374 research outputs found


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    Routine banking transactions have been practically simplified since the advent of financial technology. The application of ChatPay, AliPay, PayPal, ApplePay, etc. demonstrated a massive use of mobile phones on hand. The use of chat bots and AI replacing the function of bank tellers. Given the cybernetic innovation, the author asks the question, “what is really happening in the business world today?” The three gentlemen, Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter and Clayton Christensen theorized in 1867, 1942 and 2013, respectively, about wealth annihilation, creative destruction and disruptive innovation. By employing a descriptive method using secondary data from the BIS, AFIN, Asean fintech reports and scientific literature, including that of non-parametric statistics for interpretation, the study sought to answer three main questions; first, the interpretation of their theories; second, the effects of disruptive innovation, and third, the association of pseudo-CAML and the related FPIs. The study recommended that the Asean banking should continue with the sustainable banking innovations that would combat the development of fintech transactions in addition to its active Asean integration framework

    Eksistensi Lembaga Peradilan dalam Negara Hukum sebagai Bentuk Perlindungan terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia

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    Lembaga peradilan yang merupakan representasi utama wajah penegakan hukum untuk menegakkan hak asasi manusia dituntut untuk mampu melahirkan kepastian hukum, keadilan, kemanfaatan sosial dan pemberdayaan sosial melalui putusan-putusannya. Kegagalan lembaga peradilan dalam mewujudkan tujuan hukum telah mendorong meningkatnya ketidakpercayaan masyarakat terhadap lembaga peradilan. Munculnya kritik-kritik terhadap keberadaan lembaga peradilan tidak lain karena peradilan tidak dapat secara maksimal memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak asasi manusia. Putusan pengadilan yang diharapkan dapat mengembalikan keseimbangan masyarakat yang terganggu tidak dapat terpenuhi.Adanya isu mafia peradilan, keadilan dapat dibeli, ungkap-ungkapan ini merupakan reaksi dari rasa keadilan masyarakat yang terkoyak karena bekerjanya lembaga peradilan yang tidak profesional.Untuk menuju pada cita-cita pengadilan sebagai penegak hak asasi manusia, maka pengadilan harus senantiasa mengedepankan dimensi keadilan dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dalam setiap putusan yang dibuatnya. Adanya dimensi keadilan dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia yang merupakan manifestasi bekerjanya lembaga peradilan, akan semakin mendekatkan lembaga peradilan sebagai pengayom masyaraka

    Tinjauan Tentang Ruang Lingkup dan Alat Ukur Tindak Pemerintahan yang Baik

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    As executive institution a government is restricted by both written and unwritten regulations as bases in all actions. These regulations were used as standards to evaluate all government policies which are stipulated by the government. On the other sides, the government policies are also restricted by the authority derived from delegations, attributions, and mandates

    Sejarah Perkembangan Kekuasaan Kehakiman di Indonesia

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    Judicial Power in Indonesia from the beginning until now still exist even though experiencing ups and downs, historical development of these institutions have already started long before the independence, even before the Dutch East Indies entrenched in this Bumi Nusantara, judicial power has existed in the form of traditional justice institutions. As an institution that gives protection to the public, judicial power over time, has demonstrated its functions as the last bastion of law to seek justice for the people


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    This study aims to determine how the role of sustainable development programs in alleviating poverty and the role of productive zakat utilization in poverty alleviation and its relationship in achieving the goals of sustainable development programs. Therefore this study uses descriptive qualitative research methodology. Data and facts were collected by means of interviews, observation and documentation. North Sumatra BAZNAS collection uses two programs, namely the zakat collection program and the infaq / shodaqoh collection program. The results of the research show that the assistance provided to mustahik has not been able to fully reduce the poverty rate in Medan City, but it can provide quite good benefits and can reduce the burden on the life of the mustahik. Therefore, zakat can be said to be an instrument that has a strategic role and contribution to achieving sustainable development programs

    A Productivity Management Application of the Solow Development Model by the Asian Largest Economies

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    In application of the Solow development model, other Asian or non-Asian smaller economies may learn from the productivity management model design emulated by the economic development patterns of the largest Asian economies; China, India, Japan, Indonesia, and South Korea. The objective of the study was fundamentally formulated to explore the application of the economic design thinking of the Solow development model on the five Asian largest economies. Using the data envelopment analysis or DEA, the study sought to evaluate the two Solow development models, y/L = f (K/L, L/pop, s/y) or y/Lt = K/Lt (R&Dt)1-depr without using technology, and y/L = f (K/L, L/pop, s/y, R&D/y) or y/Lt = K/Lt (R&Dt Lt)1-depr with technology. The DEA observation specifically applied the Malmquist Productivity Index and Linear Programming model to evaluate the y/L objective function in order to answer the study’s four research questions. It was concluded that the Solow development design thinking models, the ones with and without R&D for innovation, didn’t show any difference in utilities of both. Any economies for the productivity management models seemed to be relevantly indifferent. Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis or DEA, Malmquist Productivity Index or MPI, change in total factor productivity or Δ TFP index, decision-making unit or DMU, linear programming or LP, human development index or HDI

    Status Hukum Keberadaan Aset Bekas Milik Asing/tionghoa (Abma/t) Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Legal provisions regulate the management of the State assets in Articles 23, 23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D of the 1945 Constitution which includes APBN (State Budget), Tax, and other Revenues. Law No. 17/2003 and Law No. 1/2004 which regulate State finance that includes all right and obligation of the State can be valued by money, including all kinds of money and goods, including all goods bought or obtained by APBN/D or come from other legal sources. The legal status of ABMA/T owned by individuals (third party) and the certificate has been obtained from BPN do not guarantee that it is absolute although land registration is intended to guarantee legal certainty. In this case, the principles of negative, recent, and formal and material truth are used. The obstacles found by the team are as follows: assets are not found, the third party has obtained certificate from BPN, difference in area, shift in function, the team is not professional, lack of proactive, asset is in remote place, claim from the third party, and the problem with compensation
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