142 research outputs found

    L'industrie 4.0 représente-t-elle une opportunité ou une menace pour la Société coopérative Migros GenÚve ?

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    NumĂ©risation, automatisation, uberisation : bienvenue dans la quatriĂšme rĂ©volution industrielle. Cette rĂ©volution, Ă©galement appelĂ©e Industrie 4.0, est en train de transformer nos entreprises, nos modes de consommation et, par-dessus tout, notre sociĂ©tĂ©. En effet, grĂące Ă  Internet et Ă  toutes les technologies qui en dĂ©coulent, nous sommes devenus ultras-connectĂ©s. Nos smartphones, omniprĂ©sents dans notre quotidien, nous permettent d’accĂ©der facilement Ă  l’information, de communiquer via les rĂ©seaux sociaux et d’obtenir une multitude de services. DĂ©sormais, plus besoin de se rendre dans une agence de voyage pour rĂ©server ses billets d’avion ni de se lever de son canapĂ© pour acquĂ©rir les derniers gadgets Ă  la mode. Dans ce contexte, les entreprises doivent se rĂ©inventer et adapter leur offre, sous peine de disparaĂźtre. Cette Ă©tude s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’avenir de la SociĂ©tĂ© coopĂ©rative Migros GenĂšve avec l’objectif de dĂ©terminer si l’Industrie 4.0 reprĂ©sente une opportunitĂ© ou, au contraire, une menace pour l’entreprise. Pour ce faire, une enquĂȘte de terrain a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Elle se base sur trois piliers : un sondage auprĂšs des clients, un second auprĂšs de collaborateurs et un focus group. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus dĂ©montrent que la coopĂ©rative est bel et bien entrĂ©e dans l’air du numĂ©rique. En effet, plusieurs outils technologiques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s pour amĂ©liorer l’expĂ©rience du client en magasin. Toutefois, ces derniers sont largement mĂ©connus du grand public. Il est donc primordial pour la coopĂ©rative de maximiser les retombĂ©es des investissements et des efforts consentis pour entrer dans l’industrie 4.0. Par ailleurs, le processus de modernisation n’en est qu’à ses dĂ©buts et de nouvelles technologies devraient bientĂŽt faire leur apparition dans nos magasins. L’étude tend Ă©galement Ă  montrer qu’un rapprochement entre la plateforme numĂ©rique LeShop.ch et les magasins physiques serait avantageux tout comme la mise en place d’un point de vente test. Enfin, les compĂ©tences des collaborateurs doivent ĂȘtre repensĂ©es

    Analyse du besoin du marché des agences de voyages spécialisées dans les voyages d'affaires quant à la nécessité d'élaborer une norme ISO spécialement dédiée à ce secteur

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    Le monde dans lequel nous vivons est rempli de dĂ©fis et de difficultĂ©s, oĂč les entreprises, le gouvernement et mĂȘme la sociĂ©tĂ© doivent faire face. L’organisation internationale de normalisation, appelĂ©e Ă©galement ISO, est prĂ©sente depuis plus de 70 ans pour surmonter ces dĂ©fis en mettant en place des normes environnementales, Ă©conomiques ou encore sociales. Ces normes ISO aident ces diffĂ©rentes entitĂ©s Ă  atteindre leurs divers objectifs et Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  des critĂšres de bonnes pratiques. En d’autres termes, chacun peut s’y appuyer afin d’amĂ©liorer sa propre activitĂ© et permettre ainsi de stimuler la croissance Ă©conomique mondiale. NĂ©anmoins, la question qui se pose est pourquoi certains marchĂ©s n’ont pas encore de normes spĂ©cifiques Ă  leur secteur, notamment le marchĂ© des agences de voyages spĂ©cialisĂ©es dans les voyages d’affaires. Est-ce parce qu’elles utilisent des normes plus gĂ©nĂ©rales, comme celles des standards de qualitĂ© ou parce que leur marchĂ© n’en a tout simplement pas besoin ? Voici la question Ă  laquelle ce travail de recherche Ă  tentĂ© de rĂ©pondre : Pourquoi les agences de voyages spĂ©cialisĂ©es dans les voyages d’affaires n’ont toujours pas de normes dĂ©diĂ©es Ă  leur domaine ? C’est pourquoi la problĂ©matique de ce document est : « Le marchĂ© des agences de voyages spĂ©cialisĂ©es dans les voyages d’affaires a-t-il besoin d’une norme ISO dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  ce secteur spĂ©cifique ? » Par consĂ©quent, une analyse prĂ©liminaire du marchĂ© en question a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e, avec des outils d’analyse tels que PESTEL, les 5 (+1) forces de Porter, la chaĂźne de valeur ou encore le SWOT. Suite Ă  cela, une analyse du terrain a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e grĂące Ă  des interviews effectuĂ©es auprĂšs des agences concernĂ©es ainsi qu’auprĂšs des clients de celles-ci. Ce recueil d’informations a permis de tirer des conclusions quant Ă  la problĂ©matique mentionnĂ©e ci-dessus. Trois solutions en sont ressorties : ne rien modifier Ă  la situation actuelle des agences de voyages d’affaires, crĂ©er deux normes diffĂ©rentes – une norme pour les petites agences de voyages d’affaires et une autre pour les grandes – et adopter une norme unique ISO regroupant les trois normes actuellement utilisĂ©es. L’une d’elles est la plus vraisemblable. Suite Ă  cela, des recommandations ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©es telles que l’éducation des petites agences Ă  adopter la nouvelle norme grĂące Ă  l’association GBTA, l’attribution d’un numĂ©ro client, ainsi que l’obligation de proposer un service online afin de prendre en compte l’évolution technologique

    A multi-criteria model for the evaluation of business benefits in horizontal collaborative networks

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    Despite many advantages that could be gained through belonging to enterprise networks, only a few networks continue running businesses after the governments stop their funding. One of the reasons is the lack of a model that evaluates the benefits from the firm's point of view. The objective of this work is to develop a model that estimates the benefits in horizontal collaborative networks, for a considered business opportunity, and determines the optimal network configuration in terms of the selected enterprises. We propose a method for evaluating the profits for a collaborative network based on a combination of product realisation graph and core competences identification. Through the case study of a Swiss horizontal collaborative network, the proposed approach proves its efficiency in selecting the optimal network of partners and evaluating their corresponding turnover and profit

    A multi-criteria model for the evaluation of business benefits in horizontal collaborative networks

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    Despite many advantages that could be gained through belonging to enterprise networks, only a few networks continue running businesses after the governments stop their funding. One of the reasons is the lack of a model that evaluates the benefits from the firm's point of view. The objective of this work is to develop a model that estimates the benefits in horizontal collaborative networks, for a considered business opportunity, and determines the optimal network configuration in terms of the selected enterprises. We propose a method for evaluating the profits for a collaborative network based on a combination of product realisation graph and core competences identification. Through the case study of a Swiss horizontal collaborative network, the proposed approach proves its efficiency in selecting the optimal network of partners and evaluating their corresponding turnover and profits

    Trust categories and their impacts on information exchange processes in vertical collaborative networked organisations

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    Whereas small and medium enterprises can answer the different business challenges through cooperation within collaborative networked organisations (CNOs), human aspects constitute a fundamental issue in these networks since it is neither organisations nor information systems but people that cooperate. This paper addresses the major human aspect considered in vertical CNOs, namely trust that can significantly impact knowledge and know-how exchange as well as information sharing. A case study on Swiss Microtech, a vertical collaborative network from the industry of machining operations, is presented and discussed with respect to these issues. With the help of an analytic hierarchy process technique designed and developed, different trust types are identified, their corresponding weights are evaluated and their relationships with information sharing and exchange are discussed. The results show that the institutional perceptions of trust and its attributes in the enterprises studied are very close to each other. Furthermore, out of the five identified types, only competence, relational and contractual trust categories have a significant impact on strengthening the relationships between enterprises belonging to a vertical CNO

    A collaborative demand forecasting process with event-based fuzzy judgements

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    Mathematical forecasting approaches can lead to reliable demand forecast in some environments by extrapolating regular patterns in time-series. However, unpredictable events that do not appear in historical data can reduce the usefulness of mathematical forecasts for demand planning purposes. Since forecasters have partial knowledge of the context and of future events, grouping and structuring the fragmented implicit knowledge, in order to be easily and fully integrated in final demand forecasts is the objective of this work. This paper presents a judgemental collaborative approach for demand forecasting in which the mathematical forecasts, considered as the basis, are adjusted by the structured and combined knowledge from different forecasters. The approach is based on the identification and classification of four types of particular events. Factors corresponding to these events are evaluated through a fuzzy inference system to ensure the coherence of the results. To validate the approach, two case studies were developed with forecasters from a plastic bag manufacturer and a distributor belonging to the food retailing industry. The results show that by structuring and combining the judgements of different forecasters to identify and assess future events, companies can experience a high improvement in demand forecast accuracy

    A study on the heterogeneous fleet of alternative fuel vehicles: Reducing CO2 emissions by means of biodiesel fuel

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    In the context of home healthcare services, patients may need to be visited multiple times by different healthcare specialists who may use a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles. In addition, some of these visits may need to be synchronized with each other for performing a treatment at the same time. We call this problem the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronized visits (HF-VRPS). It consists of planning a set of routes for a set of light duty vehicles running on alternative fuels. We propose three population-based hybrid Artificial Bee Colony metaheuristic algorithms for the HF-VRPS. These algorithms are tested on newly generated instances and on a set of homogeneous VRPS instances from the literature. Besides producing quality solutions, our experimental results illustrate the trade-offs between important factors, such as CO2 emissions and driver wage. The computational results also demonstrate the advantages of adopting a heterogeneous fleet rather than a homogeneous one for the use in home healthcare services

    The dial-a-ride problem with electric vehicles and battery swapping stations

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    The Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP) consists of designing vehicle routes and schedules for customers with special needs and/or disabilities. The DARP with Electric Vehicles and battery swapping stations (DARP-EV) concerns scheduling a fleet of EVs to serve a set of pre-specified transport requests during a certain planning horizon. In addition, EVs can be recharged by swapping their batteries with charged ones from any battery-swap stations. We propose three enhanced Evolutionary Variable Neighborhood Search (EVO-VNS) algorithms to solve the DARP-EV. Extensive computational experiments highlight the relevance of the problem and confirm the efficiency of the proposed EVO-VNS algorithms in producing high quality solutions

    Equilibrium analysis in multi-echelon supply chain with multi-dimensional utilities of inertial players

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    In a supply chain, the importance of information elicitation from the supply chain players is vital to design supply chain network. The rationality and self-centredness of these players causes the information asymmetry in the supply chain and thus situation of conflict and non-participation of the players in the network design process. In such situations, it is required to analyse the supply chain players’ behaviour in order to explore potential for coordination through incentives. In this paper, a novel approach of social utility analysis is proposed to elicit the information for supply chain coordination among the supply chain players in a dyadic relationship – supplier and buyer. In principal, we consider a monopsony situation where buyer is a dominant player. With the objective of maximizing the social utility, efforts have been made to value behavioural issues in supply chain. On the other hand, the reluctance of player due to the information asymmetry is measured in the form of inertia – an offset to the supply chain profit. The suppliers’ behaviour is analysed with three distinct level of risk for two types of the product in procurement process. The useful insight from this paper is in supplier selection process where the reluctance of supplier offsets supply chain profit. The paper provides recommendations to supply chain managers for efficient decision-making ability in supplier selection process
