306 research outputs found


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    O uso dos vegetais para diversas finalidades ? t?o antigo quanto a origem da evolu??o humana, com isto, a crescente busca e intera??es geradas pelas comunidades levaram a descobertas de utiliza??es em v?rios setores como medicinal, econ?mico, aliment?cio, cosm?tico e ensino. Dentre essa infinidade de plantas se destacam algumas esp?cies de manjeric?o (Ocimum spp). Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sobre o manjeric?o (Ocimum spp) e suas diversas utilidades com fins did?ticos, etnobot?nicos e sua rela??o ecol?gica com as abelhas. A pesquisa possui car?ter descritivo e qualitativo, utilizando-se descritores, em combina??o, na l?ngua portuguesa atrav?s das plataformas do Google Acad?mico e www.cria.org. Os resultados alcan?ados, em sua maioria, n?o se relacionavam ao tema principal. Palavras isoladas apareciam nos trabalhos e por essa raz?o eram consideradas na busca. Artigos repetidos foram encontrados nos descritores do tema ?Etnobot?nica?. A pesquisa revelou que h? car?ncia de trabalhos relacionando estudos diretos com a planta manjeric?o e suas rela??es com ensino e intera??o com abelhas, mas deixa evidente sua utiliza??o bot?nica com saberes tradicionais

    Pedogeochemistry of ultramafic soils from the C?rrego dos Boiadeiros Body, Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    The C?rrego dos Boiadeiros Body (CBB) comprises a metaultramafic-metamafic sequence located in the vicinities of Nova Lima town, central area of the Quadril?tero Ferr?fero province. The main rock type is a serpentinite that grades upwards to weathering mantles with well-preserved pedogenetic horizons composed, from bottom to top, of four facies: the R Horizon (Fresh rock facies), the C Horizon (Alterite facies), the B Horizon (Transition facies) and the A Horizon (Solum facies). This article presents the results of geochemical and mass balance studies along a representative pedogenetic profile in order to evaluate the chemical transformations concerning major, trace and Rare Earth Elements. From bottom to top of the selected profile, there is enrichment in Fe2O3, Al2O3 and depletion in MgO and SiO2. There are also relative gains of metallic elements as Ni, Co, V and loss of Au. Cr is enriched at the uppermost horizon. Pt is enriched at the basis of the profile, but decreases towards the upper layers. The weathering mantle is REE-enriched and shows major fractionating of LREE over HREE. In order to evaluate the economic potential of the lateritic deposits, especially concerning Cr content, additional chemical analyses should be distributed over the entire body and its surroundings

    Contrasting provenance and timing of metamorphism fromparagneisses of the Ara?ua?-Ribeira orogenic system, Brazil : hints for Western Gondwana assembly.

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    The Ara?ua? orogen and the Ribeira belt make up a complex Neoproterozoic-Cambrian orogenic system, the Ara?ua?-Ribeira orogenic system(AROS) located fromthe eastern to southeastern Brazil. Along the AROS, the Ediacaran Rio Doce magmatic arc represents a geotectonic connection between the Ara?ua? and the Ribeira orogenic domains. Although the nature and evolution of the Rio Doce plutonic rocks is regionally well established, it lacks detailed studies on the paragneisses found along the western and central regions of this magmatic arc. Besides information on the nature and provenance of their sedimentary protoliths, the paragneisses provide data to unravel the palaeogeographic scenario fromthe precursor to arc-related basins. Six samples of Al-rich gneisses covering a large AROS region were selected for electron microprobe (EMP) mineral analyses in order to obtain geothermobarometric data and monazite ages, as well as for Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) isotopic analyses on zircon (U-Pb, Lu-Hf) and monazite (U-Pb). The different age spectra fromdetrital zircon grains and contrasting Hf isotopic signatures suggest a complex sedimentary history. Located in thewestern sector of the study region, the samples RC-02 and RC-34, with an 80% age peak of detrital zircon grains from 2158 Ma to 1830 Ma, ?Hf(t) from ?2.2 to ?22.7, and Hf TDM model ages from 3530 Ma to 2440 Ma, suggest sediment sources located in the S?o Francisco craton basement. The samples RC-03, also fromthewestern sector, and RC-46 fromthe southern sector, have a more complex assemblage of detrital zircon grains with an 87% age peak from 987 Ma to 592 Ma, ?Hf(t) from +14.9 to ?2.9, and Hf TDM model ages from 2220Ma to 720 Ma, indicating provenance from mainly juvenile sources of distinct ages. Candidates to be juvenile sources for RC-03 and RC-46 sedimentary protoliths are the Rhyacian Juiz de Fora and Pocrane complexes in the basement of the Rio Doce arc, the Neoproterozoic Rio Negro arc systemof the Ribeira belt, and AROS ophiolite complexes. Samples RC-30 and RC-38 from the eastern sector of the study region, with most detrital zircon ages between 650 Ma and 552 Ma and very negative ?Hf(t) (?25.3 to ?16.5), suggest main sediment sources in the Rio Doce arc. By extending U-Pb analyses on metamorphic zircon and monazite, we have identified a complex timing of metamorphism, represented by metamorphic ages ranging from 621 Ma to 480 Ma, with the main collisional activity between 580Ma and 540 Ma. Geothermobarometric studies on garnet porphyroblasts, syn-kinematic to the D2 regional foliation, show a retrograde metamorphic path typical of continental collision belts, starting with P-T conditions of Tmax = 733 ?C and Pmax = 6.43 kbar. Our data also suggest: i) the studied paragneisses represent distinct Neoproterozoic basin stages, shifting from passive to active margin settings; ii) if the Rio Negro arc system really provided sediments for the basin stage represented by the RC-03 and RC-46 paragneisses, it would have amalgamated with the AROS before 614 Ma; iii) the final amalgamation of Western Gondwana took place around 540 Ma in the focused region; iv) an important re-heating period (520?480 Ma) can be related to the AROS gravitational collapse, afterWestern Gondwana assembly

    Record of Early Tonian mafic magmatism in the central Espinha?o (Brazil) : new insights for break-up of the Neoproterozoic landmass ancestor of S?o Francisco-Congo paleocontinent.

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    Petrological characterization, U?Pb geochronology, Lu?Hf analyses and major and trace element data from mafic intrusions in the Central Espinha?o (central portion of the Brazilian shield) are used here to investigate the geological significance of the Early Neoproterozoic magmatism in the context of the S~ao Francisco-Congo paleocontinent. These mafic bodies are represented by medium to coarse-grained metagabbros with plagioclase, amphibole and clinopyroxene. Zircon U?Pb isotopic data from two samples yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 895 3.4 Ma (MSWD ? 1.7) and 896 2.4 Ma (MSWD ? 0.64), regarded as the best estimates for the crystallization age of these mafic rocks. Major and trace element data (including REEs) show that the gabbros originated from a subalkaline tholeiitic magma, typical of intraplate magmatism. Such rocks are slightly enriched in LREEs and LILEs and depleted in HFSEs. Our new isotope and geochemical data, along with regional knowledge, indicate that these metagabbros mark the beginning of an important Tonian-age extensional tectonic event of the landmass of which the S~ao Francisco-Congo paleocontinent was part (Rodinia supercontinent or Central African block?). We furthermore suggest that these rocks belong to a prominent suite of Tonian-age mafic rocks that mark a diachronic breakup attempt of this landmass which may have occurred from south to north along the Espinha?o mountain range

    Proto-Adamastor ocean crust (920 Ma) described in Brasiliano Orogen from coetaneous zircon and tourmaline.

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    Proto-Adamastor ocean bathed Rodinia and successor continental fragments from 1.0e0.9 Ga up to 0.75 Ga, and evolved into world Adamastor Ocean at 0.75e0.60 Ga. Mesoproterozoic oceanic crust is poorly preserved on continents, only indirect evidence registered in Brasiliano Orogen. We report first evidence of ophiolite originated in proto-Adamastor. We use multi-technique U-Pb-Hf zircon and d11B tourmaline isotopic and elemental compositions. The host tourmalinite is enclosed in metaserpentinite, both belonging to the Bossoroca ophiolite. Zircon is 920 Ma-old, 3 Hf(920 Ma)??12, HfTDM ? 1.0 Ga and has ?oceanic? composition (e.g., U/Yb < 0.1). Tourmaline is dravite with d11B ? ?1.8& (Tur 1), 0& (Tur 2), 8.5& (Tur 3). These characteristics are a novel contribution to Rodinia and associated world ocean, because a fragment of proto-Adamastor oceanic crust and mantle evolved at the beginning of the Brasiliano Orogen

    Transcriptional Responses of Leptospira interrogans to Host Innate Immunity: Significant Changes in Metabolism, Oxygen Tolerance, and Outer Membrane

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    Leptospirosis is an important tropical disease around the world, particularly in humid tropical and subtropical countries. As a major pathogen of this disease, Leptospira interrogans can be shed from the urine of reservoir hosts, survive in soil and water, and infect humans through broken skin or mucous membranes. Recently, host adaptability and immune evasion of L. interrogans to host innate immunity was partially elucidated in infection or animal models. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of L. interrogans in response to host innate immunity is required to learn the nature of early leptospirosis. This study focused on the transcriptome of L. interrogans during host immune cells interaction. Significant changes in energy metabolism, oxygen tolerance and outer membrane protein profile were identified as potential immune evasion strategies by pathogenic Leptospira during the early stage of infection. The major outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of L. interrogans may be regulated by the major OmpR specific transcription factor (LB333). These results provide a foundation for further studying the pathogenesis of leptospirosis, as well as identifying gene regulatory networks in Leptospira spp
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