30 research outputs found

    Distributed query execution on a replicated and partitioned database

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-64).Web application developers partition and replicate their data amongst a set of SQL databases to achieve higher throughput. Given multiple copies of tables partioned different ways, developers must manually select different replicas in their application code. This work presents Dixie, a query planner and executor which automatically executes queries over replicas of partitioned data stored in a set of relational databases, and optimizes for high throughput. The challenge in choosing a good query plan lies in predicting query cost, which Dixie does by balancing row retrieval costs with the overhead of contacting many servers to execute a query. For web workloads, per-query overhead in the servers is a large part of the overall cost of execution. Dixie's cost calculation tends to minimize the number of servers used to satisfy a query, which is essential for minimizing this query overhead and obtaining high throughput; this is in direct contrast to optimizers over large data sets that try to maximize parallelism by parallelizing the execution of a query over all the servers. Dixie automatically takes advantage of the addition or removal of replicas without requiring changes in the application code. We show that Dixie sometimes chooses plans that existing parallel database query optimizers might not consider. For certain queries, Dixie chooses a plan that gives a 2.3x improvement in overall system throughput over a plan which does not take into account perserver query overhead costs. Using table replicas, Dixie provides a throughput improvement of 35% over a naive execution without replicas on an artificial workload generated by Pinax, an open source social web site.by Neha Narula.S.M

    Recipient of the 2021 Alumni Trailblazer Award

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    Dr. Narula is helping redefine the future of money by researching cryptocurrencies and providing clarity on how digital currencies will transform our world. In short, she is a research scientist, engineer, and currency futurist. Neha is director of research at the Digital Currency Initiative, a part of the MIT Media Lab where she teaches courses and leads cryptocurrency and blockchain research. While completing her PhD in computer science at MIT, she built fast, scalable databases and secure software systems, and she spoke about these topics at dozens of industry and research conferences. In a previous life, Dr. Narula helped relaunch the news aggregator Digg and was a senior software engineer at Google. There, she designed Blobstore, a system for storing and serving petabytes of immutable data, and worked on Native Client, a system for running native code securely through a browser. She is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council on Blockchain and has given several TED talks on the Future of Money. Named to WIRED’s list of 25 leaders shaping the next 25 years of technology. She also appeared on Amanpour & Company and 60 Minutes. She is a member of the Program Committees for EuroSys 2019, IEEE Security & Privacy 2020, Financial Cryptography v2020, Symposium on Cloud Computing 2020, and Stanford Blockchain Conference 2020

    The Power of Random Symmetry-Breaking in Nakamoto Consensus

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    Intrusion recovery for database-backed web applications

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    Warp is a system that helps users and administrators of web applications recover from intrusions such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and clickjacking attacks, while preserving legitimate user changes. Warp repairs from an intrusion by rolling back parts of the database to a version before the attack, and replaying subsequent legitimate actions. Warp allows administrators to retroactively patch security vulnerabilities---i.e., apply new security patches to past executions---to recover from intrusions without requiring the administrator to track down or even detect attacks. Warp's time-travel database allows fine-grained rollback of database rows, and enables repair to proceed concurrently with normal operation of a web application. Finally, Warp captures and replays user input at the level of a browser's DOM, to recover from attacks that involve a user's browser. For a web server running MediaWiki, Warp requires no application source code changes to recover from a range of common web application vulnerabilities with minimal user input at a cost of 24--27% in throughput and 2--3.2 GB/day in storage.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Clean-slate design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts (Contract N66001-10-2-4089)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1053143)Quanta Computer (Firm)Google (Firm)Samsung Scholarship Foundatio

    zkLedger: Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Distributed Ledgers

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    Distributed ledgers (e.g. blockchains) enable financial institutions to efficiently reconcile cross-organization transactions. For example, banks might use a distributed ledger as a settlement log for digital assets. Unfortunately, these ledgers are either entirely public to all participants, revealing sensitive strategy and trading information, or are private but do not support third-party auditing without revealing the contents of transactions to the auditor. Auditing and financial oversight are critical to proving institutions are complying with regulation. This paper presents zkLedger, the first system to protect ledger participants\u27 privacy and provide fast, provably correct auditing. Banks create digital asset transactions that are visible only to the organizations party to the transaction, but are publicly verifiable. An auditor sends queries to banks, for example What is the outstanding amount of a certain digital asset on your balance sheet? and gets a response and cryptographic assurance that the response is correct. zkLedger has two important benefits over previous work. First, zkLedger provides fast, rich auditing with a new proof scheme using Schnorr-type non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. Unlike zkSNARKs, our techniques do not require trusted setup and only rely on widely-used cryptographic assumptions. Second, zkLedger provides *completeness*; it uses a columnar ledger construction so that banks cannot hide transactions from the auditor, and participants can use rolling caches to produce and verify answers quickly. We implement a distributed version of zkLedger that can produce provably-correct answers to auditor queries on a ledger with a hundred thousand transactions in less than 10 milliseconds

    Phase Reconciliation for Contended In-Memory Transactions

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    Multicore main-memory database performance can collapse when many transactions contend on the same data. Contending transactions are executed serially—either by locks or by optimistic concurrency control aborts—in order to ensure that they have serializable effects. This leaves many cores idle and performance poor. We introduce a new concurrency control technique, phase reconciliation, that solves this problem for many important workloads. Doppel, our phase reconciliation database, repeatedly cycles through joined, split, and reconciliation phases. Joined phases use traditional concurrency control and allow any transaction to execute. When workload contention causes unnecessary serial execution, Doppel switches to a split phase. There, updates to contended items modify per-core state, and thus proceed in parallel on different cores. Not all transactions can execute in a split phase; for example, all modifications to a contended item must commute. A reconciliation phase merges these per-core states into the global store, producing a complete database ready for joined phase transactions. A key aspect of this design is determining which items to split, and which operations to allow on split items. Phase reconciliation helps most when there are many updates to a few popular database records. Its throughput is up to 38x higher than conventional concurrency control protocols on microbenchmarks, and up to 3x higher on a larger application, at the cost of increased latency for some transactions.Engineering and Applied Science

    A High Performance Payment Processing System Designed for Central Bank Digital Currencies

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    In light of continued innovation in money and payments, many central banks are exploring the creation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), a new form of central bank money which supplements existing central bank reserve account balances and physical currency. This paper presents Hamilton, a flexible transaction processor design that supports a range of models for a CBDC and minimizes data storage in the core transaction processor by storing unspent funds as opaque hashes. Hamilton supports users custodying their own funds or custody provided by financial intermediaries. We describe and evaluate two implementations: the atomizer architecture which provides a globally ordered history of transactions but is limited in throughput (170,000 transactions per second), and the 2PC architecture that scales peak throughput almost linearly with resources (up to a measured throughput of 1.7M transactions per second) but does not provide a globally ordered list of transactions. We released our two architectures under the MIT open source license at https://github.com/mit-dci/opencbdc-tx