289 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Air Rendaman Rumput Fatimah (Anastatica Hierochuntica L) Terhadap Frekuensi Kontraksi Otot Uterus Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley Pada Fase Estrus

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    The frequency of contraction is one of the mechanical activities of uterine smooth muscle contractions. Recording was done without and with 0,01 IU oxytocin stimulation entered into organ bath within uterine smooth muscle strips. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of water soaked of fatimah grass (Anastatica hierochuntica L) on the frequencies of uterine smooth muscle contractions of rattus norvegicus Sprague Dawley at the estrous phase both in without and with 0,01 IU oxytocin stimulation This research was laboratory experimental with post test only control group design. The samples were 40 uterine smooth muscle strips rattus norvegicus Sprague dawley 10-14 weeks, 150 – 250 gr weight, on the estrous stages. The rats were divided into 5 groups. Control group was treatment by vehicle of solution (water), equivalent group was treatment by estradiol, and the others were treatment by fatimah's grass 10 gr, 20 gr, and 40 gr that soaked into 350 cc hot water (70oC) during 12 hours. Twenty hours after treatment, rats were killed, and than uterine smooth muscle was removed and connected to chymograph to record the contractions.The data was analyzed by one-way Anova and the results showed that there was no significant differences in frequencies between treatment groups and control or equivalent groups on the uterine smooth muscle strips both in with and without 0,01 IU oxytocin stimulation. And then paired t-test results showed that there were significant differences between frequencies without and with 0,01 IU oxytocin stimulation at estradiol (p=0,032), RF10 (p=0.026), RF20 (p=0,001), and RF40 (p=0,027) groups.It could be concluded that water soaked of fatimah grass (Anastatica hierochuntica L) could increased the frequencies of uterine smooth muscle contractions of rattus norvegicus Sprague Dawley at the estrous phase

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Kanker Payudara Di Rumah Sakit Pertamina Cilacap

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    Breast cancer represents abnormal growth of body tissue cells that become Malign type. The cancer is second highest of death cause and represent 26% of all of cancer type in women and responsible for 18% of death. Breast cancer caused by several factor such us menarche age, first birthing age, the amount of children, menopausal age, fibrocystic disease chemistry, hormonal contraception status, ionic radiation exposures, and family cancer chemistry This research was conducted to study several factors (first birthing age, the amount of children, and family cancer chemistry) that have relationship with breast cancer incidence at menopausal women in Pertamina Hospital in Cilacap, Central Java. Retrospective analytical survey by case control approach. Sampling method was purposive sampling. Sample definite around 60 people which divide 30 people at case group and 30 people in control group which exclution and inclution criteria. Chi square was applied to analyze the data.. There is significant relations between first birthing age (p=0,085) with breast cancer incidence. And there was significant relations between the amount of children (p= 0,010) and family cancer disease chemistry ( p= 0,000 ) with breast cancer incidence. Regressi logistic analyzes results that there was significant correlation between the amount of children (p=0,059) and family cancer disease chemistry (p=0,003) with breast cancer incidence at menopausal women in Pertamina hospital, Cilacap, Central Java. There was significant correlation between the amount of children (p=0,059) and family cancer disease chemistry (p=0,003) with breast cancer incidence at menopausal women in Pertamina hospital, Cilacap, Central Jav

    Hubungan Umur Awal Menopause Dan Status Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal Dengan Kejadian Kanker Payudara

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    Breast cancer represent abnormal growth of body tissue cells that become Malign. The cancer is second highest of death cause and represent 26% of all of cancer type in women and responsible for 18% of death. Breast cancer caused by several factor such us menarche age, first birthing age, the amount of children, menopausal age, fibrocystic disease chemistry, hormonal contraception status, ionic radiation exposures, and family cancer chemistry. This research was conducted to study several factors (menopausal age, hormonal contraception status) that have relationship with breast cancer insidence at menopausal women in Pertamina Hospital in Cilacap, Central Java. Retrospective analytical survey by case control approach. Sampling method was purposive sampling. Sample definite around 60 people which divide 30 people at case group and 30 people in control group which exclution and inclution criteria. Chi square was applied to analyze the data. There is no significant relations between menopausal age (p = 0,425 ), and hormonal contraceptive status (p = 0,144) with breast cancer incidence at menopausal women in Pertamina hospital, Cilacap, Central Java.There is no significant relations between menopausal age (p = 0,425 ), and hormonal contraceptive status (p = 0,144) with breast cancer incidence at menopausal women in Pertamina hospital, Cilacap, Central Java

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Kepribadian, Dan Komunikasi Interpersonal Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Dosen Universitas Darma Persada Di Jakarta (2012)

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    The aim of this research is to obtain information related to the effect of work environment, personality, and interpersonal communication on lecturers’ organizational commitment of Darma Persada University in Jakarta. Survey was conducted in this research with 100 sample of lecturers selected randomly. Data have been analyzed by path analysis. The findings of this research show that (1) work environment effects directly on lecturers’ organizational commitment; (2) personality effects directly on lecturers’ organizational commitment; and (3) interpersonal communication effects directly on lecturers’ organizational commitment; (4) work environment effects directly on lecturers’ interpersonal communication; and (5) personality effects directly on lecturers’ interpersonal communication. Based on those findings it can be concluded that any concern toward work environment, personality, and interpersonal communication on lecturers’ organizational commitment of Darma Persada University in Jakarta. Therefore, work environment, personality, and lecturers’ interpersonal communication should be put into strategic planning of human resources development in increasing organizational commitment of Darma Persada University in Jakarta

    Hubungan Profesionalisme, Iklim Sekolah, Dan Integritas Dengan Kinerja Guru SMP Negeri Di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur (2015)

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    The study aims to analyze the relationship between professionalism, schoolclimate, teacher performance and integrity of the Junior High School in East Jakarta. The survey was conducted in this study with a sample of 100 teachers with simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using correlational technique. The research findings are as follows. (1) There is a relationship between the professionalism and the performance. In other words, the higher the professionalism of teachers will be better performance. (2) There is a relationship between school climate and the performance. In other words, the higher the school climate will be better teacher performance. (3) There is a relationship between the integrity and the performance. In other words, the higher the integrity of the teacher so the higher the performance. (4) There is a relationship between professionalism, school climate, and integrity together with the performance. In other words, the higher the professionalism of teachers, school climate, and integrity of teachers together so the higher the performance


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    Enzim katepsin merupakan enzim penting yang berperan dalam prases pelunakan daging ikan selama prases kemunduran mutu. Aktivitas enzim ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses kemunduran mutu ikan . Oleh karena itu, perlu diketahui karakteristik enzim tersebut dalam proses kemunduran mutu sehingga dapat mengambil langkah yang tepat dalam penanganan dan pengolahan ikan. Tuiuan penelitian ini adalah mengekstrak enzim katepsin dari ikan patin dan menentukan karakter enzim katepsin yang berasal dari ikan patin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dua tahap yaitu ekstraksi enzim kasar dan pengendapan dengan amoniusulfat. Hasil penelitian ekstrak kasar (crude ekstrak) enzim katepsin menunjukkan aktivitas spesifik 0,457 U/mg, enzim tersebut dapat diendapkan dengan menggunakan ammonium sulfat 60%. Pengendapan dengan renggunakan ammanium sulfat menghasilkan aktivitas spesifik 0,23 kali. Enzim katepsin mempunyai suhu aptimum 50 ºC dan pH optimum 6, kansentrasi substrat optimum 6% dengan nilai aktivitas 0,8167 U/ml. Berat enzim katepsin kasar hasil SDS-PAGE 12,97-55,49 kDA dan berat malekul enzim diduga mempunyai aktivitas proteolitik pada analisis zymogram adalah 28,88 kDa Kata kunci: enzim, katepsin, karakteristik, ikan pati

    Effectiveness of forestry related Best Management Practices in the Trout Creek Watershed, Colorado

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    This report was accepted as Thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters of Science for Nani Bay Teves in Spring 2005.June 2005.Includes bibliographical references (pages 79-83).In multiuse forests the majority of nonpoint source pollution is typically sediment. Best management practices (BMPs) are implemented to reduce or prevent this pollutant, however little research has been done to quantify the effectiveness of individual types of BMPs. The overall goal of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of three BMPs implemented to reduce sediment in Trout Creek: cattle fences, off-road vehicle signs, and road culverts. The effectiveness of the combined BMPs in the land use area was evaluated by comparing water quality and Wolman pebble counts with an upstream reference area. The reference area was selected based on soil type, vegetation type, elevation, and absence of cattle grazing and off-road vehicle use. Despite the difficulty of finding an exact reference area, the study results suggest that fences and culverts are effective, but signs are ineffective.United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Contract number 01HQGR0077

    Analisis Butir Soal Ujian

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    The aim to of this research was to analyze the odd semester exam questions in Geography subject to the first grade students at SMA Bina Mulya Bandar Lampung in the year of 2011/2012 which include the validity, reliability, power of difficulty, discrimination power, and answer patterns.This method used in the research was descriptive method. The results of the analysis showed that the quality which was seen from the 1) Validity there were 11 or 22% of questions which were valid and the rest there were 39 questions or 78% of questions were invalid. 2) From the level of difficulty, there were 26 questions or 52% of questions which had average level of difficulty, it meant that they could be used in exam, and there were 24 or 48% of questions which had difficult and easy level. 3) From the discrimination power, there were 12 questions or 24% questions which had good discrimination power and there were 38 or 76% questions which had low and negative. 4) From the answer patterns, it is known that in general all destructor in the questions were function properly

    Faktor Produksi pada Usahatani Kopi di Desa Sukapura Kecamatan Sumberjaya Tahun 2016

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    This research aims to get information about coffee production factors. This research is a descriptive research. The population numbered 830 farmers. Sampling using Purposive Sampling technique and got 89 coffee farmers. Methods of data collection using observation, measurement, documentation, and questionnaires. Analytical technique using descriptive method. The results of the research show that: (1) Coffee production is still less successful. (2) The altitude criteria are appropriate. (3) The slope of the slope is quite appropriate with the criteria. (4) The intensity of rainfall is not suitable. (5) Agricultural techniques applied, making old coffee, can be productive again. (6) Farmers are less aware of financial management in coffee farming. (7) Farmers rely more on labor from within the family.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan informasi mengenai faktor faktor produksi kopi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi berjumlah 830 petani. Penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling dan didapatkan 89 petani kopi. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, pengukuran, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa: (1) Produksi kopi masih kurang berhasil. (2) Kriteria ketinggian tempat sudah sesuai. (3) Kemiringan lereng cukup sesuai dengan kriteria. (4) Intensitas curah hujan tidak sesuai. (5) Teknik pertanian yang diterapkan, membuat kopi yang sudah tua, bisa produktif kembali. (6) Petani kurang paham tentang pengelolaan keuangan pada USAhatani kopi. (7) Petani lebih mengandalkan tenaga kerja dari dalam keluarga
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