4 research outputs found

    RNA interference: a new alternative for rheumatic diseases therapy

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a post-transcriptional gene silencing mechanism preserved during evolution. This mechanism, recently described, is mediated by small double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) that can specifically recognize a target mRNA sequence and mediate its cleavage or translational repression. The use of RNAi as a tool for gene therapy has been extensively studied, especially in viral infections, cancer, inherited genetic disorders, cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases. Together with data from human genome, the knowledge of gene silencing mediated by RNAi could allow a functional determination of virtually any cell expressed gene and its involvement in cellular functioning and homeostasis. Several in vitro and in vivo therapeutic studies with autoimmune disease animal models have been carried out with promising results. The pathways of tolerance breakage and inflammation are potential targets for RNAi therapy in inflammatory autoimmune diseases. This review will present the basic principles of RNAi and discuss several aspects of RNAi-based therapeutic approaches, from in vitro tool design and target identification to in vivo pre-clinical drug delivery, and tests of autoimmune diseases in human cells and animal models. Finally, this review will present some recent clinical experience with RNAi-based therapyA interferĂȘncia por RNA (RNAi) Ă© um mecanismo de silenciamento gĂȘnico pĂłs-transcricional conservado durante a evolução. Esse mecanismo, recentemente descrito, Ă© mediado por pequenos RNAs de fita dupla (dsRNAs) capazes de reconhecer especificamente uma sequĂȘncia de mRNA-alvo e mediar sua clivagem ou repressĂŁo traducional. O emprego da RNAi como uma ferramenta de terapia gĂȘnica tem sido muito estudado, especialmente em infecçÔes virais, cĂąncer, desordens genĂ©ticas herdadas, doenças cardiovasculares e mesmo em doenças reumĂĄticas. Aliados aos dados do genoma humano, os conhecimentos do silenciamento gĂȘnico mediado por RNAi podem permitir a determinação funcional de praticamente qualquer gene expresso em uma cĂ©lula e sua implicação para o funcionamento e homeostase celular. VĂĄrios estudos terapĂȘuticos in vitro e in vivo em modelos de doenças autoimunes vĂȘm sendo realizados com resultados encorajadores. As vias de quebra de tolerĂąncia e inflamação sĂŁo alvos potenciais para terapia com RNAi em doenças inflamatĂłrias e autoimunes. Nesta revisĂŁo vamos recordar os princĂ­pios bĂĄsicos da RNAi e discutir os aspectos que levaram ao desenvolvimento de propostas terapĂȘuticas baseadas em RNAi, começando pelos estudos in vitro de desenvolvimento de ferramentas e identificação de alvos, chegando atĂ© os estudos prĂ©-clĂ­nicos de disponibilização da droga in vivo, e testes em cĂ©lulas humanas e modelos animais de doenças autoimunes. Por fim, vamos revisar os Ășltimos avanços da experiĂȘncia clĂ­nica da terapia com RNAiUNIFESPEUROIMMUNUNIFESP Disciplina de ReumatologiaFleury Medicina DiagnĂłstica Setor de ImunologiaUNIFESP, Disciplina de ReumatologiaSciEL

    Uso de geoprocessamento para identificação das condiçÔes de saneamento bĂĄsico do municĂ­pio de Santa Maria da VitĂłria (BA) atravĂ©s da utilização do Índice de CarĂȘncia Habitacional (ICH)

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    Studies about basic sanitation are one of the most important indicators of quality of life and living conditions of the populations. With regard to issues related to the spatial distribution of sanitation services, the use of geotechnology serves as important support tool for analysis and representation of geographic information, acting as a facilitator for the planning, management and identification of areas for improvements in network infrastructure of basic sanitation services. Allied to this, in the sphere of the board of Public Planning, social indicators became part of the current vocabulary of political agents responsible, ultimately, for setting priorities and social policies and the allocation of public resources. According to the Research Institute of Urban and Regional Planning (Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional IPPUR-RJ), the municipality in question had, at the last Demographic Census (2000), one of the highest rates of inadequacy related to sanitation in the State of Bahia. This work presents the use of geotechnology for application of Index of Housing deficiency (Índice de CarĂȘncia Habitacional - ICH) proposed by the IPPUR-RJ. Through the GIS software ArcGIS 10, we identified areas of major and minor services related to lack of water supply, sewage and garbage collection in order to subsidize municipal planning actions.Pages: 4936-494