75 research outputs found

    Estimation and control with bounded data uncertainties

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    AbstractThe paper describes estimation and control strategies for models with bounded data uncertainties. We shall refer to them as BDU estimation and BDU control methods, for brevity. They are based on constrained game-type formulations that allow the designer to explicitly incorporate into the problem statement a priori information about bounds on the sizes of the uncertainties. In this way, the effect of uncertainties is not unnecessarily over-emphasized beyond what is implied by the a priori bounds; consequently, overly conservative designs, as well as overly sensitive designs, are avoided. A feature of these new formulations is that geometric insights and recursive techniques, which are widely known and appreciated for classical quadratic-cost designs, can also be pursued in this new framework. Also, algorithms for computing the optimal solutions with the same computational effort as standard least-squares solutions exist, thus making the new formulations attractive for practical use. Moreover, the framework is broad enough to encompass applications across several disciplines, not just estimation and control. Examples will be given of a quadratic control design, an H∞ control design, a total-least-square design, image restoration, image separation, and co-channel interference cancellation. A major theme in this paper is the emphasis on geometric and linear algebraic arguments, which lead to useful insights about the nature of the new formulations. Despite the interesting results that will be discussed, several issues remain open and indicate potential future developments; these will be briefly discussed

    Model reference adaptive control of a nonsmooth dynamical system

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    In this paper a modified model reference adaptive control (MRAC) technique is presented which can be used to control systems with nonsmooth characteristics. Using unmodified MRAC on (noisy) nonsmooth systems leads to destabilization of the controller. A localized analysis is presented which shows that the mechanism behind this behavior is the presence of a time invariant zero eigenvalue in the system. The modified algorithm is designed to eliminate this zero eigenvalue, making all the system eigenvalues stable. Both the modified and unmodified strategies are applied to an experimental system with a nonsmooth deadzone characteristic. As expected the unmodified algorithm cannot control the system, whereas the modified algorithm gives stable robust control, which has significantly improved performance over linear fixed gain control

    Iron deficiency anaemia in adolescent athletes of the Vila Olímpica Fonndation of Manaus - AM

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    Considering the dearth of information with regard to the nutritional state of young athletes, were identified the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and its association with nutritional indicators of adolescent athletes participating in the Sport Initiation Program of the Vila Olímpica Foundation in Manaus -AM. A sample was made up of 194 voluntary adolescent male athletes classified as beginners, who participated in several different sports. Data collected was by verification of anthropometric measures (body weight, height, and skinfold thicknesses of triceps and subscapular skinfold), hemoglobin dosage utilizing a portable hemoglobinometer, HemoCue direct calorimetric method, and socioeconomic instrument. In the diagnosis of the nutritional states, we used Height-for-age- and Body Mass Index for the age indicators, adjusted cut-off points proposed by the WHO. The results showed that 9.4 % of the adolescents suffered from malnutrition, 8.2% overweight, and 4.6 obesity. The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia found in the samples was 41.7%, with predominance in the lowest socioeconomic class. Although the prevalence of anaemia was high, the nutritional state of the adolescents did not influence these results, considering that the majority looked healthy. In view of these findings, we suggest that effective means be taken for nutritional education to minimize and/or control iron deficiency anaemia.Considerando a escassez de informações quanto ao estado nutricional de atletas jovens, identificou-se a prevalência de anemia ferropriva e sua associação com indicadores nutricionais de atletas adolescentes participantes do Programa de Iniciação Esportiva da Fundação Vila Olímpica de Manaus-AM. A amostra foi constituída por 194 atletas adolescentes do gênero masculino, voluntários, praticantes de diferentes modalidades esportivas classificados como iniciantes. A coleta dos dados foi realizada mediante verificação de medidas antropométricas (peso corporal, estatura e espessuras das dobras cutâneas tricipital e subescapular), dosagem de hemoglobina utilizando o hemoglobinômetro portátil (Sistema Hemocue) e instrumento socioeconômico. No diagnóstico do estado nutricional foram utilizados os indicadores Estatura para a Idade (E/I) e Índice de Massa Corporal para a idade (IMC/I), assumindo pontos de corte propostos pela OMS. Os resultados mostraram que 9,4% dos adolescentes apresentaram desnutrição, 8,2% sobrepeso e 4,6% obesidade. A prevalência de anemia ferropriva encontrada na amostra foi de 41,7%, com predominância na classe socioeconômica mais baixa. Embora a prevalência de anemia tenha sido elevada, o estado nutricional dos adolescentes não influenciou sobre este resultado, considerando que a maioria dos adolescentes apresentou-se eutrófica. Diante do exposto, sugere-se a adoção de medidas efetivas de intervenção e de educação nutricional visando à minimização e/ou o controle da anemia ferropriva