417 research outputs found


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    The Minimum and Maximum Number of Irreducible Representations of Prime Degree for a Non Abelian Group Using its Centre

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    A formula for calculating the number s of irreducible representations of degree r for r a prime number was derived. More details can be found in the full paper

    Motivation for and concept of BolognaLife portal

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    The planning and implementation of study time outside the home university is currently connected with the overcoming of many hurdles. In the context of BolognaLife these shall be significantly reduced. The main goals of the Bologna reform were on the one hand the easement and enhancement of the mobility of students and lecturers and on the other hand the improvement of recognition of study achievements and final degrees. Both aspects are not implemented yet. The authors has designed a community-based web-platform for solving these problems. The paper describes motivation and concept for design and implementation of BolognaLife portal. Furthermore the challenges because of the heterogeneous national conditions in the higher education area of Europe are pointed out. The portal is a global platform for bringing universities from all over the world together to handle the challenges of Academic Globalization

    Distribution and abundance of anopheles mosquito species in three selected areas of Taraba State, north-eastern Nigeria

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    Most mosquitoes are of public health problem because the females consume blood and transmit diseases. The study was carried out between September 2015 and August 2016 to determine the diversity of Anopheles species in Taraba State, Nigeria. Indoor mosquitoes in Ardo Kola, Bali and Donga were collected using pyrethrum-spray catch. 1073 Anopheles mosquitoes were identified to 20 species level. The identified Anopheles gambiae species complex further analyzed to determine sibling and molecular species using PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism assay contained An. coluzzii (former An. gambiae ss M form) 725(95.6 %) An. gambiae (former An. gambiae ss S form) 24(3.2 %), An. coluzzii/An. gambiae hybrid 9(1.2 %) and An. arabiensis 1(0.19 %). Among the Anopheles species, 640(59.6 %) which composed of 14 species were from Ardo Kola, 305(28.4 %) composed of 15 species were from Bali and 128(12.0 %) composed of 7 species were from Donga, all dominated by An. coluzzii which was 66.4, 21.2 and 12.4 % respectively of all An. coluzzii, followed by An. constani in Ardo Kola and An. rivulorum in Bali and Donga. An. gambiae, An. gambiae M/S hybrid and An. arabiensis were only found in Bali 24(100.0 %), 9(100.0 %) and 1(100 %) respectively. An. pariensis was only found in Donga 1(100.0 %). The distribution of Anopheles in months did not appear to follow a particular pattern, although observed to be generally low in dry months. Analysis of variance showed significant difference in abundance of Anopheles species in study areas (p<0.05). This means that the inhabitants of the study areas are, all year round at risk of mosquito borne-diseases.Keywords: Abundance, Anopheles species, Sympatric speciation, Vector ecology, Guinea-savanna, Nigeri

    Introduction to Personalized Medicine in Diabetes Mellitus

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    The world is facing an epidemic rise in diabetes mellitus (DM) incidence, which is challenging health funders, health systems, clinicians, and patients to understand and respond to a flood of research and knowledge. Evidence-based guidelines provide uniform management recommendations for ?average? patients that rarely take into account individual variation in susceptibility to DM, to its complications, and responses to pharmacological and lifestyle interventions. Personalized medicine combines bioinformatics with genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, pharmacogenomic (?omics?) and other new technologies to explore pathophysiology and to characterize more precisely an individual?s risk for disease, as well as response to interventions. In this review we will introduce readers to personalized medicine as applied to DM, in particular the use of clinical, genetic, metabolic, and other markers of risk for DM and its chronic microvascular and macrovascular complications, as well as insights into variations in response to and tolerance of commonly used medications, dietary changes, and exercise. These advances in ?omic? information and techniques also provide clues to potential pathophysiological mechanisms underlying DM and its complications

    DNP FINAL REPORT: Breaking the Cycle: Care Coordination Interventions and Sickle Cell Readmissions

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    Background Approximately 100,000 people in the United States are affected by Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Sickle Cell Disease represents the second highest readmitting diagnosis at Houston Methodist Hospital. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of implementing care coordination interventions to reduce hospital readmissions of patients with SCD. PICOT In adult patients with SCD in the acute care hospital setting, how does care coordination intervention compared to no care coordination intervention affect the readmission rate for patients with SCD over a 3 โ€“ 6-month period? Body of Evidence Eleven studies were critical appraised and included in the body of evidence: One Randomized Control Trial, seven Cohort Studies, and three Quality Improvement Projects. Four evidence-based interventions were found to reduce readmissions for SCD patients. Implementation Two interventions were implemented: Disease-specific discharge education and scheduling post-discharge follow-up appointments prior to discharge. These interventions were conducted by bedside nurses, case managers, and SCD champions over six-months. Outcomes/Evaluation The 30-day readmission rate for SCD was reduced by 22%. There was also a 0.9-day reduction in length of stay and a 17% reduction in Emergency, Observation, and Inpatient encounters. Impact This project found that implementing evidence-based care coordination interventions can reduce the 30-day readmission rate for patients with SCD. Sustainability Effective care coordination is a key aspect to mitigation of hospital readmissions. Establishing processes to incorporate these strategies into the daily work of care coordinators may serve as the springboard for additional EBP interventions and further support continued quality improvement

    Population Dynamics, Ecology and Infection Rate in Freshwater Snails in Shelleng Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    The research on population dynamics, ecology and  infection  rate  in  freshwater  snails  was carried out in Kiri dam and Shelleng  water bodies. Point A- Shelleng on GPS location N 9ยฐ54'17.78688โ€ (Latitude) E 11ยฐ57'10.30284โ€ (Longitude) and point B and C are on GPS location N 9ยฐ40'53.81508'' (Latitude) E 11ยฐ59'51.33408'' (Longitude). Monthly variation of physicochemical parameters was carried out from September 2018 to October 2019 and collection of snails was carried out to test for transmission dynamics of the snails. The snails were exposed to sunlight individually for 2 hours in a petri-dish that contains aged tap water. They were screened for cercarial shedding in the research laboratory under a dissecting microscope. There was significant difference between snail abundance and alkalinity; dissolve oxygen, pH and temperature of the water body and no significant difference between snail abundance with the turbidity and conductivity of the water. The highest abundance of snails was recorded in the month of June (20.5%) while the least was recorded in the month of December (2.5%). The infection rate of snails was (42.5%) of the 769 snails examined and B. truncatus had the highest infection (64.4%) while B. forskaii had the least infection (4.1%). The location of the study area has no effect on the distribution and abundance of snails but human activities and physicochemical parameters in this study supports freshwater snails. Keywords: Dynamics, Physicochemical, Parameters, Kiri, Shelleng
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