238 research outputs found

    Intercropping of medicinal and aromatic plants in coconut gardens

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    A field study was conducted at Horticulture Research Station, Arsikere, Karnataka during 2006-07 to 2008-09 to identify suitable medicinal and aromatic plants for intercropping in coconut gardens of maidan tract of Karnataka. The experiment consisted of 14 medicinal and aromatic crops viz., Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Makoi (Solanum nigrum), Coleus (Coleus forskohlii), Garden rue (Ruta graveolens), Lepidium (Lepidium sativum), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Arrow root (Maranta arundinaceae), Kacholam (Kaemferia galanga), Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens), Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus), Citronella (Cymbopogon winteranus), Lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) and Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanoides). The yield of all the medicinal and aromatic crops grown as intercrop in coconut garden were reduced compared to their sole crop yields. The reduction in yield was less in lemon grass (6.4 %), tulsi (23.5 %), arrow root (23.9 %), vetiver grass (25.1 %), kalmegh (25.7 %), makoi (29.1 %), citronella (30.2 %) and garden rue (30.5 %). The nut yield of coconut was improved with intercropping of medicinal and aromatic crops. The andrographolide content in kalmegh (4.40 to 3.20 %), rutin alkaloids in garden rue (1.68 to 1.40 %) and oil content in lepidium (19.60 to 17.23 %) were significantly reduced when grown as intercrops in coconut garden as compared to sole crop. However, the forskohlin content in coleus (0.43 to 0.61 %) and essential oil content in ambrette (0.24 to 0.29 %) were significantly increased by intercropping. In other medicinal and aromatic crops, the quality parameters were not significantly influenced by intercropping. The intercropping system of growing lemon grass under coconut recorded the highest net income (Rs. 91,561/ha) and B:C ratio (2.89) followed by garden rue (Rs. 81,865/ha and 2.79), tulsi (Rs. 77,472/ha and 2.71), kalmegh (Rs. 75,163/ha and 2.56), arrow root (Rs. 72,211/ha and 2.28) and makoi (Rs. 67,058/ha and 2.68). Hence, intercropping of lemon grass, garden rue, tulsi, kalmegh, arrow root and makoi with coconut can be recommended for maidan tract of Karnataka

    Role of estrogen and progesterone receptors in neonatal uterine cell proliferation in the mouse

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    The major endocrine regulators of the female reproductive tract are 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4). This review discusses our recent work related to the roles of E2 and P4 and their receptors, estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) and progesterone receptor (PR), respectively, in the neonatal uterus. Neonatal uterine cells in mice are mitogenically responsive to estrogens, but neonatal ovariectomy does not inhibit pre-weaning uterine cell proliferation, indicating that this process does not require endogenous estrogens. Neonatal uterine cell proliferation could result from ligand-independent growth factor activation of ESR1, or be independent of ESR1 neonatally despite its obligatory role in adult uterine epithelial proliferation. To determine the role of ESR1 in uterine development, we analyzed cell proliferation and uterine gland development (adenogenesis) in wild-type (WT) and Esr1 knockout (Esr1KO) mice postnatally. Our results indicate that pre-weaning uterine cell proliferation and adenogenesis are independent of ESR1, but these processes become dependent on E2/ESR1 signaling for maintenance and further proliferation and uterine growth during puberty. How pre- weaning uterine cell proliferation and adenogenesis occur independently of E2/ESR1 signaling remains unknown, but ligand-independent activation of ESR1 is not involved in this process. The synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (Dex) inhibits luminal epithelial (LE) proliferation in neonatal mouse uteri, but it has been unclear whether Dex effects were mediated by glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and/or PR. We have used PR knockout (PRKO) mice to test whether PR is required for Dex inhibition of LE proliferation. Our results indicate that maximal inhibitory Dex effects on uterine LE proliferation require PR, possibly reflecting Dex crosstalk with PR. Inhibitory effects of Dex and P4 on LE proliferation may also involve GR binding, as indicated by the small but significant inhibition of LE proliferation by both Dex and P4 in PRKO mice

    Influence of planting material, plant population and organic manures on galangal (Kaempferia galanga L.) grown as intercrop in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) garden

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    Field experiments conducted at Kasaragod, India to study the influence of planting material, plant population and organic manures on galangal (Kaempferia golanga) grown as intcrcrop in coconut (Cocos nucifcra) garden revealed that when mother rhizome was used as planting material significantly higher rhizome yield was achieved compared to finger rhizome. Plant population did not influence yleld. Farnl yard manure and major nutrient combinations recorded significantly higher yield compared to farm yard manure, vermicompost, composted coir pith and major nutrients applied alone. &nbsp

    Nutrient content and uptake by galangal (Kaempferia galanga L.) as influenced by agronomic practices as intercrop in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) garden

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    Field experiments conducted at Kasaragod, India, to study the influence of agronomic practices on galangal (Kaempferia galanga) grown as intercrop in coconut (Cocos nucifera) garden revealed that nutrient content did not differ significantly due to different types of planting material or plant population levels. Farm yard manure alone, vermicompost alone and farm yard manure and major nutrient combinations had higher nutrient contents. Nutrient uptake with mother rhizome treatment was significantly higher compared to finger rhizome. Population level of 5,00,000 plants per ha removed more nutrients. Farm yard manure alone, vermicompost application alone and farm yard manure and major nutrient combinations removed higher nutrients. Fresh rhizome yield was significanlty higher with mother rhizome and 5,00,000 population leveL Farm yard manure in combination with major nutrients recorded significantly higher fresh rhizome yield. &nbsp

    A proteomic approach for the rapid, multi-informative and reliable identification of blood

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    Blood evidence is frequently encountered at the scene of violent crimes and can provide valuable intelligence in the forensic investigation of serious offences. Because many of the current enhancement methods used by crime scene investigators are presumptive, the visualisation of blood is not always reliable nor does it bear additional information. In the work presented here, two methods employing a shotgun bottom up proteomic approach for the detection of blood are reported; the developed protocols employ both an in solution digestion method and a recently proposed procedure involving immobilization of trypsin on hydrophobin Vmh2 coated MALDI sample plate. The methods are complementary as whilst one yields more identifiable proteins (as biomolecular signatures), the other is extremely rapid (5 minutes). Additionally, data demonstrate the opportunity to discriminate blood provenance even when two different blood sources are present in a mixture. This approach is also suitable for old bloodstains which had been previously chemically enhanced, as experiments conducted on a 9-year-old bloodstain deposited on a ceramic tile demonstrate

    Using decision analysis to support proactive management of emerging infectious wildlife diseases

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    Despite calls for improved responses to emerging infectious diseases in wildlife, management is seldom considered until a disease has been detected in affected populations. Reactive approaches may limit the potential for control and increase total response costs. An alternative, proactive management framework can identify immediate actions that reduce future impacts even before a disease is detected, and plan subsequent actions that are conditional on disease emergence. We identify four main obstacles to developing proactive management strategies for the newly discovered salamander pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal). Given that uncertainty is a hallmark of wildlife disease management and that associated decisions are often complicated by multiple competing objectives, we advocate using decision analysis to create and evaluate trade-offs between proactive (pre-emergence) and reactive (post-emergence) management options. Policy makers and natural resource agency personnel can apply principles from decision analysis to improve strategies for countering emerging infectious diseases

    A comprehensive manually curated reaction map of RANKL/RANK-signaling pathway

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    Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL) is a member of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily that plays a key role in the regulation of differentiation, activation and survival of osteoclasts and also in tumor cell migration and bone metastasis. Osteoclast activation induced by RANKL regulates hematopoietic stem cell mobilization as part of homeostasis and host defense mechanisms thereby linking regulation of hematopoiesis with bone remodeling. Binding of RANKL to its receptor, Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK) activates molecules such as NF-kappa B, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and phosphatidyl 3-kinase (PI3K). Although the molecular and cellular roles of these molecules have been reported previously, a systematic cataloging of the molecular events induced by RANKL/RANK interaction has not been attempted. Here, we present a comprehensive reaction map of the RANKL/RANK-signaling pathway based on an extensive manual curation of the published literature. We hope that the curated RANKL/RANK-signaling pathway model would enable new biomedical discoveries, which can provide novel insights into disease processes and development of novel therapeutic interventions
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