13 research outputs found

    How Can We Increase Neighbors’ Intention to Report Intimate Partner Violence Against Women During the Pandemic?

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    During the pandemic, neighbors can be potential allies to prevent intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW). Based on the reasoned action approach, we identified the predictors and the most relevant beliefs behind neighbors’ intention to report to authorities that a woman is being victimized by IPVAW. A total of 352 Spanish participants completed a questionnaire. The regression analysis showed that perceived control and subjective norm were the best predictors of the intention (33% explained variance). Social media campaigns should target perceived inhibitors such as citizens’ guilt for reporting ambiguous cases and close referents (friends and family) as prescribers of the helping behavio

    What Do Adolescents Believe About Performing and Accepting Intimate Partner Violence Behaviors? A Reasoned Action Approach

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    Intimate partner violence against adolescent girls is of increasing political and social concern. This paper presents formative research on the reasoned action approach (RAA) to the prediction of boys’ perpetration and girls’ acceptance of four psychologically abusive behaviors. Our objectives were: (1) to identify the behavioral and normative modal beliefs behind males’ performance and girls’ acceptance of the behaviors and (2) to explore the relationship between attitudes, perceived social norm, intention and behavior. A total of 479 adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age completed questionnaires on the performance (boys) or acceptance (girls) of a specific behavior. We used a grouping process to identify modal beliefs and carried out eight exploratory multiple regression analysis (one per behavior) to study attitude and social norm as predictors of intention and behavior. Positive and negative behavioral beliefs coexist in boys’ and girls’ minds, which can reflect an unclear positioning against abusive behaviors. Positive outcomes seem to be influenced by socialization processes and love myths. Peers can be a risk factor whereas parents are a protective factor against the performance and acceptance of these behaviors. Results showed significant relationships between the constructs in the sense specified by the model. Prevention programs could benefit by: managing participants’ individual behavior, intervening separately with boys and girls, overcoming adolescents’ confusion regarding these behaviors, and targeting parents as a means of discouraging their performance and acceptance. The RAA appears a useful tool for explaining and predicting the performance and acceptance of abusive behavior

    ¿Cuáles son las señales de alarma más representativas de la violencia de pareja contra las adolescentes?

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    Identifying which warning signs (WS) of intimate partner violence against girls (IPV) must be included in prevention programs is essential, since there is not an explicit consensus. Our first aim was identifying the most frequent WS included in the reviewed Spanish prevention guides by means of a content analysis performed independently by three judges.  Our second aim was subjecting these to a sample of adolescents (n=60) to know: (1) if they identify them as abusive behaviours; (2) how frequently do they consider they have to occur to be WS, and; (3) how frequently they observe them in their peer environment. Among the 23 identified WS, controlling (n=11) and devaluating behaviours (n=6) are the most frequent in the reviewed literature and the formers´ the most observed in the adolescents’ environment (rank: 52.5% - 90%).  The majority labelled the 23 behaviours as abusive.  Four controlling and 3 devaluating behaviours had to occur very often to be an IPV warning sign. Therefore their tolerance to these WS is high.  The outcomes are valuable for the development of prevention programs and suggest the need of investigating on the explanatory factors of such tolerance.Identificar qué señales de alarma de violencia de género (VG) en la adolescencia deben incluirse en los programas de prevención es esencial.  Al no existir un acuerdo explícito al respecto, nuestro primer objetivo fue identificar qué señales son más frecuentes en las guías de prevención españolas revisadas, mediante un análisis de contenido realizado independientemente por 3 juezas.  Nuestro segundo objetivo fue valorar una muestra de adolescentes (n= 60) para conocer: (1) si las identifican como conductas violentas; (2) con qué frecuencia consideran que deben ocurrir para ser señales de alarma, y (3) con qué frecuencia las observan en su entorno de iguales.  Entre las 23 señales identificadas, las conductas de control (n = 11) y desvalorización (n = 6) son las más frecuentes en la literatura revisada y prevalentes en los grupos de iguales (52.5% - 90%).  La mayoría identificó las 23 conductas como violentas. Cuatro conductas de control y 3 de desvalorización tienen que darse a menudo para ser consideradas señales de alarma de VG.  Por tanto, su tolerancia a las mismas es elevada. Estos resultados son útiles para la elaboración de programas de prevención y sugieren la necesidad de investigar sobre los factores explicativos de dicha tolerancia

    Activity patterns and functioning. A contextual–functional approach to pain catastrophizing in women with fibromyalgia

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    The psychological flexibility model states that activity patterns are not deemed to be intrinsically functional or dysfunctional; it is considered that underlying factors, such as personal goals and contextual factors, are what will determine their effects on disability. Pain catastrophizing has frequently been associated with several important pain-related outcomes. Despite its recent conceptualization within affective–motivational approaches, its moderating role between activity patterns and dysfunction has not been analyzed. Methods: This study analyzes the moderating role of pain catastrophizing and its dimensions (Pain Catastrophizing Scale) between activity patterns (Activity Patterns Scale) and disease impact (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire—Revised) in 491 women with fibromyalgia. Results: Activity avoidance (p < 0.001), excessive persistence (p < 0.001) and pacing (p < 0.01) patterns were positively associated with fibromyalgia impact. Helplessness shows a moderating role between pain avoidance (B = 0.100, t =2.30, p = 0.021, [0.01, 0.18]), excessive persistence (B = −0.09, t = −2.24, p = 0.02, [−0.18, −0.01]), pain persistence (B = −0.10, t = −2.04, p = 0.04, [−0.19, −0.004]) and functioning. Conclusion: Helplessness (within pain catastrophizing) is a relevant variable within psychological flexibility models applied to activity patterns. Specifically, pain avoidance is especially dysfunctional in patients with high helplessness. To improve excessive persistence and pain persistence, it is necessary to reduce helplessness before regulating activity patterns

    The Questionnaire of Intention to Help in VAW Cases (QIHVC): Development and preliminary results

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    Introduction: Violence against women (VAW) is a worldwide social and health problem of epidemic proportions. This violence is preventable, and bystander programs are one of the possible preventative strategies. The main purpose of this research was to develop a tool that, by applying a contrastive methodology for its application in different forms of violence (forms of gender-based violence, such as intimate partner VAW, sexual harassment at work, and street harassment, and common violence, such as a robbery), would allow measuring the probability of occurrence of bystander response in the face of these types of violence with good evidence of content validity. Method: Firstly (Study 1), an initial version of a measure tool, the Questionnaire of Intention to Help in VAW Cases (QIHVC), was developed; secondly (Study 2), a Delphi (modified) study was carried out to obtain valid, content-based evidence; and finally (Study 3), a pilot study was carried out to evaluate the appropriate functioning of the QIHVC and, if required, to make any necessary adjustments. Results and discussion: The main result is the development of a set of case scenarios and a questionnaire related to its content which constitutes the QIHVC and, in its initial approximation, seems to constitute an adequate and sensible tool to capture the differences between the characterizations of common violence and VAW and in the possible response of bystanders in the face of such violenc

    Predicting Abusive Behaviours in Spanish Adolescents’ Relationships: Insights from the Reasoned Action Approach

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    (1) Background: Partner violence prevention programmes do not produce the expected behavioural changes. Accordingly, experts suggest applying evidence-based behavioural models to identify the determinants of abusive behaviours. In this research, we applied the reasoned action approach (RAA) to predict the performance (boys) and acceptance (girls) of abusive behaviours in adolescents. (2) Method: We designed a questionnaire based on the RAA and performed a crosssectional study. We analysed the predictive capacity of the RAA constructs on intentions with the sample of single adolescents (n = 1112). We replicated the analysis only with those who were in a relationship (n = 587) and in addition analysed the predictive capacity of intention on future behaviour (3 months later). (3) Results: The hierarchical regression analysis performed with the sample of single adolescents showed that the model explained 56% and 47% of the variance of boys’ intentions to perform the controlling and devaluing behaviours, respectively; and 62% and 33% of girls’ intention to accept them. With those in a relationship, the model explained 60% and 53% of the variance of boys’ intentions to perform the controlling and devaluating behaviour, respectively, and 70% and 38% of girls’ intention to accept them. Intention exerted direct effects on boys’ performance of controlling and devaluing behaviours (31% and 34% of explained variance, respectively) and on girls’ acceptance (30% and 7%, respectively). (4) Conclusions: The RAA seems useful to identify the motivational determinants of abusive behaviours, regardless of adolescents´ relationship status, and for their prediction. Perceived social norms emerge as a relevant predictor on which to intervene to produce behavioural changes with both sexe

    Escala de actitudes hacia la prostitución y mujeres prostituidas de Levin & Peled (2011): Estudio preliminar de sus propiedades psicométricas. Escala de actitudes hacia la prostitución

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    Un tema de interés en torno al tema de prostitución es la evaluación de creencias y actitudes. La escala de Actitudes hacia la Prostitución y Prostitutas de Levin y Peled (2011) es un instrumento pionero para usar en investigaciones de metodología cuantitativa. Nuestro objetivo será la evaluación preliminar de las propiedades psicométricas de esta escala en población española. Participaron 357 estudiantes de la Universidad Miguel Hernández; 74,8% (n=267) son mujeres y el resto hombres (n=90; 25,2 %), de media de edad: 20,8 años (dt: ± 4,6). Se administró la Escala de Actitudes de Levin y Peled, (2011), previamente adaptada culturalmente por el equipo de investigación. Se comprobó la consistencia interna y validez de constructo. La prueba de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin fue ≥. 80 y Barlett significativo (p=.000) mostrando índices satisfactorios para los modelos de 2 o 4 factores. Ningún modelo reprodujo exactamente la estructura original de la escala. El análisis de ítems mostró correlaciones ítem-total < .20, que sugieren revisión

    Un caso de desobediencia infantil en el contexto de los nuevos modelos familiares

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    A non-compliant child case report in the context of new family models. A case of behavioral problem with a 7-year old child whose symptoms could be easily mistaken with characteristics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The child lived with his extended family, where the biological mother and adoptive father delegated on the adoptive grandmother parental functions. During the evaluation process, in addition to the interview and observation method, the main instruments administered were Raising Practices Inventory (Bauermeiter, Salas y Matos, 1995), Therapeutic Knowledge Questionnaire (Pelechano, 1980) and Vanderbilt Parent Behavior Evaluation Scale (Marc y Wolraich, 1998). Due to the deficit of parental skills and dysfunctional family dynamic, the application of a parent training program was seen as the best option. Thirteen sessions were needed, including three sessions for the assessment. Disruptive behavior disappeared starting from the12th session, maintaining the results during the follow-up procedure. Evidence confirms the effectiveness of parent training programs for non-compliant child treatment.Se expone el caso de un niño de 7 años que presentaba un problema de desobediencia infantil cuya manifestación podría ser confundida por la del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. El menor convivía con su familia extensa delegando la madre biológica y el padre adoptivo sus funciones parentales en la abuela adoptiva. Para la evaluación se empleó el Inventario de Prácticas de Crianza (Bauermeiter, Salas y Matos, 1995), el Cuestionario de conocimientos terapéuticos (Pelechano, 1980) y la Escala de Evaluación de Vanderbilt para padres (Marc y Wolraich, 1998), junto a la entrevista y la observación. Debido al déficit en habilidades parentales y a la dinámica familiar disfuncional se realizó un entrenamiento a padres para el que fueron necesarias 13 sesiones. Se logró extinguir las conductas disruptivas a partir de la duodécima sesión manteniéndose el resultado durante el seguimiento. Los resultados confirman la eficacia de los programas de entrenamiento a padres en el tratamiento de conductas disruptivas

    What are the most representative warning signs of intimate partner violence against adolescent girls?

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    Identificar qué señales de alarma de violencia de género (VG) en la adolescencia deben incluirse en los programas de prevención es esen- cial. Al no existir un acuerdo explícito al respecto, nuestro primer objetivo fue identificar qué señales son más frecuentes en las guías de prevención españolas revisadas, mediante un análisis de contenido realizado indepen- dientemente por 3 juezas. Nuestro segundo objetivo fue valorar una mues- tra de adolescentes (n= 60) para conocer: (1) si las identifican como con- ductas violentas; (2) con qué frecuencia consideran que deben ocurrir para ser señales de alarma, y (3) con qué frecuencia las observan en su entorno de iguales. Entre las 23 señales identificadas, las conductas de control (n = 11) y desvalorización (n = 6) son las más frecuentes en la literatura revisada y prevalentes en los grupos de iguales (52.5% - 90%). La mayoría identificó las 23 conductas como violentas. Cuatro conductas de control y 3 de desva- lorización tienen que darse a menudo para ser consideradas señales de alarma de VG. Por tanto, su tolerancia a las mismas es elevada. Estos resultados son útiles para la elaboración de programas de prevención y sugieren la ne- cesidad de investigar sobre los factores explicativos de dicha tolerancia.Identifying which warning signs (WS) of intimate partner vio- lence against girls (IPV) must be included in prevention programs is essen- tial, since there is not an explicit consensus. Our first aim was identifying the most frequent WS included in the reviewed Spanish prevention guides by means of a content analysis performed independently by three judges. Our second aim was subjecting these to a sample of adolescents (n = 60) to know: (1) if they identify them as abusive behaviours; (2) how frequently do they consider they have to occur to be WS, and; (3) how frequently they observe them in their peer environment. Among the 23 identified WS, con- trolling (n = 11) and devaluating behaviours (n = 6) are the most frequent in the reviewed literature and the formers the most observed in the adoles- cents’ environment (rank: 52.5% - 90%). The majority labelled the 23 be- haviours as abusive. Four controlling and 3 devaluating behaviours had to occur very often to be an IPV warning sign. Therefore their tolerance to the- se WS is high. The outcomes are valuable for the development of preven- tion programs and suggest the need of investigating on the explanatory fac- tors of such tolerance