360 research outputs found

    Interview with Bridget Ekis

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    Bridget Ekis (she/her/hers) was born in Waterford, Michigan.At a young age, she bought her first camera and started photographing surroundings. Soon after, she had started working at Waterford Coney Island and she graduated from n Waterford Kettering High School in 2017. She then quickly moved to Chicago to attend Columbia College Chicago. When she moved back home due to the pandemic, she was unsure if she would continue attending Columbia in the fall and while livig at home, she attended community college. She came back to Chicago to attend Columbia and moved into her first apartment with a roommate and dog, and started a new job at Stepping Stones Nursery and Preschool in August, where she is now and is in her senior year of college at Columbia.https://digitalcommons.colum.edu/capturingquarantine/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Beyond binary : Navajo alternative genders throughout history.

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    Hosteen Klah was both a Navajo medicine man and weaver. However, the Navajo largely considered weaving to be a woman’s task. Women taught this skill from mother to daughter, and it represented both a creative and spiritual outlet. On the other hand, the realm of medicine men largely employed men. To become a medicine man in the Navajo tribe took years of practice and memorization. Hosteen Klah participated in both of these spheres due to his unique status as a nadleehi. In the eyes of his tribe, Klah stood neither as a man, or a woman, but as a balance of the two. Klah blended his knowledges of these two spheres to help create a new style of Navajo weaving called the sandpainting textile. However, Klah’s new style caused an uproar on the reservation because he broke major taboos by incorporating sacred sandpainting images into his weavings. My thesis explores the role of Klah’s art in reflection of centuries of outside or colonial influences. I hypothesized that an exploration of Klah’s weaving may indicate more about the nadleehi role and its perception within the Navajo community. To best understand this I needed a grasp of political, economic, and social histories of the tribe. The first chapter opens up with a review of the literature and research on relevant topics. Chapters two and three examine the influences on traditional gender roles and customs under both Spanish and American colonialization. Chapters three and four examine more intimately gender roles and the gendered activities within the Navajo tribe. In the final chapter I examine Klah’s motivations and work

    Nazwy komitetów wyborczych – aspekty strukturalne i aksjologiczne

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    The subject of this paper will be a semantic and structural analysis of the names of electoral committees, and a reference to the axiological systems that are indirectly reflected by them. The names of electoral committees are obligatory elements of electoral activities, as well as being an interesting element of political marketing

    Wybrane aspekty językowe prośby w internecie

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    The paper’s objective is to study the linguistic characteristics of a request, to indicate and describe the obligatory and facultative segments of a text as well as the constitutive elements of this act of speech adapted to specific conditions of network communication. The material has undergone philological analysis with the use of the tools of linguistic genology and textology. On the basis of individual examples, the most important components of this part of speech realized in virtual space have been defined – in the structural and pragmatic dimensions

    An intradialytic blood pressure assessment extended by two weeks predicts cardiovascular events with an accuracy comparable to that of home blood pressure measurements among hemodialysis patients

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    Introduction. Pressure measurements obtained before and after hemodialysis (HD) are marked by their high variability and poor reliability, which undermine their ability to estimate cardiovascular events (CVs). Objective. This study sought to determine whether more measurements performed over a longer period of time enable a more accurate evaluation of the CVs associated with arterial hypertension. Material and methods. This study included 40 patients (23 men and 17 women) aged between 27 and 82 years with a mean age of 58.8 } 13.6 years who underwent chronic HD for 4 to 338 months. On days without HD, blood pressure home measurements (HMs) were recorded in the morning, afternoon and evening, and the results were obtained each day for 8 days. Furthermore, pressure measurements were recorded five times during 7 subsequent planned HD procedures: before HD, after HD and three times during HD. After 12 months, the number of CVs was determined with respect to the pressure measurement method. Results. The correlation coefficients between the HMs and HD with regard to systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were 0.85, 0.80, and 0.84, respectively (P < 0.001). The receiver operating curve (ROC) values for SBP were 137.8 mmHg for HM and 140.4 mmHg for HD. The sensitivity and specificity of the HMs for SBP were 0.667 and 0.727, respectively. CVs occurred in 66.7% of the patients with SBPs ≥ 137.8 mmHg. The sensitivity and specificity of the HD measurements of SBP were 0.611 and 0.818, respectively. CVs occurred in 73.3% of patients with SBPs ≥ 140.4 mmHg. Conclusions. Increasing the number of pressure measurements over a longer period of time in patients with HD likely improves the reliability of CV risk estimates.

    Homocysteina jako czynnik ryzyka chorób cywilizacyjnych; w jakich przypadkach konieczne jest jej oznaczanie?

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    Z metaanalizy badań przeprowadzonych w ciągu ostatnich 15 lat w wielu krajach świata wynika, że podwyższone stężenie homocysteiny istotnie zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu. Jest to związane z patogennym oddziaływaniem hiperhomocysteinemii na układ krzepnięcia. W swoich badaniach autor również wykazał, że hiperhomocysteinemia może zarówno podwyższać śmiertelność u pacjentów z niewydolnością serca, jak i stymulować miażdżycę naczyń nerkowych u osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Wysoka częstość podwyższonych stężeń homocysteiny w populacji polskiej, szczególnie w grupie wiekowej powyżej 59. roku życia, powinna skłaniać do bardziej intensywnej diagnostyki tego zaburzenia metabolicznego. Jest to tym bardziej celowe, że koszt pomiaru stężenia homocysteiny oraz możliwość jego obniżenia za pomocą małych dawek kwasu foliowego nie przekracza obecnie możliwości finansowych przeciętnego pacjenta. Nie ulega już natomiast wątpliwości, że obniżenie stężenia homocysteiny o 3 μmol/l skutkuje zmniejszeniem ryzyka wystąpienia niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu średnio o 24% po 3-letniej interwencji

    Aktualne spojrzenie na rolę hiperhomocysteinemii w patogenezie miażdżycy

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    Poznane dotąd mechanizmy promiażdżycowego działania podwyższonych stężeń homocysteiny wskazują na jej działanie uszkadzające śródbłonek naczyniowy. Skutkiem tego jest zaburzenie produkcji tlenku azotu oraz zaistnienie warunków do rozwoju przewlekłego stanu zapalnego. Hiperhomocysteinemia może również hamować regenerację ściany naczynia poprzez zmniejszenie stopnia metylacji DNA w komórkach śródbłonka. Istotne jest także gromadzenie się w organizmie S-adenozylohomocysteiny (SAH, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine), co zmniejsza wydzielanie adenozyny do krążenia. Ponieważ adenozyna spełnia rolę cytoprotekcyjną, jej niedobór może przyspieszać rozwój zmian miażdżycowych. Jest to szczególnie ważne, gdy homocysteinemia towarzyszy innym czynnikom ryzyka, takim jak nadciśnienie tętnicze i hipercholesterolemia lub cukrzyca

    Antroponimy w hejcie

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    Hate refers to online posts aimed at depreciating someone or something by expressing a provocative negative opinion about them. This article discusses the function and place of anthroponyms in such posts. Its goal is to present the observations and conclusions concerning the role of anthroponyms and their usage by haters. The study material was collected from Facebook, Twitter and wm.pl and subjected to qualitative analysis.Hate refers to online posts aimed at depreciating someone or something by expressing a provocative negative opinion about them. This article discusses the function and place of anthroponyms in such posts. Its goal is to present the observations and conclusions concerning the role of anthroponyms and their usage by haters. The study material was collected from Facebook, Twitter and wm.pl and subjected to qualitative analysis

    Oleacein and foam cell formation in human monocyte-derived macrophages: a potential strategy against early and advanced atherosclerotic lesions

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    Background: Oleacein is a secoiridoid group polyphenol found mostly in Olea europea L. and Ligustrum vulgare L. (Oleaceae). The aim of the present study was to investigate a potential role of oleacein in prevention of the foam cell formation. Materials and Methods: Oleacein was isolated from Ligustrum vulgare leaves. Human monocyte-derived macrophages were obtained from monocytes cultured with Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)Then, cells were incubated with 20 M or 50 M of oleacein and with oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) (50 g/mL). Visualization of lipid deposition within macrophages was carried out using Oil-Red-O. Expression of CD36, Scavenger receptor A1 (SRA1) and Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 1 (LOX-1) was determined by Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and by flow cytometry. Apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry using Annexin V assay. STAT3 and Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase type 1 (ACAT1)levels were determined by ELISA. P-STAT3, P-JAK1, P-JAK2 expressions were determined by Western blot (WB). Results: Oleacein in dose-dependent manner significantly reduced lipid deposits in macrophages as well as their expression of selected scavenger receptors. The highest decrease of expression was found for CD36 and SRA1 receptors, from above 20% to more than 75% compared to oxLDL and the lowest for LOX-1 receptor, from approx. 8% to approx. 25% compared to oxLDL-stimulated macrophages. Oleacein significantly reduced (2.5-fold) early apoptosis of oxLDL-stimulated macrophages. Moreover, oleacein significantly increased the protein expression of JAK/STAT3 pathway and had no effect on ACAT1 level. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates, for the first time, that oleacein inhibits foam cell formation in human monocyte-derived macrophages and thus can be a valuable tool in the prevention of early and advanced atherosclerotic lesions