6,858 research outputs found

    Calculation of three-dimensional compressible laminar and turbulent boundary flows. Three-dimensional compressible boundary layers of reacting gases over realistic configurations

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    A three-dimensional boundary-layer code was developed for particular application to realistic hypersonic aircraft. It is very general and can be applied to a wide variety of boundary-layer flows. Laminar, transitional, and fully turbulent flows of compressible, reacting gases are efficiently calculated by use of the code. A body-oriented orthogonal coordinate system is used for the calculation and the user has complete freedom in specifying the coordinate system within the restrictions that one coordinate must be normal to the surface and the three coordinates must be mutually orthogonal

    An experimental investigation of the relationships among race, prayer, and pain

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    Background and aims Compared to White individuals, Black individuals demonstrate a lower pain tolerance. Research suggests that differences in pain coping strategies, such as prayer, may mediate this race difference. However, previous research has been cross-sectional and has not determined whether prayer in and of itself or rather the passive nature of prayer is driving the effects on pain tolerance. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationships among race, prayer (both active and passive), and pain tolerance. Methods We randomly assigned 208 pain-free participants (47% Black, 53% White) to one of three groups: active prayer (“God, help me endure the pain”), passive prayer (“God, take the pain away”), or no prayer (“The sky is blue”). Participants first completed a series of questionnaires including the Duke University Religion Index, the Coping Strategies Questionnaire-Revised (CSQ-R), and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Participants were then instructed to repeat a specified prayer or distractor coping statement while undergoing a cold pressor task. Cold pain tolerance was measured by the number of seconds that had elapsed while the participant’s hand remained in the cold water bath (maximum 180 s). Results Results of independent samples t-tests indicated that Black participants scored higher on the CSQ-R prayer/hoping subscale. However, there were no race differences among other coping strategies, religiosity, or catastrophizing. Results of a 2 (Race: White vs. Black)×3 (Prayer: active vs. passive vs. no prayer) ANCOVA controlling for a general tendency to pray and catastrophizing in response to prayer indicated a main effect of prayer that approached significance (p=0.06). Pairwise comparisons indicated that those in the active prayer condition demonstrated greater pain tolerance than those in the passive (p=0.06) and no prayer (p=0.03) conditions. Those in the passive and no prayer distractor conditions did not significantly differ (p=0.70). There was also a trending main effect of race [p=0.08], with White participants demonstrating greater pain tolerance than Black participants. Conclusions Taken together, these results indicate that Black participants demonstrated a lower pain tolerance than White participants, and those in the active prayer condition demonstrated greater tolerance than those in the passive and no prayer conditions. Furthermore, Black participants in the passive prayer group demonstrated the lowest pain tolerance, while White participants in the active prayer group exhibited the greatest tolerance. Results of this study suggest that passive prayer, like other passive coping strategies, may be related to lower pain tolerance and thus poorer pain outcomes, perhaps especially for Black individuals. On the other hand, results suggest active prayer is associated with greater pain tolerance, especially for White individuals. Implications These results suggest that understanding the influence of prayer on pain may require differentiation between active versus passive prayer strategies. Like other active coping strategies for pain, active prayer may facilitate self-management of pain and thus enhance pain outcomes independent of race. Psychosocial interventions may help religiously-oriented individuals, regardless of race, cultivate a more active style of prayer to improve their quality of life

    The evolution of man–machine interaction: the role of human in Industry 4.0 paradigm

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    ndustry 4.0 is a new paradigm in the manufacturing world and it has deeply changed the Human–machine interaction. This paper focus is on the nature of this interaction, which is made possible thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), and Cyber-Physical System (CPS). These Industry 4.0 key technologies are studied related to the standard Deming cycle, in order to underline the importance of Human–machine interaction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution involves several changes in the workforce’s key features. In this paper, a new perspective based on the centrality of humans is given in the new Industry era. The importance of the human factor will be deeply studied through the implementation of the ‘Sand Cone Model’. A new framework is proposed in order to explain the quality measures addiction on the workforce quality skills, and how it engraves on improving efficiency and effectiveness of an industrial process

    The evolution of man–machine interaction: the role of human in Industry 4.0 paradigm

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    Industry 4.0 is a new paradigm in the manufacturing world and it has deeply changed the Human–machine interaction. This paper focus is on the nature of this interaction, which is made possible thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), and Cyber-Physical System (CPS). These Industry 4.0 key technologies are studied related to the standard Deming cycle, in order to underline the importance of Human–machine interaction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution involves several changes in the workforce's key features. In this paper, a new perspective based on the centrality of humans is given in the new Industry era. The importance of the human factor will be deeply studied through the implementation of the 'Sand Cone Model'. A new framework is proposed in order to explain the quality measures addiction on the workforce quality skills, and how it engraves on improving efficiency and effectiveness of an industrial process

    Universities’ social responsibility through the lens of strategic planning: A content analysis

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    This paper examines the degree of social responsibility integration in Italian public universities’ medium and long-term planning documents. We adopted a qualitative approach, applying the content analysis technique to a selected sample of 20 strategic plans issued by Italian large and mega universities. The coding instrument was developed considering the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contained in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Therefore, we identified 17 categories and 103 key symbols. The analysis undertaken showed that to date, Italian public universities still pay little attention in their planning documents to objectives regarding the multiple dimensions of Social Responsibility, mainly in relation to environmental issues, a failure detrimental to University Social Responsibility implementation and achievement. However, there is a greater sensitivity to Social Responsibility issues in some universities’ planning documents, therefore also more mature practices can be identified, showing universities that have institutionalized the concept of sustainability in their planning documents

    NanoMIP-based solid phase extraction of fluoroquinolones from human urine: A proof-of-concept study

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    NanoMIPs that are prepared by solid phase synthesis have proven to be very versatile, but to date only limited attention has been paid to their use in solid phase extraction. Thus, since nanoMIPs show close similarities, in terms of binding behavior, to antibodies, it seems relevant to verify if it is possible to use them as mimics of the natural antibodies that are used in immunoextraction methods. As a proof-of-concept, we considered prepared nanoMIPs against fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin. Several nanoMIPs were prepared in water with polymerization mixtures of different compositions. The polymer with the highest affinity towards ciprofloxacin was then grafted onto a solid support and used to set up a solid phase extraction–HPLC method with fluorescence detection, for the determination of fluoroquinolones in human urine. The method resulted in successful selection for the fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such that the nanoMIPs were suitable for direct extraction of the antibiotics from the urine samples at the ”g mL−1 level. They required no preliminary treatment, except for a 1 + 9 (v/v) dilution with a buffer of pH 4.5 and they had good analyte recovery rates; up to 85% with precision in the range of 3 to 4.5%, without interference from the matrix. These experimental results demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of the use of nanoMIPs to develop solid phase extraction methods

    Pulmonary tuberculosis followed by sarcoidosis in an HIV-infected patient: a case report and a simplified diagnostic flowchart for diagnosis and treatment of sarcoidosis

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    The diagnosis of sarcoidosis in a patient living with HIV infection is an uncommon event and a challenge for clinicians. Clinical manifestations are variable and fluctuating depending to adherence to ARV therapy and to the level of CD4 count. We analyze here one chronic case in which sarcoidosis appeared clinically two years after pulmonary tuberculosis. The course of the disease was influenced and prolonged by frequent interruptions of antiretroviral therapy. Moreover the diagnosis and the decision to treat have been delayed by the need of exclusion of other pathologies, principally tuberculosis reactivation/reinfection, other mycobacterial diseases, hematologic malignancies. We propose a simplified flowchart for diagnosis and follow up of sarcoidosis, which may also be applied to patients with HIV infection. Diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) may be difficult in these patients, because the immunological paradox of sarcoidosis. For this reason, following exclusion of active tuberculosis, we advise to submit all sarcoidosis patients to IPT (isoniazid preventive therapy), when immunosuppressive therapy is started

    Stark shift and field ionization of arsenic donors in 28^{28}Si-SOI structures

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    We develop an efficient back gate for silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices operating at cryogenic temperatures, and measure the quadratic hyperfine Stark shift parameter of arsenic donors in isotopically purified 28^{28}Si-SOI layers using such structures. The back gate is implemented using MeV ion implantation through the SOI layer forming a metallic electrode in the handle wafer, enabling large and uniform electric fields up to ∌\sim 2 V/ÎŒ\mum to be applied across the SOI layer. Utilizing this structure we measure the Stark shift parameters of arsenic donors embedded in the 28^{28}Si SOI layer and find a contact hyperfine Stark parameter of ηa=−1.9±0.2×10−3ÎŒ\eta_a=-1.9\pm0.2\times10^{-3} \mum2^2/V2^2. We also demonstrate electric-field driven dopant ionization in the SOI device layer, measured by electron spin resonance.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
