343 research outputs found

    Implementing Real-time Visitor Counter Using Surveillance Video and MobileNet-SSD Object Detection: The Best Practice

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    إن معرفة عدد الأشخاص في المباني والمنشآت يساهم بشكل كبير في المحافظة على سلامة الزائرين وكذلك توفير معلومات مفيدة لإدارة تلك المؤسسات. تهدف هذه الورقة الى استخدام الذكاء الصناعي والاستفادة من كاميرات المراقبة في معرفة عدد الأشخاص المتواجدين في مبنى ما. قام الباحثون ببناء قاعدة بيانات بسيناريوهات مختلفة لتنفيذ تجارب متنوعة لمعرفة افضل ممارسة ممكنة في استخدام هذا النوع من العدادات. ومن خلال تلك التجارب حقق الباحثون نتائج متميزة في السيناريوهات التي تتكون من شخص واحد او شخصين باتجاهين منفصلين حيث وصلة نسبة الدقة الى 100%. Counters that keep track of the number of people who enter a building are a useful management tool for keeping everyone who uses it safe and happy. This paper aims to employ the MobileNet-SSD machine learning approach to implement a best practice for visitor counter. The researchers have to build a different scenario test dataset along with the MOT20 dataset to achieve the proposed methodology. Implementing different experiments in single-user, one-one; two-two users; many-two, and multiple users in different walking directions to detect and count shows varied results based on the experiment type. The best achieved by single-user and one-to-one model; both are scored 100% of detecting and calculating for in or out

    Thermo-elastic-plastic analysis for elastic component under high temperature fatigue crack growth rate.

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    The research project presents a fundamental understanding of the fatigue crack growth mechanisms of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel, based on the comparison analysis between the theoretical and numerical modelling, incorporating research findings under isothermal fatigue loading for solid cylindrical specimen and the theoretical modelling with the numerical simulation for tubular specimen when subjected to cyclic mechanical loading superimposed by cyclic thermal shock.The experimental part of this research programme studied the fatigue stress-life data for three types of surface conditions specimen and the isothermal stress-controlled fatigue testing at 300 °C - 600 °C temperature range. It is observed that the highest strength is obtained for the polished specimen, while the machined specimen shows lower strength, and the lowest strength is the notched specimen due to the high effect of the stress concentration. The material behaviour at room and high temperatures shows an initial hardening, followed by slow extension until fully plastic saturation then followed by crack initiation and growth eventually reaching the failure of the specimen, resulting from the dynamic strain ageing occurred from the transformation of austenitic microstructure to martensite and also, the nucleation of precipitation at grain boundaries and the incremental temperature increase the fatigue crack growth rate with stress intensity factor however, the crack growth rate at 600 °C test temperature is less than 500 °C because of the creep-fatigue taking place.The theoretical modelling presents the crack growth analysis and stress and strain intensity factor approaches analysed in two case studies based on the addition of thermo-elastic-plastic stresses to the experimental fatigue applied loading. Case study one estimates the thermal stresses superimposed sinusoidal cyclic mechanical stress results in solid cylinder under isothermal fatigue simulation. Case study two estimates the transient thermal stresses superimposed on cyclic mechanical loading results in hollow cylinder under thermal shock in heating case and down shock cooling case. The combination of stress and strain intensity factor theoretical calculations with the experimental output recorded data shows a similar behaviour with increasing temperature, and there is a fair correlation between the profiles at the beginning and then divergence with increasing the crack length. The transient influence of high temperature in case two, giving a very high thermal shock stress as a heating or cooling effects, shifting up the combined stress, when applied a cyclic mechanical load in fraction of seconds, and the reputations of these shocks, causing a fast failure under high thermal shock stress superimposed with mechanical loading.Finally, the numerical modelling analyses three cases studied were solved due to the types of loading and types of specimen geometry by using finite element models constructed through the ANSYS Workbench version 13.0. The first case is a low cyclic fatigue case for a solid cylinder specimen simulated by applying a cyclic mechanical loading. The second is an isothermal fatigue case for solid cylinder specimen simulated by supplying different constant temperatures on the outer surface with cyclic mechanical loading, where the two cases are similar to the experimental tests and the third case, is a thermo-mechanical fatigue for a hollow cylinder model by simulating a thermal up-shock generated due to transient heating on the outer surface of the model or down shock cooling on the inner surface with the cyclic mechanical loading. The results show a good agreement with the experimental data in terms of alternative stress and life in the first case. In case two results show the strain intensity factor is increases with increasing temperature similar to the theoretical solution due to the influence of the modulus of elasticity and the difference in life estimation with the experimental output record is related to the input data made of theoretical physical properties and the experimental stress-life data

    Generating nested XML documents from unnormalized relational views using a statistically approach

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    Converting relational database into XML is increasing daily for publishing and exchanging the business applications data on the Web. Most of the current approaches and products convert the unnormalized relational views to XML documents using flat-based that causes data redundancy which leads to generate a massive data. This paper proposes an approach to generate nested XML documents with full automatic from flat relational views. The proposed approach includes two steps: the first is extracting the nested view from the flat relational view using a statistically approach for counting and removing the data redundancy. The statistically approach is based on the analysis of functional dependency taking into account the frequency of the data values for the columns of the relational views. The second step is converting the nested view into nested XML. The columns of the nested view are also divided into groups to achieve the nesting for XML document. The proposed approach generates nested XML documents from the unnormalized relational views with full automatic. The generated nested XML document by the proposed approach has good features such as minimal redundancy and less size of storage

    Generating free redundancy XML documents from non normalized relational views using a statistically approach

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    Converting relational database into XML is increasing daily for publishing and exchanging the business applications data on the Web. Most of the current approaches and products convert the non normalized relational views to XML documents using flat-based that causes data redundancy which leads to generate a massive data. This paper proposes an approach to reduce the redundancy for the XML documents that are generated from non normalized relational views. The proposed approach includes two steps: the first is extracting the nested view from the flat relational view using a statistically approach for counting and removing the data redundancy. The statistically approach is based on the analysis of functional dependency taking into account the frequency of the data values for the columns of the relational views. The document based on the blocks that are created according to frequency of the data values for the first column which has the most frequent of the data values

    Performance of soft clay stabilized with the replacement of palm oil fuel ash and gypsum

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    The worldwide population growth requires more means of life, accommodation, and food, which leads to people’s motion to the coastline or unstable weak soil areas. Malaysia as one of the main producers of palm oil is required to produce enough supplies to meet the palm oil global demand and maintain its gross national income. However, the generation of about 5 million tons annually of palm oil fuel ash waste have a harmful environmental impact. To tackle both issues, engineers adapted POFA waste upcycling to stabilize and enhance various geotechnical properties of clayey weak soil, kaolin as an example. This study is focusing on the effect of POFA and combined POFA-gypsum mixture on the performance of kaolin where gypsum is a pozzolan activator. Utilizing POFA as a stabilizing agent reduces environmental issues and waste landfill costs and enhances soft clays properties. Achieving Malaysian green technology goals requires an alternative method to balance economic growth and environmental privilege. This research proposes to investigate POFA and gypsum’s role in improving kaolin clay properties in terms of specific gravity, plasticity, compaction parameters, permeability, compressive, and shear strength with the curing period. Kaolin S300 is used as a control clay sample, POFA and gypsum as stabilizing agents. The optimum gypsum ratio is (4% and 6%) based on the previous literature, mixed as a binder with various POFA percentages (0,5,10, and 15). The results of treated samples show a clear drop of specific gravity with POFA-Gypsum addition, reduction of plasticity index, change of compaction characteristics parameters where optimum water content increased with a reduction in maximum dry density, variation in permeability and enhancement of compressive and shear strength with curing period and additives amount. Overall, POFA, gypsum and POFA-gypsum mixture enhanced the geotechnical properties of treated clay

    Direct Gas Thickener

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    Direct gas thickening technique has been developed to control the gas mobility in the miscible gas injection process for enhanced oil recovery. This technique involves increasing the viscosity of the injected gas by adding chemicals that exhibit good solubility in common gasses, such as CO2 or hydrocarbon (HC) solvents. This chapter presents a review of the latest attempts to thicken CO2 and/or hydrocarbon gases using various chemical additives, which can be broadly categorised into polymeric, conventional oligomers, and small-molecule self-interacting compounds. In an ideal situation, chemical compounds must be soluble in the dense CO2 or hydrocarbon solvents and insoluble in both crude oil and brine at reservoir conditions. However, it has been recognised that the use of additives with extraordinary molecular weights for the above purpose would be quite challenging since most of the supercritical fluids are very stable with reduced properties as solvents due to the very low dielectric constant, lack of dipole momentum, and low density. Therefore, one way to attain adequate solubility is to elevate the system pressure and temperature because such conditions give rise to the intermolecular forces between segments or introduce functional groups that undergo self-interacting or intermolecular interactions in the oligomer molecular chains to form a viscosity-enhancing supramolecular network structure in the solution. According to this review, some of the polymers tested to date, such as polydimethylsiloxane, polyfluoroacrylate styrene, and poly(1,1-dihydroperfluorooctyl acrylate), may induce a significant increase of the solvent viscosity at high concentrations. However, the cost and environmental constraints of these materials have made the field application of these thickeners unfeasible. Until now, thickeners composed of small molecules have shown little success to thicken CO2, because CO2 is a weak solvent due to its ionic and polar characteristics. However, these thickeners have resulted in promising outcomes when used in light alkane solvents

    Impacto de la sociedad sin dinero en efectivo en el crecimiento económico de Malasia

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    For every economy, money is a critical medium of exchange. Money emerges as an intermediary and store of values to improve a barter system. Cashless finance endures utilization generally digital money or plastic without money or currency in papery appearance. The moderate of regulating economic activity endure possibly the massive motivator toward advance the digital economy. This research scrutinizes the progress of embrace cashless payment on economic development and growth of Malaysia. Due to rapid growth in the digital economy, electronic money transactions in Malaysia have increased significantly from in the last fifteen years. There is a positive trend in electronic money usage. The increases caused by the awareness of the society and the government that encourages in using electronic money. At the same time, the velocity of paper money in Malaysia tends to decrease during the same period. While there is a negative trend in the velocity of money, the money supply (M1) has increased in order to maintain an economic growth of the country.Esta investigación examina el progreso de la adopción de pagos sin efectivo en el desarrollo económico y el crecimiento de Malasia. Debido al rápido crecimiento de la economía digital, las transacciones de dinero electrónico en Malasia han aumentado significativamente en los últimos quince años. Hay una tendencia positiva en el uso del dinero electrónico. Los aumentos causados ​​por la conciencia de la sociedad y el gobierno que fomenta el uso del dinero electrónico. Al mismo tiempo, la velocidad del papel moneda en Malasia tiende a disminuir durante el mismo período. Si bien hay una tendencia negativa en la velocidad del dinero, la oferta de dinero (M1) ha aumentado para mantener el crecimiento económico del país

    Communication Between Dentists and Dental Technicians During the Fabrication of Removable Partial Dentures in Khartoum State, Sudan

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    Svrha rada: Željela se istražiti kvaliteta komunikacije između doktora dentalne medicine i zubnih tehničara u privatnim dentalnim laboratorijima u sudanskoj pokrajini Khartoumu kad je riječ o izradi mobilnih djelomičnih proteza. Metode: Obavljena je deskriptivna analiza poprečnog presjeka te se razgovaralo sa zubnim tehničarima o kvaliteti uputa koje su dobili od doktora dentalne medicine u vezi s izradom mobilnih djelomičnih proteza (removable partial denture – RPD). Bilo je uključeno 69 akrilatnih proteza (A-RPD) i 11 od kobalt-kroma (CC-RPD). Rezultati: Doktori dentalne medicine nisu dali upute u 21,7 % slučajeva za izradu A-RPD-a, no dali su ih u svim slučajevima za CC-RPD-e. Upute su uglavnom bile usmene (55,1 % za A-RPD, 54,5 % za CC-RPD), a rjeđe napisane (23,3 % za A-RPD, 45,5 % za CC-RPD). Većina konstrukcijskih komponenti za A-RPD i CC-RPD nisu bile jasno opisane, a izričite su bile samo u 8,7 % slučajeva za A-RPD-e i 36,4 % slučajeva za CC-RPD-e. Značajno je da je liječnik modele kontrolirao u samo u 18,2 % slučajeva kad je riječ o CC-RPD-u. Većina tehničara (84,2 %) vjeruje da je oblikovanje proteze odgovornost doktora. Tehničari su u vezi s CC-RPD-om trebali znatno češće (p = 0,004) razgovarati s doktorima te ih tražiti objašnjenje za njihovo oblikovanje. Zaključak: Kvaliteta komunikacije između doktora dentalne medicine i privatnih laboratorijskih zubnih tehničara u pokrajini Khartoumu o izradi mobilne parcijalne proteze bila je uglavnom nedovoljna.Objectives: To investigate the quality of communication between dentists and dental laboratory technicians in private dental laboratories in Khartoum State related to fabrication of removable partial dentures. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, in which dental technicians were interviewed regarding the quality of instructions they received from dentists concerning the construction of removable partial dentures (RPD). Eighty cases were investigated, 69 acrylic (A-RPD) and 11 cobalt chromium (CC-RPD) dentures. Results: Although dentists provided no instructions in 21.7% of A-RPD cases, they gave instructions in all CC-RPD cases. Instructions were primarily given verbally (55.1% in A-RPD, 54.5% in CC-RPD cases), as opposed to written (23.3% in A-RPD, 45.5% in CCRPD cases). Most design components for A-RPD and CC-RPD cases were not clearly prescribed, and instructions were clear in only 8.7% of A-RPD and 36.4% of CC-RPD cases. Notably, surveying of casts by dentists was only done in 18.2% of CC-RPD cases. Most technicians (84.2%) believed that prosthesis design was the dentists’ responsibility. Technicians needed to contact dentists for clarification of design significantly more frequently for CC-RPD (p=0.004) cases. Conclusion: Quality of communication between dentists and private laboratory technicians in Khartoum State with regard to removable partial denture construction was largely inadequate

    Oral health practices and self‑reported adverse effects of e‑cigarette use among dental students in 11 countries: An online survey

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    E-cigarette use has become popular, particularly among the youth. Its use is associated with harmful general and oral health consequences. This survey aimed to assess self-reported oral hygiene practices, oral and general health events, and changes in physiological functions (including physical status, smell, taste, breathing, appetite, etc.) due to E-cigarette use among dental students. This online, multicounty survey involved undergraduate dental students from 20 dental schools across 11 different countries. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics, E-cigarette practices, self-reported complaints, and associated physiological changes due to E-cigarette smoking