121,950 research outputs found

    Impact of Global Patent and Regulatory Reform on Patent Strategies for Biotechnology

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    I come to you this morning not as an intellectual property lawyer but as a former general counsel of biotechnology and pharmaceutical related companies, as an attorney with significant exposure to intellectual property issues and as one who has seen first-hand the importance of intellectual property in shaping commercial strategies in biotechnology. With that as a backdrop, I would like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with you today thoughts that I have regarding patents and the impact of patent reform on biotechnology. It has been said that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. However, I believe that the best way to control the future is to patent it

    The Hour of Death

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    Skripsi ini berjudul: “Perang Koalisi VI: Suatu Kajian Mengenai Kekalahan Pasukan Napoleon Dalam Pertempuran Di Rusia (1812)”. Latar belakang penulis mengambil permasalahan ini karena penulis melihat suatu kekalahan yang diderita oleh Perancis pimpinan Napoleon pada saat melawan Rusia, padahal sebelumnya Napoleon sangat superior pada saat peperangan melawan pasukan Koalisi. Setelah membaca berbagai literatur mengenai Perang Koalisi VI, penulis mengemukakan bahwa strategi yang digunakan Napoleon tidak dapat menolong Perancis dari kekalahannya di Rusia, juga misi untuk menaklukan Eropa inilah yang menjadikan titik lemahnya Napoleon yang pada tahun 1812 telah mengalami kekalahan dari Rusia. Sehingga masalah utama yang diangkat dalam skripsi ini adalah "Mengapa Napoleon gagal dalam melakukan pertempuran di Rusia tahun 1812?". Masalah utama tersebut kemudian dibagi menjadi empat pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu (1) Bagaimana latar belakang terjadinya pertempuran di Rusia tahun (1812)? (2) Bagaimana strategi militer Napoleon dalam pertempuran di Rusia tahun (1812)? (3) Apa yang menyebabkan Napoleon kalah dalam pertempuran di Rusia tahun (1812)? (4) Bagaimana dampak pertempuran yang terjadi di Rusia terhadap perkembangan politik kekuasaan Napoleon di Eropa (1812)?. Metode yang penulis gunakan adalah metode historis dengan melakukan empat langkah penelitian, yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Sedangkan teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan studi literatur, yaitu mengkaji sumber-sumber literatur yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang sedang dikaji. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan beberapa teori yang mendukung pembahasan skripsi ini yaitu Teori Perang, Teori Strategi, Teori Geopolitik, Teori Konflik Sosiologi, dan Teori Diplomasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapat beberapa kesimpulan yaitu: “Setelah terjadinya Revolusi Perancis tahun 1789, maka sistem pemerintahan, ekonomi, dan militer menjadi maju pesat, terutama setelah naiknya Napoleon ke tahta kekuasaan dan menjadikannya konsul seumur hidup Perancis. Napoleon terus mengalami kemenangan dalam Perang Koalisi, terbukti wilayah kekuasaan Perancis pimpinan Napoleon pada tahun 1810 begitu luas dimulai dari Spanyol hingga perbatasan Rusia dan ini merupakan masa puncak kejayaan bagi Napoleon. Strategi yang dilakukan Napoleon merupakan ilmu dan seni tentang pelaksanaan manuver pemimpin negara dengan penggunaan kekuatan pasukan militer untuk memenangkan peperangan. Hal yang paling menarik adalah Napoleon kalah dalam hal strategi saat menghadapi Rusia, strategi yang telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya oleh Napoleon ternyata sulit untuk meraih kemenangan. Meskipun pada awal pertempuran Napoleon beberapa kali meraih kemenangan, namun pada akhirnya Napoleon memutuskan untuk mundur dari wilayah Rusia”

    Commencement 1943 Address Delivered by Carl R. Woodward: Business Citizenship in the Post-War World

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    An address before a great gathering in Boston last winter was concluded with the following remarks, Ours is the tragic privilege of living in the greatest military crises since Napoleon...

    Dampak Kebijakan Perlindungan Terbatas Ukuran terhadap Perdagangan Ikan Napoleon dari Anambas ke Hongkong Tahun 2013

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    This research describes the impact of limited protection size policy of the Napoleon wrasse trade from Anambas to Hongkong in 2013. Limited protection size policy on Napoleon wrasse is Indonesian effort to answer two circumstances. First, answer the problem of habitat and species of napoleon wrasse that are threatened with extinction as the impact of trade. That extinction was recorded by IUCN (insert Napoleon wrasse species in the red list of endagered status) and CITES (insert Napoleon wrasse species into the list of Appendix II). And secondly, try to make the best solution for fishermen which Napoleon wrasse fishermen may conduct trading activities on the condition of the fish in accordance with the provisions.The method used in this study is a qualitative method derived from field research to Anambas. In addition, supported by data derived from journals, books, websites that related to research problems. The Concept used in this study is concept of national interest and the concept of sustainable development.This research shows that limited protection size policy affects on Napoleon wrasse trade from Anambas to Hongkong. The impact are the decline in demand for Napoleon wrasse ,Napoleon wrasse Selling price is low, Happened cases originating from IUU fishing (Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing), and termination of Napoleon wrasse trade between Anambas and Hong Kong.Keyword ;Napoleon Wrasse, Limited Protection Size Policy, Trade, Concept Of Sustainable Development, Impact Of Policy

    The Elegy on the Death of Napoleon, Followed by His Farewells to Marie-Louise; by the Widow of a Soldier

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    Napoleon Bonaparte was the Emperor of France from 1804 through 1814. He was exiled for the first time in 1814 by the allied forces and sent to the Island of Elba. He escaped from the island and returned to France for his 100 day reign. In June 1815, three days after his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon surrendered himself to the allied forces. Once again, he was exiled, this time to the Atlantic island of Saint Helena. Napoleon spent the remainder of his life on the island with only the company of Henri Gatien Bertrand, a loyal friend and general of the French army. Napoleon fell ill and died on May 5, 1821 away from his wife and son. His body was originally buried on Saint Helena. It was not until 1844, when King Louis-Phillipe received permission from the British, that his body was transported to Paris, where he remains to this day in Les Invalides. The Elegy on the Death of Napoleon conveys the tragedy of Napoleon\u27s death in the eyes of his supporters. The author highlights his military achievements and denounces those who have betrayed him. Although the exact identity of the author is unknown, she clearly is the widow of a soldier. Throughout the elegy, she relates the death of her own husband to that of Napoleon. The romantic and poetic style of the document shows the significance of Napoleon\u27s death and the emotional impact it had on his supporters. Napoleon\u27s farewell to Marie-Louise was most likely written by Mme Bernard, a widow of an Aide-de-Camp in Napoleon\u27s army. Written from the point of view of Napoleon, the document demonstrates what the author believes Napoleon might have written as his final words to his wife, Marie-Louise. The document describes Napoleon longing for his family, his appreciation for Bertrand, his fears for the future of France, and finally his realization that his life is ending

    The Elegy on the Death of Napoleon, Followed by His Farewells to Marie-Louise; by the Widow of a Soldier

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    Napoleon Bonaparte was the Emperor of France from 1804 through 1814. He was exiled for the first time in 1814 by the allied forces and sent to the Island of Elba. He escaped from the island and returned to France for his 100 day reign. In June 1815, three days after his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon surrendered himself to the allied forces. Once again, he was exiled, this time to the Atlantic island of Saint Helena. Napoleon spent the remainder of his life on the island with only the company of Henri Gatien Bertrand, a loyal friend and general of the French army. Napoleon fell ill and died on May 5, 1821 away from his wife and son. His body was originally buried on Saint Helena. It was not until 1844, when King Louis-Phillipe received permission from the British, that his body was transported to Paris, where he remains to this day in Les Invalides. The Elegy on the Death of Napoleon conveys the tragedy of Napoleon\u27s death in the eyes of his supporters. The author highlights his military achievements and denounces those who have betrayed him. Although the exact identity of the author is unknown, she clearly is the widow of a soldier. Throughout the elegy, she relates the death of her own husband to that of Napoleon. The romantic and poetic style of the document shows the significance of Napoleon\u27s death and the emotional impact it had on his supporters. Napoleon\u27s farewell to Marie-Louise was most likely written by Mme Bernard, a widow of an Aide-de-Camp in Napoleon\u27s army. Written from the point of view of Napoleon, the document demonstrates what the author believes Napoleon might have written as his final words to his wife, Marie-Louise. The document describes Napoleon longing for his family, his appreciation for Bertrand, his fears for the future of France, and finally his realization that his life is ending