5,325 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk bisa mengatasi persoalan yaitu ada tiga Mendeskripsikan kebutuhan siswa dan guru terhadap bahan ajar teks narasi menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme.b.Mendeskripsikan bahan ajar teks narasi dengan pendekatan sesuai kebutuhan siswa dan guru,c.Mendeskripsikan bahan ajar teks narasi dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme   setelah perbaikan.Model pengembangan bahan ajar E-book teks narasi ada tiga: a.Modelpendefinisan,b.Model perancangan, c.Modelpengembangan.Teknik pengumpulan datayang di gunakan dalam penelitian pengembnagan ini yaitu wawancara,lembarvalidasi,dan angket respon siswa .Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniyaitu teknik analisis deskriptif,kualitatif dan kuantitatif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan ole penneliti dpt diketahui  bahwa produk bahan ajar yang di kembangkan mendapat presentse 94,6% dari ahli materi 85,7% dari ahli bahasa, 85,4 sedangkan dari angket tespon siswa mendapat presentase 81,8 %Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan penerapan produk bahan ajar valid dan dapat digunakan pada proses pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, E-Book, Teks Narasi, Konstruktivisme

    The World of Persian Literary Humanism

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    The Better Story: Queer Affects from the Middle East

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    A New Method for Obtaining the Baryons Mass under the Killingbeck Plus Isotonic Oscillator Potentials

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    In this work, the spectrum of ground state and excited baryons (N, {\Delta}, , , and {\Omega} particles) has been investigated by using a non-relativistic quantum mechanics under the Killingbeck plus isotonic oscillator potentials. Using the Jacobi-coordinates, anzast method and generalized G\"ursey Radicati (GR) mass formula the three body wave equation is solved to calculate the different states of the considered baryons. A comparison between our calculations and the available experimental data shows that the position of the Roper resonances of the nucleon, the ground states and the excited multiplets up to three GeV are in general well reproduced. Also one can conclude that; the interaction between the quark constituents of baryon resonances could be described adequately by using the combination of Killingbeck and isotonic oscillator potentials form.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:nucl-th/0506032 by other author

    High Phosphate Strontium Containing Bioactive Glass Coatings for Bone Tissue Engineering

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    The need for prosthetic joint implants continues to grow, but many implants fail and require revision surgery, mainly due to non-bonding to bone. Currently many metal prostheses are coated with hydroxyapatite (HA), often giving rise to ceramic particles leading to wear of the prosthesis surface. This thesis describes the development of bioactive glass (BG) coatings for metallic implants to improve the bone-implant bond, enable better osseointegration, and improve implant lifespan. Strontium was substituted for calcium in two series of melt-derived BG based on the SiO2-MgONa2O- K2O-ZnO-P2O5-CaO system. In the first series, 0, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the CaO was replaced by SrO; and in the second series 10% of the CaO was replaced by SrO and the P2O5 content was varied between 1.07 and 6.42 mol%. Ti alloy coupons were surface coated with BG by enamelling technique. The structural and physical properties of the glasses and glass coatings were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Amorphous coatings showed good adhesion to the Ti alloy with the exception of the 100% Srsubstituted coating. The mixed calcium/strontium glasses exhibited a larger processing window; temperature difference between glass transition and onset of crystallization temperature; favouring the production of amorphous well sintered coatings. Dissolution profiles and bioactivity of the produced glasses were investigated by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), XRD, NMR and FTIR. Increasing the P2O5 content of the Sr-substituted glasses aided the formation of the hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA) layer in SBF. 31P and 29Si NMR showed that the glasses were phase separated with a predominantly Q2 silicate structure co-existing with phosphorus in a predominantly Q0 orthophosphate environment. The Q2 silicate structure in the network did not change with substitution of SrO for CaO. LIVE/DEAD staining of human osteosarcoma cells (Saos-2) seeded onto BG coatings indicated that the coatings were not cytotoxic. SEM imaging showed that the cells attached and spread over the coating surface. The degree of osseointegration of the high-phosphate Sr-contatining (50% of the CaO replaced by SrO) BG-coated implants were compared with HA-coated implants up to 24 weeks which were inserted into lapine long bones (distal femur, proximal tibia). High-phosphate Sr-containing BGcoated implants demonstrated superior mechanical fixation and increased peri-implant bone formation compared to HA-coated implants. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the potential of Srsubstituted BGs with high-phosphate content for the coating of metallic joint implants

    An International Index of Child Welfare

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    This paper develops an international index of child welfare that can be used for comparisons across countries and over time. Values of this index for the year 1998 are presented for 118 countries. The paper is organized as follows. Sections 2 briefly discusses the importance of child welfare both as a means to advance economic development objectives and as an end in itself. Section 3 calculates National Performance Gaps (NPGs), a concept first introduced by UNICEF (1995) to measure child welfare variables relative to international norms based on per capita income. After a review of some methodological issues, estimates are presented of NPGs for five variables: (1) the infant mortality rate; (2) the under-five mortality rate; (3) the percentage of underfive children who are underweight; (4) the primary school enrollment rate; and (5) the percentage of children reaching grade five. Section 4 draws on these NPGs to devise a composite index of child welfare, WINOCENT. Finally, Section 5 offers some concluding remarks.


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    Abstrak: Artikel ini  ini bertujuan mengkaji  pendidikan inklusif di sekolah dasar.. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini yaitu wanwancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualtatif dengan tiga tahapan yaitu data reduction, data display dan conclusion/verification. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) pendidikan inklusi adalah sistem layanan pendidikan yang mengikutsertakan anak yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus belajar bersama di linkungan sekolah reguler tanpa melihat perbedaan, (2) di Indonesia pendidikan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus di atur dalam UU No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional pasal 15, Permendiknas Nomor 70 tahun 2009 dari pasal 1-15, dan Surat Edaran Dirjen Nomor 380/C.C6/MN/2003 tanggal 20 Januari 2003 tentang pendidikan inklusif, (3) pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada pendidikan inklusif di sekolah dasar harus mempertimbangkan prinsip pembelajaran dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan belajar dari semua anak, (4) Untuk anak yang berkebutuhan khusus menggunakan kurikulum yang telah dikembangkan sesuai dengan standar nasional dan wajib mengikuti ujian nasional, (5) pelaksanaan pendidikan inklusi di SD Taman Muda Yogyakarta dilaksanakan dengan sistem klasikal, kelas khusus, kelas keterampilan dan kesenian.Abstract:  This article aims to review inclusive education in primary schools.. This research uses qualitative approach with field study method. Data collection techniques from this research are wan interview and documentation. Data analysis is done in a quadative way with three stages, namely data reduction, data display and conclusion/ verification. The results of this study show that (1) inclusion education is an education service system that involves children who have special needs to learn together in regular school links without seeing differences, (2) in Indonesia education for children with special needs is regulated in Law No. 20 of 2003 on the national education system article 15, Permendiknas No. 70 of 2009 from article 1-15, and Circular Letter of the Director General No. 380/C.C6/MN/2003 dated January 20, 2003 on inclusive education, (3) the implementation of learning in inclusive education in elementary schools must consider the principles of learning and adjust to the learning needs of all children, (4) For children with special needs using the curriculum that has been developed in accordance with national standards and must take national examinations, (5) The implementation of inclusion education at SD Taman Muda Yogyakarta shall be conducted with classical system, special class, skill and arts class