and clear guidelines might improve the care for these patients. Long term home treatment is the best way of care, so it is very important to involve family members early at the beginning of intensive care treatment, educate and train them for the taking care of sick family member. Ensuring fi nancial, medical and technical support to the family is important also


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    Two databases related to grassland in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have been used in this research—the Copernicus Grassland (GRA) and CORINE Land Cover (CLC). The data have been processed by using GIS tools, and the spatial distribution of grass vegetation in relation to three biogeographical and four elevation zones has been determined. By using the Copernicus Water and Wetness (WaW) database, an insight into the coverage of grass vegetation in wetlands has been obtained. In addition, the analysis of changes in databases determined the total amount and location of the largest grassland losses. Based on GRA database, B&H is one of the richest countries, with 22.4% of its territory covered by grassland. According to the CLC database, pastures occupy 6.3% and natural grasslands 5.6% of the territory of B&H. However, grassland is exposed to various anthropogenic and natural processes that affect its distribution, quality, functions, etc. The CLC database has been processed by extracting the grasslands (pastures and natural grasslands) and calculating their spatial coverage and changes which happened during the three six-year periods from 2000 to 2018. The trend of decreasing pasture areas and increasing natural grasslands has been noticed. The pastures are most endangered by the processes of conversion to other types of agricultural land, while natural grassland increased spatial coverage during the period 2012–2018 mostly due to the revitalization and grazing of burned areas in the region of Herzegovina. Grasslands have been particularly targeted for afforestation and cropland conversion at present

    Ima li sindrom izgaranja nastavnika na poslu sezonski karakter?

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to compare occupational burnout in two groups of teachers from the district of Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) measured with the Serbian version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory survey for workers in human services (MBI-HSS) at the beginning (group 1) and the end of the school year 2018/2019 (group 2) to see if there are seasonal differences. The questionnaire also included standard sociodemographic data and job description (primary and/or secondary school position, length of service, and overtime work). The prevalence of emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was low in both groups. However, emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation scores significantly shifted to higher values between the beginning and the end of the school year. We also found a statistically significant association between emotional exhaustion and overtime and between depersonalisation and work in a secondary school (p<0.05). These findings invite further research of occupational burnout seasonality in schoolteachers, preferably by following up cohorts which would be controlled for sociodemographic and work-related variables.U ovom je presječnom istraživanju uspoređena prevalencija sindroma izgaranja na poslu u dvjema skupinama nastavnika na području Bijeljine u Bosni i Hercegovini te je procijenjen njegov sezonski karakter. Sindrom izgaranja na poslu mjeren je na početku (skupina I.) i na kraju školske 2018./2019. godine (skupina II.). Za potrebe ovoga istraživanje korištena je srpska inačica Maslachina upitnika izgaranja na poslu za stručnjake pomagačkih zanimanja (izv. Maslach Burnout Inventory Survey for Workers in Human Services, krat. MBI-HSS). Upitnik je uključivao i standardne sociodemografske podatke, kao i podatke o radnomu mjestu (rad u osnovnoj i/ili srednjoj školi, dužina radnog staža i prekovremeni rad). Prevalencija emocionalne iscrpljenosti i depersonalizacije bila je niska u objema skupinama ispitanika na početku mjerenja, ali se na kraju školske godine povećala. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između emocionalne iscrpljenosti i prekovremenoga rada, kao i između depersonalizacije i rada u srednjim školama (p<0,05). Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na potrebu daljnjeg ispitivanja sezonskoga karaktera sindroma izgaranja na nastavničkom poslu, po mogućnosti kohortnim istraživanjem kojim bi se pratile sociodemografske i radne varijable ispitanika

    Seroprevalence nekih zaraznih bolesti u pasa lutalica u širem području Leskovca

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    Since the last decade, stray dogs have been significant ecological, economical and sociological problem in the world as well as in the Republic of Serbia. They occupy specifi c place in the ecology of big cities and their contact with human population represents danger since they are carriers of many zoonotic infectious diseases. The goal of this paper is to present epizootiological survey on some diseases of bacterial, viral and parasitic origin through serological investigation of blood sera and full blood. The prevalence of leptospirosis, Tularaemia, West Nile fever and dirofilariosis has been determined in this research. The material included full blood and blood sera of stray dogs in the wider territory of Leskovac city. The research methods encompassed standard serological tests: microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for determination of specific antibodies against Leptospira spp.; slow and fast agglutination test for determination of antibodies against Tularaemia causative agent (Francisella tularensis); agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for detection of specific antibodies against West Nile virus -WNV; modified Knot's test for the detection of microfilaria. The results revealed seropositivity for causative agents of Leptospirosis, Tularaemia and dirofilariosis, while there were no positive findings for WNV.Tokom poslednjih deset godina, psi lutalice se smatraju značajnim ekološkim, ekonomskim i socijalnim problemom kako u celom svetu tako i u Republici Srbiji. Psi lutalice zauzimaju posebno mesto u ekologiji velikih gradova i njihov kontakt sa ljudima, predstavlja opasnost, jer oni mogu biti nosioci uzročnika mnogih zoonotskih infektivnih oboljenja. Cilj ovog rada je da se predstavi epizootiološka studija nekih bakterijskih, virusnih i parazitskih oboljenja, pomoću seroloških ispitivanja krvnih seruma i pune krvi pasa. Tokom ovog istraživanja, ispitivana je prevalenca na leptospirozu, tularemiju, groznicu zapadnog Nila i dirofilariozu. Materijal su predstavljali uzorci pune krvi i krvnog seruma pasa lutalica, iz šire okoline grada Leskovca. Metode ispitivanja su obuhvatale standardne serološke testove: test mikroskopske aglutinacije (MAT) za utvrđivanje specifičnih antitela protiv Leptospira spp.; spora i brza aglutinacija za utvrđivanje antitela protiv uzročnika tularaemije (Francisella tularensis); agar gel imunodifuzioni test (AGID) za detekciju specifičnih antitela protiv virusa Zapadnog Nila -WNV; modifikovani Knotov test za detekciju mikrofilarija. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju seropozitivnost na uzročnike leptospiroze, tularemije i dirofilarioze, dok nisu dobijeni pozitivni nalazi za WNV. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 37015

    Seroepidemiological survey of leptospiral infection in stray dogs in Serbia

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    Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis with worldwide distribution. This disease is facilitated among stray dogs due to their lifestyle and the absence of immunoprophylaxis. The aim of the present study was to provide serological data on the presence of certain serovars of Leptospira spp., which are assumed to circulate in the population of stray dogs in Serbia. During a period of 3 years (from April 2010 to June 2013), 1045 canine sera originating from 11 shelters were submitted to the laboratory of the Department of Infectious Animal Diseases and Diseases of Bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade. A microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was performed to detect antibodies to Leptospira (cutoff, 1: 100). The overall seroprevalence was 5.45% (57/1045) and the most prevalent Leptospira serovars were Icterohaemorrhagiae 33.3% (19/57), Pomona 29.8% (17/57), Canicola 14.0% (8/57), Grippotyphosa 3.5% (2/57), Bataviae 1.7 % (1/57), and Sejroe 1.7% (1/57). All dogs were seronegative for antibodies against serovars Australis and Bratislava. The results showed that stray dogs contribute to the spread and maintenance of Leptospira spp. in Serbia. Due to close contact with humans it is very important to improve the prevention of leptospirosis in dogs and support a One Health approach

    Rheological, Microstructural and Thermal Properties of Magnetic Poly(Ethylene Oxide)/Iron Oxide Nanocomposite Hydrogels Synthesized Using a One-Step Gamma-Irradiation Method

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    Magnetic polymer gels are a new promising class of nanocomposite gels. In this work, magnetic PEO/iron oxide nanocomposite hydrogels were synthesized using the one-step γ-irradiation method starting from poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and iron(III) precursor alkaline aqueous suspensions followed by simultaneous crosslinking of PEO chains and reduction of Fe(III) precursor. γ-irradiation dose and concentrations of Fe3+, 2-propanol and PEO in the initial suspensions were varied and optimized. With 2-propanol and at high doses magnetic gels with embedded magnetite nanoparticles were obtained, as confirmed by XRD, SEM and Mössbauer spectrometry. The quantitative determination of γ-irradiation generated Fe2+ was performed using the 1, 10-phenanthroline method. The maximal Fe2+ molar fraction of 0.55 was achieved at 300 kGy, pH = 12 and initial 5% of Fe3+. The DSC and rheological measurements confirmed the formation of a well-structured network. The thermal and rheological properties of gels depended on the dose, PEO concentration and initial Fe3+ content (amount of nanoparticles synthesized inside gels). More amorphous and stronger gels were formed at higher dose and higher nanoparticle content. The properties of synthesized gels were determined by the presence of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, which acted as reinforcing agents and additional crosslinkers of PEO chains thus facilitating the one-step gel formation