10 research outputs found

    Influence of some air pollutants and meteorological parameters on concentration of weed pollen

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    Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se analizira uticaj odabranih zagaĎujućih supstanci (koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida, sumpor(IV)-oksida i čaĎi u vazduhu) i meteoroloških parametara (temperature i vlaţnosti vazduha, vazdušnog pritiska, brzine vetra i indeksa oblačnosti) na emisiju polena odabranih korova (tipa Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae i Cannabaceae) merenih u Subotici. Koncentracije zagaĎujućih supstanci u vazduhu, suspendovanih polenovih zrna korova i meteoroloških parametara merene su u periodu od pet godina (2009-2013), nakon čega se pristupilo analizi rezultata te višestrukim statističkim analizama (primena Spirmanovog koeficijenta korelacije ranga, multivarijacione analize ili analize glavnih komponenti). Rezultati pokazuju da od zagaĎujućih supstanci jedino koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida direktno utiču na koncentraciju polena (tipa Urticaceae, Cannabaceae i na polen svih korova). Temperatura vazduha direktno utiče na polen tipa Urticaceae i Plantago. Istovremeni direktan uticaj temperature sa suprotnosmernim uticajem vlaţnosti i oblačnosti značajno utiče na koncentraciju polenovih zrna tipa Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae kao i na polen svih korova.The goal of this study was to analyse the influence of selected pollutants (concentrations of sulfur-dioxide, nitrogen-dioxide and soot in the air) and meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, cloud index) on weed pollen emission (Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae and Cannabaceae) measured in the region of Subotica, Serbia. The concentrations of the air pollutants, pollen and meteorological parameters were measured over a five year period (2009-2013), followed by a multiple statistical analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Principal Component Analysis). For all of the years examined, the concentration of nitrogen-dioxide correlates significantly with the concentration of Urticaceae and Cannabaceae pollen type as well as all types of weed pollen summary. The air temperature has direct influence on concentration of Urticaceae and Plantago pollen type. Simultaneous direct influence have air temperature together with opposite influence of relative humidity and cloud index on concentrations of pollen grains of Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae as well as all types of weed pollen summary

    Evolucija trofičkog statusa jezera Palić, Srbija

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    The Palic Lake is a shallow lake typical for the Pannonian Plain. Due inadequate water quality, it was dried out in 1971 and re-established in 1977 and since than its trophicity has been worsening. Investigation of the long-term changes in the trophic state of this lake were tracked over the total phosphorous (TP), total nitrogen (TN), chlorophyll-a and Secchi disk transparency (SDT), expressed as the Carlson trophic state index (TSI). Regarding the TSI values, the water of the Palic Lake has been constantly evolving from eutrophic to hypereutrophic. TN/TP values lt 10 indicate that nitrogen is the limiting factor for algal growth.Jezero Palić je plitko jezero tipično za Panonsku niziju. Zbog neadekvatnog kvaliteta vode isušeno je 1971. godine i sanirano do 1977. godine i od tada se njegov trofički status pogoršava. Dugoročna ispitivanja promene trofičkog statusa, koja obuhvataju analize količine ukupnog fosfora, ukupnog azota, hlorofila-a i providnosti vode preko Secchijevog diska, izražena su preko Karlsonovog indeksa trofičkog statusa. Vrednost pomenutog indeksa ukazuje da je voda jezera Palić u eutrofičnoj i hipereutrofičnoj klasi. Odnos ukupnog azota i ukupnog fosfora, koji je manji od 10 ukazuje na to da je azot limitirajući faktor za rast algi

    Na spor. nasl. str.:Influence of some air pollutants and meteorological parameters on concentration of weed pollen.

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    Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se analizira uticaj odabranih zagaĎujućih supstanci (koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida, sumpor(IV)-oksida i čaĎi u vazduhu) i meteoroloških parametara (temperature i vlaţnosti vazduha, vazdušnog pritiska, brzine vetra i indeksa oblačnosti) na emisiju polena odabranih korova (tipa Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae i Cannabaceae) merenih u Subotici. Koncentracije zagaĎujućih supstanci u vazduhu, suspendovanih polenovih zrna korova i meteoroloških parametara merene su u periodu od pet godina (2009-2013), nakon čega se pristupilo analizi rezultata te višestrukim statističkim analizama (primena Spirmanovog koeficijenta korelacije ranga, multivarijacione analize ili analize glavnih komponenti). Rezultati pokazuju da od zagaĎujućih supstanci jedino koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida direktno utiču na koncentraciju polena (tipa Urticaceae, Cannabaceae i na polen svih korova). Temperatura vazduha direktno utiče na polen tipa Urticaceae i Plantago. Istovremeni direktan uticaj temperature sa suprotnosmernim uticajem vlaţnosti i oblačnosti značajno utiče na koncentraciju polenovih zrna tipa Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae kao i na polen svih korova.The goal of this study was to analyse the influence of selected pollutants (concentrations of sulfur-dioxide, nitrogen-dioxide and soot in the air) and meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, cloud index) on weed pollen emission (Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae and Cannabaceae) measured in the region of Subotica, Serbia. The concentrations of the air pollutants, pollen and meteorological parameters were measured over a five year period (2009-2013), followed by a multiple statistical analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Principal Component Analysis). For all of the years examined, the concentration of nitrogen-dioxide correlates significantly with the concentration of Urticaceae and Cannabaceae pollen type as well as all types of weed pollen summary. The air temperature has direct influence on concentration of Urticaceae and Plantago pollen type. Simultaneous direct influence have air temperature together with opposite influence of relative humidity and cloud index on concentrations of pollen grains of Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae as well as all types of weed pollen summary

    Diet habits of employees in higher education

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    Introduction: Inadequate nutrition, excessive use of alcohol and tobacco can significantly increase the risk of chronic mass non-communicable diseases, which are responsible for more than two-thirds of deaths in the adult population globally. The aim of this paper is to analyze the risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases among employees in higher education. Material and methods: The research was conducted in the form of a cross-sectional study during May 2022. The surveyed population consists of 31 employees of the College of Vocational Studies in Subotica. The research instrument consists of a survey questionnaire created for research purposes. The data analysis was performed using the statistical package SPSS 20. The methods of descriptive statistical analysis, cross-tabulation analysis were applied, and the parametric ch2 test was used to confirm the correlation. Results: A third of the employees have been diagnosed with a chronic disease, most often hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. More than half (58%) of employees eat breakfast, 87% eat lunch and 52% eat dinner regularly. About 60% of employees consume fruits and vegetables at least 5-6 days a week, significantly more often employees over 45. Almost half (42%) of employees consume sweets at least 5-7 days a week, or more often. A quarter (24%) of employees consume alcoholic beverages on a weekly basis. Conclusion: The results of the study show that among employees in higher education there are inadequate eating habits that can increase the risk of chronic mass non-communicable diseases

    Na spor. nasl. str.:Influence of some air pollutants and meteorological parameters on concentration of weed pollen.

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    Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se analizira uticaj odabranih zagaĎujućih supstanci (koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida, sumpor(IV)-oksida i čaĎi u vazduhu) i meteoroloških parametara (temperature i vlaţnosti vazduha, vazdušnog pritiska, brzine vetra i indeksa oblačnosti) na emisiju polena odabranih korova (tipa Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae i Cannabaceae) merenih u Subotici. Koncentracije zagaĎujućih supstanci u vazduhu, suspendovanih polenovih zrna korova i meteoroloških parametara merene su u periodu od pet godina (2009-2013), nakon čega se pristupilo analizi rezultata te višestrukim statističkim analizama (primena Spirmanovog koeficijenta korelacije ranga, multivarijacione analize ili analize glavnih komponenti). Rezultati pokazuju da od zagaĎujućih supstanci jedino koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida direktno utiču na koncentraciju polena (tipa Urticaceae, Cannabaceae i na polen svih korova). Temperatura vazduha direktno utiče na polen tipa Urticaceae i Plantago. Istovremeni direktan uticaj temperature sa suprotnosmernim uticajem vlaţnosti i oblačnosti značajno utiče na koncentraciju polenovih zrna tipa Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae kao i na polen svih korova.The goal of this study was to analyse the influence of selected pollutants (concentrations of sulfur-dioxide, nitrogen-dioxide and soot in the air) and meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, cloud index) on weed pollen emission (Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae and Cannabaceae) measured in the region of Subotica, Serbia. The concentrations of the air pollutants, pollen and meteorological parameters were measured over a five year period (2009-2013), followed by a multiple statistical analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Principal Component Analysis). For all of the years examined, the concentration of nitrogen-dioxide correlates significantly with the concentration of Urticaceae and Cannabaceae pollen type as well as all types of weed pollen summary. The air temperature has direct influence on concentration of Urticaceae and Plantago pollen type. Simultaneous direct influence have air temperature together with opposite influence of relative humidity and cloud index on concentrations of pollen grains of Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae as well as all types of weed pollen summary

    Na spor. nasl. str.:Influence of some air pollutants and meteorological parameters on concentration of weed pollen.

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    Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se analizira uticaj odabranih zagaĎujućih supstanci (koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida, sumpor(IV)-oksida i čaĎi u vazduhu) i meteoroloških parametara (temperature i vlaţnosti vazduha, vazdušnog pritiska, brzine vetra i indeksa oblačnosti) na emisiju polena odabranih korova (tipa Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae i Cannabaceae) merenih u Subotici. Koncentracije zagaĎujućih supstanci u vazduhu, suspendovanih polenovih zrna korova i meteoroloških parametara merene su u periodu od pet godina (2009-2013), nakon čega se pristupilo analizi rezultata te višestrukim statističkim analizama (primena Spirmanovog koeficijenta korelacije ranga, multivarijacione analize ili analize glavnih komponenti). Rezultati pokazuju da od zagaĎujućih supstanci jedino koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida direktno utiču na koncentraciju polena (tipa Urticaceae, Cannabaceae i na polen svih korova). Temperatura vazduha direktno utiče na polen tipa Urticaceae i Plantago. Istovremeni direktan uticaj temperature sa suprotnosmernim uticajem vlaţnosti i oblačnosti značajno utiče na koncentraciju polenovih zrna tipa Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae kao i na polen svih korova.The goal of this study was to analyse the influence of selected pollutants (concentrations of sulfur-dioxide, nitrogen-dioxide and soot in the air) and meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, cloud index) on weed pollen emission (Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae and Cannabaceae) measured in the region of Subotica, Serbia. The concentrations of the air pollutants, pollen and meteorological parameters were measured over a five year period (2009-2013), followed by a multiple statistical analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Principal Component Analysis). For all of the years examined, the concentration of nitrogen-dioxide correlates significantly with the concentration of Urticaceae and Cannabaceae pollen type as well as all types of weed pollen summary. The air temperature has direct influence on concentration of Urticaceae and Plantago pollen type. Simultaneous direct influence have air temperature together with opposite influence of relative humidity and cloud index on concentrations of pollen grains of Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae as well as all types of weed pollen summary

    Influence of some air pollutants and meteorological parameters on concentration of weed pollen

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    Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se analizira uticaj odabranih zagaĎujućih supstanci (koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida, sumpor(IV)-oksida i čaĎi u vazduhu) i meteoroloških parametara (temperature i vlaţnosti vazduha, vazdušnog pritiska, brzine vetra i indeksa oblačnosti) na emisiju polena odabranih korova (tipa Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae i Cannabaceae) merenih u Subotici. Koncentracije zagaĎujućih supstanci u vazduhu, suspendovanih polenovih zrna korova i meteoroloških parametara merene su u periodu od pet godina (2009-2013), nakon čega se pristupilo analizi rezultata te višestrukim statističkim analizama (primena Spirmanovog koeficijenta korelacije ranga, multivarijacione analize ili analize glavnih komponenti). Rezultati pokazuju da od zagaĎujućih supstanci jedino koncentracije azot(IV)-oksida direktno utiču na koncentraciju polena (tipa Urticaceae, Cannabaceae i na polen svih korova). Temperatura vazduha direktno utiče na polen tipa Urticaceae i Plantago. Istovremeni direktan uticaj temperature sa suprotnosmernim uticajem vlaţnosti i oblačnosti značajno utiče na koncentraciju polenovih zrna tipa Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae kao i na polen svih korova.The goal of this study was to analyse the influence of selected pollutants (concentrations of sulfur-dioxide, nitrogen-dioxide and soot in the air) and meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, cloud index) on weed pollen emission (Urticaceae, Plantago, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae and Cannabaceae) measured in the region of Subotica, Serbia. The concentrations of the air pollutants, pollen and meteorological parameters were measured over a five year period (2009-2013), followed by a multiple statistical analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Principal Component Analysis). For all of the years examined, the concentration of nitrogen-dioxide correlates significantly with the concentration of Urticaceae and Cannabaceae pollen type as well as all types of weed pollen summary. The air temperature has direct influence on concentration of Urticaceae and Plantago pollen type. Simultaneous direct influence have air temperature together with opposite influence of relative humidity and cloud index on concentrations of pollen grains of Artemisia, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae as well as all types of weed pollen summary

    Air Pollution by Pollen Grains of Anemophilous Species: Influence of Chemical and Meteorological Parameters

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    One of the most important particles of biological origin present in the air is pollen grains of plants. Having basic biological function in the process of pollination, pollen grains of some plant species can cause allergic reactions among 20-30% of the human population and thus affect their health and overall quality of life. Bearing in mind the potential influence air pollutants and meteorological parameters may have on release of pollen and granules of allergen from pollen, concentrations of air pollutants and 26 different anemophilous aeropollen types as well as meteorological parameters were established in a 5-year period (2009-2013) in Subotica, Northern Serbia. Spearman's rank correlation was made for statistical analysis of relationships between concentration of some air pollutants (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, soot, particulate matter (PM)(10) and PM2.5), meteorological factors (temperature of air, humidity, wind speed, cloud index) and airborne pollen. In most of the examined years, significant positive correlations were determined between temperature and total pollen concentration, while significant negative correlations were established between humidity as well as cloud index and total pollen concentration, clearly proving the influence these meteorological parameters have on pollination of all examined species