131 research outputs found

    Is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) an Effective Treatment for Pain Caused by Knee Osteoarthritis?

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    Objective: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not “is TENS an effective treatment for pain caused by knee osteoarthritis?”. Study Design: A systematic review of three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published between 2012 and 2019. Data Sources: All RCTs were discovered utilizing PubMed. The articles were published in English in peer-reviewed journals and selected based on applicability and pertinence to the clinical question as well as the incorporation of patient-oriented outcomes. Outcome Measured: Knee pain was the outcome measured using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), which requires participants to draw a mark between the ends of a 10 cm-long horizontal line. Scores range from 0 to 10 cm or 100 mm, with 0 indicating no pain and 10 cm or 100 mm the most severe pain. Distance is measured starting from 0 and recorded to the second decimal place. Cherian et al.’s study uses points instead of cm or mm to measure VAS. Results: In Shimoura et al.’s RCT, the use of TENS led to a reduction in VAS compared to the control group (P = 0.019), demonstrated by mean change from baseline of 0.38 cm. In the RCT by Vance et al., the use of TENS led to a reduction in VAS compared to the control group (P = 0.001), indicated by mean change from baseline of 14.76 mm. Finally, in Cherian et al.’s study, there was a reduction in VAS compared to the control group (P = 0.0416), indicated by mean change from baseline of -0.8823 points. Conclusion: This systematic review found the evidence regarding the efficacy of TENS for knee OA pain to be conflicting, leaving the answer to this review’s objective undetermined. While Shimoura et al. and Vance et al.’s short-term studies suggested that TENS is not an effective treatment for pain due to knee OA, Cherian et al.’s longitudinal study showed a large treatment effect with considerable clinical importance. The nature of these results highlights the need for further studies that account for limitations in previous studies and provide for longer follow-ups to assess the effectiveness of TENS for knee OA pain treatment

    Optimal Sizing and Placing of Distributed Generation in Distribution Networks

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringAnil PahwaDue to the ongoing changes in the structure of the electricity markets, distribution networks have developed an appealing potential for housing distributed generation (DG). In order to make the most out of the present distribution network, this project report verifies the results and method developed in a paper (Optimal Allocation of Embedded Generation on Distribution Networks) by A. Kean and M. O’Malley, which discusses an efficient way of incorporating DG in the current power system. The methodology under consideration elaborates on how certain constraints should be adopted that will lead toward optimally sizing and placing DG in the network under examination. Along with that, the effect of voltage rise and short circuit current are observed which shows that a certain allocation to some buses will cause a sudden rise in voltage and short circuit levels throughout the network. Furthermore, the adopted methodology with its relative constraints is solved using linear programming. Linear programming provides a more accurate allocation than its heuristic counterparts when it comes to embedding DG in smaller networks. The adopted methodology is then applied to a section of the Irish rural distribution network and the results pinpoint that appropriate placement of the DG will pave the way toward higher levels of penetration. The results obtained showed the same pattern as those recorded in the aforementioned source paper, there were only minor differences that are the result of using different software’s than those that were used by the authors of the paper

    Antonio Gaudi’s works of architecture in the aspect of chosen geometrical surfaces

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    The article presents the systematics of various types of geometrical surfaces in the aspects of their occurrence in Gaudi’s architecture. Basic groups of surfaces were characterized, focusing on those typical for the architect. The aim of the analysis of three-dimensional forms is the knowledge of geometrical shapes that form a work of architecture. It can facilitate the understanding of construction of the body and familiarize the concept of the project. On the basis of abovementioned systematics examples of buildings are presented, in which Gaudi used particular surfaces. Causes and results of usage of such spatial solutions in structural and aesthetic aspects are discussed. The article includes buildings designed by Gaudi in Barcelona and Colonia Guell

    Hydrogeological framework and groundwater balance of a semi-arid aquifer, a case study from Iran.

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    Climate changing and associated factors combined with considerably increases in water demand have been accompanied by severe depletion of reservoir storage of the most groundwater supplies of Iran. Shahriar aquifer in west of Tehran is a representative aquifer of these kinds. In order to meet water demand of the area and protecting groundwater from quantity and quality deterioration, precision recognition of geology, hydrologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the aquifer is first step. The basic objective of this study is to develop the hydrogeological framework of the groundwater system in Shariar, Iran and to estimate ground-water balance as a scientific database for future water resources delevopment programs. Based on this re-search lateral groundwater inflows, direct infiltration of rainfall, stream bed infiltration, irrigation return and surplus drinking and industrial water are the recharging factors of the aquifer. Subsurface outflows, domestic and industrial pumping wells and agricultural abstraction are the main parameters discharge the aquifer system. Water balance in the Shahriar aquifer system is in disequilibrium and a deficit of about 24.7 million cubic meters exists

    3D computer modelling of architectural details based on the modern BIM inventory systems

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    The article presents the 3D computer modelling of architectural details based on the modern BIM inventory systems. It discusses the methodology of architectural inventory, which employs laser measurements in the ArchiCad programme interconnected with the FlexiJet system. The use of this method allows one to create elements of a virtual building (BIM model) with great precision, thanks to its very high measurement accuracy and appropriate software. The application of this system is exemplified by the specified elevation detail of the Royal Palace in Ɓobzów, currently housing the Faculty of Architecture of Cracow University of Technology

    IFRS-lÀmplig utgÄngspunkt för bolagsbeskattning?

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    Uppsatsens titel: IFRS - lĂ€mplig utgĂ„ngspunkt för bolagsbeskattning? Seminariedatum: 2009 - 06 - 04 Ämne/Kurs: Kandidatuppsats i redovisning, FEKK01 (15 hp) Författare: Zarmeena Nassery, Merisa Krijestorac, Emanuela Andersson Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Nyckelord: Redovisning, IFRS, bolagsskatt, verkligt vĂ€rde, skatterĂ€ttsliga principer Bakgrund: Redovisningsreglerna har under senare tid blivit alltmer internationella. Som konsekvens av en EG-förordning skall svenska noterade bolag upprĂ€tta sin koncernredovisning i enlighet med de internationella standarder som IASB ger ut. Vidare följer av RFR2 att Ă€ven Ă„rsredovisningen i noterade bolag skall tillĂ€mpa dessa standarder dock med vissa undantag. Problem: Svensk företagsbeskattning tar sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i företagets redovisning och i god redovisningssed. Är det lĂ€mpligt att internationella standarder skall styra svensk bolagsbeskattning? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att utreda och analysera IFRS:s lĂ€mplighet som utgĂ„ngspunkt för bolagsbeskattning. AvgrĂ€nsningar: Uppsatsen tar upp IFRS-koncerner inklusive dess juridiska enheter men inte beskattning av kreditinstitut, vĂ€rdepappers- och försĂ€kringsbolag. Metod: Den hĂ€r uppsatsen har ett kvalitativt angreppssĂ€tt med en induktiv och deskriptiv ansats. Teoretiska ramar: Uppsatsens teoretiska ramar bestĂ„r av viktiga principer inom redovisning och beskattning samt teorierna normbildningsprocessen, intressentsynsĂ€ttet, agentteorin, nĂ€tverksteorin, aktörssynsĂ€ttet, institutionell teori samt motstĂ„nd mot förĂ€ndring. Empiri: Det empiriska materialet bestĂ„r av information insamlad via dokumentstudier och strukturerade elektroniska intervjuer med parter och experter frĂ„n utredningen SOU 2008:80 Resultat: Studiens resultat av IFRS lĂ€mplighet som utgĂ„ngspunkt för bolagsbeskattning Ă€r att IFRS kan vara en bra utgĂ„ngspunkt för bolagsbeskattning men med tillĂ€gg och undantag. IFRS Ă€r ej lĂ€mplig att anvĂ€ndas i sin fulla form pga. dess subjektivitet och möjlighet till olika tolkningar av standarderna. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En jĂ€mförelseanalys mellan begreppen av företagsekonomiskt rĂ€ttvisande resultat respektive den skattemĂ€ssiga definitionen för det beskattningsbara resultatet skulle utgöra ett intressant fördjupningsĂ€mne. Dessutom hade det varit intressant att göra om vĂ„r uppsats om ett par Ă„r för att belysa utvecklingen pĂ„ omrĂ„det

    A Day Ahead Market Energy Auction for Distribution System Operation

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    In this paper, we study a day ahead double energy auction in a distribution system involving dispatchable generation units, renewable generation units supported by battery storage systems(BSSs), fixed loads, price responsive loads, and supply from the Whole Sale Market(WSM) at Locational Marginal Price(LMP). The auction is implemented within a Distribution System Operator (DSO) premises using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MIP). The proposed auction is cleared at the Distribution LMP (DLMP) and is observed to be weakly budget balanced if no penalty is applied for DSO's deviation from originally committed supply from the WSM. Furthermore, the dynamics of LMP and DLMP, and their effect on distribution market participants scheduled quantities as well as the WSM supply to the distribution system is investigated.Comment: Electro Information Technology (EIT), 2017 IEEE International Conference o

    KapitalkostnadsberĂ€kning – En studie av AHP-modellen ”An outsiders view”

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    Resultatet visar att AHP ej kunnat generera en och samma kapitalkostnad som CAPM. Det vi funnit Àr att de godtyckliga elementen Àr för stora varför vi ej ser att AHP bör tillÀmpas av onoterade bolag
