1,178 research outputs found
Internal Absorption and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: A new Approach towards Market Size
In continuation of the efforts to understand the dynamics of internal market, this study proposes Internal Absorption as an instrument for measuring market size for economies which confront large trade deficit over a longer period of time. The study empirically examines the impacts of Internal Absorption along with trade openness and gross private investment on FDI inflows in Pakistan. The ARDL approach to co-integration and ECM based on ARDL is used to test the existence of long run relationships among variables for the period 1976-2009. The result establishes strong positive relationship between Internal Absorption and FDI inflows in short as well as in the long run
Recent Evidence on Farm Size and Land Productivity: Implications for Public Policy
Agricultural productivity is low in most of the developing
countries including Pakistan. Moreover, slow and meandering agricultural
growth is unable to keep pace with the fast and persistently growing
population pressure in these countries. That in turn, has, continued to
result in malnutrition and recurrent famines [Cornia (1985)]. Worse than
this are the results of an ILO (1977) study, which has shown that food
consumption inequalities have actually increased overtime not only in
the food deficit countries but also in countries experiencing rapid
agricultural growth. This points to the ever-hanging shadows of food
deficiency and resulting malnutrition over the countries characterised
by slow or negative growth in per capita food production and perverted
income distribution [Cornia (1985)]. The only choice with these
countries is to enhance food production and provide better access to
food consumption for the poor masses
Course Coordination In Academic Sector: An Expert System Foundation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come out from science fiction movies and it is now enabling machines to behave like human experts. Computers have some advantages over human beings because of their immunity toward perturbation factors. These factors include fatigue, stress and diminished attention. This ability makes computers more efficient and reliable in decision making. The real goal of AI is to computerize human intelligence. In this paper we explored “Expert Systems” that is one of the most important branches of AI. In expert systems, we simulate expertise of domain experts in computer systems. Machines can work like doctors, engineers and consultants and can be able to learn and use their judgmental power to conclude the situations. In academia, many subjects are being offering in every degree programs. A course coordinator is an expert who allot related subject to instructors by using some factual and heuristic knowledge. The real task is to simulate the judgment ability that he obtained after many years of experience. We proposed an expert system that will stimulates the intelligence of course coordinator and will make reliable decisions.
Internal Absorption and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: A new approach towards Market Size
Abstract. In continuation of the efforts to understand the dynamics of internal market, this study proposes Internal Absorption as an instrument for measuring market size for economies which confront large trade deficit over a longer period of time. The study empirically examines the impacts of Internal Absorption along with trade openness and gross private investment on FDI inflows in Pakistan. The ARDL approach to co-integration and ECM based on ARDL is used to test the existence of long run relationships among variables for the period 1976-2009. The result establishes strong positive relationship between Internal Absorption and FDI inflows in short as well as in the long run.Keywords. Foreign direct investment, Internal absorption, Trade openness, Private investment.JEL. F18, F21, F23, O47
Pengembangan ekonomi kreatif Desa Bandar Pasir Mandoge
Desa Bandar Pasir Mandoge memiliki beragam potensi dalam proses pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Usaha pupuk kotoran hewan (kohe), home industri dan basis kopi pada dasarnya memiliki prospek yang baik dalam bidang usaha yang berbasis ekonomi kreatif namun usaha tersebut hanya bersifat stag atau tidak berkembang, dikarenakan tidak adanya pengembangan pada usaha tersebut. Dengan demikian peneliti memiliki rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana strategi pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Desa Bandar Pasir mandoge dan apa saja yang menjadi faktor pendukung pengembangan ekonomi kreatif Desa Bandar Pasir mandoge. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran pengembangan ekonomi kreatif pada masyarakat Desa Bandar Pasir mandoge dan untuk mengetahui apa yang menghambat minat masyarakat untuk melakukan pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Desa Bandar Pasir Mandoge.
Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori dari John Howkins, yaitu Ekonomi kreatif didefinisikan selaku aktivitas ekonomi yang menjadikan kreativitas, peninggalan budaya yang menjadi daya tarik serta area selaku tumpuan masa depan. Proses penciptaan nilai tambah bersumber pada kreativitas, budaya, serta bagian ini lah yang membagikan nilai tambah pada suatu perekonomian. Pada intinya adalah upaya produktivitas yang bersumber kepada orang- orang kreatif yang mengandalkan keahlian ilmu pengetahuan yang dimilikinya
Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan data Kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research), sedangkan sumber data yaitu dari data primer dengan subjek penelitian secara holistic (menyeluruh, tidak dapat dipisah-pisahkan) dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi. Semua data-data tersebut dianalisa secara induktif dengan metode pengecekan comfirmability.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa strategi pengembangan ekonomi kreatif dengan sosialisasi, pendampingan dalam pengurusan izin, pemanfaatan platform media sosial dan toko online, dan pelatihan terhadap pelaku usaha itu sendiri berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan yang di terima dari masing-masing pelaku usaha yang ada serta lebih memudahkan untuk memperoleh pinjaman dana terkhusus di Desa Bandar Pasir Mandoge Kecamatan Bandar Pasir Mandoge Kabupaten Asahan. Faktor pendukung pengembangan ekonomi kreatif dengan adanya kemajuan tekhnologi dan mudahnya akses komunikasi semakin membuat pelaku usaha tersebut meningkatkan kreativitas produknya maka akan semakin banyak minat dari konsumen untuk membeli produknya sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan. Sedangkan apabila pelaku usaha tersebut tidak dapat memberikan inovasi-inovasi yang baru maka konsumen juga kurang berminat untuk membeli produknya sehingga akan berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan yang diperoleh
Impact of egg size on the quality of eggs, chicks, and post hatch overview of offspring during the mid stage of yield (45th week) in Hubbard broiler breeders
Background: Egg size is the most significant component in influencing the performance of the laying flock. Though commercial broiler farming is in operation, little is known about how breeder hatching egg size at mid (45 week) stage of production period affects on egg quality, chick quality and post-hatch Hubbard broiler performance.Methods: At the age of 45 weeks, hatching eggs (n=930) from a commercial broiler breeder flock were collected and classified into three egg weight categories: small (60.25±0.25g), medium (65.10 ± 0.31g), and large (70.07 ± 0.61g). These eggs more classified into 2 categories, eggs for quality parameters and eggs for incubation & posthatch performance parameters.Results: Eggs from the small egg group had a higher shell weight percentage. The shape index and specific gravity were impacted by egg size, with larger eggs having lower values. Both male and female chicks' weight and length were significantly influenced by egg size. Data of the body weight gain indicated that as broilers age, the influence of egg size on post-hatch performance of chicks’ decreases. Up until age 21, female chicks' body weight gain was highly influenced by egg size. The feed conversion ratio of female chicks at day 21 of life was considerably impacted by various egg-weight categories, while it had no effect on male and female chicks at day 35.Conclusion: Egg size favourably influenced the features of the chicks (weight and length) but had no impact on the broilers' final live body weight, feed conversion ratio, feed consumption, or mortality
Clear cell papillary cystadenoma of epididymis, a mimic of metastatic renal cell carcinoma
We discuss a case of 25 year old male who was evaluated for primary infertility following marriage. He had no previous history of urogenital complaints or abnormalities. In fact, his past medical history was unremarkable. On examination epididymal masses were found. Semen analysis showed azoospermia. Right epididymal mass was surgically excised. Histopathology showed an epididymal neoplasm composed of simple and complex papillary processes lining and filling the ducts. The tumor cells were clear and positive for cytoplasmic glycogen. Immunohistochemistry was also supportive. Diagnosis of clear cell papillary cystedenoma was made based on histopathological and immunohistochemical features
Experimental Investigation of Compressive Strength and Infiltration Rate of Pervious Concrete by Fully Reduction of Sand
The aim of the study is to investigate compressive strength of pervious concrete by reduction of fine aggregate from zero to 100%, additionally investigate infiltration rate of pervious concrete. Experimental study has conducted at Cecos Engineering University Peshawar. The pervious concrete samples were produced for 7 and 28 days. Compressive strength of pervious concrete indicated higher reduction of the sand reduces compressive strength and almost 50% compressive strength decreased by reduction of 100% sand from the design mix. On the other side, infiltration rate for 28 days shows direct relation above 40% reduction of sand and highest 273% of infiltration rate by reducing 100% sand from the design mix. The 90% reduction of sand from concrete give considerable compressive strength of 2150 psi and infiltration rate of 165.79 inch/hour, which can be recommended for pavements of parking and walking area
Isolation and screening of alkaline protease producing bacteria and physio-chemical characterization of the enzyme
Soil samples from different habitats including tanneries, soap industries, garden soil and soil compost were screened for the presence of alkalophilic Bacillus isolates capable of producing alkaline protease in large quantities. One hundred and eighteen (118) isolates were found having proteolytic activity on skim milk agar plates. Isolates forming larger zones, as a result of casein hydrolysis were further studied for quantitative production of extracellular alkaline protease activity in the shake flask studies. Isolate CEMB10370 gave maximum activity. Time course studies indicated that strain CEMB10370 had the highest protease activity (380 APU/mL) after 48 h of fermentation. The wild type enzyme was biochemically characterized. The enzyme exhibits optimal activity at 50°C and pH 11.5. The protease enzyme was completely inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl (PMSF, serine protease inhibitor) and its isoelectric point was ~9.5. The enzyme was purified by ion-exchange chromatography using CMSepharose column as a ~29 Kilo Dalton (kDa) protein.Key words: Alkaline protease, alkalophilic ,Bacillus subtili
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