11 research outputs found

    Efeitos da casca de jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) sobre fatores relacionados ? patogenia da doen?a hep?tica gordurosa n?o alco?lica em ratos.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Biol?gicas. N?cleo de Pesquisas em Ci?ncias Biol?gicas, Pr?-Reitoria de Pesquisa de P?s Gradua??o, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A Doen?a Hep?tica Gordurosa N?o Alco?lica (NAFLD) consiste em uma doen?a cr?nica do f?gado, multifatorial, e o aumento no consumo de dietas hiperlip?dicas, com maiores conte?dos de gordura saturada e colesterol, desempenha um papel fundamental na fisiopatologia da NAFLD. Diversos alimentos contendo compostos antioxidantes e anti-inflamat?rios, capazes de prevenir ou reduzir a doen?a, t?m sido descritos. Neste contexto, a casca da jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) cont?m compostos bioativos, tais como fibras e compostos fen?licos, com potencial para interferir nos diversos hits envolvidos na patog?nese da NAFLD. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do consumo da casca de jabuticaba na forma de farinha (FCJ) sobre a NAFLD e os diversos fatores envolvidos na sua g?nese em ratos alimentados com uma dieta hiperlip?dica. Para isso, foram utilizados 32 ratos Fischer f?meas divididas em quatro grupos de acordo com o tratamento: grupo controle (C), recebendo dieta padr?o (AIN93M); grupo controle jabuticaba (CJ), recebendo dieta padr?o acrescida de 4% de FCJ; grupo hiperlip?dico (HF) recebendo dieta contendo 32% de banha de porco e 1% de colesterol; grupo hiperlip?dico jabuticaba (HFJ), recebendo dieta hiperlip?dica acrescida de 4% de FCJ. O experimento teve dura??o de 8 semanas e, ao final deste per?odo, os animais foram anestesiados e eutanasiados. A an?lise da composi??o fitoqu?mica da FCJ revelou que esta possui baixo teor de lip?dios; elevado teor de fibras diet?ticas e compostos fen?licos, principalmente antocianinas, e apresentou significativa capacidade antioxidante in vitro. J? com rela??o ao experimento in vivo, observou-se que a suplementa??o com a FCJ reduziu significativamente o colesterol total e o colesterol n?o-HDL (1,71 e 1,80 vezes em rela??o ao grupo HF, resp.); a atividade da enzima AST; a gravidade da esteatose macrovesicular; 25% do ac?mulo de gordura no tecido adiposo abdominal; reduziu parcialmente os n?veis hep?ticos de TNF-?, e restaurou o balan?o oxidante/antioxidante hep?tico, apresentando, portanto, efeito protetor sobre a esteatose hep?tica. Al?m disso, o seu consumo foi associado, principalmente, com a redu??o na express?o de mRNA dos genes LXR-?, ACAT-1 e ACOX-1, genes envolvidos no metabolismo de colesterol e lip?dios. Esses dados sugerem que a casca de jabuticaba pode representar uma estrat?gia diet?tica vi?vel para a preven??o e tratamento da NAFLD.Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a hepatic chronic disease, multifactorial, and the increase of hyperlipidic diets consumption, with higher contents of saturated fat and cholesterol, plays a fundamental role in the physiopathology of NAFLD. Several foods containing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, capable of preventing or reducing the disease, have been described. In this context, the jabuticaba peel (Myrciaria cauliflora) contains bioactive compounds, such as fibers and phenolic compounds, with potential to interfere in the many hits involved in the pathogenesis of NAFLD. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of jabuticaba peel powder consumption (FCJ) on NAFLD and the factors involved in its genesis in rats fed a high-fat diet. For this, 32 female Fischer rats were divided into four groups according to the treatment: control group (C), receiving standard diet (AIN-93M); jabuticaba control group (CJ), receiving standard diet plus 4% FCJ; high-fat (HF) group receiving diet containing 32% lard and 1% cholesterol; high-fat jabuticaba group (HFJ), receiving a high-fat diet plus 4% FCJ. The experiment lasted 8 weeks and at the end of this period the animals were anesthetized and euthanized. The FCJ phytochemical composition analysis revealed that it has a low lipids, high fiber content and phenolic compounds, mainly anthocyanins, and presented significant antioxidant activity in vitro. Regarding the in vivo experiment, it was observed that the FCJ supplementation significantly reduced total cholesterol and nonHDL cholesterol (1.71 and 1.80-fold compared to the HF group, resp.); AST enzyme activity; severity of hepatic steatosis; 25% fat accumulation in abdominal adipose tissue; partially reduced hepatic levels of TNF-?, and restored the oxidant/antioxidant hepatic balance. In addition, its consumption was associated, mainly, with mRNA expression reduction of the genes LXR-?, ACAT-1 and ACOX-1, genes involved in the cholesterol and lipids metabolism. These data suggest that the jabuticaba peel can represent a viable dietary strategy for the prevention and treatment of NAFLD

    COVID-Inconfidentes - SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in two Brazilian urban areas during the pandemic first wave: study protocol and initial results

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    Background: A population study is an important tool that can be used to understand the actual epidemiological scenario of the Covid-19 in different territories, identify its magnitude, understand its transmission dynamics, and its demographic, geographical, and social distribution. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population of two Brazilian cities during the pandemic first wave and subsequent socioeconomic and health effects. Materials & methods: This paper described the methodological procedures adopted and the prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population. A household survey was conducted between October and December 2020, in two historic cities of Brazil's mining region. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody was detected using the Wondfo® rapid test. The face-to-face interview consisted of administration of a questionnaire containing registration data, sociodemographic and economic variables, living habits, general health condition, mental health, sleep habits, and eating and nutrition. Results: We evaluated 1,762 residents, of which 764 (43.4%) were in Mariana and 998 (56.6%) in Ouro Preto. For both cities, 51.9% of the interviewees were female, with a predominance of the age range 35 to 59 years old (47.2%). The prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection was 5.5% in all cities, 6.2% in Ouro Preto, and 4.7% in Mariana. The prevalence was similar between cities (P>0.05). Conclusion: The study was effective in verifying the seroprevalence of infection by the virus and its findings will enable further analyses of the health conditions of the population related to social isolation and the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2

    Avaliação do potencial antioxidante da farinha de buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) in vitro e em ratos diabéticos.

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    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde e Nutrição. Escola de Nutrição, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.O Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) é fruto do cerrado e a sua polpa possui quantidades consideráveis de carotenóides, polifenóis, ácido ascórbico e ácidos graxos mono e poli-insaturados, apresentando, assim, potencial para ser utilizado na prevenção de doenças advindas do estresse oxidativo. O diabetes mellitus (DM) é um dos mais importantes problemas de saúde pública e o desenvolvimento das suas complicações está, entre outros fatores, intimamente relacionado ao aumento do estresse oxidativo. Portanto, há grande interesse em compostos e/ou alimentos com capacidade de diminuir espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) nos tecido. Desse modo, o objetivo do nosso estudo consiste em investigar a capacidade antioxidante da farinha de buriti in vitro e em ratos diabéticos. A capacidade antioxidante da farinha de buriti foi determinada através do método do DPPH. A composição centesimal foi realizada segundo métodos da AOAC (1984). A quantidade de polifenóis foi determinada pelo método Folin-Ciocalteu. Para o ensaio biológico utilizaram-se 36 ratos Fisher divididos em quatro grupos: Controle (C); Controle + Buriti (CB); Diabéticos (D); Diabético + Buriti (DB). Os grupos C e CB receberam dieta padrão (AIN-93M) e os grupos D e DB receberam dieta padrão (AIN-93M) contendo 2% da farinha de buriti. O diabetes foi induzido no 1º dia do experimento por injeção intraperitoneal de estreptozotocina (STZ) 35 mg/Kg. No 25º dia do experimento os ratos foram submetidos ao Teste de Tolerância Oral à Glicose (TTOG). Após 30 dias de tratamento os animais foram anestesiados com isoflurano e eutanasiados. Foram realizadas análises séricas de metabólitos, produtos de excreção e enzimas. Analisaram-se danos oxidativos às biomoléculas através da determinação de proteína carbonilada e hidroperóxidos lipídicos no fígado, coração, pâncreas e rim. Além disso, realizaram-se análises histológicas do fígado, coração e pâncreas utilizando a coloração Hematoxilina e Eosina (H&E). Os resultados foram analisados por ANOVA one way ou Teste T e Kruskal Wallis ou Mann-Whitney considerando significativos quando p <0,05. A composição centesimal demonstrou que farinha de buriti possui elevadas quantidades de lipídios totais e fibra insolúvel. Além disso, apresentou uma concentração de polifenóis de 444,28 ± 14,76 mg EAG/100g. No ensaio in vitro ela exibiu uma alta capacidade de neutralização do radical DPPH. Já no experimento in vivo iniciamos observando, no TTOG, que os grupos D e DB apresentaram níveis maiores de glicose em todos os tempos comparados aos grupos C e CB. Encontramos, no soro, níveis elevados de AST, ALT, uréia e níveis reduzidos de albumina, proteínas totais, colesterol total e triacilgliceróis nos grupos D e DB. Com relação aos biomarcadores do estresse oxidativo, a farinha de buriti reduziu, nos ratos diabéticos, os níveis de TBARS no coração e no rim, e os níveis de proteínas carboniladas no fígado e no coração. No exame histopatológico não observamos alterações em nenhum dos tecidos analisados. Portanto, concluímos que a farinha de buriti apresentou um elevado conteúdo de polifenóis totais e uma capacidade antioxidante in vitro. Já in vivo, observamos que a suplementação com farinha de buriti promoveu uma redução dos biomarcadores do estresse oxidativo TBARS e/ou proteína carbonilada no fígado, coração e rim. Porém, não foi evidenciada nenhuma alteração a nível celular.The Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) is the result of the Cerrado and its pulp has considerable amounts of carotenoids, polyphenols, ascorbic acid and fatty acid mono and poly-unsaturated, thus presenting the potential to be used to prevent diseases from oxidative stress. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most important public health problems and the development of its complications is, among other factors, closely related to increased oxidative stress. Therefore, there is great interest in compounds and/or foods with ability to decrease reactive oxygen species (ROS) in tissue. Thus, the aim of our study is to investigate the antioxidant capacity of Buriti flour in vitro and in diabetic rats. The antioxidant capacity of Buriti flour was determined by the DPPH method. The chemical composition was performed according to AOAC (1984). The amount of polyphenols was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method. For the biological assay we used 36 Fisher rats divided into four groups: Control (C), control + Buriti (CB); Diabetics (D) Diabetic + Buriti (DB). C and CB groups received standard diet (AIN-93M) and D and DB groups received standard diet (AIN-93M) containing 2% of Buriti flour. Diabetes was induced on day 1 of the experiment by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) 35 mg / kg. On the 25th day of the experiment the rats were submitted to the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). After 30 days of treatment the animals were anesthetized with isoflurane and euthanized. Analysis of serum metabolites, waste products and enzymes were performed. We analyzed oxidative damage to biomolecules by measuring protein carbonyl and lipid hydroperoxides in the liver, heart, pancreas and kidney. Furthermore, histological analyzes were performed liver, heart and pancreas using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. The results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA or t test and Kruskal Wallis or Mann-Whitney considering significant when p < 0.05. The centesimal composition showed that buriti flour has high amounts of total lipids and insoluble fiber. Furthermore, submitted a concentration of polyphenols 444.28 ± 14.76 mg EAG/100g. In vitro assay it exhibited a high neutralizing capacity DPPH. In the in vivo experiment we observe initially that the D and DB groups had higher glucose levels at all times compared to groups C and CB (OGTT). Found in serum increased levels of AST, ALT, urea and reduced levels of albumin, total protein, total cholesterol and triglycerides in groups D and DB. With respect to biomarkers of oxidative stress, buriti flour reduced in diabetic rats, levels of TBARS in the heart and kidney, and levels of protein carbonyls in liver and heart. In histopathological examination did not observe changes in any of the tissues analyzed. Therefore, we conclude that the buriti flour showed a high content of total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity in vitro. Already in vivo, we observed that supplementation with buriti flour promoted a reduction in biomarkers of oxidative stress TBARS and/or protein carbonyl in the liver, heart and kidney. However, was not made any changes at the cellular level. Already in vivo, we observed that supplementation with Buriti flour promoted a reduction in biomarkers of oxidative stress TBARS and/or protein carbonyl in the liver, heart and kidney. However, was not made any changes at the cellular level

    Açai ( Euterpe oleracea

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    Acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), a fruit from the Amazon region, has emerged as a promising source of polyphenols. Acai consumption has been increasing owing to ascribed health benefits and antioxidant propertieshowever, its effects on hepatic injury are limited. In this study, we evaluated the antioxidant effect of filtered acai pulp on the expression of paraoxonase (PON) isoforms and PON1 activity in rats with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The rats were fed a standard AIN-93M (control) diet or a high-fat (HF) diet containing 25% soy oil and 1% cholesterol with or without acai pulp (2 g/day) for 6 weeks. Our results show that acai pulp prevented low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation, increased serum and hepatic PON1 activity, and upregulated the expression of PON1 and ApoA-I in the liver. In HF diet-fed rats, treatment with acai pulp attenuated liver damage, reducing fat infiltration and triglyceride (TG) content. In rats receiving acai, increased serum PON1 activity was correlated with a reduction in hepatic steatosis and hepatic injury. These findings suggest the use of acai as a potential therapy for liver injuries, supporting the idea that dietary antioxidants are a promising approach to enhance the defensive systems against oxidative stress.FAPEMIG Foundation (Research Support Foundation of Minas Gerais State)CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, MG, BrazilResearch Center in Biological Sciences, Federal University of Ouro Preto, 35400-000 Ouro Preto, MG, BrazilDepartment of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Ouro Preto, 35400-000 Ouro Preto, MG, BrazilFederal University of São Paulo, 04039-002 São Paulo, SP, BrazilPostgraduate Program in Health and Nutrition, Federal University of Ouro Preto, 35400-000 Ouro Preto, MG, BrazilDepartment of Basic Health, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Governador Valadares Campus, 35010-177 Governador Valadares, MG, BrazilDepartment of Foods, Federal University of Ouro Preto, 35400-000 Ouro Preto, MG, BrazilFederal University of São Paulo, 04039-002 São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Antioxidant potential of Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) pulp flour in diabetic rats

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    Buriti pulp flour (BPF) contains significant levels of antioxidants. This study evaluated the effect of BPF on biomarkers of oxidative damage in the liver, heart, and pancreas of diabetic rats. The chemical composition, antioxidant capacity, and polyphenol content of BPF were determined. Thirty-six female Fisher rats were divided into four groups: control (C); control + BPF (CB); diabetic (D); diabetic + BPF (DB). Diabetes was induced by treatment with streptozotocin. Thirty days after the induction of diabetes, glucose, total cholesterol and triacylglycerides serum levels, aminotransferase and paraoxonase activities were evaluated. Oxidative damage to lipids and proteins was assessed through thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and protein carbonyl analyses, respectively. Histopathological analyses were also performed. BPF contained high concentrations of phenolic compounds, lipids, and fibers, and exhibited a high capacity to neutralize the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. Diabetes was evidenced by equivalent high levels of glucose in plasma from rats in the D and DB groups. Diabetic rats in both groups also presented the same increased activity of aminotransferases. Protein carbonyl levels were increased in liver, heart, and pancreas in the D compared with C group. Although treatment with BPF did not result in any histopathological alterations, it reduced significantly the levels of TBARS in the heart and protein carbonyls in the liver and heart. No effect on blood glucose and tissue histology was observed following treatment with BPF. However, BPF diminished oxidative damage in liver and heart, indicating a possible antioxidant potential&nbsp;in vivo, in addition to&nbsp;in vitro.La harina de pulpa buriti (BPF) contiene niveles significativos de antioxidantes. Este estudio evalu&oacute; el efecto del BPF en biomarcadores de da&ntilde;o oxidativo en el h&iacute;gado, el coraz&oacute;n y el p&aacute;ncreas de ratas diab&eacute;ticas. Se determino la composici&oacute;n qu&iacute;mica, la capacidad antioxidante y el contenido de polifenoles del BPF. Treinta y seis ratas Fisher fueron divididas en cuatro grupos: Control (C); Control + BPF (CB); Diab&eacute;tico (D); Diab&eacute;tico + BPF (DB). La diabetes fue inducida por tratamiento con estreptozotocina. Treinta dias despu&eacute;s de la inducci&oacute;n de la diabetes, se evaluaron los niveles s&eacute;ricos de glucosa, colesterol total y triacilglic&eacute;ridos, y las actividades de aminotransferasa y paraoxonasa. El da&ntilde;o oxidativo a l&iacute;pidos y prote&iacute;nas se evalu&oacute; a trav&eacute;s de sustancias reactivas al &aacute;cido tiobarbit&uacute;rico (TBARS) y an&aacute;lisis de prote&iacute;nas carboniladas respectivamente. Tambi&eacute;n se realizaron an&aacute;lisis histopatol&oacute;gicos. El BPF conten&iacute;a altas concentraciones de compuestos fen&oacute;licos, l&iacute;pidos y fibras, y exhib&iacute;a una alta capacidad para neutralizar el radical 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidracil (DPPH). La diabetes se evidenci&oacute; por altos niveles de glucosa en plasma de ratas en los grupos D y DB. Las ratas diab&eacute;ticas en ambos grupos tambi&eacute;n presentaron la misma actividad aumentada de las aminotransferasas. Los niveles de prote&iacute;nas carboniladas se incrementaron en el h&iacute;gado, el coraz&oacute;n y el p&aacute;ncreas en el grupo D en comparaci&oacute;n con el C. Aunque el tratamiento con BPF no dio lugar a alteraciones histopatol&oacute;gicas, redujo significativamente los niveles de TBARS en el coraz&oacute;n y las prote&iacute;nas carboniladas en el h&iacute;gado y el coraz&oacute;n. No se observo ning&uacute;n efecto sobre la glucosa en la sangre y la histolog&iacute;a de tejidos despu&eacute;s del tratamiento con BPF. Sin embargo, el BPF disminuy&oacute; el da&ntilde;o oxidativo en el h&iacute;gado y el coraz&oacute;n, lo que indica un posible potencial antioxidante&nbsp;in vivo, adem&aacute;s de&nbsp;in vitro

    A preliminary exploration of the potential of Eugenia uvalha Cambess juice intake to counter oxidative stress.

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    The ability of foods to aid in the prevention of chronic metabolic diseases, has recently become an area of increased interest. In addition, there is growing interest in exploring the benefits of consuming underutilized fruits as alternatives to commercially available fruits. Eugenia uvalha Cambess (uvaia) is a native fruit of Brazil with great market and phytotherapy potential. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of uvaia juice (UJ) on the levels of protein carbonyls (PCO) and antioxidant enzymes in the livers of rats fed a highfat diet

    El a?ai mejora la enfermedad de h?gado graso no alcoh?lico (NAFLD) inducida por la fructosa.

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    Introduction: the excessive consumption of fructose can cause liver damage, characteristic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) associated with changes in lipid metabolism and antioxidant defenses. A?ai, the fruit of Euterpe oleracea Mart., has demonstrated numerous biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and lipid metabolism modulating action. Objective: we evaluated the benefits of a?ai supplementation on liver damage caused by replacing starch with fructose in rats. Methods: thirty male Fischer rats were divided into two groups, the control group (C, 10 animals), which consumed a standard diet (AIN-93M), and the fructose (F, 20 animals) group, which consumed a diet containing 60% of fructose. After eight weeks, 10 animals from the fructose group received 2% of lyophilized a?ai, and were called the a?ai fructose group (FA). The animals were fed ad libitum with these diets for another ten weeks. Serum, hepatic and fecal lipid profile, antioxidant enzymes and carbonylated protein were assessed and histopathological characterization of the liver was performed. Results: a?ai promoted the reduction of ALT activity in relation to the fructose group (F), reduced alkaline phosphatase to a level similar to that of the control group (C) in relation to the fructose group (F), and reduced catalase activity. The fruit also increased the ratio of total/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) and reduced the degree of macrovesicular steatosis and the number of inflammatory cells. Conclusion: the replacement of starch by fructose during this period was effective in promoting NAFLD. A?ai showed attenuating effects on some markers of hepatic steatosis and inflammation.Introducci?n: el consumo excesivo de fructosa puede causar da?o hep?tico, caracter?stico de la enfermedad hep?tica grasa no alcoh?lica (EHGNA), asociada con cambios en el metabolismo de los l?pidos y defensas antioxidantes. El a?ai, fruto del Euterpe oleracea Mart., ha demostrado desempe?ar numerosas actividades biol?gicas, incluidas acciones antiinflamatorias, antioxidantes y moduladoras del metabolismo lip?dico. Objetivo: se evaluaron los beneficios de la suplementaci?n con a?ai en el da?o hep?tico causado por la sustituci?n del almid?n por fructosa en ratas. M?todos: se distribuyeron 30 ratas Fischer macho en dos grupos: 10 ratas en el grupo control (C), que consum?a una dieta est?ndar (AIN-93M), y 20 ratas en el grupo fructosa (F), que consum?a una dieta que conten?a un 60% de fructosa. Despu?s de ocho semanas, diez animales del grupo fructosa recibieron un 2% de a?ai liofilizado, por lo que pasaron a integrar el grupo a?ai fructosa (FA). Los animales fueron alimentados ad libitum con estas dietas durante otras diez semanas. Se analizaron el perfil lip?dico hep?tico y fecal, las enzimas antioxidantes y la prote?na carbonilada, y se realiz? la caracterizaci?n histopatol?gica del h?gado. Resultados: el a?ai promovi? la reducci?n de la actividad de ALT en relaci?n al grupo de fructosa (F) y la reducci?n de la fosfatasa alcalina a niveles similares a los hallados en el grupo control (C) en relaci?n con el grupo de fructosa (F). El fruto tambi?n aument? la proporci?n de glutati?n total/oxidado (GSH/GSSG) y redujo el grado de esteatosis macrovesicular y el n?mero de c?lulas inflamatorias. Conclusi?n: la sustituci?n de almid?n por fructosa durante este periodo fue eficaz en la promoci?n de NAFLD. El a?ai mostr? efectos atenuantes en algunos marcadores de esteatosis hep?tica y de inflamaci?n

    Efects of a?ai on oxidative stress, ER stress, and infammationrelated parameters in mice with high fat diet-fed induced NAFLD.

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most predominant liver disease worldwide, is a progressive condition that encompasses a spectrum of disorders ranging from steatosis to steatohepatitis, and, ultimately, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Although the underlying mechanism is complex and multifactorial, several intracellular events leading to its progression have been identified, including oxidative stress, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis, and altered endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis. Phenolic compounds, such as those present in a?ai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), are considered promising therapeutic agents due to their possible beneficial effects on the prevention and treatment of NAFLD. We tested in vitro effects of aqueous a?ai extract (AAE) in HepG2 cells and its influence on oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and inflammation in a murine model of high fat diet-induced NAFLD. In vitro AAE exhibited high antioxidant capacity, high potential to inhibit reactive oxygen species production, and no cytotoxicity. In vivo, AAE administration (3?g/kg) for six weeks attenuated liver damage (alanine aminotransferase levels), inflammatory process (number of inflammatory cells and serum TNF?), and oxidative stress, through the reduction of lipid peroxidation and carbonylation of proteins determined by OxyBlot and modulation of the antioxidant enzymes: glutathione reductase, SOD and catalase. No change was observed in collagen content indicating an absence of fibrosis, stress-related genes in RE, and protein expression of caspase-3, a marker of apoptosis. With these results, we provide evidence that a?ai exhibits hepatoprotective effects and may prevent the progression of liver damage related to NAFLD by targeting pathways involved in its progression