31 research outputs found

    Elaphidiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Caribbean region of Colombia: New species, taxonomic notes and new geographical records

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    Two new species of Elaphidiini from Colombia are described: Sphaerion costae sp. nov., and Mephritus costae sp. nov. The keys to species of Sphaerion Audinet-Serville, 1834 and Mephritus Pascoe, 1866 are translated and modified to include the new species. Chromatic variations of Mephritus apicatus (Linsley, 1935) are reported. Moreover, the geographical distribution is expanded for 12 species of Elaphidiini

    New species and synonymies in Hexoplonini Martins, 2006 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with notes and new records on Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802

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    Glyptoscapus letiziae, a new species of Hexoplonini Martins, 2006, is described from Brazil (Minas Gerais). Glyptoscapus cicatricosus Aurivillius, 1899 and G. vanettii Martins, 1959 are synonymized with G. pallidulus (White, 1855). A key to species of Glyptoscapus is provided. New state records are presented for Thoracibidion io (Thomson, 1867) (Neoibidionini), Coleoxestia rafaeli Santos-Silva & Wappes, 2017 and C. denticornis (Gahan, 1892) (Cerambycini). The female of C. rafaeli is described for the first time

    Synopsis of the Neotropical genus Jupoata Martins & Monné, 2002 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

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    The genus Jupoata is redescribed and Jupoata antonkozlovi, a new species from Costa Rica is described. An updated key to species of the genus and a new geographical record are provided

    Two new genera of Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) with description of a species with non-retractile parameres

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    In this study, two new genera of Desmiphorini (Lamiinae) are proposed: Cleidaria gen. nov., to include Cleidaria cleidae sp. nov. from the state of Chiapas in Mexico, and Obscenoides gen. nov. for Desmiphora (D.) compta Martins & Galileo, 2005. The shape of tarsal claws of Cleidaria cleidae sp. nov. (abruptly narrowed from basal half) is so far, not found in any current genera of the tribe. With respect to Obscenoides compta (Martins & Galileo, 2005) comb. nov., the genitalia of males have an unusual shape with non-retractile parameres. The character combination related to this genital structure is unknown to us in other species in the family, and hypotheses about its function are suggested

    New species and synonymies in Hexoplonini Martins, 2006 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with notes and new records on Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802

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    Glyptoscapus letiziae, a new species of Hexoplonini Martins, 2006, is described from Brazil (Minas Gerais). Glyptoscapus cicatricosus Aurivillius, 1899 and G. vanettii Martins, 1959 are synonymized with G. pallidulus (White, 1855). A key to species of Glyptoscapus is provided. New state records are presented for Thoracibidion io (Thomson, 1867) (Neoibidionini), Coleoxestia rafaeli Santos-Silva & Wappes, 2017 and C. denticornis (Gahan, 1892) (Cerambycini). The female of C. rafaeli is described for the first time

    A new synonymy in Anisopodus White (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Acanthocinini)

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    Anisopodus subarmatus Melzer, 1931 is synonymized with A. jaculus (Gyllenhal, 1817) and a discussion about the type-locality of the latter is provided. Photographs of the lectotype of the former and of the holotype of the latter are provided

    A new genus, a new species and taxonomic notes in Oxycoleini Martins & Galileo, 2003 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae)

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    Oxylopsebus Clarke, 2008 is considered as a junior synonym of Oxycoleus Lacordaire, 1868. Equescollum is proposed as a new genus for E. birai sp. nov. from Costa Rica, which is described and illustrated

    On Eryphus Perty, 1832 (Dichophyiini), Eriphus Audinet-Serville, 1834 (Trachyderini, Trachyderina), and Eryphus Klug, 1829, with description of a new genus, and corrections on publication dates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

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    The validity of two forgotten names, Eryphus Klug, 1829 and E. rubricollis Klug, 1829, is discussed. The former is considered a nomen oblitum and synonymized with Eriphus Audinet-Serville, 1834, a nomen protectum; the latter is revalidated and Eriphus purpuratus Chevrolat, 1862 is considered a junior synonym of Eriphus rubricollis (Klug, 1829). A lectotype is designated to Eryphus rubricollis Klug, 1829. The date of the work where Eriphus Audinet-Serville, 1834 was described is corrected. A new genus is described in Dichophyiini Gistel, 1848 to include the species currently allocated in Eryphus sensu Napp & Martins (2002). The dates of publication of genera and species described by Fairmaire & Germain (Révision des Coléoptères du Chili (suite)) are corrected

    Description of the female of Poeciloxestia plagiata (Waterhouse, 1880), and of the male of Iuati spinithorax Martins & Galileo, 2010 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

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    Based on material recently collected in Peru (Loreto department) the female of Poeciloxestia plagiata (Waterhouse, 1880), and the male of Iuati spinithorax Martins & Galileo, 2010 are described and figured for the first time. Both species are recorded for the first time from Peru

    Synopsis of the Neotropical genus Jupoata Martins & Monné, 2002 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

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