86 research outputs found

    Biochemistry of mansonic schistosomiasis: V - mitochondrial activity in livers and kidneys of marmosets (Callitrix penicillata) infected with Schistosoma mansoni

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    Foram estudadas mitocôndrias isoladas de fígados e rins de sagüis (Callitrix penicillata) infestados pela inoculação de 200 cercárias e entre 80 e 100 dias de infecção, nos aspectos relativos às suas atividades respiratórias endógenas, bem como frente ao succinato e ao alfa ceto glutarato de sódio. Cada experiência foi acompanhada de controle, usando-se mitocôndrias isoladas de fígados e rins de animais não infectados. As medidas das atividades respiratórias foram efetuadas polarograficamente e expressas em microlitros de oxigênio consumidos por miligrama de proteínas totais por minuto. Os resultados mostraram que as respirações endógenas das mitocôndrias isoladas dos animais infectados foram sempre maiores do que aquelas observadas nos controles. Detectou-se um estímulo para o fígado de 217% e para o rim de 84%. O succinato de sódio estimulou em 85% a respiração das mitocôndrias dos fígados dos animais controles, enquanto a inibiu de 39% nos infectados. Com referência aos rins, este mesmo substrato estimulou a referida respiração tanto nos controles quanto nos infectados, em 89% e 94% respectivamente. O alfa ceto glutarato estimulou as mitocôndrias hepáticas isoladas dos controles em 48% e as renais em 84%. Nos animais esquistossomóticos ou ele não modificou a capacidade respiratória mitocondrial como se observou para o rim, ou a inibiu de 58%, no caso do fígado. Os dados obtidos sugerem que o fígado sofre muito mais, em termos bioquímicos, com a esquistossomose mansônica do que os rins, pelo menos em nossas condições experimentais. As atividades do sistema enzimático succinato desidrogenase e do complexo alfa ceto glutarato desidrogenase permitiram identificar bioquimicamente, em nossos animais esquistossomóticos, vários graus de lesão celular, principalmente hepáticos, que vão desde os mais simples, decorrentes de modificações da físico-química dos sistemas de membranas, até os mais graves, tipo necrose.Mitochondria isolated from livers and kidneys of marmosets (Callitrix penicillata) wich were infected with 200 cercariae were studied, not less than 80 but not more than 100 days after infection, with regard to their endogenous respiratory activities. Sodium succinate and alpha keto glutarate were used as substrates. Each experiment was compared with a control specimen, using isolated mitochondria of livers and kidneys from non infected animals. The measurement of the respiratory activity was made polarographically and expressed in microliters of oxygen consumed per milligram of total protein per minute. The results showed that the endogenous respiration of mitochondria isolated from infected animals was always greater than those observed in the control specimens. A stimulus of 217% to the liver and of 84% to the kidney were observed. The sodium succinate activated the respiration of the control livers approximately 85% and provoked an inhibition of 39% in the infected marmoset. Concerning the kidneys this same substrate stimulated both, about 84% and 94% respectively. The alpha keto glutarate stimulated the hepatic mitochondrial respiration approximately 48% and the renal respiration about 84%. In reference to the schistosomotic animals, the alpha keto glutarate did not modify the mitochondrial respiratory capacity of the kidney but did inhibit that of the liver by 58%. The data obtained from our experimental conditions suggest that the liver suffers, much more, in biochemical terms, from mansonic schistosomiasis, than do the kidneys. The activities of the succinate dehydrogenase system and of the alpha keto glutarate complex, permitted the biochemical identification of the different degrees of cellular lesions, mainly in the liver, in our schistosomotic marmosets. These lesions varied from the simplest ones, caused by physical-chemical modifications of the membrane systems, to the most serious ones, such as necrosis

    Práticas de amamentação no município de Ouro Preto, MG, Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Conhecer a freqüência e a duração mediana das práticas de aleitamento materno em crianças de 0-24 meses no município de Ouro Preto, MG. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico tipo transversal em amostra estratificada de 229 crianças provenientes de 1.800 domicílios, visitados em 1996 e sorteados por conglomerado em três estágios. A freqüência e a duração mediana das práticas foram calculadas mediante tábua de vida. RESULTADOS: A duração mediana da amamentação foi de 198 dias, sendo de 71 dias para a amamentação exclusiva somada à predominante e 17 dias para a amamentação exclusiva. CONCLUSÃO: Embora a maioria das mães amamente seus filhos ao nascer, a introdução de outros alimentos ainda é bastante prematura, fato que justifica a necessidade de intervenções para prevenir o desmame parcial e/ou total precoce.OBJECTIVE: To identify the frequency and median duration of breast-feeding in children aged 0-24 months in the city of Ouro Preto, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out to identify the median duration of breastfeeding in children aged 0-24 months. A sample of 229 children from 1800 households was drawn by clusters at three different occasions and stratified according to the area (urban or rural). The frequency and median duration of breast-feeding were calculated using the life table technique. RESULTS: A median duration of 198 days was found for breast-feeding as a whole: 71 days for the group of exclusive plus mainly breastfeeding and 17 days for exclusive breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: The current pattern of breast-feeding is of a short-term practice. This evidence suggests the need for intervention programs to promote breast-feeding for longer periods and delay the introduction of food supplementation, preventing the early weaning

    MIQuant – Semi-Automation of Infarct Size Assessment in Models of Cardiac Ischemic Injury

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    BACKGROUND: The cardiac regenerative potential of newly developed therapies is traditionally evaluated in rodent models of surgically induced myocardial ischemia. A generally accepted key parameter for determining the success of the applied therapy is the infarct size. Although regarded as a gold standard method for infarct size estimation in heart ischemia, histological planimetry is time-consuming and highly variable amongst studies. The purpose of this work is to contribute towards the standardization and simplification of infarct size assessment by providing free access to a novel semi-automated software tool. The acronym MIQuant was attributed to this application. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Mice were subject to permanent coronary artery ligation and the size of chronic infarcts was estimated by area and midline-length methods using manual planimetry and with MIQuant. Repeatability and reproducibility of MIQuant scores were verified. The validation showed high correlation (r(midline length) = 0.981; r(area) = 0.970 ) and agreement (Bland-Altman analysis), free from bias for midline length and negligible bias of 1.21% to 3.72% for area quantification. Further analysis demonstrated that MIQuant reduced by 4.5-fold the time spent on the analysis and, importantly, MIQuant effectiveness is independent of user proficiency. The results indicate that MIQuant can be regarded as a better alternative to manual measurement. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that MIQuant is a reliable and an easy-to-use software for infarct size quantification. The widespread use of MIQuant will contribute towards the standardization of infarct size assessment across studies and, therefore, to the systematization of the evaluation of cardiac regenerative potential of emerging therapies

    IAPT chromosome data 40

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