59 research outputs found

    Kualitas Pelayanan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan Pada Badan Penanaman Modal Dan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aimed to determine the quality of building permit services on the Sigi Regency Board of Investment and Integrated Licensing Services. This study used qualitative method. The research location was the Office of Sigi Regency Board of Investment and Integrated Licensing Services. Informants were selected using purposive sampling, i.e. the technique of determining informants with certain considerations by setting 7 (seven) informants. Data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentations. The theory used in this study was the theory of Zethmal, Parasuraman and Berry, consisting of 5 (five) dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.Based on the research results, it could be concluded that the quality of building permit services at Sigi Regency Board of Investment and Integrated Licensing Services had not been going well. First, tangibles dimension: the facilities and infrastructures of the Office were not adequate, the lounge area which must be addressed, and the toilets needed to be added; despite the Office status was only something owed. However, the apparatus neatness had been good. Second, reliability dimension: the quickness of the apparatus in providing services was not in accordance with the people's expectations because there was no independence in the licensing process and the authority was still in the technical departments. Third, responsiveness dimension: the apparatus who had been serving the applicants had been good, but the quickness in completing the issuance of licenses was not maximized because there was no Standard Operational Procedures. Fourth, assurance dimension: the guarantee given by the apparatus to applicants had not been timely because of the delay in the process at the technical services. Fifth, emphaty dimensions: the services provided by the apparatus of the Board were not discriminatory and always be polite and courteous

    Keefektifan Metode Pengajaran Membaca Dan Menulis (Mmp) (Studi Deskriptif Terhadap Pengalaman Guru-guru Kelas Satu Sekolah Dasar)

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    Setiap pengajaran di sekolah formal melibatkan siswa, guru, tujuan, materi, fasilitas, dan cara guru menyampaikan pelajaran dalam rangka mencapai tujuan pengajaran. Cara guru menyampaikan pelajaran ini lazim disebut metode pengajaran. Tujuan pengajaran membaca dan menulis permulaan adalah supaya anak dapat membaca dan menulis. Membaca dalam arti menyuarakan lambang atau bunyi bahasa sebelum membaca untuk memahami makna yang dibaca. Menulis dalam arti menggambar atau menuliskan gambar atau bunyhi bahasa sebelum menulis mengungkapkan pikiran atau perasaan. Dalam hal pengajaran membaca dan menulis permulaan dikenal berbagai metode pengajaran untuk pencapaian tujuannya, yaitu: metode abjad/huruf, metode bunyi (lazim disebut metode Eja), metode kata, metode suku kata, dan metode global (kalimat). Yang terakhir inil (metode kalimat) dikenal pula dengan metode SAS. Semua metode ini tentu mempunyai kebaikan dan kelemahan. Guru yang berpengalaman menerapkannya tentu dapat memberi reaksi untuk mengatakan ada metode yang efektif di antaranya. Untuk mengetahui hal itu dilakukan penelitian terhadap guru-guru SD yang pernah dan mempunyai pengalaman mengajarkan membaca dan menulis permulaan di kelas satu di semua SD yang ada di Kecamatan Talawi, Kab. Batubara yang berjumlah 44 orang. Data penelitian ini diperleh melalui wawancara terhadap guru-guru SD yang dijadikan sumber data Setelah adata dianalisis diketahui metode pengajaran MMP yang efektif menurut responden adalah metode Eja. Sebanyak 81,25% responden mengatakan mereka terus menggunakan metode Eja, karena mereka mendapatkan hasil pembelajaran lebih baik atau anak lebih cepat dapat membaca dan menulis. Dengan demikian hasil penelitian ini menyatakan metode Eja lebih efektif daripada metode lain dalam pengajaran MMP sesuai pengalaman guru-guru responden penelitian ini

    Urgensi Pendidikan Non Formal Terhadap Pendidikan Leadership

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    Bangsa yang mampu menemukan cara untuk mengamalkan moralnya, berdasarkan etos yang bangsa tersebut miliki sendiri dan tetap dengan berbagi dan saling mengisi, dan berhubungan dengan bangsa lain, diyakini akan mampu bertahan didalam dunia yang semakin kompleks. Untuk mejadikan bangsa seperti itu diperlukan masyarakat yang paham akan makna kepemimpinan. Sehingga diperlukan sebuah sistem pendidikan kepemimpinan. Semua lembaga nonformal mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk menciptakan sistem dan melakukannya secara terorganisasi. Tulisan berikut akan berupaya memberikan paparan tentang peran setrategis lembaga-lembaga nonformal dalam melakukan proses pendidikan kepemimpinan. Pendidikan dan latihan kepemimpinan di lembaga pendidikan nonformal bisa di lakukan dengan dua model, yaitu : model integrasi (integration model) dan model terpisah. Materi pendidikan kepemimpinan dapat dikategorikan dalam beberapa pokok materi yaitu : idiologi, kenegaraan dan kebangsaan; prilaku organisasi; komunikasi massa; pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan; manajemen konflik dan motivasi berprestasi

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Petani Padi Di Desa Pir Trans Sosa IV Terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian Pada Balai Penyuluh Kecamatan Hutaraja Tinggi Kabupaten Padang Lawas Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Farmer satisfaction on the performance extension is very important to get attention, farmers can assess the performance extension in terms of quantity, quality, timeliness, effectivenessand commitment. If it is done properly, it will affect farmers\u27 satisfaction on the performance extension, and will impact fositif to agricultural production in the village of Pir Trans SosaIV, District Hutaraja Tinggi. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of satisfaction of rice farmers in the village of Pir Trans Sosa IV on the performance of agriculturalextension in the District Hutaraja Tinggi. Analysis of the data used is Scale Range analysis using Likert Scale. The analysis showed that the level of satisfaction of farmers to extension of performance in terms of aspects of quantity with a score of 119 (79.33%) and fit into the category of very satisfied. Aspects of quality with a score of 167 (74.22%) and entered into the category quite satisfied. Aspects of the timeliness with a score of 111 (73.995%) and entered into the category quite satisfied. Aspects of commitment with a score of 182 (80.88%) and fit into the category of very satisfied

    Karakteristik Fisiologis Ralstonia Solanacearum Penyebab Penyakit Layu Bakteri Nilam

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    Physiological characteristics of Ralstonia solanacearumcausing bacterial wilt disease on patchouli plantThe study of characteristics of Ralstonia solanacearum causingbacterial wilt disease on patchouli plant was conducted in the patchouliplant field in Pasaman Barat West Sumatera and bacteriological laboratoryand green house of Agricultural Faculty of Gadjah Mada University,Yogyakarta. The field activity were identification of disease symptom andcollection of infected plant by bacterial disease from the patchouli plantfield that have the height disease intensity (more than 75%) that wasconducted on January 2003. Activity of laboratory and green house wereisolation and assay of bacterial morphology, hypersensitive andpathogenicity test, bacteriological characteristic, fluorescens pigment,antibiotic, biotype and ras pathology were conducted from January toAugust 2003. Results showed that 31 isolates showed hypersensitivereaction on tobacco leaf. Twenty isolates infected patchouly plant withwilt symptoms with incubation period 14.6 – 39.3 days after inoculation.Ns 31 was the most virulent isolate. Analytic results of bacteriologicalcharacteristic showed that the bacterial isolates of Patchouli plant fromWest Pasaman-West Sumatera is Ralstonia solanacearum. Based onbiotype and host range test, this isolates was grouped into biotype III andras one

    Skrining Dan Identifikasi Isolat Bakteri Endofit Untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Pada Bawang Merah

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    Screening and identification of endophytic bacteria to control bacterial leaf blight disease on Shallot. The experiment was conducted in Laboratory and Green House, from January to June 2012. Laboratory experiment consisted of three steps: (1) isolation of endophytic bacteria from healthy onion roots, (2)In planta /screening of endophytic isolates capable of reducing bacterial leaf blight disease, and (3) molecular identification of potential endophytic isolates. Treatments of in planta test were arranged in Completely Randomized Design. Collected isolates were tested for their capability in controlling bacterial leaf blight disease on shallot. The variables observed were disease incidence, disease severity, and shallot yield. The results showed that out of 82 isolates successfully isolated, 56 isolates (68.29%) were Gram positive, and 26 isolate (31.71%) were Gram negative. All isolates were HR negative and pathogenicity negative. Six endophytic isolates showed better performance in inducing resistance and increasing onion yield. Based on 16S rRNA sequence the six isolates were Bacillus cereus strain P14 , Bacillus cereus strain Se07, Bacillus sp H1, Bacillus sp SJ1 and Serratia marcescens strain PPM4
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