18,681 research outputs found

    The df: A proposed data format standard

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    A standard is proposed describing a portable format for electronic exchange of data in the physical sciences. Writing scientific data in a standard format has three basic advantages: portability; the ability to use metadata to aid in interpretation of the data (understandability); and reusability. An improperly formulated standard format tends towards four disadvantages: (1) it can be inflexible and fail to allow the user to express his data as needed; (2) reading and writing such datasets can involve high overhead in computing time and storage space; (3) the format may be accessible only on certain machines using certain languages; and (4) under some circumstances it may be uncertain whether a given dataset actually conforms to the standard. A format was designed which enhances these advantages and lessens the disadvantages. The fundamental approach is to allow the user to make her own choices regarding strategic tradeoffs to achieve the performance desired in her local environment. The choices made are encoded in a specific and portable way in a set of records. A fully detailed description and specification of the format is given, and examples are used to illustrate various concepts. Implementation is discussed

    Comparison of the poleward transport of ozone in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

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    Six and one-half years of ozone data and temperature data are used to extend Geller et al.'s (1988) study comparing the transport of ozone to high latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In this earlier study, it was pointed out that the poleward transport of ozone varies annually in the Northern Hemisphere but has a marked semiannual behavior in the Southern Hemisphere. This earlier study covered the period from December 1978 to November 1982. Two and one-half additional years have now been analyzed so that the analysis now extends to July 1986. With this extended data set, the maximum rate of increase in total ozone is seen to occur in January in the Northern Hemisphere for all of the years investigated. In the Southern Hemisphere, the maximum rate of increase is seen in September for almost all of the years with a secondary maximum in the rate of increase in total ozone often being seen during March-April period. The nature of the seasonal variation in total ozone is found to be much more variable in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere

    Why do planetary wave number one and the ozone transport vary annually in the Northern Hemisphere and semiannually in the Southern Hemisphere

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    Evidence is cited from these studies and those of others showing the different nature of the yearly variations of the middle atmospheres of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The Northern Hemisphere middle atmosphere is shown to be characterized by annual variations in planetary wave number one amplitude and the accompanying ozone transports. The Southern Hemisphere middle atmosphere is shown to be characterized by semiannual variations in the amplitude of planetary wave number one and the accompanying ozone transports. The amplitude of wave number two in both hemispheres appears to vary annually. Examination is made of the nature of the planetary wave forcing in both hemispheres as well as the planetary wave propagation characteristics in both hemispheres in an attempt to better understand this

    Quantum Stability of (2+1)-Spacetimes with Non-Trivial Topology

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    Quantum fields are investigated in the (2+1)-open-universes with non-trivial topologies by the method of images. The universes are locally de Sitter spacetime and anti-de Sitter spacetime. In the present article we study spacetimes whose spatial topologies are a torus with a cusp and a sphere with three cusps as a step toward the more general case. A quantum energy momentum tensor is obtained by the point stripping method. Though the cusps are no singularities, the latter cusps cause the divergence of the quantum field. This suggests that only the latter cusps are quantum mechanically unstable. Of course at the singularity of the background spacetime the quantum field diverges. Also the possibility of the divergence of topological effect by a negative spatial curvature is discussed. Since the volume of the negatively curved space is larger than that of the flat space, one see so many images of a single source by the non-trivial topology. It is confirmed that this divergence does not appear in our models of topologies. The results will be applicable to the case of three dimensional multi black hole\cite{BR}.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, 3 uuencoded figures containe

    Reverse graded relaxed buffers for high Ge content SiGe virtual substrates

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    An innovative approach is proposed for epitaxial growth of high Ge content, relaxed Si1−xGex buffer layers on a Si(001) substrate. The advantages of the technique are demonstrated by growing such structures via chemical vapor deposition and their characterization. Relaxed Ge is first grown on the substrate followed by the reverse grading approach to reach a final buffer composition of 0.78. The optimized buffer structure is only 2.8 µm thick and demonstrates a low surface threading dislocation density of 4×106 cm−2, with a surface roughness of 2.6 nm. The buffers demonstrate a relaxation of up to 107%

    Average features of the muon component of EAS or = 10(17) eV

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    Three 10 sq m liquid scintillators were situated at approximately 0 m, 150 m and 250 m from the center of the Haverah Park array. The detectors were shielded by lead/barytes giving muon detection thresholds of 317 MeV, 431 MeV and 488 MeV respectively. During part of the operational period the 431 MeV threshold was lowered to 313 MeV for comparison purposes. For risetime measurement fast phototubes were used and the 10% to 70% amplitude time interval was parameterized by T sub 70. A muon lateral density distribution of the form rho mu (R theta) = krho(500)0.94 1/R(1 + R/490)-eta has been fitted to the data for 120 m R 600 m and 0.27 (500) 2.55. The shower size parameter (500) is the water Cerenkov response at 500 m from the core of the extensive air showers (EAS) and is relatable to the primary energy. The results show general consistency

    Muon fluctuation studies of EAS 10(17) eV

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    Fluctuation studies need to compare a parameter which is sensitive to longitudinal fluctuations against a parameter which is insensitive. Cascade calculations indicate that the shower size parameter at Haverah Park, rho (500), and the muon density are insensitive while parameters that significantly reflect the longitudinal development of a particular extensive air shower (EAS) include the muon/water Cerenkov response ratio and the muon arrival time dispersion. This paper presents conclusions based on muon fluctuation studies of EAS measured between 1976 and 1981 at Haverah Park

    The muon content of EAS as a function of primary energy

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    The muon content of extensive air showers (EAS) was measured over the wide primary energy range 10 to the 16th power to 10 to the 20th power eV. It is reported that the relative muon content of EAS decreases smoothly over the energy range 10 to the 17th power to 10 to the 19th power eV and concluded that the primary cosmic ray flux has a constant mass composition over this range. It is also reported that an apparent significant change in the power index occurs below 10 to the 17th power eV rho sub c (250 m) sup 0.78. Such a change indicates a significant change in primary mass composition in this range. The earlier conclusions concerning EAS of energy 10 to the 17th power eV are confirmed. Analysis of data in the 10 to the 16th power - 10 to the 17th power eV range revealed a previously overlooked selection bias in the data set. The full analysis of the complete data set in the energy range 10 to the 16th power - 10 to the 17th power ev with the selection bias eliminated is presented

    Global atmospheric circulation statistics: Four year averages

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    Four year averages of the monthly mean global structure of the general circulation of the atmosphere are presented in the form of latitude-altitude, time-altitude, and time-latitude cross sections. The numerical values are given in tables. Basic parameters utilized include daily global maps of temperature and geopotential height for 18 pressure levels between 1000 and 0.4 mb for the period December 1, 1978 through November 30, 1982 supplied by NOAA/NMC. Geopotential heights and geostrophic winds are constructed using hydrostatic and geostrophic formulae. Meridional and vertical velocities are calculated using thermodynamic and continuity equations. Fields presented in this report are zonally averaged temperature, zonal, meridional, and vertical winds, and amplitude of the planetary waves in geopotential height with zonal wave numbers 1-3. The northward fluxes of sensible heat and eastward momentum by the standing and transient eddies along with their wavenumber decomposition and Eliassen-Palm flux propagation vectors and divergences by the standing and transient eddies along with their wavenumber decomposition are also given. Large interhemispheric differences and year-to-year variations are found to originate in the changes in the planetary wave activity
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