9 research outputs found


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    Este artigo apresenta uma das investigações do Grupo de Pesquisa em Ensino das Artes Visuais (GPEAV), da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), sobre projetos de Cultura Visual na Educação Básica, em contraste com as concepções de escola e currículo indicadas na Resolução CNE/CEB n. 4/2010. A pesquisa exploratória, de caráter bibliográfico e documental, analisou projetos publicados na Coleção Educação da Cultura Visual, editada pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).  O estudo conclui que os projetos de Cultura Visual na Educação Básica estendem as fronteiras do componente curricular do ensino de arte, devido ao posicionamento pedagógico que prioriza aquele que vê, a subjetividade que se relaciona com as visualidades, aberta a outras interpretações e modos de ver e pensar.


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    We analyzed the viability and effectiveness of restricted-use protected areas aiming to identify gaps in the definition of priorities to protect wild regions from Ceará. Based on the creation of legal documents and interviews with managers of protected areas, we analyzed the size, we verified the existence of the management plan, monitoring activities and the criteria used in selecting the area. We found that in eight of the sixteen protected areas had not followed technical-scientific criteria, nor had carried through previous studies of the resources when they had chosen the areas to be transformed into completely protected areas. Fifteen do not possess management plans and 13 do not have environmental monitoring activities. Eleven protected areas have less than 10,000 ha, and insufficient studies that accurately ascertain the extent appropriate to maintain the biodiversity of the ecosystems of Ceará. It is necessary to deploy tools for maintaining these forests to protect the wildlife and the environmental services provided by these areas

    Avaliação da viabilidade e efetividade das unidades de conservação de proteção integral no Ceará, Brasil

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    We analyzed the viability and effectiveness of restricted-use protected areas aiming to identify gaps in the definition of priorities to protect wild regions from Ceará. Based on the creation of legal documents and interviews with managers of protected areas, we analyzed the size, we verified the existence of the management plan, monitoring activities and the criteria used in selecting the area. We found that in eight of the sixteen protected areas had not followed technical-scientific criteria, nor had carried through previous studies of the resources when they had chosen the areas to be transformed into completely protected areas. Fifteen do not possess management plans and 13 do not have environmental monitoring activities. Eleven protected areas have less than 10,000 ha, and insufficient studies that accurately ascertain the extent appropriate to maintain the biodiversity of the ecosystems of Ceará. It is necessary to deploy tools for maintaining these forests to protect the wildlife and the environmental services provided by these areas

    TGFBR3 Polymorphisms (rs1805110 and rs7526590) Are Associated with Laboratory Biomarkers and Clinical Manifestations in Sickle Cell Anemia

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    Individuals with sickle cell anemia (SCA) present chronic anemia, hemolysis, an exacerbated inflammatory response, and heterogeneous clinical complications, which may be modulated by the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) pathway. Thus, we aimed to investigate polymorphisms (rs1805110 and rs7526590) of the transforming growth factor beta receptor III gene (TGFBR3) with regard to laboratory biomarkers and clinical manifestations in individuals with SCA. Hematological, biochemical, immunological, and genetic analyses were carried out, as well as serum endothelin-1 measurements. The minor allele (A) of the TGFBR3 rs1805110 polymorphism was associated with increased hemoglobin, hematocrit, reticulocyte counts, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, uric acid, and endothelin levels, as well as decreased platelet distribution width (PDW) and the occurrence of bone alterations. The minor allele (T) of TGFBR3 rs7526590 was associated with increased red cell distribution width, PDW, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, total and indirect bilirubin, and lactate dehydrogenase levels, as well as lower ferritin levels and the occurrence of leg ulcers. Our data suggest that the minor allele (A) of TGFBR3 rs1805110 is associated with inflammation and bone alterations, while the minor allele (T) of TGFBR3 rs7526590 is related to hemolysis and the occurrence of leg ulcers

    Osteonecrose da cabeça femoral bilateral pós COVID-19: Relato de caso / Osteonecrosis of the bilateral femoral head after COVID-19: Case report

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    A osteonecrose ou necrose asséptica é uma desordem rara, de difícil diagnóstico e tratamento, que evolui com graves consequências na qualidade de vida do paciente. Nessa doença, ocorre uma morte celular ocasionada pela redução do fluxo sanguíneo à cabeça femoral, levando a um infarto ósseo. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, podendo estar associada a uma natureza multifatorial. Parece estar associada ao etilismo e acometer pacientes entre a  terceira e quinta década de vida. Objetivos: O presente artigo tem como função analisar um relato de caso de uma paciente com osteonecrose. Paciente KST, de 41 anos de idade, sexo feminino, natural e procedente de Luziania, Goiás, com queixa dor no quadril direito há 2 semanas. Foi solicitado ressonância magnética (RM) que confirmou o diagnóstico de osteonecrose do quadril porém, bilateral

    Priapism in sickle cell disease: Associations between NOS3 and EDN1 genetic polymorphisms and laboratory biomarkers.

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    Priapism is a urologic emergency characterized by an uncontrolled, persistent and painful erection in the absence of sexual stimulation, which can lead to penile fibrosis and impotence. It is highly frequent in sickle cell disease (SCD) associated with hemolytic episodes. Our aim was to investigate molecules that may participate in the regulation of vascular tone. Eighty eight individuals with SCD were included, of whom thirty-seven reported a history of priapism. Priapism was found to be associated with alterations in laboratory biomarkers, as well as lower levels of HbF. Patients with sickle cell anemia using hydroxyurea and those who received blood products seemed to be less affected by priapism. Multivariate analysis suggested that low HbF and NOm were independently associated with priapism. The frequency of polymorphisms in genes NOS3 and EDN1 was not statistically significant between the studied groups, and the presence of the variant allele was not associated with alterations in NOm and ET-1 levels in patients with SCD. The presence of the variant allele in the polymorphisms investigated did not reveal any influence on the occurrence priapism. Future studies involving larger samples, as well as investigations including patients in priapism crisis, could contribute to an enhanced understanding of the development of priapism in SCD

    Sickle cell disease: A distinction of two most frequent genotypes (HbSS and HbSC).

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) consists of a group of hemoglobinopathies in which individuals present highly variable clinical manifestations. Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is the most severe form, while SC hemoglobinopathy (HbSC) is thought to be milder. Thus, we investigated the clinical manifestations and laboratory parameters by comparing each SCD genotype. We designed a cross-sectional study including 126 SCA individuals and 55 HbSC individuals in steady-state. Hematological, biochemical and inflammatory characterization was performed as well as investigation of previous history of clinical events. SCA patients exhibited most prominent anemia, hemolysis, leukocytosis and inflammation, whereas HbSC patients had increased lipid determinations. The main cause of hospitalization was pain crises on both genotypes. Vaso-occlusive events and pain crises were associated with hematological, inflammatory and anemia biomarkers on both groups. Cluster analysis reveals hematological, inflammatory, hemolytic, endothelial dysfunction and anemia biomarkers in HbSC disease as well as SCA. The results found herein corroborate with previous studies suggesting that SCA and HbSC, although may be similar from the genetic point of view, exhibit different clinical manifestations and laboratory alterations which are useful to monitor the clinical course of each genotype

    Tratamento bem-sucedido de lesão cardíaca penetrante e não transfixante com miocardiorrafia e manuseio de eventos de fibrilação atrial e parada cardiorrespiratória: relato de caso

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    As lesões cardíacas penetrantes e não transfixantes são uma emergência médica que requer tratamento imediato e adequado. A miocardiorrafia é uma técnica cirúrgica utilizada no tratamento dessas lesões, mas pode estar associada a complicações, como fibrilação atrial (FA) e parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR). O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar um caso de um tratamento bem-sucedido de lesão cardíaca penetrante e não transfixante com miocardiorrafia e manuseio de eventos de fibrilação atrial e parada cardiorrespiratória. Descrevemos o caso de um paciente de 21 anos do sexo masculino que foi admitido em estado grave em um hospital de referência após sofrer ferimento penetrante por projétil de arma de fogo. O paciente foi imediatamente encaminhado ao centro cirúrgico, onde foi constatada uma lesão pulmonar transfixante com perfuração de lobo superior, inferior e língula, além de um ferimento do miocárdio não transfixante no ventrículo esquerdo, que foi tratado com miocardiorrafia. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico, o paciente apresentou fibrilação atrial (FA) seguida de parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR), que foi revertida com ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP) e desfibrilação. O paciente foi estabilizado com transfusão de hemocomponentes e recebeu suporte clínico completo na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) após a cirurgia. O paciente evoluiu satisfatoriamente, sem complicações e recebeu alta hospitalar, sendo monitorado regularmente pela equipe de cardiologia. Este relato de caso destaca a importância do diagnóstico e tratamento imediato de lesões cardíacas penetrantes em pacientes politraumatizados, bem como o manejo adequado da FA e PCR intraoperatórias