24 research outputs found
Refinement Method of Retaining Wall (L-Shape Concrete) and CCSP Design in Kalimas Quayside Kademeter 1200-1400 Project
As one of the state-owned enterprises (BUMN), PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Regional Jawa Timur has demanded to obtain the considerable revenues using the limited maintenance funds for port facilities. One of the roles of Engineering Division includes the availability of port facilities that support operation division, so it is necessary to check and maintain the facilities. In consequence, the estimated cost and time of project carried out effectively to mitigate the risk level in the future in order to achieve the main objectives. One of the biggest revenues in the port sector is on the quayside facility services, therefore, maintenance of these facilities needs to be prioritized. The final project provides an analysis of cost and time calculations using the method of repairing the retaining wall (L-Shape Concrete) and the CCSP (Coruggated Concrete Sheet Pile) method for repairing damage to Kalimas Kademeter Quayside 1200-1400 with damage length of 176 meters and width of 9 meters. Based on the observation of cost and time analysis, the estimated cost of using the L-Shape Concrete repair method is much cheaper than using the CCSP (Coruggated Concrete Sheet Pile) method, but the actual project period is much longer. Finally, the selection of repair methods can adjust to the necessity of cost and time aspects, as well as the methods of project
Analysis of the Impact of Development Infrastructure Development on Settlement Communities
The impact of the development of Infrastructure development on the Community of Settlement Areas on Jalan Pasar Nambangan, Kenjeran, Surabaya needs to be evaluated on 700 meters of Roads and Channels that have been installed in the location and sought the satisfaction of the local community after the construction of the Infrastructure. By using several methods including looking for quality paving, analyzing rainfall using the Log Person III method, and Seeking Community Satisfaction as a benchmark of this researcher, where the results of each analysis with optimal results, where the Road in the form of Paving blocks using concrete quality I with the crushed voltage is 38.22 MPa which will have an impact on the life of the road and in the good category, then for the channel produce a comparison of Q Channels with Q Plan 0.104237837 m3 / sec: 0.051493258 m3 / sec, which (channel conditions are safe or able to accept Q Plan) which will later has an impact on channel capacity in the next 10 years and the last of the 75 Community Respondents shows 54.22% Very Satisfied from the existence of the Infrastructure which has a good impact to support activities in the daily lives of the community
Dampak dari perkembangan pembangunan Infrastruktur tehadap Masyarakat Kawasan Permukiman di Jalan Pasar Nambangan, Kenjeran, Surabaya perlu di evaluasi terhadap Jalan dan Saluran sepanjang 700 meter yang telah terpasang dilokasi dan dicari kepuasan Masyarkat setempat setelah dibangunnya Infrastruktur tersebut. Dengan menggunakan beberapa metode diantaranya mencari kualitas paving, menganalisa curah hujan menggunakan metode Log Person III,dan Mencari Kepuasan Masyarakat sebagai tolak ukur dari peneliti ini, dimana hasil dari masing-masing analisa dengan hasil optimal, dimana Jalan berupa Paving block menggunakan mutu beton I dengan tegangan hancur 38.22 Mpa yang akan berdampak pada umur jalan dan dalam kategori baik, lalu untuk saluran menghasilkan perbandingan Q Saluran dengan Q Rencana 0.104237837 m3/detik : 0.051493258 m3/detik, yang dimana (Kondisi saluran aman atau mampu menerima Q Rencana) yang nantinya akan berdampak pada kapasitas saluran dalam 10 tahun kedepan dan yang terakhir adalah dari 75 Responden Masyarakat menunjukan 54.22 % Sangat Puas dari adanya Infrastruktur tersebut yang berdampak baik untuk menunjang aktifitas dalam sehari-hari masyarakat
Kita ketahui bahwa peraturan IMB berlaku dan mengikat bagi semua pihak yang melakukan kegiatan pembangunan. Pemerintah Kabupaten Gresik menerapkan pemberlakuan IMB sebagai alat pengendali tata ruang wilayah yang ditetapkan melalui Peraturan Daerah Nomor 28 Tahun 2011 tentang Bangunan Gedung, yang diatur lebih lanjut dalam Peraturan Daerah Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 tentang Penanaman Modal di Kabupaten Gresik, namun di lapangan pemberlakuan peraturan ini belum optimal ditaati oleh masyarakat selaku pemilik atau pengguna bangunan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dibahas diatas, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan masyarakat dalam mengurus izin mendirikan bangunan di Kabupaten Gresik sebesar 71,32%. Untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan masyarakat dalam mengurus izin sebelum mendirikan sebuah bangunan, dengan cara memberikan sanksi-sanksi terkait setelah adanya sosialisasi. Pemda harus benar-benar lebih ketat dalam pemberian sanksi, agar hal ini dapat menimbulkan efek jera terhadap masyarakat. Sehingga bangunan liar yang ada di Kabupaten Gresik tidak semakin bertambah, dan tercipta masyarakat yang patuh dengan peraturan
Analysis of the Utilization of Campus Green Open Space at Narotama University Surabaya
Environmental problems have become one of the things that are most often considered in recent years, the problems that we often hear about are the problems of globalization. The problem of globalization has led to many innovations among the community, especially in universities, namely the Green Campus. Green Open Space (RTH) has become a key indicator in Green Campus-based spatial planning. Along with the increasing number of physical infrastructure developments, the existence of private Green Open Space (GOS) has also begun to decrease and change functions. This study aims to determine the extent of Green Open Space (GOS) in the Narotama University Surabaya. The total value of the Green Area Coefficient (GAC) of Narotama University Surabaya is 10.7%, which value has fulfilled the minimum requirement for private green open space, which is 10%. Narotama University Surabaya is also not ready to become a green campus, due to the existence of a smoking area, where criteria for a green campus are that there should be no smoking area within the campus
The availability of actual information on road damage is needed to determine the condition of a road either to monitor road conditions or to improve planning. Information that has been there will be compiled into an information system. Road damage information system created using Geographic Information System (GIS). This modeling using the Google Earth satellite imagery software, the utilization of Microsoft Office 2007, Google Map to describe and process data obtained directly from the survey of the coordinates of the road segment to be constructed as a Information systems. GIS modeling can display road information that informs the road damage condition. It is expected that with the final project of Road Damage Modeling, Based on Geographic Information System (GIS) at Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan nasional VIII, this can assist / facilitate clarification, type and category of road damage.Ketersedian informasi aktual akan kerusakan jalan sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui kondisi suatu jalan baik untuk memantau kondisi jalan maupun perencanaan perbaikan atau Overlay perkerasannya. Informasi yang selama ini sudah akan disusun menjadi sebuah sistem informasi. Sistem informasi kerusakan jalan yang dibuat menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG).Pembuatan Permodelan ini menggunakan perangkat lunak citra satelit Google Earth, pemanfaatan Microsoft Office 2007, Google Map untuk menggambarkan dan mengolah data yang diperoleh langsung dari survey koordinat ruas jalan yang akan dibangun sebagai suatu sistem informasi.Permodelan SIG ini dapat menampilkan informasi ruas jalan yang menginformasikan kondisi kerusakan jalan. Diharapkan dengan pengerjaan tugas akhir Permodelan Kerusakan Jalan, Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Di Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional VIII, ini dapat membantu / mempermudah klarifikasi, jenis dan kategori kerusakan jalan
Application of Modelling Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Bagendang Port Multipurpose Extension at Central Kalimantan
BIM is a technology in the field of AEC that is able to simulate all information in a development project into a 3-dimensional model. In the world of construction in Indonesia BIM technology is still very minimal applied to the world of construction. he purpose of this final project is to design a planning model for the Extension of the Bagendang Port Multipurpose Pier in Sampit, Central Kalimantan using software from Aecosim. The results of this study show 3D results from the modeling of the Pier structure. This shows that BIM-based applications in planning and designing a building model can simplify the design analysis process
Mediating Role Competitive Advantage between Customer Relationship, Supply Chain Collaboration Value Innovation and Supply Chain Capability and Supply Chain Performance: Manufacturing Industry Supported Sustainable Mobility in Indonesia
The basic objective of this paper is to examine customer relationship, Supply chain collaboration value innovation and Supply chain capability on supply chain performance. Moreover, the mediating impact of competitive advantage is examined as well. The data is collected from respondents of manufacturing sector of Indonesia. the total 244 questionnaires for the analysis of this study. In this study we have used PLS-SEM for data examination and provision of support for the development of hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed Supply chain collaboration and Supply chain capability has significant impact on competitive advantage. Rest of the relations have proved to be significant. The findings of the study will contribute in the limited literature of the supply chain performance. Moreover, the policy makers of the manufacturing sectors of the Indonesia can get benefit from it
Traffic performance analysis of unsignalized intersection using the Traffic Conflict Parameter technique
The unsignaled intersection of Jalan H Djole – Jalan Pasar Lama in Bekasi City is a densely populated commercial area with high economic activity. The lack of facilities and infrastructure that causes traffic jams at the intersection also raises the potential for conflict. This study aims to analyze the level of service, the type of conflict, and the traffic conflict complexity at an unsignaled intersection. The field survey method obtains primary data on the conflict approach and traffic volume. The analysis showed that the highest traffic volume was 3,810 passenger cars unit/hour with a DS value of 1.06 and LOS F. The number of conflicts that occurred during one hour of observation at peak hours was 420. Most of the conflicts that arose were straight-right, turned movements of 138
Covid19, Sustainable Mobility and Transportation Research
Purpose: Constructs and visualizes bibliometric networks research in Covid19, Sustainable Mobility And Transportation Research with meta-analysis techniques using VOS-viewer analysis.
Design/methodology/approach: This research is a bibliometric analysis, a statistical evaluation of published books, or the chapters of a book, scientific articles in Covid19, Sustainable Mobility And Transportation Research, also it is an effectual way to measure the influence of publication in the scientific community. First analysis using Scopus.com analysis search result, Covid19, Sustainable Mobility And Transportation Research publication. Next analysis using VOS-viewer, a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks in Covid19, Sustainable Mobility And Transportation Research field.
Findings: Based on VOS-viewer analysis in scopus.com. COVID19, mobility and transportation research publication, 2020-2021, 134 document results, scopus.com, best 3 affiliations are Texas A&M University, The University of Sydney, and Griffith University; best 3 countries and territories are United Kingdom, United States, and Australia; best 3 funding sponsor are National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission, and European Research Council.
Research limitations/implications: This research based on literature review.
Practical implications: This research provides an illustration of sustainable mobility and transportation research in during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Originality/value: This research is original.
Paper type: Research Pape