20 research outputs found

    Surveillance biopsies in children post-kidney transplant

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    Surveillance biopsies are increasingly used in the post-transplant monitoring of pediatric renal allograft recipients. The main justification for this procedure is to diagnose early and presumably modifiable acute and chronic renal allograft injury. Pediatric recipients are theoretically at increased risk for subclinical renal allograft injury due to their relatively large adult-sized kidneys and their higher degree of immunological responsiveness. The safety profile of this procedure has been well investigated. Patient morbidity is low, with macroscopic hematuria being the most common adverse event. No patient deaths have been attributed to this procedure. Longitudinal surveillance biopsy studies have revealed a substantial burden of subclinical immunological and non-immunological injury, including acute cellular rejection, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, microvascular lesions and transplant glomerulopathy. The main impediment to the implementation of surveillance biopsies as the standard of care is the lack of demonstrable benefit of early histological detection on long-term outcome. The considerable debate surrounding this issue highlights the need for multicenter, prospective, and randomized studies

    UK Head and neck cancer surgical capacity during the second wave of the COVID—19 pandemic: Have we learned the lessons? COVIDSurg collaborative

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in surgical capacity for head and neck cancer in the UK between the first wave (March-June 2020) and the current wave (Jan-Feb 2021) of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design REDcap online-based survey of hospital capacity. Setting UK secondary and tertiary hospitals providing head and neck cancer surgery. Participants One representative per hospital was asked to report the capacity for head and neck cancer surgery in that institution. Main outcome measures The principal measures of interests were new patient referrals, capacity in outpatients, theatres and critical care; therapeutic compromises constituting delay to surgery, de-escalated surgery and therapeutic migration to non-surgical primary modality. Results Data were returned from approximately 95% of UK hospitals with a head and neck cancer surgery specialist service. 50% of UK head and neck cancer patients requiring surgery have significantly compromised treatments during the second wave: 28% delayed, 10% have received radiotherapy-based treatment instead of surgery, and 12% have received de-escalated surgery. Surgical capacity has been more severely constrained in the second wave (58% of pre-pandemic level) compared with the first wave (62%) despite the time to prepare. Conclusions Some hospitals are overwhelmed by COVID-19 and unable to offer essential cancer surgery, but all have neighbouring hospitals in their region retaining good (or even normal) capacity. It is noteworthy that very few patients have been appropriately redirected away from the hospitals most constrained by their burden of COVID-19. The paucity of an effective central or regional strategic response to this evident mismatch between demand and surgical capacity is to the detriment of our head and neck cancer patients

    Autologous bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in combination with everolimus to preserve renal structure and function in renal transplant recipients

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    BACKGROUND: Kidney transplantation has improved survival and quality of life for patients with end-stage renal disease. Despite excellent short-term results due to better and more potent immunosuppressive drugs, long-term survival of transplanted kidneys has not improved accordingly in the last decades. Consequently there is a strong interest in immunosuppressive regimens that maintain efficacy for the prevention of rejection, whilst preserving renal structure and function. In this respect the infusion of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) may be an interesting immune suppressive strategy. MSCs have immune suppressive properties and actively contribute to tissue repair. In experimental animal studies the combination of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor and MSCs was shown to attenuate allo immune responses and to promote allograft tolerance. The current study will test the hypothesis that MSC treatment, in combination with the mTOR inhibitor everolimus, facilitates tacrolimus withdrawal, reduces fibrosis and decreases the incidence of opportunistic infections compared to standard tacrolimus dose. METHODS/DESIGN: 70 renal allograft recipients, 18–75 years old, will be included in this Phase II, open label, randomized, non-blinded, prospective, single centre clinical study. Patients in the MSC treated group will receive two doses of autologous bone marrow derived MSCs IV (target 1,5x10(6), Range 1-2x10(6) million MSCs per/kg body weight), 7 days apart, 6 and 7 weeks transplantation in combination with everolimus and prednisolone. At the time of the second MSC infusion tacrolimus will be reduced to 50% and completely withdrawn 1 week later. Patients in the control group will receive everolimus, prednisolone and standard dose tacrolimus. The primary end point is to compare fibrosis by quantitative Sirius Red scoring of MSC treated and untreated groups at 6 months compared to 4 weeks post-transplant. Secondary end points include: composite end point efficacy failure (Biopsy Proven Acute Rejection, graft loss or death); renal function and proteinuria; opportunistic infections; immune monitoring and “subclinical” cardiovascular disease groups by assessing echocardiography in the different treatment groups. DISCUSSION: This study will provide information whether MSCs in combination with everolimus can be used for tacrolimus withdrawal, and whether this strategy leads to preservation of renal structure and function in renal recipients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT02057965

    Tetraspanins CD9 and CD151, epidermal growth factor receptor and cyclooxygenase-2 expression predict malignant progression in oral epithelial dysplasia

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    Background: Prognostic biomarkers aim to improve on the current inadequate method of histological assessment to identify patients with oral epithelial dysplasia at greatest risk of malignant transformation. We aimed to assess the prognostic ability of six protein biomarkers linked to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, including three tetraspanins, in a large multicentre oral dysplasia cohort. Methods: One hundred and forty-eight cases with varying degrees of epithelial dysplasia underwent immunohistochemical assessment for CD9, CD151, CD82, EGFR, Her-2, and COX-2. Scoring was performed independently by two observers. Univariate analyses using both logistic and Cox regression models and a multivariate regression were performed. Results: Malignant progression was significantly greater in those cases with decreased expression of CD9 (P=0.02), and increased expression of CD151 (P=0.02), EGFR (P=0.04), and COX-2 (P=0.003). Histological grade (P=0.0002) and morphology (P=0.03) were also prognostic, whereas smoking and alcohol were not. The optimal combination by backward-variable selection was of histological grade (hazard ratio (HR) 1.64; 95% CI 1.12, 2.40), COX-2 overexpression (HR 1.12; 1.02, 1.24) and CD9 underexpression (HR 0.88; 0.80, 0.97). CD82 and Her-2 demonstrated no prognostic ability. Conclusion: This is the first study of the expression and prognostic potential of the tetraspanins in oral dysplasia. A combination of certain biomarkers with clinical factors appeared to improve the accuracy of determining the risk of malignancy in individuals with oral dysplasia. These findings may also offer potential new therapeutic approaches for this condition