155 research outputs found

    Synthesis of bis(trithio)phosphines by oxidative transfer of phosphorus(I)

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    The synthesis of novel trithiobisphosphines is achieved by oxidative addition of tetrathiocins to the phosphorus(I) reagent [PIdppe][Br] in good yields under ambient conditions. These trithiobisphosphines and the related intermediate diphosphine species are characterized by X-ray diffraction and multinuclear NMR and a mechanism is proposed for the formation of these molecules

    Doenças renal e gestação

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    Reliability and validity of body weight and body image perception in children and adolescents from the South American Youth/Child Cardiovascular and Environmental (SAYCARE) Study

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    Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of body weight (BW) and body image (BI) perception reported by parents (in children) and by adolescents in a South American population. Design: Cross-sectional study. BW perception was evaluated by the question, "Do you think you/your child are/is: severely wasted, wasted, normal weight, overweight, obese?" BI perception was evaluated using the Gardner scale. To evaluate reliability, BW and BI perceptions were reported twice, two weeks apart. To evaluate validity, the BW and BI perceptions were compared with WHO BMI Z-scores. Kappa and Kendall's tau-c coefficients were obtained. Setting: Public and private schools and high schools from six countries of South America (Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil). Participants: Children aged 3-10 years (n 635) and adolescents aged 11-17 years (n 400). Results: Reliability of BW perception was fair in children's parents (k=0·337) and substantial in adolescents (k=0·709). Validity of BW perception was slight in children's parents (k=0·176) and fair in adolescents (k=0·268). When evaluating BI, most children were perceived by parents as having lower weight. Reliability of BI perception was slight in children's parents (k=0·124) and moderate in adolescents (k=0·599). Validity of BI perception was poor in children's parents (k=-0·018) and slight in adolescents (k=0·023). Conclusions: Reliability of BW and BI perceptions was higher in adolescents than in children's parents. Validity of BW perception was good among the parents of the children and adolescents with underweight and normal weight

    Manejo odontológico de lesão traumática em pacientes hospitalizados

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    A Odontologia Hospitalar destina-se a abordar alterações bucais em pacientes que se encontram hospitalizados. Os cirurgiões-dentistas presentes neste ambiente realizam procedimentos de todos os tipos de complexidade, compõem a equipe multidisciplinar que o assiste por meio de atividades curativas, de prevenção e educação, promovendo a consequente melhoria do quadro clínico geral do assistido. Esses pacientes podem apresentar alterações nos mecanismos cerebrais que levam a mudanças no reflexo mastigatório, que estimulam hiperatividade muscular, bruxismo secundário e turismo, que por consequência ocasionam lesões na mucosa bucal, lábios e língua. Tais lesões em sua maior parte acarretam deformações, desnutrição e quando existe sangramento importante, hipovolemia. Sendo necessário aumentar a analgesia, e antibioticoterapia. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho é relatar situações de pacientes com patologias neurológicas, que apresentam lesão bucal traumática decorrente de trismo e/ou mordedura bucais constantes, além de apresentar diversos dispositivos intrabucais utilizados para tratamento e/ou prevenção de tais lesões e assim facilitar o trabalho do clínico em âmbito hospitalar.   Palavras-chave: Automutilação.  Placas oclusais.  Saúde bucal.  Terapêutica. &nbsp