4 research outputs found

    Student learning style in vocational higher education

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    When student learning styles are known, teaching can be designed according to student interests through teaching strategies, teaching methods and techniques, and selecting and applying the necessary teaching tools. This research aims to describe vocational students' learning styles using Forster learning styles and investigate the relationship between these learning styles and mathematics learning achievement. Researchers analyzed vocational students' mathematics learning styles using the "How Do I Learn?" developed by Forster. By using a screening model and quantitative research methods, data collected. The collected data from the instrument containing questions related to the student's mathematics learning style are then processed using SPSS, analyzed using descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Descriptive statistics were applied to view participant demographics and an overview of each learning style score, while one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to assess differences in mathematics learning styles among students based on mathematics scores. The results showed no relationship found between reflective, curious, diligent, and user learning styles using the questionnaire developed by Foster and the students' mathematics scores.When student learning styles are known, teaching can be designed according to student interests through teaching strategies, teaching methods and techniques, and selecting and applying the necessary teaching tools. This research aims to describe vocational students' learning styles using Forster learning styles and investigate the relationship between these learning styles and mathematics learning achievement. Researchers analyzed vocational students' mathematics learning styles using the "How Do I Learn?" developed by Forster. By using a screening model and quantitative research methods, data collected. The collected data from the instrument containing questions related to the student's mathematics learning style are then processed using SPSS, analyzed using descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Descriptive statistics were applied to view participant demographics and an overview of each learning style score, while one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to assess differences in mathematics learning styles among students based on mathematics scores. The results showed no relationship found between reflective, curious, diligent, and user learning styles using the questionnaire developed by Foster and the students' mathematics scores


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    Karya tulis ilmiah memiliki peran strategis dalam upaya pengembangan profesi guru. Secara singkat karya tulis ilmiah dapat didefinisikan sebagai laporan tertulis tentang (hasil) suatu kegiatan ilmiah. Karya tulis ilmiah dapat dipilah dalam dua kelompok yaitu: (a) karya tulis ilmiah yang merupakan laporan hasil pengkajian/penelitian, dan (b) karya tulis ilmiah yang berupa tinjauan/ulasan/ gagasan ilmiah. Permasalahan mitra yang menjadi sorotan utama adalah para guru masih belum mengerti dan paham cara memasukan karya mereka di jurnal ilmiah berbasis online. Para guru di SD Tunas Harapan umumnya mengirimkan tulilsan mereka di jurnal yang terbitan cetak dengan ISSN.Hasil yang didapat dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya kemampuan dan kompetensi guru di SD Tunas Harapan untuk memasukan karya ilmiah mereka ke jurnal yang berbasis online.Tentunya diperlukan monitoring oleh pengabdi pada masa depan untuk mengukur keberhasilan kegiatan pengabdian yang disampaikan kepada para guru di SD Tunas Harapan. Namun evaluasi awal oleh pengabdi menilai bahwapemahaman guru mengenai metode memasukan karya ilmiah di jurnal berbasis online telah diserap dengan baik oleh para guru


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    The world is increasingly developing, along with the development of the times we have to explore ourselves, take advantage of existing technology for daily life. Technological developments are very rapid in various parties and any aspects. The world is now shocked by the corona virus disease, as if it reminds us to better save our health and save our immune system by take a rest and consume vitamins. Viruses that are currently being discussed can be prevented by saving our health, washing hands diligently, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds. Researchers took the initiative to look directly at the field where technology could be inserted in our healthy. From the results of research in the field, researchers found a problem in washing hands. Everyone, before or after washing their hands must be holding a soap bottle and water tap. It can cause new problems, which the virus can stick to the hands again through the water tap that the person had previously held. From the analysis of this problem, researchers want to make new innovations to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This innovation is a smart system design, where the system is integrated on its own without anyone's help. The work system uses sensors that are fully automatic. It is hoped that this tool can function and be applied to the societ