33 research outputs found

    Spatial Variation in Size and Shape of Land Plots in Mazowieckie Voivodship

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the spatial variation in the size and shape of land plots in Mazowieckie voivodship. For the purposes of the study both the shape and the compactness of the plots were measured, and the typology of communes was drawn based on this information. Subsequently, based on the two indicators related to the shape of plots, four types of communes were distinguished, depending on whether their values were higher or lower than the average (Dzieciucho­wicz and Dmochowska-Dudek, 2014). In addition, the paper includes calculations for the average share of unused land in the plot surface area, the average horizontal intensity of parcel development, and an indication of the type of land coverage dominant in the plots, by commune type. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used in the analyses. It has been found that the studied area is dominated by plots characterised by small diversity in shape and high degree of compactness – mainly in the north-western part of the voivodship, as well as those where plots are highly diverse in shape and low in compactness – in the south-eastern part of the voivodship

    Co-evolution of tourism and industrial sectors: the case of the Bełchatów industrial district

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    The goal of the study is to explore the co-evolution of the tourism and industrial sectors. This paper addresses the concept of inter-path dependency as the theoretical framework for this study. The case study of Bełchatów industrial district is applied to discuss the co-evolution of tourism and heavy industries. Tourism and heavy industries are usually seen as mutually exclusive. However, in the case of the Bełchatów industrial district, tourism (starting from social tourism, through business tourism and educational tourism) is confirmed as being complementary to the industrial path shaped by triggering events (launch of radical industrialisation, and economic transition). Recently, implementation of the Just Transition Mechanism was planned and includes development of leisure tourism in the case study area. Some doubts of that intersectoral linkages are discussed in the paper – mainly in the context of the expected sustainable development of the Bełchatów industrial district – and followed by policy recommendations

    Essential and toxic metals in oral fluid : a potential role in the diagnosis of periodontal diseases

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    Recently, many studies have investigated the relationship between the level of metals in the body and various diseases. The objective of this study was to examine any possible influence of periodontal disease upon the concentration of metals in oral fluid and blood and to explore the usability of applying cluster analysis coupled with the analysis of selected elements in oral fluid, calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), for effectively distinguishing people affected by periodontitis from healthy individuals. The quantification of eight metals in oral fluid and blood samples was performed by two inductively coupled plasma techniques–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Most of the examined elements were detected at elevated concentration in the oral fluid of periodontal patients. However, the differences were statistically significant in the case of three metals: Cu, Mg and Mn (p < 0.05). Approximately, fivefold increase in the concentration of Cu, threefold-elevated levels of Mn and a twofold increase in the concentration of Mg were found in the oral fluid of the periodontal patients compared to the controls. Cluster analysis confirmed the statistical significance of the differences in the level of metals in the oral fluid between the two groups in most cases, plus enabled the correct classification of the subjects into patients and controls. The relationship between concentrations of metals and periodontal disease may in the future serve to prevent the development of such disease

    Verifi cation of myths on diabetic diet

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    Wstęp. W środowisku pacjentów chorych na cukrzycękrąży wiele mitów dotyczących produktów spożywczych,które mają obniżać stężenie glukozy we krwilub przynajmniej go nie podnosić, mimo że zawierająwęglowodany. Celem badania było określenie stanuwiedzy na temat wpływu popularnych i często stosowanych produktów spożywczych na wartość glikemiiwśród chorych na cukrzycę oraz wśród średniegopersonelu medycznego.Materiał i metody. Grupa badana obejmowała 162 chorych na cukrzycę, członków Polskiego StowarzyszeniaDiabetyków, oraz grupę kontrolną 89 zdrowych pielęgniarek z dwóch szczecińskich szpitali. Badanychpoproszono o wypełnienie ankiety weryfi kującej ichwiedzę na temat wpływu na glikemię takich produktów,jak: grejpfrut, miód, kawa zbożowa, czekolada dladiabetyków, zupa mleczna z płatkami oraz karkówka.Wyniki. Najwięcej błędnych odpowiedzi zarównowśród chorych, jak i personelu zostało zaznaczonychw przypadku grejpfruta (49% chorych i 72% personelu,p &lt; 0,01) oraz karkówki (67% chorych i 71% personelu,NS). Najwięcej prawidłowych odpowiedzi pojawiło sięw przypadku miodu (73% chorych i 78% personelu, NS)oraz zupy mlecznej (71% chorych oraz 63% personelu, NS). Wiek, płeć, czas trwania cukrzycy nie mają wpływu na poziom wiedzy pacjentów z zakresu oddziaływania wybranych produktów spożywczych na wartość glikemii.Poziom wiedzy chorych leczonych insuliną stosowanąw monoterapii lub w leczeniu skojarzonym z lekami doustnymi jest wyższy niż osób stosujących leki doustne. Wśród personelu medycznego stwierdzono, że osoby młodsze charakteryzują się większą wiedzą z zakresu diety cukrzycowej niż osoby starsze.Wnioski. 1. Poziom edukacji pacjentów oraz średniegopersonelu szpitala z zakresu wpływu popularnychproduktów na glikemię chorego jest niezadowalający.2. Na poziom wyedukowania pacjentów nie wpływawiek, płeć oraz czas trwania cukrzycy, natomiast jest onnieco lepszy u chorych leczonych insuliną. 3. Młodszywiek personelu szpitalnego wiąże się z nieco lepszympoziomem wiedzy na temat diety cukrzycowej.Background. Among diabetic patients, there are many myths concerning food products which are believed tolower or — at least — not infl uence the glucose level,even though they contain carbohydrates. The aim ofthis study was to assess the knowledge of diabeticpatients and hospital nurses concerning popular foodproducts and their impact on blood glucose levels.Material and methods. The study group consistedof 162 patients with diabetes (DM), members of thePolish Diabetes Association; the control group (C) consisted of 89 healthy nurses from two hospitals inSzczecin, Poland. Participants were asked to completea questionnaire on products common in diabetic dietand their infl uence on blood glucose levels. The products were: grapefruit, honey, wheat coffee, diabeticchocolate, milk soup with fl akes and pork chuck steak.Results. The highest percentage of wrong answers wasgiven for pork (DM 67%; C 71%, ns) and grapefruit (DM49%; C 72%, p &lt; 0.01), while the most correct answerswere for honey (DM 73%; C 78%, ns) and milk soup (DM 71%; C 63%, ns). There was no relationship between the level of knowledge of diabetic diet and age, sex or duration of DM. Patients on insulin monotherapy or combinations of insulin with oral agents are more educated than patients treated with drugs. Negative correlation between age and the level of knowledge was observed in the group of nurses.Conclusions. 1. The level of knowledge concerningproducts commonly used in diabetic diet among patientswith diabetes and hospital nurses is low. 2. Thelevel of patient’s education is not related to sex, age,or duration of diabetes but it is little higher in subjectstreated with insulin. 3. Younger age of medical staffcorrelates with their higher level of knowledge

    Metal concentrations in hair of patients with various head and neck cancers as a diagnostic aid

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    Head and neck cancers are one of the most frequent cancers worldwide. This paper attempts to evaluate disturbances of homeostasis of the necessary elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese) and changes in the levels of toxic metals (lead, cadmium, cobalt, chromium VI) in hair of patients with head and neck cancers, as well as people without a diagnosed neoplastic disease. In order to quantify the necessary elements and toxic metals, a method using ICP-MS and ICP-OES techniques had been developed and validated. The studies have shown that patients with head and neck cancer used to drink alcohol and smoked much more frequently than healthy individuals, both in the past and presently. Statistically significant differences in concentrations of average metal content in the group of patients with head and neck cancers compared to the control group were confirmed. Significant differences in metal content between the group of patients with head and neck cancers and healthy individuals were found which enabled distinguishing between the study groups. To this end, a more advanced statistical tool, i.e. chemometrics, was used. The conducted research analyses and the use of advanced statistical techniques confirm the benefits of using alternative material to distinguish the patients with head and neck cancers from the healthy individuals

    Songbird nests on the ground as islands of diversity of ptyctimous mites (Acari: Oribatida) in the primeval Białowieża Forest (Poland)

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    Due to specific microclimatic conditions and accumulation of organic matter, bird nests are microhabitats that are often inhabited by various invertebrates, including mites (Acari). We tested whether nests of the ground-nesting passerine Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bechstein) (Passeriformes: Phylloscopidae) [wood warbler] were associated with an increased local diversity of ptyctimous mites (Acari: Oribatida) on the forest floor in the Białowieża National Park, East Poland. In 2019–2020, we analysed 150 warbler nests shortly after they had been vacated by the birds, and additionally we sampled mites in leaf litter at 1 and 6 m distances from 21 of the collected nests. We found on average more mite species in nests sampled in 2020 than in nests sampled in 2019. Although the species composition largely overlapped between bird nests and the litter, bird nests contained a greater average number of mite species than litter samples, including species found only – Microtritia minima (Berlese) and Phthiracarus crenophilus Willmann – or mostly – Euphthiracarus cribrarius (Berlese) and Phthiracarus globosus (C.L. Koch) – in bird nests. The results suggest that the presence of bird nests may increase the local diversity of the invertebrate species assemblage

    Virtual attractiveness of tourist space

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    Impairing Land Registry: Social, Demographic, and Economic Determinants of Forest Classification Errors

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    This paper investigates the social, demographic, and economic factors determining differences between forest identification based on remote sensing techniques and land registry. The Database of Topographic Objects and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery data from 2018 were used to train a forest detection supervised machine learning model. Results aggregated to communes (NUTS-5 units) were compared to data from land registry delivered in Local Data Bank by Statistics Poland. The differences identified between above mentioned sources were defined as errors of land registry. Then, geographically weighted regression was applied to explain spatially varying impact of investigated errors&rsquo; determinants: Urbanization processes, civic society development, education, land ownership, and culture and quality of spatial planning. The research area covers the entirety of Poland. It was confirmed that in less developed areas, local development policy stimulating urbanization processes does not respect land use planning principles, including the accuracy of land registry. A high education level of the society leads to protective measures before the further increase of the investigated forest cover&rsquo;s overestimation of the land registry in substantially urbanized areas. Finally, higher coverage by valid local spatial development plans stimulate protection against forest classification errors in the land registry


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