12 research outputs found

    Distributed quantum metrology with a single squeezed-vacuum source

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    We propose an interferometric scheme for the estimation of a linear combination with non-negative weights of an arbitrary number M > 1 of unknown phase delays, distributed across an M-channel linear optical network, with Heisenberg-limited sensitivity. This is achieved without the need of any sources of photon-number or entangled states, photon-number-resolving detectors, or auxiliary interferometric channels. Indeed, the proposed protocol remarkably relies upon a single squeezed-state source, an antisqueezing operation at the interferometer output, and on-off photodetectors

    Typicality of Heisenberg scaling precision in multi-mode quantum metrology

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    We propose a measurement setup reaching Heisenberg scaling precision for the estimation of any distributed parameter φ\varphi (not necessarily a phase) encoded into a generic MM-port linear network composed only of passive elements. The scheme proposed can be easily implemented from an experimental point of view since it employs only Gaussian states and Gaussian measurements. Due to the complete generality of the estimation problem considered, it was predicted that one would need to carry out an adaptive procedure which involves both the input states employed and the measurement performed at the output; we show that this is not necessary: Heisenberg scaling precision is still achievable by only adapting a single stage. The non-adapted stage only affects the value of a pre-factor multiplying the Heisenberg scaling precision: we show that, for large values of MM and a random (unbiased) choice of the non-adapted stage, this pre-factor takes a typical value which can be controlled through the encoding of the parameter φ\varphi into the linear network.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Heisenberg scaling precision in multi-mode distributed quantum metrology

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    We propose an NN-photon Gaussian measurement scheme which allows the estimation of a parameter φ\varphi encoded into a multi-port interferometer with a Heisenberg scaling precision (i.e. of order 1/N1/N). In this protocol, no restrictions on the structure of the interferometer are imposed other than linearity and passivity, allowing the parameter φ\varphi to be distributed over several components. In all previous proposals Heisenberg scaling has been obtained provided that both the input state and the measurement at the output are suitably adapted to the unknown parameter φ\varphi. This is a serious drawback which would require in practice the use of iterative procedures with a sequence of trial input states and measurements, which involve an unquantified use of additional resources. Remarkably, we find that only one stage has to be adapted, which leaves the choice of the other stage completely arbitrary. We also show that our scheme is robust against imperfections in the optimized stage. Moreover, we show that the adaptive procedure only requires a preliminary classical knowledge (i.e to a precision 1/N1/\sqrt{N}) on the parameter, and no further additional resources. As a consequence, the same adapted stage can be employed to monitor with Heisenberg-limited precision any variation of the parameter of the order of 1/N1/\sqrt{N} without any further adaptation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Typicality of Heisenberg scaling precision in multi-mode quantum metrology

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    We propose a measurement setup reaching a Heisenberg scaling precision for the estimation of any distributed parameter φ (not necessarily a phase) encoded into a generic M-port linear network composed only of passive elements. The scheme proposed can be easily implemented from an experimental point of view since it employs only Gaussian states and Gaussian measurements. Due to the complete generality of the estimation problem considered, it was predicted that one would need to carry out an adaptive procedure which involves both the input states employed and the measurement performed at the output; we show that this is not necessary: Heisenberg scaling precision is still achievable by only adapting a single stage. The non-adapted stage only affects the value of a pre-factor multiplying the Heisenberg scaling precision: we show that, for large values of M and a random choice of the non-adapted stage, this pre-factor takes a typical value which can be controlled through the encoding of the parameter φ into the linear network.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research Global (N62909-18-1-2153). PF and GG are partially supported by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) through the project “QUANTUM”, and by the Italian National Group of Mathematical Physics (GNFM-INdAM)This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research Global (N62909-18-1-2153). PF and GG are partially supported by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) through the project “QUANTUM”, and by the Italian National Group of Mathematical Physics (GNFM-INdAM

    L’année 2021 dans tous ses états : une synthèse digérée

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    International audience5548 Background: Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death by gynecological cancer. Complete surgery remains one of the main prognostic factors. Laparoscopic exploration is mandatory to assess surgical resectability at diagnosis or after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, there is no clinical or biological marker that can correctly predict resectability and may be able to avoid a second laparoscopic exploration for initially unresectable diseases. Our aim was to assess circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) value as a predictive non-invasive marker of evolution towards resectability for patients with epithelial ovarian cancer receiving first-line chemotherapy. Methods: We explored in this work one of the secondary objectives of the CIDOC study (NCT03302884). CIDOC is a multicenter prospective study aiming to explore ctDNA value as early marker of disease relapse after first-line treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer. Patients with mucinous histology or early stages not requiring chemotherapy are excluded. Plasma samples are collected at diagnosis, during neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and during follow-up. After DNA extraction, panel-based next generation sequencing is performed on both tumor samples and germline DNA, and somatic mutations of interest are selected for ctDNA monitoring. ctDNA analyses are conducted using droplet digital PCR (BioRad QX200) by measuring the variant allele fraction (VAF) of previously identified mutations. Results: This intermediary analysis has included 47 patients diagnosed between March 2017 and December 2019. Median age was 69 years old (48 – 84). Most of the patients had advanced disease (89.4% stage FIGO III or IV), serous histology (94.8%), and high grade tumor (92.3%). Most of the patients underwent complete interval cytoreductive surgery (76.3% vs 17.4% complete upfront surgery). Most of the tumors had TP53 mutations (85.1%), following by alterations involving DNA repair genes (38.3%). Median cell-free DNA concentration at baseline was 0.38 ng/µL (0 – 12.8). ctDNA was identified in 92.1% of patients at baseline with a median VAF of 1.84% (0 – 42.52%). ctDNA VAF was correlated to the peritoneal dissemination ( p= 0.039) assessed with the peritoneal cancer index. ctDNA clearance after preoperative chemotherapy tended to be correlated to achievement of complete interval surgery for patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy ( p= 0.108). Conclusions: ctDNA may be a promising non-invasive marker to assess peritoneal cancer spreading and to predict surgical resectability after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. If confirmed in larger populations, this may enable to avoid additional surgical explorations for patients who remain ctDNA positive after chemotherapy. Clinical trial information: NCT03302884

    Das adrenocorticotrope Hormon (ACTH), die HormonederNebenniere(Cortison,Adrenalin) das Insulin, sowie die Hormone der SchilddrĂĽse und NebenschilddrĂĽse

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