14 research outputs found


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    One of the best ways for businesses to have good share in the market are required to be more quality oriented as compared to the competitors. This situation is similar at certain points when we relate it to higher education institutions, which plays a pivotal role in a country development. To compete in the international arena, higher education institutions should give importance to the services of units that contribute significantly to the development of R&D infrastructure. Keeping this understanding in mind, the purpose of the current research is to look into the relationship of service quality and loyalty in higher education institutions. The study will also look into the meditating role of satisfaction between this relationship. The study is a survey research and the tool for data collection is an adopted questionnaire. A total of 281 responses received are being analysed. Results show that there exists a weak and insignificant relationship between service quality and loyalty. However, the relationship between service quality and satisfaction is strong as well as significant. Similarly, the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty is also significantly strong. This supports the mediating role of the satisfaction. The results have implications for the higher education institutions. Managers are suggested to have more attention to the issue of development of quality of education in higher education institutions


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    This research examines the learning difficulties of English as a second language and the reflections of tourism-related companies on this issue. The problems related to English language teaching are often reflected in organizations operating in the tourism sector. This study focuses on investigating these problems in the context of Van. Using a mixed-method approach, a questionnaire was administered to 114 prospective tourism employees who aim to work in the sector in Van. Additionally, interviews were conducted with the human resources departments of companies operating as employers in the sector. The results indicate that students who choose to study in the field of tourism show low interest and motivation in learning the second language. They tend to prioritize acquiring language skills based on professional experience and obligations rather than during their academic studies


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    The aim of this research is to look into the effects of leadership behaviors of managers in the banking sector in Ağrı province on employees' job satisfaction. The sample of the research, which was designed within the framework of the survey model within the quantitative research method, consists of 130 employees of public and private banks in Ağrı province. In the study, personal information form, job satisfaction scale and leadership styles determination scale were used as data collection tools. The study used descriptive statistics for the analysis of the data. IBM SPSS 26 package program was used to analyze the data collected in the study. Results of the study revealed a positive relationship between job satisfaction and leadership behaviors. The study has implications both for the new researchers and the policy makers of the Agri province. This is the first study in the Agri province in the banking sector

    Human Resource Development, Public Administration and the Need for Reforms: A Case Of Pakistan's Public Sector

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    Keeping in view the complexity of work environment in the changing organizational environment caused by advancement in technology on the one hand and the diverse needs of the a rapidly growing population on the other hand, the role of training and development becomes more stark in terms of quality and quantity both. Training and development as an HR activity enables organization members to capture knowledge and skills required for their effective performance. It also helps them to adapt to changing circumstance and to shoulder new responsibilities. Needless to say, this recognition of training by the government and management experts in the country, the approach toward this concept in the public sector service appears to be of mere waste and ruse. This paper is supposed to look into the concept of manpower training and development in the quality of service in the public sector of Pakistan so as to have some in-depth understanding of the problems being faced. The study will be recommending some recommendations as to how improvement could be affected


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    Working mothers often are in a dilemma in balancing their work and family lives. Their lives are affected by various work and family demands. Eastern culture imposes a lot of family responsibilities and liabilities on women. The objective of present study was to look into the well-beings of mothers working as nurses and doctors in government hospitals. Specifically, work-family demands such as family involvement, work time demands influencing job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Sample included 187 registered nurses and doctors. Purposive sampling design was used for questionnaire survey with the response rate of 78%. Data were examined by means of SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that family involvement is positively related to work time demands but negatively related to life satisfaction. Work time demands are negative related to both job and life satisfaction. Job satisfaction and life satisfaction are positively related to each other. Further, mediation relationships were examined by using Hayes Bootstrap procedure for SPSS. The results showed that relationship between family involvement and life satisfaction is not mediated by work time demands. However, the relationship between family involvement and life satisfaction is partially mediated by jointly job satisfaction and work time demands


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    Working mothers often are in a dilemma in balancing their work and family lives. Their lives are affected by various work and family demands. Eastern culture imposes a lot of family responsibilities and liabilities on women. The objective of present study was to look into the well-beings of mothers working as nurses and doctors in government hospitals. Specifically, work-family demands such as family involvement, work time demands influencing job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Sample included 187 registered nurses and doctors. Purposive sampling design was used for questionnaire survey with the response rate of 78%. Data were examined by means of SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that family involvement is positively related to work time demands but negatively related to life satisfaction. Work time demands are negative related to both job and life satisfaction. Job satisfaction and life satisfaction are positively related to each other. Further, mediation relationships were examined by using Hayes Bootstrap procedure for SPSS. The results showed that relationship between family involvement and life satisfaction is not mediated by work time demands. However, the relationship between family involvement and life satisfaction is partially mediated by jointly job satisfaction and work time demands

    Human Resource Development, Public Administration and the Need for Reforms: A Case Of Pakistan's Public Sector

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    Keeping in view the complexity of work environment in the changing organizational environment caused by advancement in technology on the one hand and the diverse needs of the a rapidly growing population on the other hand, the role of training and development becomes more stark in terms of quality and quantity both. Training and development as an HR activity enables organization members to capture knowledge and skills required for their effective performance. It also helps them to adapt to changing circumstance and to shoulder new responsibilities. Needless to say, this recognition of training by the government and management experts in the country, the approach toward this concept in the public sector service appears to be of mere waste and ruse. This paper is supposed to look into the concept of manpower training and development in the quality of service in the public sector of Pakistan so as to have some in-depth understanding of the problems being faced. The study will be recommending some recommendations as to how improvement could be affected

    Üniversitelerin kent kültürüne etkileri ve bir uygulama: Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi-Van örneği

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    Teknolojinin baş döndürücü bir hızla ilerlediği günümüzde, bilginin insanoğlu için artık en büyük politik ve ekonomik güç halini aldığı bilinmektedir. Bilgiyi üreten ve bunu somut ürünlere dönüştüren ülkelerin refah düzeyleri ortadır. Bu ülkeler çoğu kez bu bilgiyi sadece kendi yararlarına kullanmaktadırlar. Bilgiyi başka ülkelerle paylaşma konusunda isteksiz davranmaktadırlar. Paylaşmak yerine satmayı tercih etmeleri, az gelişmiş ülkelere oldukça pahalıya mal olmaktadır.Bu bağlamda, bilgi ve teknoloji üretiminin en büyük kaynağının üniversiteler olduğu söylenebilir. Çünkü üniversiteler toplumların sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik, bilimsel ve teknolojik kalkınmasında motor görevi yapan kuruluşlardır. Üniversitelerimiz aslı görevleri olan eğitim-öğretim ile birlikte başta bulundukları yöreler olmak üzere toplumun beklentilerine göre çeşitli alanlarda araştırmalar yapma, bilgi üretme, aktarma ve bunları yayma yükümlülükleri vardır.Üniversiteler; yukarıda belirtilen görevlerini ifa ederken, toplumun her kesiti ile bütünleşerek sahip olduğu birikimi paylaşmakla ve teknolojik ilerlemelerin sanayiye uygulanmasını aktarmasıyla sanayi gelişmektedir. Bu sürecin en önemli etkisi kent kültürünün gelişmesine verdiği katkılardır. Bu durum, üniversitelerin önemini elbette büyütmektedir.Bu kadar büyük bir önemi arz eden üniversitelerimizden bir tanesi de "Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi"dir. Üniversitenin gelişmekte olan Van ilinin kentleşme olgusuna, toplumsal yapısına ne gibi değişiklikler meydana getirdiğini araştırmak bu çalışmanın amacıdır. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi bir model, bir örnek kabul edilerek inceleme sonunda elde edilen veriler bilimsel olarak değerlendirilmeye ve üniversitenin Van ve ilçelerine katkıları ortaya konulmaya çalışıldı

    Pakistan'daki Üniversitelerde Çalışan Akademisyenlerin Örgütsel Sessizliğini Etkileyen Faktörler

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    anemonThis study aims to reveal various factors affecting the organizational silence of academics employed at the universities in Pakistan. The teaching staff of the universities in Pakistan is among the most experienced and intellectual individuals and represents the elite sections of the society and the nation. For this reason, their opinions are considered to be very important for the generations of posterity. The teaching staff at the universities is also composed of planners, analysts, supervisors, and evaluators. The survey was conducted on 410 teaching staff such as lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors of various universities from six different provinces: public, private, and army. The data were analyzed through the Statistical Business Analyst (SAS) program. Organizations generally hire employees who have some experience, ideas, knowledge in order to develop their organizations. In summary, it can be said that there are generally two options for the staff working in any organization when perceiving wrongdoing in their workplace. They must either decide to speak up or continue to be silent. It is a fact that there is a prevalence of wrongdoings in every kind of organization, but unfortunately, not a lot is known about the decision making of staff related to this practice. While trying to find out factors affecting organizational silence, the observers believe that fear is one of the main factors in staff decisions to be silent about the issues and concerns in organizations. To overcome organizational silence, polyphony is accepted as one of the ways to solve the existing problemBu araştırmanın amacı, Pakistan'daki üniversitelerde görev yapan akademisyenlerin örgütsel sessizliğini etkileyen farklı faktörleri ortaya çıkarmaktır. Pakistan'daki üniversitelerin öğretim üyeleri, toplumun ve milletin seçkin kesimlerini temsil etmenin yanı sıra en deneyimli ve entelektüel kişiler arasındadır. Bu nedenle onların görüşleri gelecek nesiller için çok önemli kabul edilmektedir. Üniversitelerdeki öğretim üyeleri aynı zamanda planlamacılardan, analistlerden, denetçilerden ve değerlendiricilerden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma altı eyaletten çeşitli kamu, özel ve askeri üniversitelerde çalışan Okutman, Yardımcı Doçent, Doçent ve Profesör 410 öğretim elemanı üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler İstatistiksel İş Analisti (SAS) paket programıyla analiz edildi. Organizasyonlar, genellikle kendilerini geliştirmek amacıyla bazı deneyimlere, fikirlere ve bilgiye sahip olan elemanları işe alırlar. Özetle, herhangi bir kuruluşta çalışanlar işyerinde yanlış bir şey algıladıklarında kendileri için genel olarak iki seçenek olduğu söylenebilir; ya çekinmeden konuşmalılar ya da sessiz olmaya devam etmelidirler. Her türlü kuruluşta yanlış yapmanın yaygın olduğu bir gerçektir ancak, bu uygulama ile ilgili personelin karar verme süreci hakkında ne yazık ki çok fazla şey bilinmemektedir. Araştırmacılar, örgütsel sessizliği etkileyen faktörleri bulmaya çalışırken, örgütlerdeki sorunlar ve endişelerle ilgili personelin sessiz kalmasına karar vermelerinde korkunun ana etkenlerden biri olduğuna inanmaktalar. Örgütsel sessizliği yenmek için çokseslilik, mevcut sorunu çözmenin yollarından biri olarak kabul edilir.67499