111 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of two-phase piezocomposites with interface mechanical anisotropic effects

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    This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant № 15-19-10008-P)

    Comparative analysis of spherical focusing transducers from dense and porous piezoceramic materials

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    The second author is grateful for the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project 9.1001.2017/4.6

    The banding in serpentinites and its influence on character of talc-magnesite and magnesite mineralization (natural and experimental data)

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    The geological setting of some banded talc-magnesite ores and magnesites was studied in the field (Urals, Russia; Finland, East Iran). Talc-magnesite and magnesite ores occur in ultramafic rocks. Experimental methods were used in order to determine the influence of physico-mechanical parameters on the formation of banded structures in talc-magnesite rocks and magnesites. Experiments were carried out with axial compression up to 10 kbar and confining pressure 2, 4, 6 and 8 kbars at room temperature. The samples were chemically analyzed using a Philips Analytical PW 2400 authomatic XRF Spectrometer and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Some analyses were made with a "Camebax SX-50" electron microprobe, using an accelerating voltage of 20 kilovolts for all elements with a sample current of 20 nanoamps. X-ray method for phase identification was used. Structure peculiarities of rocks prior to the experiment and after were studied by optical methods in polished sections and thin sections. It was shown, that banding in talc-magnesite stone and magnesites are inherited from banded serpentinites and can affect on distribution and composition rock-forming minerals

    The behaviours of Mg and Ca in some types of ultramaphic alkaline melts in the presence of H 2 O at high temperature and pressure (the experimental data)

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    The sample has been investigated, which was composed of olivine-melilite rock from the south-western part of the Kugda intrusion, situated in the eastern margin of the Maimecha-Kotuiskay alkaline- ultramaphic province (northern part of Siberia platform). The experiments were carried out using a high-pressure apparatus of the "piston-cylinder" type. The pressure was 5-15 kb and the temperature -800-1250 0 C. The water content in the system was 3 and 9 wt. All experiments were carried out in hermetically sealed Pt or Au ampoules. The samples were chemically analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Besides, the chemical composition of the experimental phases was determined by means of more than 40 electron microprobe in 20 experimental samples. For phase identification the X-ray method was used too. The structural peculiarities of rocks and mineral compositions were studied by optical methods in polished and thin sections prior and after the experiment. It was shown that at pressures above 7.5-8 kb the olivine-melilite melt is separated into two melts: pyroxenite and melilite. Most part of Mg in this system was concentrated in a high temperature phase of diopside type. The remaining melt was depleted of Mg and enriched by Ca. The mineralization vapour practically did not contain Mg. The main components of the mineralization vapour were Ca, Na, Si and Fe

    Finite element modeling of effective properties of nanoporous thermoelastic composites with surface effects

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    This investigation concerns to the determination of the material properties of nanoscale thermoelastic composites of an arbitrary anisotropy class with stochastically distributed porosity. In order to take into account nanoscale level at the borders between material and pores, the GurtinMurdoch model of surface stresses and the highly conduct- ing model are used. Finite element package ANSYS was used to simulate representative volume and to calculate the effective material properties. This approach is based on the theory of effective moduli of composite mechanics, modeling of representative volumes and the finite element method. Here, the contact boundaries between material and pores were covered by the surface membrane elastic and thermal shell elements in order to take the surface effects into account

    Finite element modelling of 1-3 piezoelectric polymer composites with surface effects

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    This work for second author was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant number 15-19-10008-P)

    Analysis of porosity influence on the effective moduli of ceramic matrix PZT composite based on the simplified finite element model

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    The work was carried out as part of project No. 9.1001.2017 / 4.6 of the competitive part of the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia

    Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge, phase II: Characterization of exoplanet signals in high-contrast images

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    Today, there exists a wide variety of algorithms dedicated to high-contrast imaging, especially for the detection and characterisation of exoplanet signals. These algorithms are tailored to address the very high contrast between the exoplanet signal(s), which can be more than two orders of magnitude fainter than the bright starlight residuals in coronagraphic images. The starlight residuals are inhomogeneously distributed and follow various timescales that depend on the observing conditions and on the target star brightness. Disentangling the exoplanet signals within the starlight residuals is therefore challenging, and new post-processing algorithms are striving to achieve more accurate astrophysical results. The Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge is a community-wide effort to develop, compare and evaluate algorithms using a set of benchmark high-contrast imaging datasets. After a first phase ran in 2020 and focused on the detection capabilities of existing algorithms, the focus of this ongoing second phase is to compare the characterisation capabilities of state-of-the-art techniques. The characterisation of planetary companions is two-fold: the astrometry (estimated position with respect to the host star) and spectrophotometry (estimated contrast with respect to the host star, as a function of wavelength). The goal of this second phase is to offer a platform for the community to benchmark techniques in a fair, homogeneous and robust way, and to foster collaborations.Comment: Submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022, Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Paper 12185-

    Surgical Treatment of Decompensated Cicatricial Stricture of the Esophagus, Grade III-IV Dysphagia, and Compression Syndrome Caused by Nontoxic Multinodular Goiter: A Case Report

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    Objective: Long-standing gastroesophageal reflux disease is the most common cause of a cicatricial stricture of the esophagus. The treatment of this pathology involves a wide range of methods including conservative and surgical options. Surgeons can encounter technical difficulties in case of concomitant neck and chest pathology.Clinical case: We report a case of a decompensated cicatricial stricture of the esophagus with concomitant paraesophageal hiatal hernia, refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease, and nontoxic multinodular goiter (166.9 cm3). Selecting the optimal management for such patients is often a challenge. Staged treatment significantly improves postoperative quality of life, but the increased length of hospital stay can negatively impact patient compliance

    A case report of surgical treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis in a patient with multiple organ failure

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    Amiodarone is a drug used in the treatment of life-threatening arrhythmias, which can lead to the development of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. In most cases this pathology can be treated by conservative methods; surgical treatment is resorted to in cases of thyrotoxicosis refractory to medical treatment. This case report describes surgical treatment of a patient with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, progressive heart failure, neurological pathology, bilateral pneumonia, functioning tracheostomy, systemic infectious process, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, who was treated in the intensive care unit. Due to the lack of response to therapy with antithyroid drugs (thiamazole, lithium preparations and pulse therapy with prednisolone) and a progressive deterioration of the condition in a short period of time, according to vital indicators, the patient underwent thyroidectomy. In the postoperative period, there was a decrease in the occurrence of chronic heart failure symptoms. Medical control of cardiac arrhythmias was achieved. Surgical stage proceeded without complications in the period of 30-days. The patient was discharged for outpatient rehabilitation treatment