7 research outputs found

    De Quervain\u27s (subacute) thyroiditis onset after motor vehicle accident

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    De Quervain\u27s (subacute) thyroiditis is a painful swelling of the thyroid gland thought to be triggered bya viral infection. This condition is preceded in most cases by an acute respiratory infection

    Family medicine - A safe future

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    Cilj: Istražiti stavove pacijenata prema obiteljskoj medicini, odnosno ustanoviti pridonosi li obiteljska medicina kvalitetnijoj zdravstvenoj skrbi pojedinca i obitelji, kao i doznati razloge koji su važni za postojanje obiteljske medicine u zdravstvenom sustavu urbanih i ruralnih područja. Ispitanici i metode: U četiri gradske i četiri seoske ordinacije provedeno je presječno istraživanje. Anketama koje su ispunjavali pacijenti stariji od 18 godina prikupljeni su podaci o dobi, spolu, stručnoj spremi, te broju članova obitelji koji su u skrbi istog obiteljskog liječnika. Ispitanici su odgovarali na pitanje drže li da obiteljska medicina pridonosi kvalitetnijoj zdravstvenoj skrbi za pojedinca i obitelj, te Å”to drže razlozima koji su važni za postojanje obiteljske medicine. Rezultati: Uzorak je sačinjavalo 960 ispitanika, od čega 428 (44,58%) muÅ”karaca i 532 (55,42%) žene. Većina ispitanika (N = 382, 39,79%) bila je starija od 60 godina. 494 (51,46%) ispitanika registrirano je u seoskim, a 466 (48,54%) u gradskim ordinacijama obiteljske medicine. Većina ispitanika u seoskim ordinacijama imala je nižu stručnu spremu (N = 277, 56,07%), dok je većina ispitanika u gradskima ordinacijama imala srednju stručnu spremu (N = 302, 64,81%). Značajno veći udio ispitanika u seoskim ordinacijama (N = 145, 29,35%) naveo je da su svi članovi obitelji u skrbi istoga liječnika (Ļ‡ 2 = 23,27, p < 0,001). Od 960 ispitanika, njih 736 (76.67%) u potpunosti se složilo da obiteljska medicina pridonosi kvalitetnijoj skrbi. Za 510 (53.13%) ispitanika najvažniji razlog postojanja obiteljske medicine bio je poznavanje pacijenta. Zaključak: Sukladno stavovima pacijenata obiteljska medicina osigurava cjelokupnu, kontinuiranu skrb za pacijenta i doprinosi kvaliteti zdravstvene skrbi u cjelini.Aim: To investigate patientsā€™ attitudes regarding family medicine, their opinion on the contribution of family medicine to the quality of health care and their perception of family medicine advantages. Participants and methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was performed in four urban and four rural family practices. Patients aged 18 years or more provided data on their age, sex, educational level and proportion of family members who were in care of the same family doctor. Patients expressed their opinion on the contribution of family medicine to the quality of health care and their perception of family medicine advantages. Results: Out of 960 patients, 428 (44.58%) men and 532 (55.42%) women, 494 (51.46%) patients were registered in urban and 466 (48.54%) in rural family practices. Most of the patients (N = 382, 39.79%) were aged 60 years or more. The majority of patients in rural practices had finished primary school (N = 277, 56.07%) and the majority of patients in urban practices had finished secondary school (N = 302, 64.81%). A significantly higher proportion of patients in rural practices reported having one family doctor taking careof all family members (N = 145, 29.35%) (Ļ‡ 2 = 23.27, p < 0.001), 736 (76.67%) patients fully agreed that family medicine contributes to higher care quality. For 510 (53.13%) patients, the main advantage of family medicine was knowing the patient. Conclusion: According to patientsā€™ opinion, family medicine provides holistic, continuing care to patients and contributes to a higher quality of health care

    Effectiveness of treatment of newly diagnosed hypertension in family medicine practices in South Croatia

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    Abstract Background Uncontrolled blood pressure remains an urgent issue in clinical practice worldwide. This study aimed to compare the characteristics and effectiveness of hypertension control in family medicine pratice in the first treatment year, in relation to the geographical position, socio-economic standard, and access to medical services and public pharmacies in urban, rural and island environments (city of Split vs. Dalmatian Hinterland vs. islands in Southern Croatia). Methods A historical cohort study included 213 patients diagnosed from 2008 to 2014 with essential arterial hypertension (AH) and without related complications or diabetes mellitus. Each patient was followed up for 365ā€‰days from the visit when the diagnosis of hypertension was ascertained. Normotension was defined as arterial pressureā€‰<ā€‰140/90ā€‰mmHg. The annual cost of drugs prescribed for treating newly diagnosed hypertensive patient and the total price for defined daily dose per patient were also evaluated. Results More than half patients achieved normotension within a year from the initial diagnosis in all family medicine practices (57.3%), without significant differences among the three geographic regions (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.981). Higher initial systolic blood pressure was a positive predictive prognostic factor on achieveing normotension (odds ratio (OR) 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.95ā€“0.98). ACE inhibitors were the most commonly prescribed antihypertensive agents in monotherapy (35.1%), as well as considering overall prescriptions (25.2%). Calcium channel blockers were the most commonly prescribed initial BP-lowering single agents in urban areas (28.6%), whereas angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were more common in rural (28.0%) and island areas (22.7%) (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.037). The median annual antihypertensive drug cost was 169.4 (95% CI 151.5ā€“201.8) Croatian kunas and was similar across the study sites. Conclusion Multiple antihypertensive drugs, prescribed in accordance with the guidelines, lead to similar pharmacological effects. Primary care physicians seem to be able to overcome potential interfering socio-economic factors and successfully achieve normotension in newly diagnosed patients with uncomplicated AH after 1 year of treatment

    Web-Based Educational Intervention to Improve Knowledge of Systematic Reviews Among Health Science Professionals: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Lack of knowledge of systematic reviews (SRs) could prevent individual health care professionals from using SRs as a source of information in their clinical practice or discourage them from participating in such research. Objective: In this randomized controlled trial, we evaluated the effect of a short web-based educational intervention on short-term knowledge of SRs. Methods: Eligible participants were 871 Masterā€™s students of university health sciences studies in Croatia; 589 (67.6%) students who agreed to participate in the trial were randomized using a computer program into 2 groups. Intervention group A (294/589, 49.9%) received a short web-based educational intervention about SR methodology, and intervention group B (295/589, 50.1%) was presented with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist. The participantsā€™ knowledge of SRs was assessed before and after the intervention. The participants could not be blinded because of the nature of the intervention. The primary outcome was the difference in the percentage of correct answers about SR methodology per participant between the groups after the intervention, expressed as relative risk and 95% CI. Results: Results from 162 and 165 participants in the educational intervention and PRISMA checklist groups, respectively, were available for analysis. Most of them (educational intervention group: 130/162, 80.2%; PRISMA checklist group: 131/165, 79.4%) were employed as health care professionals in addition to being health sciences students. After the intervention, the educational intervention group had 23% (relative risk percentage) more correct answers in the postintervention questionnaire than the PRISMA checklist group (relative risk=1.23, 95% CI 1.17-1.29) Conclusions: A short web-based educational intervention about SRs is an effective tool for short-term improvement of knowledge of SRs among health care studies students, most of whom were also employed as health care professionals. Further studies are needed to explore the long-term effects of the tested education