33 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico del sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para la producción de energía eléctrica del bloque 21 de la empresa Petroamazonas Ep.

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    The oil sector was an important item that solved the country's economy for 40 years, Ecuador is in daily oil development by creating stations and daily work to the people, when the operator Petroamazonas EP. it is in a phase of certifications and personnel adjustment to new policies of production and exploitation, hence the emergence of this research. The research was based on the programming of industrial production based on the need to improve the inefficient management system in the area of electricity generation 21 Block of the maintenance department. Its methodology of inquiry was based on the scientific method of research and exploratory character, with analysis of historical data that generate a quantitative approach throughout the investigation; the solution of the problem had two main points, first redesign management system control the power plant, with the creation of software daily monitoring of activities with data and graphics productivity, as the second item further generating an index, compilation and creation of manual procedures.El sector Petrolero fue un ítem importante que solventó la economía del país desde hace 40 años, el Ecuador a diario se encuentra en la explotación de crudo creando estaciones, bloques y trabajo diario para la ciudadanía, al momento la operadora Petroamazonas EP. se encuentra en una fase de certificaciones, y ajuste de personal a las nuevas políticas de producción y explotación, de aquí el surgimiento de esta investigación. La investigación se fundó en la programación de la producción industrial a base de la necesidad de mejora del sistema de gestión ineficiente en el área de generación eléctrica del Bloque 21 del departamento de mantenimiento. Su metodología de indagación se basó en el método científico de carácter investigativo y de tipo exploratorio, con análisis de datos históricos que generan un enfoque cuantitativo durante toda la investigación; la solución del problema tuvo dos puntos principales, primero el rediseño del sistema de gestión de control de la planta de generación, con la creación de un software de control diario de actividades con datos y graficas de productividad, adicional como segundo punto la generación de un índice, compilación y creación del manual de procedimientos

    La desagregación tecnológica como herramienta para la generación de políticas públicas de incentivo a la innovación (Estudios)

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    The article analyses the potential that the technological disaggregation has for the generation of public policies that encourage innovation, as a technical tool for the assimilation of technology. Mechanisms that the countries of the region use to promote innovation and that allow the development of products in order to move from an extractive economy to one focused on innovative services are considered. The main problem found at the regional level is the lack of regulations and excessive bureaucracy that do not promote innovative and technological environments.El artículo analiza el potencial que la desagregación tecnológica tiene para la generación de políticas públicas que incentiven la innovación, como una herramienta técnica para la asimilación de la tecnología. Se consideran mecanismos que los países de la región usan para fomentar la innovación y que permitan el desarrollo de productos con el fin de pasar de una economía extractivista a una enfocada en servicios innovadores. El principal problema encontrado a nivel regional es la falta de normativa y exceso de burocracia que no promueven ambientes innovadores y tecnológicos

    Energia hidrelétrica: projeções em um clima em mudança e impactos desta fonte

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    INTRODUCTION: Hydropower is an extensively used renewable source; in 2016, 159 countries reported benefiting; currently, there are around 9,000 projects in operation due to the competitive cost of generating a similar cost such as thermal energy such as coal, oil, or gas in the range of USD 4 - 5 cents US dollars per kilowatt-hour. OBJECTIVE: Investigate the results of hydroelectric development in the face of the changing climate and the generated impacts, making hydropower a subsector of special attention to discussing the global projection. METHOD: Bibliographic review to reflect on the global context of hydroelectricity based on scientific studies. RESULTS: Hydropower projects a 6% decrease for Europe by 2070, from 20% to 50% throughout the Mediterranean, and a reduction in usable capacity in most hydroelectric plants between 61% for the 2040 scenario– 2069 globally. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Globally, hydropower presents a broad vision of the advantages, and little said about the disadvantages and problems, and only there are specific studies that shown various project studied in a general way. It is shown that hydroelectric production has several implications in the face of the changing climate and impacts generated in ecosystems by the deployment of large infrastructures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An approach of the hydropower: advantages and impacts. A review

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    The present review shows a perspective of hydropower development, a renewable source that has a global installed capacity of 1308 GW with 9000 stations around the world. The document showed the advantages and the impacts around the different author’s perspectives. The review method consisted of defining a criterial find of articles, thesis and scientific material to consolidate the knowledge and give a viewpoint of this renewable source. The results show extensible affectations from hydropower expansion and this renewable energy source that requires analysis and study to delineate development sustainable with multidisciplinary areas of reflection. Moreover, the investigated results worldwide show that hydropower is not a pollution source; however, it has environmental impacts, social and cultural; such facilities may affect land, homes, and natural habitats. It concludes that the development of hydroelectric projects brings benefits but entails unavoidable impacts; therefore, it recommends that these affections must evaluate with detailed studies based on sustainability criteria.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The American continent hydropower development and the sustainability: a review

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    The present review compares and takes the main ideas around hydropower development in eight countries of the American continent, identifying its advantages and disadvantages, showing a vision concerning sustainability. It is conclusive that there are impacts for each megawatt produced with hydropower, and the generation structure that uses the water resource of natural currents is not highly clean. Moreover, there is the mistaken criterion for developing a renewable hydropower project related to sustainability, a wrong approach, as demonstrated with the review. The examination in the eight countries of America some analyzes and the most concludes that, before considering a construction with thousands of dollars of investment and water contained in dams, the social and environmental analysis must respond to the restrictions on building new hydropower projects, promoting other unconventional renewable energy sources development. It is recommended to determine an objective quantitative approach of hydropower combining hydrology, energy efficiency, and interaction scenarios of future climate change to know the best energy grids diversifying balanced renewable and no renewable sources for each country.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Costo comparativo por kilovatio de los últimos proyectos hidroeléctricos en Ecuador

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    La hidroelectricidad es la mayor fuente renovable globalmente utilizada, para el 2020 ésta constituye el 77% de la matriz energética en Ecuador, pero los costos con los cuales se desarrollan estos proyectos generan el cuestionamiento entre el costo y beneficio de dichas inversiones debido a los impactos sociales, ambientales y culturales que se crean. Mediante una metodología cuantitativa en base a términos de inclusión y exclusión se encontró que las ultimas cinco centrales hidroeléctricas del Ecuador inauguradas en el período 2015 – 2019 contienen costos más altos del promedio global en comparación con el cálculo de la Agencia Internacional de las Energías Renovables, específicamente, para Coca Codo Sinclair se tiene un 79% de incremento, 34% para Sopladora, 21% para Minas San Francisco, 12% para Delsintagua y 119% para la central Manduriacu. Además, el costo promedio globalmente calculado por IRENA en el 2020 fue 1,472 USD/kWh, en el caso promedio de 499 MW del Ecuador se tiene un costo de 2,018 USD/kWh, valor 37% adicional a manera comparativa. Las decisiones de inversión en nuevos proyectos hidroeléctricos deben mejorarse con base en los datos de las plantas existentes, buscando mitigar los impactos, generando un análisis crítico y definiendo las metas del país con las poblaciones involucradas.Postprint (published version

    On the energy performance of iridium satellite IoT technology

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    Most Internet of Things (IoT) communication technologies rely on terrestrial network infrastructure. When such infrastructure is not available or does not provide sufficient coverage, satellite communication offers an alternative IoT connectivity solution. Satellite-enabled IoT devices are typically powered by a limited energy source. However, as of this writing, and to our best knowledge, the energy performance of satellite IoT technology has not been investigated. In this paper, we model and evaluate the energy performance of Iridium satellite technology for IoT devices. Our work is based on real hardware measurements. We provide average current consumption, device lifetime, and energy cost of data delivery results as a function of different parameters. Results show, among others, that an Iridium-enabled IoT device, running on a 2400 mAh battery and sending a 100-byte message every 100 min, may achieve a lifetime of 0.95 years. However, Iridium device energy performance decreases significantly with message rate.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government through project PID2019- 106808RA-I00, AEI/FEDER, EU, and by Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya through project 2017 SGR 376.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of water characteristics by the hydropower use (up-stream and downstream): a case of study at Ecuador, Argentina, and Uruguay

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    This study aims to evaluate the water use characteristics of five hydropower stations in Ecuador, Uruguay, and Argentina to verify if the resource will change by their use on energy production, mainly to natural dam flow. The methodology is quantitative by taking water before inlet of the generation turbines (up-stream) and outlet of discharge after the process (downstream), there are ten samples to study for each one, at eleven physical-chemical parameters (three physical and eight chemical). This study found that hydropower projects analyzed present changes between inlet dammed water and outlet water from the turbine after generating electricity. The measured parameters are variables, some ranges demonstrate large deviations, for example, total dissolved solids with 100 mg/l, total solids 93 mg/l, and hardness 46 mg/l. There are differences between upstream and downstream water quality because the projects with dams stagnate the source of increasing development of the solids, verifying that the expansion of the extensive infrastructures, such as dams, generates the suspended matter presence, compared to outlet water at the discharge stage, these materials are clay, silt, organic material, vegetation decomposition, and living bodies such as algae, snails, and floating plants that produce opacity, which is the reason for the color difference in the samples. It recommends monthly sustainability plans for all hydropower projects to check the water conditions and ecosystems, monitoring climate behavior to issue improvements or fixes continuously.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Costo comparativo por kilovatio de los últimos proyectos hidroeléctricos en Ecuador

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    Hydropower is the largest renewable source globally used, and in Ecuador, by 2020, the energy grid was 77% hydroelectric, but the costs with which these projects are developed generate questioning between the cost and benefit of said investments due to the social, environmental and cultural impacts created. Through a quantitative methodology based on inclusion and exclusion terms that developed comparisons, it was found that the last five hydropower projects in Ecuador inaugurated in the period 2015 - 2019 contain higher costs than the global average in comparison by the calculation by the International Renewable Energy Agency, specifically, for Coca Codo Sinclair, there is a 79% increase, 34% for Sopladora, 21% for Minas San Francisco, 12% for Delsintagua and 119% for the Manduriacu plant. In addition, the global average cost calculated by IRENA in 2020 was 1,472 USD/kW in the average case of 499 MW in Ecuador, there is a cost of 2,018 USD/kW, an additional 37% value for comparison. Investment decisions in new hydropower projects should be improved based on data from existing plants, seeking to mitigate the impacts, doing critical analysis, and defining the country goals with the involved communities.La hidroelectricidad es la mayor fuente renovable globalmente utilizada, para el 2020 ésta constituye el 77% de la matriz energética en Ecuador, pero los costos con los cuales se desarrollan estos proyectos generan el cuestionamiento entre el costo y beneficio de dichas inversiones debido a los impactos sociales, ambientales y culturales que se crean. Mediante una metodología cuantitativa en base a términos de inclusión y exclusión se encontró que las ultimas cinco centrales hidroeléctricas del Ecuador inauguradas en el período 2015 – 2019 contienen costos más altos del promedio global en comparación con el cálculo de la Agencia Internacional de las Energías Renovables, específicamente, para Coca Codo Sinclair se tiene un 79% de incremento, 34% para Sopladora, 21% para Minas San Francisco, 12% para Delsintagua y 119% para la central Manduriacu. Además, el costo promedio globalmente calculado por IRENA en el 2020 fue 1,472 USD/kWh, en el caso promedio de 499 MW del Ecuador se tiene un costo de 2,018 USD/kWh, valor 37% adicional a manera comparativa. Las decisiones de inversión en nuevos proyectos hidroeléctricos deben mejorarse con base en los datos de las plantas existentes, buscando mitigar los impactos, generando un análisis crítico y definiendo las metas del país con las poblaciones involucradas

    Hydropower development in three South American countries: Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador

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    The present manuscript aims to identify the advantages and consequences of hydropower development, showing a view of trends finding the status and situation in Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador. This study uses a non-experimental methodology based on a comprehensive literature review of relevant papers retrieved from 41 selected papers that are summarized covering different application areas in these selected countries. In addition, the non-experimental methodology is guided by a perspective design sequential with a qualitative phase defining two indicators that do a relation between the people and the installed capacity in megawatts (MW) and energy production in gigawatts hour (GWh). The results show Colombia has the main installed capacity and energy generation per capita, followed by Ecuador, and finally, Brazil. According to the models and studies, the general hydropower potential of Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador decreases as time goes on because this renewable energy affects the water quality, interacting deeply with the surrounding environment. However, in South American countries only 34% of hydropower potential has developed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version